I Survived 100 Days in AFRICA in Hardcore Minecraft...

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i'm going to attempt to survive 100 days in an african safari all whilst trying to defend myself from the hostile creatures that lurk through this savannah like lions rhinos hippos and so many more animals will i be able to capture these guys and start my own safari let's find out and if you go on to enjoy this video and want to join me on more of my 100 days adventures remember to subscribe it's completely free and these videos take a super long time to make so i'd really appreciate it now sit back relax and get ready for an adventure this is 100 days in an african safari all right so day one straight away i spotted my first threat a bloat of a hippos were in the lake right next to my spawn point and as i looked the other way i saw some elephants too so with all of these possible hostile creatures around i decided to grab up some wood so that i could make some tools and as i continued to adventure i spotted a campsite over the mound so grabbed up one last tree and then headed over to check it out inside was not too much great loot but as i left i realized that those elephants were moving in and i know that these guys can charge me and kill me in one hit if they want to so i made sure to stay well away from him before i died on day one as i left i realized that there was some smoke coming from a campfire in the near distance but as i approached it i saw a camper inside these campers are quite territorial so if i go anywhere near this thing he will start chasing me down to try and kill me and i have nothing to defend myself for now so instead of taking this guy on i decided once again to walk away and went to a cave to grab up some stone so i can make those tools that i needed when i left the cave i looked over the lake and saw that it was absolutely infested with hippos and the first thing that came to mind was calling this place hippo lake so that's its new name and with the sun setting into the distance the savannah can get super cold at night so i decided to head back to that abandoned orange tent that i had found and set up there since not only do i have to drink to stay alive but i also have to keep warm or cool off in this world so i set up a quick farm and then headed to sleep for the night when i woke up i knew that if i was going to be living in this tent for now i would need a door since the open nature of this tent will not protect me from anything especially if i'm trying to take cover inside of it and with that done it was time to set off in the wilderness to try and find some food since i was gonna start getting hungry soon less than 50 blocks away from my house i spotted a lion sleeping and the last thing i want to do is wake her up or else i would be chased until i was dead so i quietly snuck past and spotted a gazelle that i was able to hunt down instead after killing it unfortunately this little guy didn't drop any meat but i continued my hunt later into the day and stumbled across some emus which did fight back what the rest of the mob ran away in fear of me so i couldn't get them but since the sun was once again setting and the nights out here in the wild can be super dangerous i decided to start making my way home and on the way i spotted yet again another sleeping lion which is very lucky since if it was awake this video would end pretty quickly but i arrived back at hippo lake just as the sun was setting so headed into my tent to sleep off the night and prepare for day three and day three was spent entirely grabbing wood for fences those lions rhinos and hippos like to roam around and if they roam over towards my tent i want fencing to keep them out so i spent all day farming up some wood and on day four got right to work getting the perimeter set up which on day five was slightly interrupted because i had a new problem i hadn't had anything to drink since starting this challenge so i desperately needed some leather to make myself a water canteen so that i could drink so i left the camp to hunt down some zebras yes i said zebra not zebra don't comment about it and after killing a few i ran into a rhino and i can tell you guys right now these are not friendly and if you get too close to their land they will charge at you so i decided to steer away from him and ventured deeper into the wild to hunt down some more zebras and i did this all the way into the night but once i had enough leather i returned home and slept so that in the morning i could make myself a canteen purify some water and then replenish my thirst now that that issue had been dealt with it was time to get back to chopping trees and making myself a fence all around my land i chopped trees honestly for a while since i only had stone tools but i got very lucky since on day eight when the fencing was finally complete all around my land a lion showed up outside of my area which would have definitely killed me if the fences weren't up as protection so as i hid inside of my tent i realized i still had no armor and if i'm going to be exploring a safari it's probably best if i get some so decided it was now time to head into the mines i made a very small staircase downwards and i got super lucky in mind straight through a mine shaft which after taking care of the many mobs inside was full of iron for me to dig up and resurface with so i spent a few days down here but on day 14 i returned home and started to cook up all of my iron and at the quickest opportunity i crafted up some armor now i felt ready and protected enough to take on that camper who was living a little bit away so i geared up and headed out as i approached i was ready for the worst since i didn't know what this guy was capable of but luckily he was only able to get one hit on me before i took him down so of course a hungry boy like me took the opportunity to steal his carrots and it was only right to feed his elephant since unfortunately it doesn't seem like the camper is gonna be feeding him anytime soon so i headed home and thought my plan out it seemed more lions were rolling through my area each day so i decided to make a strengthened bone to help me take them down from a distance because it doesn't take a genius to know that you don't want to take on a lion in a hand-on-hand combat fight so after a good night's sleep i left the campsite and headed out to try and find some chickens since i needed their feathers for arrows i left for very few seconds before a lion had picked up my scent and was hunting me down but due to these big cats being super stealthy i had no idea the hunter was being hunted and as i was taking down some emus which would also give me feathers this guy was now right on my tail before i knew it he was pouncing on me he put me on one heart so i knew it was time to run i spotted a village in the distance so i headed straight there this guy was quick so i zigzagged and luckily made it to the house just in time but he was not giving up i had to think on my toes to create a trap to kill him and as i left cautiously i realized the threats had now been neutralized for now and with that experience behind me i decided to start heading home and i found some chickens on the way back that i was able to lure home to breed for infinite arrows so the next day these chicks got trapped in and as i was waiting for them to grow later in the day a horde of pillagers rolled through the area so the next morning once the hippo that was stood between me and them cleared the path over towards them i went straight at them and took them out i wouldn't say i'm ready at all for a raid at the moment so i'll just let the bad omen sit waiting for now and to end off day 18 i did a little bit of research and found out that elephants are actually friendly and breedable with acacia blossom which is something i actually had some of so i decided to head over to the campus site and lured his elephants back home to keep them safe and ready for when i start making my own enclosures these things were so cool but then day 19 started a new chapter of this world i knew that i didn't want to live in a tent for the entire 100 days of this journey so i started working on my own safari house which after 14 days of hard work building and resource gathering was complete [Music] on day 34 it was looking amazing in the sun and now it was time to start moving everything from my tent into the new house and after moving everything i was watching the sunset and decided it was time to tame myself an elephant so i headed out with some more acacia blossom that i had gathered whilst chopping trees and fed the elephants before i knew it this guy was mine and i was able to ride him around this is so cool i'm literally riding an elephant i never thought i would do this in minecraft so after i calmed down about being able to ride an elephant i got right back to work since i'm now one-third of the way through this 100-day adventure and i still have the ambitions of creating my own safari so i spent a couple of days chopping down trees so that i could make more fences for the future enclosures and whilst i was doing this i did some more research and found out that hippos become friendly and won't attack me as long as i feed them watermelons so after spending a few days chopping wood i went over to a hippo and tested this theory it turns out that it was right and this hippo was clearly hungry since he was trying to eat the melons that were already growing from my farm so with this tested i knew that these guys were safe to be around so i could start working on getting them into their own enclosure the next day i made a cage trap which basically makes transporting animals so much easier by just boxing them into a cage so that i can pick them up and transport the block so i decided to test it out on the hippo and it worked just how i expected allowing me to transport these guys wherever i want with ease so with that in mind it was time to start working on my first enclosure entirely for hippos i built all through the day and as i added the fences to the back of this place i looked at the hippo lying there on the floor and realized that this guy really needs water in the enclosure that he will be in and the one i'm making right now didn't have any water at all meaning that this guy does not belong in here so i walked over to the hippo lake and realized this is where the hippo exhibit should be so that they can have all of this entire lake to swim around with and breed loads of hippos but since i had already built this little cage for something i decided to grab the elephants that i borrowed from the camper earlier and took them to that cage but since elephants are much bigger than hippos i had to expand the walls of this place up to make sure that the elephants couldn't escape and when they were finally in i added some food water and a little treat for them to eat the leaves from and then on day 41 with all of the wood i gathered earlier it was time to start outlining the hippo lake with fences not only to keep the hippos trapped in but also to keep them safe since these guys can be killed by mobs i really didn't realize this lake was as big as it was meaning that this took so much longer than i expected but by day 43 i had the fence completely finished all around the lake and it was time to start setting the hippos free and let them start breeding but at the moment i only had two hippos so i set out on a mission to try and locate some more to relocate into my lake but instead as i was just heading out i was greeted by some more pillagers that really wanted to fight me this was the third wave of pillagers that i have ran into and i still haven't started a raid but anyway i went out to grab some hippos and i really thought it would be easier to find some i was running for so long before i even found one but i was able to catch two in the entire day and bring them all the way home to plunk in the pond when i put them in i tried to breed them but that was when i realized i had four male hippos which of course is impossible to breed with so i had to set off on day 44 to get a female hippo is a female hippo a hip hat or is it still a hippo i'm just gonna call it a hippo to be on the safe side but eventually i was able to find myself a female hippo and i spent the rest of day 44 making a melon patch inside of their area and feeding them all to make sure that they were breeding and wow that female hippo did a great job because after just two days their population had almost tripled so i just kept this process going on as i decorated my area with lights paths and more fences but then as i was adding a path towards the hippo lake i ran out of lanterns and had no iron left so i had to go mining once again to grab a little bit of iron to make myself some more lanterns so that i could light up the entire lake i spent a few days down here and was even able to get my hands on my first few diamonds and on the early morning of day 54 i resurfaced to head home with my iron so that i could start to illuminate the lake this took a while but honestly the final result looked so good and it was so worth it so since now that was done it was time to head back out with my traps to try and get some more animals for my enclosures i spotted some emus but i had a super hard time trapping them in so i had to wait for quite a while before i could even get one of them and then once i had one i made a quick move on the second to get him trapped in and with my two new emus i headed home made a fenced off area and then let these two emus out of their cage yeah i'm not sure why i got emus so with them being a huge disappointment and honestly being the most useless mobs i set back up into the wild to try and find something better the first thing i saw was a crocodile lurking in the grass i remember when researching this mod seeing that they do a lot of damage so i stayed far away from that guy i ran into a black panther so made sure that i had the upper hand this time and made sure that i hunted him before he hunted me and took him on head to head and luckily i was the one that came out on top so i was able to continue with my adventure which on the next day resulted in me spotting a rhino in the distance this is something i definitely want on my safari so i had to approach it carefully and lure him into the truck by aggravating him as mentioned earlier these things are very dangerous so i had to be careful but with one rhino in the bag it was time to try and find myself one more to take back to the campsite and make an enclosure for and there it was on day 58 a female rhino right near a campsite so i rushed up on her and trapped her straight away before she had the chance to fight back and whilst i was there i made sure to pay a visit to the camper and stop by for some tea before heading back home with my two new rhinos when i returned home i had a few visitors waiting for me a pack of tigers and lions had moved into my area whilst i was away and just over in the distance i spotted a wandering elephant trader so quickly made a bolt over to him to check out his loop inside of his chest he had a banana which i didn't even know existed so i decided to feed it to the wild elephant and then started planting some trees on my way back as i was doing this i completely missed a bear hiding in the grass and was attacked out of nowhere as i ran i accidentally woke up the tiger and had to climb the acacia tree in my house to get to safety and once one of the tigers was awake the rest of the pack showed up waiting for me below my balcony so i couldn't live the rest of this video in my house so it was time to head down and face these guys head to head but luckily i had my fence to use this cover i did have to use myself as bait a few times to lure them closer after quite a long battle with these guys the coast was clear and i was able to start working on my rhino cage i had a super cool design in mind which didn't really end up being the final result but either way i was super happy with how this build turned out and it will definitely make sure that the rhinos don't escape and cause havoc around the rest of my village [Music] so on day67 i let these guys free and they looked right at home in here but to get these guys breeding i once again had to head over to the hippo lake to grab some melons and i tell you what this place was thriving there was so many hippos here now but with the melons i needed i headed back and started the breeding process and when i returned later in the day there was now a baby rhino in here well after i left the baby rhino i decided to head back towards that village that i used for protection when being hunted by a lion earlier because i wanted to start trading with some villagers not only for emeralds and xp but also because the villagers are able to trade arrows bolts and crossbows which is something that will really help me to defend from all of the hostile creatures out in the wild but i had to check that these villagers were actually still living here and hadn't been killed by angry rhinos and thankfully that wasn't the case so with trading on my mind i needed wood and lots of it so that i could trade with these dudes for some weapons now i may have made a slight mistake by hitting a hippo and chopping some trees so i had to take upwards into the heights of them just to make sure that i wasn't going to get chomped in half by these guys who were quite annoyed at me hitting them but eventually i had more than enough wood to head over to the village make a fletcher villager and trade with this guy and i did this for a while like three days straight i traded for villagers i was getting so much xp and of course the main goal here was to upgrade these guys so that i could get better trades when they were masters which came on day 72 they were offering enchanted diamond strengthened crossbows and balls which are literally the best thing to help me defend myself at the moment and once that was done i was just a boy with a load of xp and a crossbow so i started working on an enchantment table so that i could spend all of my xp levels since i'm on day 72 on this video and i still have unenchanted iron armor but because well yeah i'm not the smartest guy in the world i used my only sugar cane on the book for the enchantment table meaning that on day 73 i had to set off back out into the savannah to try and locate some more sugarcane along the way i found this guy look at him it's a rhino i'm gonna call this guy james well i decided to kill james i wanted to see what i would get from killing a rhino and considering this guy wasn't my rhino i wasn't too bothered about killing him and i'm glad i did because i got some super high quality meat from this guy that heals at six hunger bars once cooked but moving past that i did have to spend a night out here in the cool planes but when i woke up in the morning i found a new lake that had some sugar cane next to it that i was able to start taking home now remember how i just killed that rhino well i wanted to try the same thing with a wild hippo but he had a rhino friend right next to him that i accidentally shot when trying to take out the hippo and then i was getting outnumbered by these guys and the rhino decided to charge me but luckily i was able to dodge his strike and then take him down then it was just me and the hippo both of these guys dropped the same super high quality me so i made sure to keep that safe and then headed home to start my own sugarcane farm so i spent a few days farming up sugarcane and then decided to grab myself some cows for leather since i'd much rather have my own cow farm then go out to hunt down a bunch of horses zebras and cows to get the leather that i needed so i spent a few days following the same cycle of farming sugarcane and braiding the cows before i had a good enough amount to make some books turn them into bookshelves and then make my enchanting setup unfortunately the first time i was a few shelves short from maxed out so i had to do some more killing but was finally able to get a level 30 enchantment table after a few days of work and the first enchant on my saber was insane and my pickaxe was just as good these were possibly the best in chance i could have gotten on these things so especially with my pickaxe enchantment i knew this was my best opportunity to get full diamond armor before the end of this video so decided to go strip mining to get some as expected the mines were very hot so i had to make sure i kept cooling myself off with my water bucket before i died and along the way i found a bunch of diamonds luckily my fortune came in huge help and allowed me to leave the caves with 51 diamonds which is more than enough for a full armor set and as i came up it was night time so i took care of a few mobs lurking around my area and then made myself some diamond armor because on day 90 it was time for another adventure but this time i wanted to take ethan the elephant out with me say hi to him in the comment section down below so i gave him a cool red carpet design and set off to adventure along the way we stopped off at a few campsites and i even got into another fight with a camper at one [Music] point but after spending one night away from home i hadn't found anything interesting so i decided to return home with ethan and on the way back i was greeted by some pillagers so after taking down my fifth wave of them i finally decided it was time for a raid so i set off to find a village and on the way there i said hello to another wandering elephant trader but after a little adventure i found a new village that didn't contain my trader villagers and started a raid there when i started this i had no idea it was going to take as long as it did due to the terrain and savannah's been strange i had to deal with a load of pillagers hiding in the ground in caves and walking off trying to kill emus for some reason and the raven just seemed to be doing so much more damage than usual but luckily my crossbow came in huge hell with my shaders it was near impossible to see these guys hiding in the depths of the cave but i was able to get my first totem of undying and continue with the raid after taking them out after a few more waves it seemed all of the evokers wanted to spawn in the cave down below so i had to venture in and thanks to my quick reflexes and three totems of undying i was able to clear it out but i almost died so many times [Music] so there i was even though this wasn't my village i was the hero of this village because i saved them from one of the most intense raids i had ever been a part of so with only six days left until day 100 i still wanted to do a few more things with my safari and one of those things was to make a visitor village so that if i ever get anybody else on this world for maybe a 200 days part two of this series they can live in a house nearby in the safari and be protected from all of the other lions and tigers that are going to be in this world so i started chopping down some trees got a load of wood and started working on my own safari village on day 96 i completed my first house which was very long but it looked alright and then i decided to make two more huts with a similar style right next to it i got super lucky when building these huts because the crocodile snuck up on me just as i was building up in the air and was able to take him down with a crossbow and once he was down i continued to build all through the day and night to get this village complete before the end of the video on day 97 i did some pathing over to this place and added some fences but then realized i wanted to make a gazelle field around here since there are a bunch of gazelles roaming around this world i want my own little field with my own gazelles so i set out to try and trap some in these guys were much easier to trap than emus because they didn't run away from me when i got near them so i was able to grab two of them super quickly and then return them all the way back to the little cage that i had made to put them in but since this thing was actually really small when i put them in and realized i decided to make a slight expansion further back so that they had more room in here and then after that on day 99 i went around and added some lighting to this place because when it went tonight on day 98 it got really dark and of course i couldn't let the gazelles sit in the dark either so i had to give them some light too but then as night time finally rolled around it was the night of day 99 the final day of this challenge was about to be over and there it was 100 days in a african safari i had survived the hardest of challenges up against rhinos lions hippos and so much more i had made my own safari with so many different enclosures full of different animals for me to look back on and enjoy if you guys did enjoy this video and want to see a part 2 i will do it if this video hits 10 000 likes [Music] and maybe i will bring somebody with me along for the journey but for now i hope you guys enjoyed 100 days in an african safari i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 437,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge, ForgeLabs, ForgeLab, 100 days Hardcore video, Sword4000 100 days, 100 days Safari, 100 days Sahara, 100 days Savanna, 100 days in a ZOO, Minecraft Safari, Safari in Minecraft, Sahara Desert, Desert, Sahara 100 days, ForestBono
Id: K0Tyznq6gZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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