I Tested $12,000 Worth Of iPad Accessories - Here Are My Top Picks

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in the next few minutes I'm going to share with you the best iPad accessories I've tested for my iPad in the last year going to start with the basics like slim iPad cases tough iPad cases all the different types of screen protectors and then I'm going to follow it up with accessories that are going to take your iPad usage further like keyboard cases styluses Chargers battery Banks USB C hubs and mice now if you think all of this is a crazy amount of iPad accessories for one person remember I'm a reviewer not an influencer now I've gone through a ton of terrible slim cases in the last while and out of this group my go-to is this it's the peka mag easy folio 2 this is one of the very few uh product designs that I think Apple should replace their smart cover with cuz this thing is awesome here's three and a half reasons why first of all my iPad doesn't sit in a cheap plastic cover it sits on a bed of microfiber which is very similar to uh what Apple does with their smart cover everything attaches magnetically as you can see the magnets on the back of this case so you get a really nice tight fitting fit for this product the second I do like is that there is a flap now about half the cases that I've tested come with a flap but this flap not only does it keep my stylus in place but if you don't use a stylus it sits flush against the edge of the iPad which is something I can't say for products like this this ESR product the uh flap is really really loose cuz it's assuming you have a pencil but if you use a pencil then it's just loose as a side not the design of this cover is also very nice your typical smart cover has three panes to it but the problem is doesn't stay on your iPad screen really well if you're using a screen protector of any sort with this product you don't have that issue it doesn't fold up everything just fits really well on your iPad and the third thing which is the best feature about this product is that I can set my iPad up like this like this angle means I don't get as much white stuff on my screen while I'm eating my breakfast burrito now downside of this product is well there's no protection for your edges the case Edge does protrude out a little bit so there is a bit of clearance but if the lack of edge protection we are Doo considering getting a Moshi Versa cover your iPad will sit in a piece of cheap plastic but you get the uh different orientations with this product now from my experience I don't drop my iPad as much as I do my iPhone and I think case manufacturers agree with me that most people don't because a good tough case is far and few between and out of this grouping this one is the best is the zugu zuu Soju uh iPad Pro case first of all the back of the case is extremely rigid so when you're iPad Falls it's not popping out of the case the zugu is thick in all the right places as the corners of the case are around 4 mm thick to put that into perspective the tougher iPhone cases that I recommend the corners is about 2.6 mm thick now the finish on this case is quite nice especially when compared to some other products that are extremely slick this thing has a faux leather texture to it which is really nice this case comes with a builtin stand it's a little clumsy to use but it works and it's quite stable and there's actually two places for you to store your apple pencil you've got this little pouch in the back as well as normally up here like I really do like the one at the top I don't know if you can see it but there's this lip your apple pencil kind of sits in so that it doesn't get pushed off accidentally now there are a couple of downsides with this product is that there is no flap to keep the cover on the iPad screen the static or suction of the cover kind of stays on the iPad like during a bad face first drop your cover uh might not stay on but because the case is so rigid your iPad's probably not going to pop out of the case the second thing I don't like about the product is because of this thing it doesn't sit flat all right let's talk about screen protection when it comes to screen protectors you get glass options paperlike options glass film options and last but not least removable magnetic ones now out of all these screen protectors I would not go with glass screen protectors mostly because if you chip one you're going to get cracks across the entire length of your screen these things are also thicker and so if you're using tight fitting accessories they don't fit as well now you think about getting one of these products make sure you use my links I'm a reviewer noted influencer so no one's paying me to make these videos this is just what I do all right what's going to be the best glass film protector to use it's these guys and this is my go-to type of a screen protector here's why when it comes to the screen quality of the iPad newest iPad Pro with its 10 LED screen the quality is just stunning glass film protectors are going to keep the quality of the screen while offering you protection and additional durability these glass films maintain the smoothness of the screen which sucks if you use a stylus but for all the people don't use styluses this is the protector to get but like all things there are a couple of downsides the first being scratch protection these glass films aren't as scratch resistant as your glass screen protectors the average glass film will scratch around three glass is seven so you're going to see a lot of wear and tear over time and these things are hard to install it's just one big piece of uh it's one big sticker that you got to put on this thing but it's my go-to typy screen protector um I would recommend going with the ESR armorite product is a little thicker it's two for 20 bucks and there's an install frame for it so you don't have to deal with the trying to like line up a sticker on your iPad so let's talk about screen protectors that feel like you write it on paper like paper like when I first started reviewing these paperlike things like six seven years ago there's only like two three different brands I won't lie to you there are a ton of these products now now these matte film protectors were my go-to for the longest time until I discovered that ESR armorite but the biggest benefit is if you're taking stylus to an iPad screen it's going to increase the friction it makes it feel more like paper so it just makes drawing or writing just better also if you're a gamer on the iPad the extra friction from the matte screen protector is going to give you a bit more uh feedback on your onscreen joysticks but like everything there are some things that you need to be aware of the first thing is that again they're terrible to install you are basically installing a giant sticker on a giant piece of glass the second thing is that they will blow out the quality of your iPad screen another downside is that these scratch incredibly easily and fingerprints are annoying to clean because all the grease gets into The Ridges of the screen protector and so you really have to do a lot of wiping to get your screen clean now if you could get over those red flags um my recommend product is the uh paper Lake they've somehow figured out how to make their product feel incredibly smooth on the screen but the moment you take a stylist to it it feels like paper if you want one that's incredibly easy to install and performs decently the spet speak paper touch Pro is also worth getting as well all right let's talk about the last group these guys the removal paper screen protectors now these are kind of new products the idea has been around for a really long time you've got this Moshi IV visor AG this is adhesive based these ones are magnetic these things are essentially a very thick matte screen protector there's no adhesive on the inside and the black strip is uh just a really weak magnet and so you just line up the tops and bottoms with your iPad and there you go you've got a screen protector that you can remove but then you have to carry it around in this little thing this type of product basically gives you the best of Two Worlds you get to keep the clarity of your screen and then when you want to you can have a matte screen protector now there are three big downsides the first one is the screen quality again mte screen protector is going to blow out the quality of your screen the second thing is that the actual screen protector is a lot thicker than your match screen protector and because there's no adhesive on the back you tend to have a lot of gaps if you don't apply it properly and the third thing is deals with the adhesive is that over time food dust debris they're going to start accumulating along the NOG medic edges and you might end up scratching your screen if you use this uh for extended period of time all right let's talk about keyboard cases if you want to know what I think about the newest version of the magic keyboard do check out that video for this video I'm just going to focus on the third party ones because they're much cheaper I'll be honest with you when I first started reviewing all these uh keyboards they were terrible like the really old bridge keyboards they were really slow they had Bluetooth five but not like 5.3 I don't know if you guys remember but setting up the trackpad for this product was just but brid's latest one the uh Air Max Plus this thing pretty great but it's not the best one when it comes to keyboards for the iPad third party ones I would go with this thing the combo touch now if you're familiar with the basic iPad's uh keyboard and case Apple took the design idea from the combo touch cuz it's a two-part case so if you don't need the keyboard you just take it off now I would show you this product in Greater depth but I gave it away to my mother and she didn't bring it back to me so with this product there's three things I like about it first is that it adds a bit more protection to my iPad the second is the viewing angles there's an infinite amount of them and third thing I've already mentioned is that you can pull these two pieces apart so you can use an iPad with a case when you want and then when you want a keyboard with it you just stick it on it uses the SMART connector on the back of an iPad like this thing the runner up to this product as well as the thing that actually makes it look like a laptop is going to be this bridge product like I had about half a dozen Bridge products here and Bridge finally stopped being kind of a smartass and decided just to make something that works incredibly well finally moved away from trying to shove your iPad into a tiny freaking hinge this product connects via Bluetooth connection Bluetooth 5.3 specifically which is again pretty fast but not as quick as a SMART connector so the apple pencil Pro going to be worth getting for the majority of the users I would say probably not especially when you consider the price that Apple's asking for for it if you want to see me do a deep dive on that product uh check out the card when it comes to styluses for the iPad the majority of us don't need the apple pencil 2 don't need the apple pencil Pro the USBC version of the apple pencil is probably going to be fine but the problem is that this thing is still pretty expensive out of the dozen and a half styluses I've tested this is the best one is the ESR digital pencil Pro now the stylus ranks well for a couple of reasons first there's a capacitive tip which allows you to use your iPad if your fingers get tired especially if you're using a matte screen protector because the extra friction kind of hurts my Knuckles after a while another reason why this thing is so great it charges at the top of the iPad most third party styluses do not do that they attach but they do not charge now the stylus is missing a couple of things it's missing pressure sensitivity double tap and all the other new features in the apple pencil Pro but this thing's 25 bucks with the stylus you're not breaking the bank so you can keep dating that gold digger and another benefit with the stylus is they get two extra tips two extra capactive tips and if you don't want to charge it at the top of your iPad there's a another charge sticky you can use now this ESR product is going to be hard to find I've been having trouble finding it so if you need an alternative check out this guy I bought this about 3 years ago I bought this about 6 months ago these generic random Amazon brands are surprisingly really good these things are 20 bucks they charge via USBC not through the iPad though they do attach to the iPad they come with three spare tips a charging cable some of them come with a cap don't know why I'd want this this is a very basic stylist doesn't come with the double tap doesn't come with the pressure sensitive or any of the new stuff that's in the apple pencil Pro the tips on these random Amazon brands are a little sharper than the apple on ones which means if you're using a matte screen protector this is going to wear out the tip and the screen protector a little quicker but it's 20 bucks you can buy almost 10 of these for the price of an apple pencil Pro I think am I mathing right so iPads generally come with a 20 W charger but let's be honest that's like a one drink minimum it's technically enough to get you and your iPad started but if you really want to enjoy yourself you're going to need more the funny thing is that the bigger iPad also comes with this 20 W charger and this thing can taken 35 WS worth of uh charging so to figure out what the best one is I tested a ton go with an anchor gan time 735 if you're using one of the C ports it's providing you 67 WTS of charging if you use both C ports it's 45 and 20 but the silly thing is that if you use all 3 it's 45 at the top and then about 20 25 is spit between the bottom but with this setup you get to charge an iPad at full speed as well as a iPhone at full speed that's just handy now this product is a little bit more expensive if you want a budget option go with this this was my number three in my top five list it's the Volney revvo 65 this thing is number three and I didn't include number two because I don't think that product is a good fit for a iPad specific charging solution this thing is 40% cheaper than this anchor I think this is only like 15 20 bucks so a good deal it does amazing in my solo charging test but if I fill every hole in this uh charger it's really really slow I don't know why you've been warned you get what you pay for so what happens if you have to charge your iPad if you're not near a uh Outlet well you use a battery bank and I've got a bunch of those as well now I've been going on a deep dive on battery Banks lately I'll be honest with you I didn't realize how terrible these products are there's only a handful that are actually good the majority of them are just downright terrible like the biggest kicker for me it's like a 20 cake power bank that only takes in 15 watts at a time so that means this thing is going to take 8 hours to charge like seriously to me that's the same as trying to cook a turkey in an Easy Bake Oven like it just doesn't make any sense but the best one in this grouping for a spare battery power is this anchor power bank now when I'm out and about and I'm trying to get the most out of my iPad running out of battery power is annoying now to take it one step further I probably only plan for about an hour ahead like I'm I'm not a good planner and so by the time I figure that my iPad is dead and I need a spare battery bank for it it's too late to charge the battery bank because they charge so damn slowly but with this anchor Prime power bank this thing charges from 0 to 50% in 30 minutes I think the total time was about 75 minutes to go from 0 to 100 like that's just that blows my mind so just having that flexibility with this product is just phenomenal at a full charge this is going to give about 100% battery charge uh to your iPad but the biggest problem with this product is that it's 150 bucks it is really expensive now if if you need something a bit cheaper go with this ug green 100 wat battery bank is 33% cheaper but it also performs 33% slower now those are two options that I would recommend for anybody specifically for the iPad I would go with this thing it's another anchor product but the beauty about this product is that it is a charger and a battery Bank in one so this basically replaces this that's a good deal that's one less thing to carry the maximum output for this battery bank is 65 WS so it's going to charge your 35 W iPad no problem this thing only has 10K milliamp hour capacity which means it's only going to provide about 50% charge for your iPad now given that this thing is a plugable power bank this thing is ready to go all the time and it's exactly like that friend you had in high school had a Mickey in the back of his car and was ready to party all the time we've talked about power let's talk about uh getting the most out of your actual iPad by expending its functionality using a USBC Hub now out of the buttload of hubs I've tested the best one is going to be this guy stand out feature for this product are the USBC hubs now the average Hub usually has two USB ports but only one USBC port and that one USBC Port is only used for charging which means you get to use other USBC accessories with your USBC Hub this Hub has a long enough cable that it just sits flat beside you other products have shorter cables and so you end up having this hanging dongle dongle hanging dongle this product has seven ports and when compared to other 71 hubs there's no ethernet port but like I said again an extra USBC port at $45 this product this thing is a steal of a deal but if you're looking for the best cheap option get this product from beny it's 20 bucks there's three usba ports you get amazing performance through them my biggest issue is the card reader they are incredibly slow like a third of the speed of an average charger so if you're creative don't get this get an actual card reader hey did you know Monty's part Mouser and since he's a Mouser he's an expert on mice so what are the best mice for the iPad now when it comes to uh computer mice I live by the same anro I do with my underwear I'll get into it for this video I'm going to break it down to two categories you got the best ergonomic mice and then the best normal mice now the best ergonomic Mouse for my collection is the uh Logitech MX Master Advanced I've got very average Siz hands and this thing isn't too big isn't too small the finish on this mouse is very useful for uh easily moving the mouse around like there are some mice like this that are just completely smooth which makes it impossible to pick it up now the best thing about this product is I can use Bluetooth to connect it I can actually connect to three different devices via Bluetooth which is very handy you can also do the dongle if you really wanted to but with Bluetooth why would you I've used so many different mice in the last uh few months that I cannot use anything here other than the Logitech mouse and the same goes for like normal mice this is the Logitech MX Master 3s it is really expensive but it works incredibly well my collection of mice sits around six right now and this thing still blows all of them out of the water so when it comes to computer mouse and underwear my Mantra is that if something is touching me like more than 8 hours a day I'm going to spend a little bit more money to get the good stuff so when it comes to underwear that just means I've got really nice underwear I'm not going to tell you what I have but it's they just they're just nice same mantro with the Moses anyways that's all I got for this video if you found it useful again get your stuff through my links I'm a reviewer not an influencer no one's paying me to make this video to promote any sort of thing I just get a bunch of stuff and tell you guys which one is best right Monty thanks for watching
Channel: MobileReviewsEh
Views: 130,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobilereviewseh, iPad accessories review, Best iPad cases 2024, Top iPad styluses, iPad screen protectors comparison, iPad keyboard cases, iPad charging solutions, iPad USB-C hubs, iPad battery banks, Durable iPad cases, iPad accessory guide, Apple Pencil alternatives, Best iPad chargers, Protective iPad cases, iPad accessories for professionals, iPad case reviews, iPad ergonomics, iPad tech review, Essential iPad accessories
Id: S3hv9ocf8jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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