"I thought my Girlfriend was Cheating on me, I was Wrong" Creepypasta

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for some love can be a fickle thing in some cases people fall in love with someone early on in their lives be it high school or college and they stay with that person for decades I truly admire those people for others it can take quite a bit longer to finally find that perfect match sadly some people never seem to succeed in that aspect though for the most part by the time people are ready to settle down and have kids and start a family they have found that special someone during my last semester in college I met somebody I had arrived to one of my classes a bit too early although the class seemed empty the door was unlocked so I figured I'd let myself in and wait for everyone else to arrive when I cracked open the door I noticed that I wasn't actually the first to arrive there was somebody else already waiting in the far corner of the room she glanced over at me when I entered and flashed a forced smile in my direction I returned the gesture and sat in an empty seat nearby time ticked by slowly and I decided to pass the time by scrolling through my social media on my phone I glanced over at the girl a few minutes later and saw that she happened to be doing the same thing as me it wasn't long after that I noticed how much time had passed since her and I had been sitting there I was beginning to wonder where the other students were as well as the professor I never gated my phone to my emails and waited for them to update there was a notification from my professor stating that due to unfortunate circumstances the class will not be held today she must have not seen the email either I thought I stood up and walked over to her she looked up from her phone I told her that I had received an email about this class being canceled and asked her if she had received the same thing look of surprised washed over her face as she quickly thumbed through her phone a few seconds later she confirmed that she too had received the email and stated that she felt like an idiot I told her that I empathized with that statement and she just returned a defeated laughs I introduced myself and asked her her name she told me it was Sara I asked her if she didn't have anywhere else to be if she wanted to grab some lunch with me there was a trendy sandwich shop a short walk away from the school she looked me over suspiciously for a few moments then agreed we walked ate lunch talked about our lives then returned to school Sara and I started dating shortly after that I'm not entirely sure why but we clicked instantly from that moment forward we had become inseparable we did everything together movies dinners get-togethers you name it after around four months she asked me to move into her apartment with her I was hesitant at first moving in with someone is a pretty big step in a relationship and not one to be taken lightly I found myself constantly wondering if that would be the straw that would break our relationship regardless I wanted to be with her and I wanted to make this work so I accepted I started to move in a few days later and to be quite honest I couldn't have been happier two months later we both graduated college and started working full-time ironically even though I had a degree in computer science most places that were hiring wanted years of experience which I didn't possess I ended up working as a rent-a-cop at a strip mall while Sarah who had gotten a degree in Business was hired on at some logistics company even though I felt inferior she never once looked down on me or treated me any less than herself I was grateful for that the month started to fly by and even though my work situation wasn't ideal I was still very happy with my life then one day Sarah didn't come home from work for four hours after her shift after the first hour I tried to call and text her but I didn't receive a response two hours passed by and I was about to call the police when she finally texted me back she said a work meeting ran late and that she was now on her way home I apologized for blowing up her phone and she told me it was fine the days that followed Sarah had gotten into the habit of coming home at well past the end of her shift at first I wasn't concerned I just thought she was having a rough week or two at work then one evening after she had gotten home she jumped into the shower while I was watching TV and bad she had tossed her phone on the bed next to me and I thought nothing of it now I shouldn't mention I'm not one of those overbearing snooping boyfriends I try not to go looking for trouble if I can avoid it plus I honestly had no reason to be suspicious then her phone buzzed and illuminated next to me she had received a text from a random number I casually glanced over at her phone and read the message the text said I hope to see you again soon reading that was odd if that was somebody from her work why would they send that when they see her every day a few more days had gone by since then and surprisingly Sarah had been coming home at a normal time after work I reassured myself that I was overreacting then a week later it started up again she started coming home later and later during one of those days I contacted one of her co-workers a friend who works in the same department I sent her a message and asked if her and Sarah were in a meeting at work what she sent back increased my suspicions tenfold she said everyone left work hours ago nobody stayed behind I thanked her before sulking for a few minutes I was assuming the worst Sarah had finally gotten fed up with me and found somebody better I thought we were both happy that our lives albeit imperfect were still enjoyable that our relationship wasn't dull I decided that since I had the following day off work I'd follow Sarah I wasn't sure what I would do if I actually caught her in the act with somebody else but I needed to know I waited outside her work until her shift ended and slowly but surely everyone from her office building began pouring out into their cars then I saw Sarah exit she rushed over to her car hopped in and began driving away in the opposite direction of our apartment I began following her from a distance trying to make sure she wouldn't spot me and recognized the car she had gotten onto the highway for around 20 minutes before exiting into the industrial sector of our city she finally stopped her car near the back of an old worn down warehouse of some sort i parked nearby wondering if this was the spot of her romantic rendezvous I got out of the car and tiptoed over to the building after trying unsuccessfully to peek through one of the dirt covered windows I spied a nearby fire escape I climbed the ladder and found the door at the top to be surprisingly unlocked I cracked the door slightly and I could instantly hear people speaking inside I opened it a bit further and stepped onto a catwalk inside the building before quickly shutting the door behind me I peered over the railing and what I saw gave me pause sara was standing near a group of people they were all wearing masks of random animals sara was as well but I could still recognize her by her clothing a man wearing the mask of a bear was saying something that sounded akin to a prayer they all joined hands briefly before two of them broke off and walked to a darkened area of the warehouse muffled shouts began to fill the room as I watched the two from before dragged a man into the light and throw him to the ground the group of disguised individuals all lowered their heads upon the man as he bagged through his binds as I leaned farther for a closer look a loose pipe from the catwalk came free and fell to the ground below the clattering metal rang out endlessly in one swift motion all the masked individuals looked up at me I quickly turned and ran out of the door I slid down the fire escape falling into the dirt below has scrambled to my feet and ran to my car I sped out of that area without looking back during the drive home a million things were going through my head who were those people why was Sara with them who was that man and what were they going to do to him I made it home and packed up as much of my stuff as possible I decided it would be best to get a hotel room before I tried to figure this stuff out once I felt safe in the hotel room I made an anonymous tip to the police about the warehouse though I'm not sure if they ever found anything because Sara contacted me about an hour or two later telling me she was home and asking me where I was I stayed at the hotel for a few days during that time I messaged Sara and told her that my mother had gotten sick and I had to leave to go see her I didn't receive her reply I made a trip back to her apartment yesterday and I found it completely emptied I asked a management if they knew what happened they said that sara had paid off the remainder of her rent had a bunch of people pack up her stuff and she left at this point I have more questions than answers and I feel as though Sara knows that I was there that night and these past few days I can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm being watched [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 265,844
Rating: 4.8765845 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, real creepy stories, scary, scary stories, scary story, storytelling, true scary stories, true scary story, creepy cheating stories, scary cheating stories
Id: jkJgMFEx-nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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