I Tested BROKEN Blox Fruits Experiments

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I found one myth from every fruit in blogs fruits and I'm going to be testing to see if they are real or fake and we're starting with the rocket fruit now on the Turtle Island there is a very secret place over here this little dogghouse where for 97 Robux you can buy a physical kilo fruit which gives you a rocket now what I'm going to test is if there is a limit to how many times you can do this I'm going to be here for a while so far it's let us buy three of them perfectly fine that's five that's 10 that's 20 I am going to go po that's 50 physical Rockets now I'm starting to think maybe 99 is like the max stack if it's not I'm cooked it's been pain but we're it's 75 and because this is taking ages I've had some time to think maybe the fact that this is 97 Roo means you get capped at 97 which is a scap but like let's see maybe I've discovered some hidden law that's 96 okay this one is the 97th spin is it going to lock us out after this let's see of course it doesn't all right but we are close to 99 so now I'm curious does it go to 100 or does it stack at 99 99 Rockets it's letting us buy another one but what happens all right we have 100 Rockets hold on this is not how I thought this would go all right it's confirmed yep there's no stack limit maybe $999 but ain't no way I'm spending $999 Robux so it is confirmed that there is literally no limit to the amount of fruits that you can buy and all of these are droppable Rockets well now I've just got a pile of Rocket fruits on the floor here that have got nothing to do with next up is the spin fruit now for this one we're using a ship and cannon fire we're going to see if I use my spin Z move if I can block cannon shots so if I stand here do your worst okay yep that hit me and now I block this never mind what about X okay yep it's literally impossible to block yep you you cannot block the cannon balls I thought this move here you know because you're spinning your hands fast you'd start like juggling the cannon but this one is busted next up we got chop and for this one if you dance into a chair it permanently bugs all of your limbs so let's give this a try dance sit down um I'm looking very fine and okay maybe I have to like do it perfect timing like [Applause] this um I somehow teleported chair but my limbs are definitely still intact what if we try dancing and then switching fruits can't change fruits while you're stunned okay what if we try getting the timing perfect like this okay there's one one final thing I want to test what if we [Music] reset what happens here all right we're just perfectly okay this one just doesn't work next up we have the spring fruit and for this myth is that it's faster than the light fruit on this bridge in specific as you can see this guy's got the light fruit we're going to race he's got the head start but I don't need it don't matter to me it don't matter to me the overtake okay like I did catch up there I gave him a bit too much of a head start he technically won but but just know if this bridge was slightly longer I would have won so that one's true now next up for bomb there is a myth that if two bomb users charge up and hit each other with a fully charged V they just don't go anywhere even though the knock back is usually crazy so we're going to give this a go here goes these are going to be the craziest fireworks ever it's going to be duck fireworks all right wait for my particles to go wait for his to go and then release Oh my he stayed in place I got sent to the moon and I even released mine first what that was crazy I did half of his health though that one's untrue but I'm glad it's untrue that was crazy now the next myth actually uses the physical smoke fruit if you equip a beast fruit that has a transformation I'm just going to take Phoenix for example and if I use my V move and at the exact same time switch to the Smoke fruit I should go fully invisible like this not only that but the smoke fruit is just a stem so if I store this I'm just gone literally can't see I'm just fully gone now this is actually the trick that we use to become the fruits in this video right here now next up is the spike fruits and I'm still invisible now then if we use the Sea move of Spike spiky ball at the exact same time will we just infinitely go up into the sky okay here goes here goes it's kind of just like two Sonic the Hedgehogs just bumping into each other nothing actually happened I was expecting us to just keep going up because normally when you use spiky ball it literally grabs them and like pulles but two at the same time yeah no it doesn't work that one's busted okay this next one using the flame fruit it's honestly pretty wacky but it actually requires a completely different fruit as well right there the dragon because what he's going to do he's going to kidnap that boat and then I'm going to use hell's core and then he's going to kidnap me he just needs to like figure out how to control it so he can grab me which he's uh he's you going to come down okay wait all right here goes I need to aim it properly we need to be very spec he is going the wrong way bro spin around all right here goes here goes this is the one we've got the ship thing on our screen wait what I'm all the way wait I'm all the way up here and my flame is all the way down there what is going on okay let's just keep going I've got my V move all the way down there so I'm like technically in the boat right now we just created a mini sun down there all what happens if I release it oh I used it up there wait that was crazy that one's true I actually I'm very surprised that worked the next fruit on the list is this fruit here the Falcon fruit now one of the main things about the Falcon is this move right here the V move if you hit someone with it they get trapped in place but what happens if two of them use it at the exact same time and hit each other do we both both get trapped all right here goes line it up I how do you miss a stationary Target okay right I'm just going to Vibe here boom okay yeah you do get you get trapped in place it's kind of like an anime moment it's like an epic anime duel all right let's try the SE move as well let's go wait that was crazy actually all right we're going to try the SE move again but this time so we can see what happens let's go wait that's actually crazy you just sort of like fly around it's like a bird fight now although I've got these Wings the next fruit we're testing is the ice fruits and we're going to see if it's possible to stop a ship using the V move here goes face me if you dare ice V it does not stop in fact he stopped me in fact I'm drowning all right this does not this really doesn't work what about this move do it stop him nope this one bro do any of them stop the boat okay how about this Yep this one is busted this just doesn't work now next up we're testing the sand Fu and supposedly for this one if a player trapped in the sand coffin gets world wared out apparently they just stay trapped in sand forever so let's give this a go we got him and now has he been world wared he did not all right attempt two but this time we're going to have the world warp happen from like while he's trapped in the sand so let's do this world warp did he get no he doesn't get pulled in okay this one is busted now the next fruit we're testing is the dark fruit and we're going to see if it's possible to hit 11 different players using dimensional slash all right here we go this is 11 players all lined up let's do this world's strongest dimensional slash oh my God wait that was sick you can actually hit all 11 and now if they all happen to die that would be free Bounty next up is this fruit the diamond and this myth supposedly says that if we use solar flare and flashbang the boss she doesn't hit any of her attacks so let's give this a go going to get her angry at me and then flashbang and now she's blind she's still running towards me in a straight line okay wait she did Miss but I did strafe slightly to the left so I mean wait does this actually work there's no way that's absolutely out okay knock her away flashbang and now I stand here and she misses nope she definitely hit me that one is busted so for this next one we're using the light fruit and supposedly if we use light flights and then HIIT flash Step at the right time as well we can go fully invis just like the smoke glitch from before so let's give this [Music] go um okay wait hang on we need to like light flight and then NOP let's give this another go we need to go I think it's yep it's not maybe we're not getting the timing right here goes let's give it a try again like this and go like this and then flash it up again and then there we go okay now we're just like a fog of death with glowing up this is sick now once my V4 runs out I should be fully inis so now we just got to wait all right here goes my Bar's just about to run out and I should be inis there it is we're actually we're just fully inis bang didn't even see it coming oh wait okay so if you stay as light you still keep like the little floaty light sword thingy this one's true next up is the almighty rubber fruit now one of the main cool things about rubber is it's fully immune to every single gun in the game but is it the same for cannon fire let's find out here we go it's time to see if we can stop a cannonball wait am I actually immune hold on ow wait I'm not immune hold on let's try gear a second I'm literally not immune what if I like take a direct impact Cannon even direct impact it doesn't work okay this myth is busted the next fruit we're testing is the barrier fruit we're going to see if two players stand literally Point Blank and use this C move on each other at the exact same time do they both get trapped all right I've got mine charged up let's see if this works let's go okay wait huh what just happened I was like inside my thing but I still took damage what if we go even closer and now release we just both go fully immune you can't pick each other up so that myth is busted now we're testing the ghost fruit what we're going to do is we're going to use Ghostbusters summon our minions and then supposedly if we remove our fruit they'll just start attacking us because it can't register as us instead they've just stopped moving they just exist here forever oh no they disappeared okay that one's busted but it's still kind of funny how they just stop moving however I do have like this permanent spooky effect on me now wait can I just not get rid of this am I just permanently spooky now now the next trick we use the magma fruits and if we spawn in a boat we also need to be fishmen and have like the water immunity so let's see if I get lucky with my Robux Angel come on oh no I'm just never going to get it shark there we go okay now that I'm a fish we go under the boat and to do that we got a like flash step into the water like this swim underneath if it lets me and then supposedly if we just use our magma shower move we should have there it is we've got magma arms I'm built like the melin man damn I have not skipped arm day now this next one is kind of interesting I look so stupid we're going to use the Quake fruits we're going to hold the V move and if we reset with perfect timing the waves should just go everywhere so if I hold this down Escape reset because it then doesn't know where I am it should just send them like everywhere yep there they go they're just going like that one's going straight up he so if you ever find yourself trapped on upper Skylands you can use this Strat to hit enemies up in the sky that one definitely works this next glitch is going to permanently trap me inside of the Buddha fruit now let me explain so if you transform and then go to the Awakenings expert and then una awaken your Z move because now it's technically a completely different transformation I can't untransform I'm just trapped I can't leave this Buddha I can still attack but I can't ear transform I think the only way to stop this is if I reset I think it's the only way and before I'm just still transformed okay there we go now this next one we're using the love fruit and what we're testing right now is something that I've fully discovered on my own when the kit a update came out now what we do here is we kidnap the guy on the back of the kit a now the kit a can be as far as he wants he can move he can do whatever he wants this guy is just fully kidnapped now I got it the wrong way around I forgot how to do my own trick if I'm the kits a and then we have a love fruit kidnap the person on my back I can just literally run as far away as I want and then as you can see there's like there's nobody on my back it's so cold and lifeless until he releases it and then he's back he gets fully tpd back into the seat which is just so op but this one definitely works next up we're trying something with a spider fruit and for this one apparently you can just float forever if right as you press spider Highway you change to the mammoth fruit I don't know why the mammoth fruit but let's see okay that didn't work did I M time it do I need like it to be on confirm and then I go nope that didn't work there goes spider Highway once again it didn't work okay the confirm thing keeps bamboozling me so I need to equip and then confirm can't change fruits while you're stunned do I need to time it better okay unless I'm doing something wrong I don't think this one works it's impossible to like confirm the fruit before you're flying wait I did it why am I flying like this okay right to the Moon I go they're all down oh my God I'm actually going to space it's about to be daytime which is perfect because I'm going so far this is actually so good this might be one of my favorite glitches you know bro I am just going do I just keep going forever they can't even keep up with me I'm too fast I tried it again you literally can't move like I I I'm stuck like this I'm I can't control it what if we do like light flight can I like fly away I I can't stop it I actually can't stop it is there anything that I could do I don't think there's anything I could even do all right now that I've returned to the Earth we're going to be testing to see if we can do a phoenix glitch that just completely removes your arms so you start off in Swift flight then you transform and then if I untransform I should just not have arms did I do something wrong wait why why have I got arms Swift flight then we do plumage and then we have no arms I've still got wait is it meant to be like unawakened or something this one's like a maybe bust I just might not be doing it correct the next legendary fruit we're testing is sound fruit and for this one there is apparently a way to permanently speed buff a kiten a so if I get on his back and then he removes his blockx fruits he'll stay as a kit a so he can do all of his kit a activities but I can use my attacks and if I use my Tempo and get it all the way to Max then he's going to get a permanent speed boost like we've already nearly made it a turtle this might be one of the fastest ways to travel in the entire game oh my God this is actually insane and you don't get lagged back like other speed glitches this one is just the fastest so next one we're testing is with this fruit here the portal fruit and supposedly with this one if we World warp right as we go through this portal here we should just completely glitch out okay no that didn't work maybe it's not World War maybe it's the rift let's try that instead Rift pulls Us in nope I'm completely fine what about portal Dash also fine okay let's try this one more time I'm chilling this one's bursted the Next Room we've got is Rumble and for this one apparently if you just keep spamming the dash move you can get more than three dashes so if I just keep spamming it that's three we should get more than three 1 2 3 4 that was four wait wait hold on can we hit five surely we can hit five I'm going to get couple to but I'm going to do this just four again come on we can do this we can do this come on 1 2 3 four no I think Four's may be the limit but surprisingly that one's true okay right I have got a victim stood in the middle of this target board and we're going to see if it's true that this fruit has infinite r range so let's start by just you know we'll go up here something light he's a pixel all the way down there but if we use heavy pain I'll fire these as well this should reach him it did okay wait hold on this changes everything let's go even further let's try and go all the way to this house we might have to like curve it around the mountain but I'm going to make it work this one might actually be true okay wait we can't go all the way we can stand here though right there all right there they go we've sent them and that hit wait no way okay we need to take this to the next level all right here goes I'm at the very top of great tree we've got somebody all the way over there on Tiki Island it's kind of hard to see but let's fire these and hopefully they hit it might just take a very very very long time it has become night time they are still traveling no news of them hitting him yet maybe there's like is there an invisible wall between us is sea castle in the way wa I think I'm hitting sea castle hold on all right we've sent them across let's see if it works this time one of them hit please does this not work or am I just missing these should hit okay right that might not have worked but I have got an idea it's going to be kind of hard to do but I think we can do this let me see if it's possible to hit myself with a paw so I need to fire this over there and then I need to teleport to Turtle mansion and then no I was so close hold on wait I I can do this I can do this all right here goes attempt number two all right we fire then we teleport to Turtle mansion and we accept Our Fate oh no it doesn't work BR next step we're going to see if the blizzard fruits blizzard domain can even be attacked through it all right here it goes we've got multiple different fruits here we've got Dragon Light fruit we're going to see if the attacks can break through the domain let's do this all right here goes domain expansion and now if they attack okay yeah that definitely yep that's not blocking it that one is busted next up we're on to the first mythical fruit the gravity fruit and for this one gravity's Boulder flight becomes whatever you stand on when you use it apparently there's a trick you can use with this fruit where if you use it on barrier you get the barrier wall so if we have someone use barrier Towers right there we go now we get up top and if I use ball thef flight it's barrier I've just taken a chunk out of barrier now what happens if the barrier Towers disappear do I keep this I that's crazy I just keep keep it I've just got a chunk of his barrier for myself don't mind if I do this is mine now I'm taking this to my secret spot next up we're testing out a mammoth fruit glitch that supposedly is going to do the exact same thing as the spider glitch we did before all right now if we equip the dark blade we charge up a dark air slash and then as soon as we release we need to transform into a mammoth and this should just make us fly infinitely what the dog doing um I'm looking awfully grounded on the floor right about now all right apparently this Mammoth glitch works just the same but with the spin fruits okay here it goes wait I mean it's working I'm just not going the right direction I am not controlling this Mammoth at all right now in fact I'm sinking into the ground apparently this glitch is only possible thanks to the mammoth so yeah this one's definitely true I am stuck now though and the good thing about this glitch as well is you can actually do the Stampede while flying in the air like usually it's possible to use Stampede while in the air but I've just fully broken the game like look I'm still being pulled backwards but if I Stampede I could wait you can actually like go against it and then as soon as I stop I just get pulled back again now although I've got some weird double tail Fusion going on right now there's actually supposed to be something we can do that puts us underneath Hydra Island now we have to come to where this water is over here we also need to get Max Fury meter now then this one is just as simple as we look down we use our SE move and then we go through the map there we go now I'm also like hitting my head on the very bottom of the ocean floor but there we go we're underneath the entire Blox Roots map and as soon as you un transform it brings you back like nothing ever happened so that one is definitely true now the next one we're testing is if we use use the seam move of dough and then instantly remove our fruit we should just keep the long dough arm now I think we do need to hit someone with this now if I hit him and then I try and remove my fruit it's it didn't let me it didn't let me hang on did they patch this out all right we're going to give it another try maybe they patched it out okay I got him oh why am I all the way back here all right let's give it another try we've pushed I've moved them forwards a bit so okay wait no I get pulled so far back okay right this should work this should work I think I've got it locked I got this all right now I remove my fruit so close Okay like here maybe let's try again bro wait it didn't send me like anywhere near as far that okay this might be cooked all right here it goes final attempt yeah no this is it's impossible what if we try wait I've got an idea what if I just try like clicking sure when I'm mid cut scene okay I need to click and yep there we go and now I remove have they they've actually removed it you can't do it anymore you can't get the spinny arm right next up we're using this fruit right here the shadow fruit and supposedly for this one if we use Shadow Z into the boat we should stay as this tiny little like shadowy orb the entire time what happen is I move the boat wait let me try again but like due to the exact same time that I sit like this okay no I just got I got the cool down and nothing happened I know how to do this okay yeah know this one's busted this does not work it just moves the boat a tiny bit right now if I poison him and then he sits down does it remove his poison nope bro is trading a spin while he's just dying of a disease that one is definitely not true with this next one we're using the control fruits and if we hold down the gamar rash skill for enough time it should just detach us and let us use it permanently so if I hold it down I'll hold the blade for a little bit and then we it should just like detach and we can just walk so let's see there we go wait I'm nearly free there we go can I walk through this I cannot I can jump a fruit has spawned so wait I need to actually test something I am not quite sure how I've done this I don't know how I hit that guy okay all right we've made it to Port where the fruit is now I just need to find where it is all right I think it's up there which means we need a new room wait where is it okay it's over here all right let's get the gamar rush we're going to see if we can pick up a fruit while we've got the gamar rush sword just out of our hip all right can I move now there we go where is this fruit oh it's a bomb we walk outside of our room and then we grab it and then it just ends instantly okay so you can't hold a fruit and your sword at the same time but overall this one does work now this next one should quite literally break the entire game now what we get is the spirit fruit and we need to try and get pigs oh we got two and then we change fruits and now we should get the piggy buff and then we switch back to Spirit again and now we wait oh there's another Pig okay we got the speed then we switch again I am definitely faster but I can't tell if I'm much faster all right back to Spirits oh we got to Star I'm not winning the spirit gotcha bro all right here goes come on give me some Piggies give me some Piggies three you shouldn't have game switch back to Spirit again I feel like it's not working does this not work anymore yeah I'm definitely like slightly f faster but it just goes when the pigs despawn so this one no longer works next up we're using the dragon fruit and this one should have a very interesting one so if we go into Dragon flight and then we change our fruit at the exact right time we should keep the wings okay right that didn't work hang on we'll try that again all right here goes that didn't work again does this one no longer work let's go I actually did it we actually managed to do it there we go we've got like permanent dragon wings right now and I just I have a leopard fruit on but this kind of makes me wonder just how many different typ of wings could we actually get I've got an idea first things first Angel race okay we're on to something now that's four next up we need Falcon that's six I think we can do even better than this though next up Phoenix oh I have cooked we've got dragon times 1 dragons time 2 we got Angel we got Falcon now there's two more things that I can do I just need some victims all right so if I attack this guy all right and now we go Angel V4 we've duplicated our angel wings and now if we go Phoenix oh no no I'm in combat get me out of combat please I want to be the ultimate Bird please come on yes yes Perfection I have got every single wing in Blox fruits some would say I'm the ultimate wingman all right anyway this is the Falcon Awakening that we need Falcon V7 all right for this next one we're using the leopard fruits and supposedly if we walk on this chair and transform at the exact same time we should like just be teos this used to be one of the coolest things we could do with leopard back in the day I I don't think it works anymore I think it's fully broken all right boom Yep this one just it doesn't work anymore this one is busted and now we've got the kiten a fruit and with this fruit using some little cheeky removing fruit tactics you can create a tower that is literally 11 people tall but the only thing better than this kits a tower is you guys subscribing right now
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,529,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits myths, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update 17 part 3, roblox blox fruit, blox fruit live, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits race, blox fruits secrets, blox fruits troll, rip_indra blox fruits, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits race v, blox fruits tricks, blox fruits tiktok, testing blox fruits
Id: bD0HnjYy11A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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