I Tested Viral Folding Furniture

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how the am I going to build this at some point I think every woodworker wants to try and build folding furniture and I've never really done any so I super stoked for this video we've got two folding projects today that I'm going to try first one being this desk that went absolutely bananas on the internet with tens of millions of views Chris and Joe love this thing and they've been begging me to build it for months so we're going to crush this thing out first then we're going to dive in to the folding door that has been taking over the Internet for years specifically this little cabinet that has this awesome little folder I think I can do a really cool rendition of it let's dive right into the first project so as I look at it this desk is a lot more complicated than it looks in order to get that thing to kind of pull off the wall you've got to have a pole or something going across inside of it there is a video out there that shows how it's built so I think we can get this done we've got to do a glue up of the base first that's going to be the actual desktop I like the light wood color and uh I have a bunch of maple left over from when we built this this bench so I think we're going to dive in Mill up some wood and then I'll get the entire base kind of glued up and all the parts that are going to go into it there's a lot of moving Parts here and I am definitely afraid that if I screw up one the whole thing could go catastrophically wrong so let's give it a try so let me move this out of the way first and foremost because we haven't given it away yet if you didn't know you can win this table and take it home with you right now all the information you need is linked down below pretty awesome giveaway we're running right now on the website so I think to make this efficient I want to pick my parts rough cut them and then I'll just go through like standard Joiner and planer situation on this little diagram that Chris came up with we're looking at a 40 1/2 in by 21 and 1/2 in panel I don't know how he thinks I'm going to be able to do this stuff got to love the computer drawings so we're going to cut enough Parts give me a glue up that's going to be stable wideboard I think I can fix it after if it's [Music] broken do a little glue panel glue up here keep these out of the way so I can get working on all the rails I'm going to do these in two parts just because of the width of them I don't want them to Bow I'm actually going to let these uh set and then I'll come back later today and I'll glue them together hopefully stays nice and flat always going to be concerned when you're gluing up a panel that's wider than it is long or whatever you know usually you go the other way but for the sake of what we're trying to do here and that look with the rails on the wall this is the way we got to do it let's go gam plan on these strips all of these are a 1 in thickness which isn't a problem but we're ranging from 39 to 24 and then there's a bunch of just random numbers in between I think that'll be easier to cut after we're kind of assembled so we just need one kind of square side material y these are all one and a got to love that 1 and 516 why oh well all right let's cut some [Music] strips so while the panel's dry we're going to dive into project number two because I need to cut the base for the desk before I can start doing any of the joinery cuz a lot of the joints are predicated on the distance off of where it's going to land on the base so let's dive into that so while I'm looking at the folding cabinet window box door thing there's a bunch of different variations on how this can work my buddy Johnny Lambert Over Johnny builds has done some very VI versions of this that are like full scale there's also a ton of videos out there I really like how simple this one is and I think it'd be really cool to put all of our snacks in there's a ton of YouTubers out there making awesome and delicious snacks and the guys say I don't provide them with enough snacks so we're going to build a snack Depot using this cool door here we've got a pretty cool design that we've come up with Chris actually dove into like the nuances of how these doors work so we've got all of that kind of prepared here first thing I need to do is build a box for the cabinet and Mill up all the parts that are going then go into the door I think I'm going to do glass or plexiglass on the door so we can see into it maybe back light some LEDs French cleat I am a French get crazy with it I don't know I might even throw a dovetail in there for shits and giggles who knows but first I do need to Mill down some materials and then get that box glued [Music] up the question becomes shelf does Joe want a shelf no Joe just wants me to move the project forward that is what we're looking for butthole tight fit we'll get some clamps glue on this clamps and then tomorrow I'll reinforce all these Corners with splines that are going to match the door which we're also we're going to make out of Walnut well we put a shelf in cuz the the door is essentially two parts and it'll go down the middle and we have two essentially 15in boxes here so this glue up should go pretty smooth and by that I mean probably terrible all right do it for these like inside Corners cuz they're kind of a pain in the ass we're just going to throw a piece of tape across all of them help with that clean up the squeeze out we're trying to be quick here so I don't want to have to do a ton of work on the inside of the box once we're ready to rock and roll cuz I feel like I'm going to be spending a shitload of time trying to get the door to work said you think I'd learned my lesson with these pieces of I keep going back to them cuz they're fast but God do they suck [Music] approximately 10 hours later all right so while the box is drying we're going to hop back to these panels now initially I wanted to have my full desk panel glued up but after looking again at the drawing Chris made based on the Tik Tok it's going to be a lot easier if I just cut this sucker in half and then tape my panels together and make these Cuts one time to get all these separate spacings then I can flip it and glue it back together instead of having to do it on both sides so I'm going to clean these the glue off of these and then we're going to get these cut down to size on the table saw kind of show you how I think I can maybe do this so this is going to be the panel of our desk and I think it'll be easier if I cut all these parts but there's all those measurements that need cut so instead of doing it in one piece what I'm going to do is just throw some double-sided tape on it which should allow me to fairly easily cut the exact same mirroring sides for all those notches that need to go into this sucker which you uh don't get to see on camera for this part is the probably like multiple hours that Chris had to put in in Fusion to get this thing to work there was metric measurements on the video itself but I'm not a European I'm an American so Chris actually put it into a model and got the thing like kind of functioning and working if I want to do this correctly I'll start out by marking what it says here so it'd be nice if it was one measurement so this is 3 and 70 7/8 2 and 3 16 2 and 76 13 16 and 2 and 7 16 1 and 5/8 and then I think every Gap is going to be an inch and A4 or one 516 and this part sucks this is the most precise measure drink I think I've ever done on anything how the hell am I going to do that H cuz I'm a hack the easiest way for me to do this is to just Trace these lines all the way up find this the lines on both sides set the fence make a stop cut onto the next one kind of thing and cut the grid out on the band saw now I think I can cut the grid out something vitally important when you're cutting like precise lines like this you need Crystal Clear Vision which is why you got to grab yourself some shop Shades these things the clearest and most comfortable I wear you're ever going to wear in the shop and don't take my word for it Joe the guy on the camera he's wearing them all day long too he put the camera down just to show you all day Comfort I never take them off I'm always wearing them Andy's nervous now let's make some precise [Music] Cuts now this is where things could get squirly I've got a few options here I could trace these around which is what I'm going to try to do and then I'm going to see if I can go back over to the band saw and flip the board over because I ran out of fence and throat and uh I'll try them that way and if that doesn't work I'm gonna have to do these by hand which I'm not looking forward to I was like how far do I go oh there's a line there Jag ass these aren't that bad I'm going to just try [Laughter] this that wasn't too bad the worry is that I'm not straight but that doesn't look bad okay Mark the next one the dude who built this built this in his apartment so like if I can't do do this in a full wood shop I'm a schmuck I guess we already know I'm a schmuck but the dude did it in tongs and it is apartment like got absolute G I think I got offline on that one I'll fix it in post these are getting tight yeah we're going to Chisel it we're good in sharp here and grain maple exactly what you want to be chiseling it's not nerve-wracking or difficult at all that tight angle too really no pressure I'm pretty happy with how this thing's looking I guess now we can uh layer out see what we're going to look like here oh so satisfying just don't snap damn bastard was stuck so there is our tabletop solid let glue it up so this will set up in a couple hours I can start working on all the slots cuz there's a butt ton of them so we're dry enough that I'm going to start messing with this I do need to clean up this edge here because like I when I in my cut I was a little slightly off made a few marks on this side yeah and I should just be easily able to to get that the entire Mort or is that a mortise slot whatever we want to call it with a smaller bit so then I can come over here and finish it with a 38 bit a little bit nerve-wracking I wish I could just do the holes like the guy did but I'm getting terrible results because my router and for multitude of issues these two just get holes the rest of them I've got to Mark the center line on all of them and then I'm going to drill out all of the holes where everything's going to land and then we'll uh cut some slots oh sweet Mother of God the last one these were such a pain in the ass the bit got dull like 3/4 of the way through started having ridiculous tear out so I had to start taking less and less passes which means like some of them I was doing like four or five passes on just to get the pocket to cut they don't look great but thank God they're going to be hidden that sucked I don't know how this dude did it on the floor of his apartment and just made it look so damn Flawless cuz that was like three straight hours of just Milling ho this glue up did not go to plan one I'm out of practice cuz I built and not real woodworking anymore I think because I had that Center divider in there usually everything will come together and those picture frame clamps just were not adding enough pressure took us a minute but I got I got her glued up so let's see how I did took me like 40 minutes to glue this thing up when it should have taken me five we're looking pretty solid yeah we'll give it a quick sanding and then um make sure it's Square we're really damn close to square looking at the drawing now see I'm wild crisk off this what the is this we got 3/4 in stock so that's going to be the probably the first thing that I need to do is Mill down a bunch of 3/4 in stock because the way this is going to work is I will more or less band the door with triangles so this will have a triangle and then this one will be a nipped triangle that'll have another smaller triangle here and when I open it it'll pivot from these two corners so we'll have to figure that out I think we just need to go get some Walnut Mill it down to 3/4 and rip ourselves some strips and then I'll start roughing out parts and seeing how I'm going to put this thing together I think just by the way Chris designed it I should be able to use pinned techniques it'll make sense here in a minute I got to get over the fact that this is going to look stupid you can't fix stupid I have to build the first triangle like this for both of these sides in my head I'm like the best way to do this is going to be a lap joint on all the corners here's part that sucks how the am I going to build this I'll do it on the table saw I just won't use a do St then we're going to be good and I'll clean them all up by hand first part I'm going to work on is these two triangles create two mirrors where essentially I could take this cut that part out and then do the same thing on this guy and it'll be one setup I'll be able to do the four parts that need this so the cross member will get tricky but I can do the same thing I can make the Mark I can use the gauge on the base on the table saw angle it cut my establishing shoulder come back through Mark I don't have any opport opportunity to explain what I'm doing so I'm just going to do it and so these joints need cleaning the pivot point for this door will go through there which will help lock it in so next I need to figure out how the hell I'm going to do the cross bark Chris made it pretty clear that in order for these to work properly they have to be exactly square at least the way he designed it up obviously I'm just going to do whatever I want I'm going to try to follow his guidelines it is new hats baby grab one you can also get entered to win the giveaway that we're still running on the table I built in my last video if you want to take that home check out our new hat or anything else on the website so that at the moment is my plan you probably ask yourself why didn't you put a domino in like I got to do a domino there but I can't do a domino here be super short to make sure that I'm super precise I'm going to clean up my joints first all right so I could destroy and ruin everything at this moment that I've worked so hard for the last 45 minutes to lay out the only way to see if I'm going to do that though is to grow a set and send it so I will say I need to transfer a few marks cuz I didn't transfer my edges just to make sure when everything lines up and they're 45° angles Chris just pointed out so they're not terrible to add even more anxiety to this I just realized cuz I forgot that I can't cut all of them from the same side so what I'm going to need to do is cut four of the cuts on this side and then four of the cuts on the other side um which means I'm going to have to adjust the blade which could lead to to micro issues and yay this is going great I'm so happy all right not too shabby so far everything's kind of long and loose still but boom clean those up a bit and then I will have two triangles and it only took me 2 hours do you have to do more those are going to be even more fun here we go these are our two door parts so I'll get these and I'll get these glued up and then I'll bring bring them down to like final size I'll start now I'm going to start working on this other which is going to be these really freaking weird looking bat somehow I got to do that in the real world it's going to be great it's his fault in order to make the little Gap in the triangle on the next one I'm going to start there I have to cut the angle which is 22 1/2 so I took that measurement I set the angle here I have to cut this with an outside width of four and 1516 in and then make two of them it's fun is that right that can't be right let's see 11 and a half I can't talk I don't know what I'm [Music] [Applause] doing now we got to do these little I'm going to do a domino in here I think I have super super small ones a little bit of TLC should be looking pretty good for the glue up sake like not shabby not too shabby at all this actually look really nice thanks man thanks I try hard you can't have it I don't want it I was just like yeah you do Joe was just professing off camera how much he wants it I never said that okay so I'm going to use CA glue to clamp this which will just help me get the Domino in and then I will use a little dab of CA to hold everything kind of tight that'll hold it while I get a I'll get the strap around it once I have the lap joints glued up cuz those get glued vertically which is a little bit more uh surface area and an easier thing to glue up it's definitely a hack like you definitely want to come back can reinforce [Music] that so everything should be dry and ready to get fitted this has been quite a little adventured here I feel like I've gotten nothing done cuz it's all so small and tedious we should start making some heavy Headway now that I have triangles built so I still need to build the last two pieces I'll get these squared and shaped up and then I'll get into it touch these up with a sander and then like there we go that little piece there it's looking cool now let's finish the damn desk now we get to drill all the hinges in woo so they need to be facing us so that way this piece can go like this make sense makes no sense to me I'm very scared 30 hinges this sucks this is not what I like to do I just really hope these Rinky Dink little Chinese screws work teamwork like I said how did a dude do this on the floor of his apartment zero help we'll never know I guess we'll never know can't wait to take it apart and sand it as mention you got to put like little [Music] racks where the is that in the drawing yeah I did I read all 37 Pages where's that in the drawing it it wasn't in the drawing I was going to tell you it it was just the one I mean I don't think the Asian guy did it but he definitely didn't do it yeah but the guy I watched was like I was having weird cuz your drawing didn't have any curvs in it either so I had to adjust and then change everything yeah you had everything fit and was there was no gaps in anything so none of it there were gaps between the slats now yeah why we put our cards in the table [Music] here all right guys we have the whole team out here and I have this much confidence this is going to work oh no this one's wrong who put the guys who put a hinge on upside down that's just a straight up Miss and I know I did it I was going to say I wasn't here I 100% did it no I did the first uh 20 of them Sam caught up to me on the last seven go get my shop Shake so I'm protected and look good and they're comfortable yeah you look like up until 2 minutes ago go to your home are you too good for your home this thing is what some might call the josa r it's pretty baffling to me how much more difficult this is than than I was anticipating that one's too short for like the whole thing how that happen they all needed to be this long damn it oh it's sliding it's sliding yes it's sliding keep going hey keep going that's it no we're almost there there's a little bit more to go what yeah oh goodness I'm scared no I think that's it no he's like Chris is like no no why what no so I think this is where the measurements got dramatically off if we look here we're touching in some a bunch of these so my guy's drawing with a on the floor all of these were up see this line came up to go straight so these slots were like super long for some reason but I mean hey it works though it kind of worked now we got to see how the hell we can get that thing to mount to the oh I see what you're saying it still has to come back I mean not really cuz it hinges on these last two yeah but it needs to that needs us H 90 with the top okay well let's solve that issue after we can cut that top flush the tracks off already it up like already severely moves the track two of them were too short then or we could make it a radius and get real fancy with there n Chris is like I didn't build a single thing on this but I don't want to do that everything happening in my life right now I don't like mostly this grab that give me that [Music] level just another feat of like how the did our dude do this on the floor of his apartment left hand oh it's was terrible it looks kind of like stupid hanging it's hanging great so you do this oh that actually went kind of smooth now this is the damn it I put so much work into this thing for it to not work that one that one so these three it's bottoming out in which is interesting to say the least 7 8 9 10 well no 9 8 and 7B wonder why we're almost home we're going to tweak this slightly and then we'll give you a little bit of a final reveal right so we want this sucker opening left to right and the parts to kind of all align just to make sure before I get too far down the rabbit hole that screws something up I can't fix it so we're going to make sure everything's aligned for super goofy to like get all this stuff to be square they're close to square but it all kind of still take some don't these go Yep they're completely wrong we're probably going to need a little bit of play just for the sake of like movement be careful what you wish for cuz a hinge goes in here and here and here and here you obviously can't have things be like super butthole tight but that's looking that's looking kind of neat huh yeah all right next part this and this more or less it's like two pieces of Walnut that are 3 and 1/2 by 3 and 1/2 we're going to have a pin attached to the bottom of one and the top of the other is going to float so that it can spin across I don't know how I'm going to make that yet but these two pieces need to go like this this is going to hit like I'd have to find a way to overlap them like cut one into the other I just need to think of how how can I do that and then have the top one sit I think I'm just going to cut these two parts come on follow me my brain I don't know where I'm on a different planet right now I'll just cut them together and then I can cut a lap joint like I've done on the other ones in the part that's going to have the curl to it so if that makes sense I can I can cut I think I can do that relief joint that should allow me to get this to work and like I said I'm going to have some play because of the way this is built or for needing to have a hinge in it this is probably so hard to follow on camera I'm sorry where am I I'm literally just making up as I go so this should kind of show you what I'm thinking because obviously at the moment it makes no sense if you look at it from here I need these to line up perfect and be 90° and then I need to make half laps on the top and the bottom because when you pull it up the top one stays fixed and the bottom one rotates I think so the theory in my head so far is that so I'll clean these up a [Music] bit there something that I think I just realized I screwed up on you know as you pull this these will pivot and then when I get to this side they're not going to like I I don't have enough room room for it to open the whole way so I have to have straight edges I can't have the edges the way I have them now wonder if that's an easy fix looking at it I think I'm going to have to recut these these holes got off centered that's what we needed to do though now that we know be a little easier to do this time let's try again they're still off damn it I'm pretty sure so the mechanism works I pull it out these hinges go down here these hinges go up here and so I'm going to use the same hinges we use on the folding desk might just attach them and see if it works and then come back and mortise them in commence time lapse of boring stuff all right so I'm super excited that we are finally getting shop Shades from the manufacturer which means they're going to be hitting you guys soon and I have to send a huge thank you out there to all of you who have supported the pre-launch especially those of you who grabbed up the five and 10 pack bundles one of the perks of that was I was going to shout you out on a video so while I'm working on this project I want to send a huge thank you out to a ton of you guys I apologize if I butcher them but we're starting off thank you Ragnar uh Sigerson uh and Hillmar Sigerson looks like a family members buying some stuff together we got Jesse Jensen thank you uh Casey Lambert Kyle gillenwater Casper Leman Emerson Gates Lee anetta Yehuda pter Richard Irwin Richard ratmansky Christopher SCH Scher sorry for butchering that Brad Melaney Scott storka William Park eigor epov Jimmy shul Britain Kent Michael Temple Ricky Bellinger spelled r i k Ki pretty cool there Cody Williamson Justin Barber Ryan feny Ryan o Conor Christopher R Hines breed Danielson Cory duffel David Gordon Bruno H La cointry Dustin Jones Whit Evans Cory hilm Neil pson David Rodriguez major Shong Peter buo and Jeffrey Pard all of you bought a pack and all of you are absolutely freaking amazing I cannot wait to see what you do with all of those shop Shades we had two of you absolute animals purchase 10 packs this is the type of stuff that I honestly cannot say thank you to enough it allows us to make these videos it allows me to spend stupid amounts of money on increasing our production value our team and making the projects go to a whole another level because a lot of those do get expensive so thank you guys so much our two 10pack purchasers are going to be Matt Lang you're awesome thank you Matt and in this last name I am so sorry if I butcher this I think it's maid Petra Kowski if I mispronounce that I am so sorry but I got to say once again I couldn't do what I do without all of you thank you so much for supporting shop Shades they are going to be shipping very very soon I am so so excited for all of you to finally get your hands on them I've been very much looking forward to this this is the one of only two pairs that we have that I've just been holding on to I am so excited to share them with the world now this build is kicking my ass so let's get back to it all right all the hinges are at least mocked in the place and for the most part everything is going smoothly I am running into some squaring issues but also the gaps that are in the hinges this is something I thought I would have to deal with but I kind of wanted to be able to adjust once I got the hinges in place now everything as you can see is more or less working but we've got some bigger gaps here gaps here small Gap here but for the most part the hinging mechanism is working I need to get it pinned into place my concern here people and this is where I probably should have watched some videos on besides this Tik Tok on people making these cuz I just saw the Tik Tok I was like yep I can do it let's send it when it's square like this my box is actually a little bit too small one so that sucks because now I can't take a perfect measurement on these corners and pin it I'm going to have to do the corner pin on the box and then index it to these parts and I'm concerned so I want to get the gaps down to where they're going to be final that way any of the issues that might come up because of the you know that little bit of a different in the location of my corner pins I want to be able to adjust it easily not with like taking this whole thing apart again this whole part here this has got me stoked so we're really really close here I'm going to mortise these in the fastest way I can probably I can think of and then we'll get to finally install this thing and get this cabinet wrapped up so the gaps are a little bit better and I think I'm just going to have to do some handheld TLC but I am confident in this next part so I need to drill a hole for our Rod to go into we're going to be using a metal rod I'm going to Mark where I want my hole to be in regards to my Corners here drill that in I'll then take this little indexer that I can put in and I'll be able to match up my door and then from the back it'll put a hole in it so I can have those perfectly aligned to where I want them because measurements are off slightly because of how the gaps and how loose the hinges are I don't know how to how to work around that just being honest it's it's kind of aggravating now I just get to send it [Applause] sweet I'm really really hoping that even though it's like slightly off it doesn't make a huge difference in opening cuz if that's the case we kind of screwed my Guy Moment of [Music] Truth damn it what's wrong why aren't you moving what did I do wrong what did I do wrong I think I need to champer the insides of these cuz I want to pull apart yeah it's still touching back here so like you want it [Music] to do the same thing on both sides I think I might have to do this side too hamper cuz that hold it back oh boy is that Jank that is janky as hell but it kind of works worked so I'm close no oh broke I was trying to put a clamp on it to be responsible can't can't take your eyes off of it around here damn it hey let me think all right so we're I'm dealing with a few things here one I I broke this so I threw some CA glue on it I need to fix it but it has me wondering if there's a better way but two I have to take the play of this horizontal plane this this plane in order to get this stuff to actually function so to do that I think I'm going to I was going to put a nut on these I was going to thread it and then nut it on and then have that just kind of like look decent but I think there's a better option if I just run to the hardware store I can get like a hex hex screw for for a threaded part here because when that holds closer to it it'll eliminate the play that's coming into it in um the other planes I went back and I watched the video of our guy and check this out he has a part inside of his door handle you can see the slot on the end there he has two pivot Points in the top and the bottom but his pivots on top and bottom with a handle and it has a latch so I'm just going to do that should go pretty quick I'm pretty pumped because I'm pretty stupid but sometimes I have good ideas so we got all these brass hinges on here already so Walnut and Brass do look good together so I was at the store I was like our dude in the video he used black hardware and I was like all right well how can I do something similar so I started looking around and they had some pretty nice looking brass plated hard I can fix these holes and redrill them um and you won't see it because these nice fat heads and then I can put a threaded insert in here and the holes we already drilled here that will allow me to use this nice looking faster on the front than we're matching here this one's a little bit more polished and then I can rebuild this over here to use that plate mechanism that the dude had in his I'm going to recut these parts here though cuz these are super easy to put once I have them Square they'll be good I'll cut the internal aspect that will make those fit nicely I'm going to get these on here first so I can show you what I'm talking about that should be an easy fit I'm stoked this is looking good drink like a coffee on your way to the door no I'm fuing inspired tell the hardware is now it's going to hold the face down so as I pull it it moves a lot smoother still need to fix this issue but the issue that was there with that stuff popping off see how that's staying way tighter holy yeah so like I wanted to address that before we did anything else crazy that now I got to fix out they're just coming in like it's crazy angle I did have to champer the living out of this so I probably have to do that over here this one has a little bit of play but I now know that the mechanism is going to be good to go now I can fix the handle and once I take the play out of that be pretty pumped this part is here is is solved though which which Joe and I were concerned about cuz it it looked like trash I'm so glad I went back and watched that dude's video sometimes you just need to take a dump and watch someone's video cuz I know most of you are watching this video on the toilet right now don't you lie to me you commented on it on the last time I made that I make good pooping content all right to solve this next issue isue I've got another piece of wood here and I'm going to cut these two blocks again you're joking not another one and then I'm going to cut a spline inside of it where I'm going to add a piece of metal where I'll be able to have a pivot point on the top and the bottom just like our dude did so when I pull this out these stay in plain they should stay in plane the issue I'm having is that I suck and then I built a sucky thing and there's a lot of slopp so when these are in these stay in plane the whole time therefore that integral pivot should be good I was feeling pretty shitty feeling pretty good yeah we're getting close Al so like I said this needs to stay in plain should it be a bigger piece is the question essentially what we need is for this to stay like that and go around see how it still turn it'll be pinned in a perfect world that's what I should do that's what I'm going to do okay so I'm going I take the center of that my piece here it'll sit perfectly here and here and then as it turns and then I know exactly what's cut there [Applause] [Music] we try to make sure that stay centered on the piece and give myself a slight Gap okay so that's got free rotation there I'm going have to open up this side because I might have to round those edges I want this to go into here should be going through there now what we got to do is get these two to turn there's not enough Gap in there then to turn at the same [Applause] time all right and we're going to find out Joe are we ready all right well now we're getting somewhere we need some TLC on this fit but that's better than where we were so I've been fussing with this all morning and we're pretty damn close the new handle kind of is a little bit finicky so I put this barrier or this part here that I have some magnets in you can see I put magnets here and here they're not like the strongest magnets they're just Home Depot neodium which you know I'm glad that they sell Home Depot neodium now but they're not great but for the most part it's looking damn good the new mechanism is working good it comes the whole way out door opens I think all I need to do now is I'll take it apart I'm going to do some some tidying up and then I want to actually drop in um some some Plexi in here I get a back panel cut and then this thing will be a wrap couple more cuts get that glass in she's almost done okay cut some [Music] Plexi and for the most enjoyable part about working with acrylic sand your Edge want to use a fine grit and get all the scratches out you peel your paper off you now get to polish the edge with the flame make sure you torch the under your bench so satisfying sanded up looking legit now it's time for spray in the words of our forefathers let us [Music] spray [Music] both of these turned out pretty cool I will say way more difficult than I thought took me way longer than I was anticipating let me know what you think about both of these projects thank you so much for 1 million subscribers I freaking love each and every one of yan and after you hit that subscribe button let me know what are we going to build next
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 771,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, viral furniture, folding furniture, viral, viral woodworking, Jonny Builds, folding desk, folding door, tik tok, testing viral tiktok gadgets, woodworking tik tok, viral tik tok
Id: qHZjeYFdHiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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