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what is up guys welcome back to the photo channel on YouTube if you're new here I'm Lizzie and today I am doing something really really nice because I'm feeling really good today and we are going to be surprising stove with a puppy don't tell him though stove has been with us for ever like he has been editing for Carter and I since before I even had my channel and Carter since Carter was that like a 100k subs so you know I'm just gonna just try and do something nice for him he's been so great and I'm sorry right let's first oh it's not for me but I need you I want a surprise okay whatever you guys do don't tell him what I'm up to because it's a super secret I have a good question what is your dream car Porsche I love horses they're cool yeah like like the racing kind like the racetrack ones you like all right those are pretty sweet or a BMW i8 what is your dream job that's easy doing this dream job what is your dream dog what's with all these dreams I just want to know so I could help me did you dream dog would be a husky husband yeah mine's a golden retriever a golden dual to or burn endured I like all those - you like Huskies hello I love big dogs I love ie7 scheppers Dobermans huh any type of big dog but it's my husky ran away you had a husky was all white with blue eyes say yes hey let's get out of here my room's really messy now just stay in your room and don't here and hate all right you know push back in hey no really important no one's coming in no no he's not getting out all right we'll be back okay guys the surprise is finally here oh my gosh okay let me show you guys okay guys this is it we're surprised are you guys ready oh yeah okay yeah okay [Music] [Laughter] thank you thank you all those questions I think actually likes me a lot Oh let's go I think months ago I know that Carter has seen Carter is gonna be so much like so the dog so excited right now Caleb oh no whoa no I've had a husky and it did run away so this is like a dream come true right now to get another husky Idaho's giving us a little baby so Oh Caleb my I might change his name though boy I'm having so much fun be Caleb really likes me now oh I think he likes this your new friend baby let's got me this dog today yeah I surprised him with this dream dog look at this dog so I really I don't think Caleb like said his eyes oh my his eyes are so blue he's so cute he's like the best dog in the world yes except for Milly Milly is really good too really heard that and they're like would you say would you say hey Liz got talk to you yeah so what's going on where's your dog where did that dog come from um I bought him what do you got that dog yeah and you're giving it to stove yeah it's like a surprise I'd understand look at them they're so cute Oh Liz that dog is huge in it like the shedding hair like all over me and like this emit league isn't gonna get along with millions like too big like what if they don't like get along like how do you bring to the house I don't even know if so have you ever wanted a dog like calm down don't tell stuff but we just got half of the day what do you mean a prank cuz I surprised him with his dream dog yeah just for the day don't die what do you mean decided that what do you mean for the day I didn't really buy the dog we've been whose dog is it it's just like my friend it's your friend's dog so you're lying the stove and saying that that's his that's not his dog don't tell him why would you why are you doing that I don't know I thought be a good I do it now I don't even know if I should tell the truth booth we're gonna to tell at some point but it's what he's talking about to give it back to his friend at some point Liz what you didn't think this through this is it's like a backfire this is going wrong you look how happy he's probably gonna cry if you tell it please we can't tell him we tell if guys if we tell stove that that's not his dog that he's gonna keep forever for the rest of his life he's gonna cry I don't know what to do you know before I was like he was telling me I used to have a husky that was white with blue eyes and that's it blue eyes we need to love it love it and I'm gonna go take it on a walk you tried to surprise him good dog for a day and it's good he's gonna cry when you start his we need to come over the game plan ASAP before it's a hurry before he gets the wait were you going or he gets too much more attached okay okay well let's go see what he's doing right now cuz okay and maybe maybe he'll be like oh this dog isn't what if this what if this one just ran away again just like his last one but then it's God I don't know how I'll see you got a tongue okay let's go let's go let's go let's see what he's up to no I got to get back in there she loves him I think she really likes Kaylin this is Sona she got me a house trained dog already potty-trained I mean good boy oh I think so it was really starting to get attached yeah it looks like they're doing a really good job he's saucing senior said were kind of like sneaking up very casually just kind of keeping an eye on him he's the fun one like that dog watch do you know I love to start what do you tell them oh you do yeah it's like from a scale like one to ten you're probably like - maybe like - if - if one was the best opiate - so the ten I love this dog good boy alright let's just go back home car you know so there's lots of other dogs out there that might even be better at me plus keys are my dream dogs so I'm so thankful Ella's got me this dog so yay okay Liz let's go we need to go back to the house guys I don't know if this is such a good idea cuz I'm actually starting to feel really bad cuz stove is getting along with Caleb really really well and even Millie's getting along with Caleb oh I think he's getting like super attached this is really bad he's gonna cry should we just ah yes I'm going to cry this I know tell me right now he's literally gonna you want to smile because he's no cry cuz it's about to happen if you tell him why don't we just never done well the talk has to go home so he's gonna cry today sooner or later we just need got to rip the band-aid off and go make him cry now if we tell him he will cry he's like oh gosh look [Applause] not really bad now so much this is my dream dog I can't Liz thank you so much for this and I thought I saw our neighbors have a similar dog like this actually and I was like man I really wanted all I really want to husky but they're just too expensive so like maybe it maybe next time thank you oh I think it really likes me too so this isn't really your dog was only got it for the day are you talking about yours my dog was telling them she surprised me with it what he means a joke oh you didn't you said it looks like the neighbor's dog yeah it is the neighbor's dog what this is I told you we only brought it for the day it's not really your dog that's a funny joke seriously you gotta just think I can't believe this is so it's not your dog it's the neighbor's dog no this isn't the neighbor's dog is it yeah that's why it looks just like yeah that's my spotty train that's why everything it's full grown everything No yeah it's the neighbor's dog I told you is Antonio's is a bad idea uh-huh be serious yeah we have to give it back today [Music] [Applause] you're crying hold Liz this is a bad idea I knew this was his neighbor's dog the whole time number one you're gonna give me a full sides already potty trained dog instead of a puppy there's no way this is a puppy it's all like potty-trained and everything knew exactly had how to walk and leash and everything oh so you know you're saying you knew this was the neighbor's dog the whole time all time yes and when we told you that it was a neighbor's dog you weren't actually sad near a fake crying I was faking it all and I'm actually relieved because I'm not ready for the responsibility I Huskies are my dream dogs though they are my dream dogs but I knew at the moment I saw it cuz our neighbor's dog is a husky and I've played with the Husky before so I knew I knew was our neighbor's dog my gosh the neighbor's dog right away that was like a double backfire like everyone just got like pregnant you know I know I mean I was just waiting to see you guys's face in your reaction as soon as that thought of dog I knew I knew our neighbors Wow so I can't believe you Caleb what's up never say it's a real dog we did bye [Laughter] what your dream dog is cuz I want to know and I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lizzy Capri
Views: 3,293,937
Rating: 4.7201548 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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