I Supercharged My 4cyl Jeep For Under $1000 And You Can Too!

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a supercharged four-cylinder [Music] okay [Music] [Music] wow [Music] hey guys my name is liam and this is jeep sheep tv okay so it's not new information that a supercharger exists for the four cylinder jeep but in case you're hearing about it for the first time right now the one that's currently on the market that is easiest to get a hold of and still produced is made by boosted technologies it's really quite cool it's a supercharger that is built into the intake manifold and it's all just one piece and you put it on and your jeep's faster right but um yeah it's four thousand five hundred and ninety five dollars okay so you buy a four-cylinder jeep for i don't know two thousand dollars or less or you buy two of them for four thousand dollars and put them together and you're gonna go and spend another five grand to make it a little bit faster now okay so i was in moab and i actually talked to these guys and i said so what do you say to people who tell you that they can take a v8 and they can swap it in for a fraction of the cost and he said no no don't worry about it go pay it no we're not gonna pay it you can swap a v8 into your jeep four and a half times for that kind of money it's insanity we didn't buy a four-cylinder jeep because we got some hedge fund backing it typically if you're buying one of these things it's because it was the cheaper option if you had the money for a six-cylinder you would have gotten it or all the six-cylinders were rusted out in your state and you got the one without rust you're gonna have fun with your four-cylinder jeep but if you want to supercharge it you're gonna pay more than everybody else and that is what we're here to solve today for those of you that are just getting into the automotive world or into forced induction why would you want a supercharger on your jeep versus a turbo can't you buy like an ebay turbo kit for like 200 bucks yeah probably but here's the thing with jeeps you want low-end torque off-road you want all of the power as soon as possible low rpms you're not going fast going over rocks if you do you're probably gonna die turbos they'll give you a lot of torque and a lot of power but it's going to happen later it's going to happen in the higher rpms when you're looking at a supercharger you're going to get it a lot sooner basically how the power output of your engine works is the amount of displacement displacement is talking about the amount of air that you can displace or move and that's where this power is coming from the more air you can get into your cylinders the more power you can get out of your engine because you can add more fuel and that energy is stored inside of that fuel so if you have a larger displacement engine you're going to get more power out of it you're going to get more torque out of that engine because you're literally displacing more air you're burning more fuel but if you have a smaller displacement engine like the four cylinder there's only one way to increase the displacement and that's to shove air into those cylinders and you can do it with a turbo or you can do it with a supercharger [Applause] if we're going to do this we're going to need some criteria so the first criteria is going to be what our goals are our goals are going to be this we currently have one two three four cylinder jeep that's your end the other option for wranglers in this time period is one two three four five six cylinder jeeps we are going to try and match the power output of this if possible while not matching the weight of this because these are very heavy see if you drop them they would fall fast physicists are getting mad right now four-cylinder jeep six-cylinder jeep you could have bought this you've got this we're going to try and make the four-cylinder just as much fun as the six we're talking yes here's the thing if you were to swap in a six cylinder into your four cylinder it's 250 from the junkyard for a six cylinder hoping that it works say you need to talk about the transmission there's another 250. all right wire harness i don't know with the ecu minimum 100 and then you got other wires nuts bolts etcetera so this is about five six hundred bucks six hundred dollars is your perfect world but you're never gonna hit that never never enter into a project thinking you're spending just six hundred dollars when you're making major modifications we're gonna round that up to a whopping one thousand dollars right there one thousand dollars we have four cylinder jeep we could swap in a six cylinder and it would cost us somewhere in the ballpark of a thousand dollars once you calculated every nut bolt whatever what if we used a supercharger on the four cylinder and we kept it under a thousand dollars without adding enough weight to weigh the same as a six cylinder can it be done [Music] there's a couple major components that we're gonna have to take care of first first one super charger we need one how are we gonna get a supercharger now there's some options here we can buy one say a new one and that blows the budget that is larger than one thousand dollars so that's out of the question we can buy a kit and that is four thousand five hundred and ninety five dollars so that's out of the question or we can start looking at the junkyard but here's the problem we need something that is the right size shape and displacement oh and here's the thing your cost is going to go up exponentially the more custom fab work you have to do so it also needs to have as many matching components as possible and so this is what i've done i've scoured the internet for all options of superchargers and i've come across which ones are the coolest well first of all we need to look at vehicles that have a four cylinder of similar displacement putting a massive supercharger on here it's no we're just not going to do that that's crazy so we have the toyota i'm going to spell this wrong ready privia it's a minivan it looks kind of like this it's like the ugliest minivan you will actually want to drive because it's all-wheel drive and it has a supercharger except all of that is located like right here and some of it is located up here and they're attached via things and it's really fun it's really fun to try and get a supercharger out of one of those but here's the deal with the toyota privia that supercharger has a pulley on the front with a clutch which means you can go mad max and you can turn it on and off but that's not all there is the mercedes slk230 it's a little i don't know like sports sedan and that has a 2.3 liter four-cylinder with a supercharger that is clutched and here's the thing it has the exact same belt as your jeep ready for this belt and so this is the one we're gonna go with you can get a supercharger out of the junkyard for 75 to 100 bucks or you can buy this on ebay for like 300 bucks and that's what i had to do because i i live in detroit we don't have a lot of foreign cars in the junkyard go figure okay what else is important first of all you got to be able to put this thing under the hood now we're not going to adjust the hood we're not going to cut a hole in the hood we're not going to do any of that so we need this thing to fit under the hood now your engine is here and you have your intake manifold is here you got a power steering pump here you got a water pump here you got a crank pulley here and then if you're fancy you have an air conditioning compressor here however if you bought a four cylinder you would be crazy to buy it with air conditioning because you're already so low on power that this is just going to suck away a lot of power so most of the jeeps you're going to find probably don't have an air conditioning compressor meaning you have this goofy looking bracket right here with nothing on it additionally you have a serpentine belt which goes through all this the slk 230 which is an eaton by the way will fit right here right where the air conditioning compressor is and you can tension it down and run it as if it was just another accessory additionally it outputs the compressed air this way and the input air it has a tube and this is all the factory plumbing you're not you don't have to make any of this this tube comes up and goes here still fitting under the hood so you can run your intake air it needs to be convenient it needs to fit it needs to be about the right size oh oh yeah and this is also a clutch supercharger so you can turn it off if things are going wrong which is awesome for off-road applications number one is supercharger and for that we are picking the slk 230 compressor which is an eaton i believe that's an m62 the next thing you're going to have to figure out is how do you get air to this goofy supercharger which is piping now you got a couple options here go on ebay you can find a hundred dollar kit for turbos some pipes and some angles and whatever and you can probably make it work however it doesn't look pretty it's not great the pipes are pre-made to 90 degrees 45 degrees and so on and your jeep just isn't necessarily going to fit that well so i went a different route and i spent about 60 dollars on pvc pipe which you can actually bend yourself i'm going to get a lot of hate in the comments just start now just start writing in the comments right now why you hate that i'm using pvc pipe and it'll be a great time but let me tell you out of all the things that i've done this is the one thing that i'm telling you i would not change about it if i was to do it again the pvc pipe is working beautifully so we're going to come back to that we're going to use pvc pipe we're going to be able to custom bend it to exactly the shape that we need and this whole apparatus pvc pipe and the connectors was somewhere in the ballpark of 60 incredibly cheap three intercooler the boosted technology supercharger does not use an intercooler they use a injector that sprays fuel on top of the supercharger which additionally will help it stay cool and gives them the ability to control their fuel trims that's a wonderful idea the controller to do it is outside of our budget so we're not going to do that it's somewhere around 500 bucks you'd be able to buy that in the supercharger and that's it intercooler we're going to run an intercooler i scoured the internet for intercoolers small enough there are some little ones but i didn't really like them and then for about 160 dollars i found one off of a mini cooper and it fits beautifully you chop a little bit of metal in your grill and it will mount right in there and works well with your existing radiator excellent excellent excellent that's about 160 bucks yeah now what you need to be able to get fuel in and this is where we get into the controller and this right here is probably the most important part because as you add more air you need to be able to add more fuel and the jeep's not going to do it by itself well it is to an extent but it's not going to do it very well so you need something that can change the fuel trims now this is where i need to recommend you watch some of my other videos we installed a power commander 3 onto this jeep and if you don't know what that is it's a fuel controller for a motorcycle with a 4-cylinder it totally works it's awesome and it was crucial in developing the supercharger kit however i believe we won't need it later on once i develop some other stuff that we'll get to the other thing to note when you get to the controller is you need to understand how much air you're actually producing with a supercharger and this is one of the drawbacks i said before that we're going from a four cylinder to a six cylinder which requires that we should be building about five pounds of boost we're not we're building about three because somebody calculated the pulley diameters wrong and the clutched pulley on the supercharger is a little bit bigger than i'd prefer but we'll talk more later that it still improves the crap out of this jeep and honestly without going too far you're mitigating a lot of risk by staying at lower boost pressures i'm still very confident you will love this modification so the controller you have to understand all of these things we will walk through this in other videos this is probably the most technical part don't worry about it we'll figure it out what did we do for a controller now you can get a mega squirt system but they're like 300 bucks and that's probably the best option honestly rebuild the ecu make your own ecu whatever not what we're doing we spent like i don't know there's like 10 of them for 15 bucks or whatever on an arduino knockoff and we're using the arduino to trick the o2 sensor and so we can tell the jeep that everything is okay even though everything has changed and we can add significant amounts of fuel now we also added in a fuel pressure regulator i don't know if you need it or not but it's a good idea because with more fuel pressure you're able to deliver more fuel quicker which is something you need in this case later on we'll do some tests to determine whether or not you need to buy one of these but it's like another hundred bucks this last item number five is bypass this one was the hardest one for me not because it's actually the hardest thing to tackle but more so i had a poor understanding of it but guess what i learned and i can teach you the correct way the bypass circuit very important you're going to have a lot of extra air when you close your throttle plate in the piping prior to the throttle plate and after the supercharger and it's got to go somewhere yeah i blew a couple pipes because i had this set up wrong no that's what we're trying to avoid additionally with a clutch supercharger you can turn it off and run in naturally aspirated mode in which case you need a bypass circuit so you're not pulling air through the supercharger this one here we used a vacuum actuated bypass [Music] and this is actually the one thing i would probably change i would change this to be an electronically controlled bypass like the mercedes used and now i'm learning why they used it but i can show you both methods how to make the vacuum actuated bypass work and then later on we'll tackle the electronic so i know the question you're asking is did i succeed was i able to have the power output of a six cylinder while being less expensive is swapping in a six cylinder and having less weight than a six cylinder so a six cylinder engine is like i don't know like 175 pounds more than the four cylinder we did this at 65 pounds the cost we estimated to be somewhere in the ballpark of a thousand dollars this was 930 not bad now power wise i don't think we hit it i don't think we got the same power output as a six cylinder granted the weight savings is very helpful and the reason being was the pulley size calculation that i did i was aiming for five pounds of boost and i got three however the nice thing about superchargers is you can swap out the pulleys for a different size pulley and you can get higher compression in which case we can up the power of this system especially once we've proved it out and we should be able to hit our target [Music] now like all great youtube videos this is the part of the show where i try to sell you a bunch of stuff no no no no no that's not happening it's not happening here not in this project not even a little bit this is a budget project and it's super diy there are so many things that you can do different from me i'm not going to try and sell you the adapter plate or or whatever unless you really want one i guess so what is going to happen next we are going to go through a series of videos i'm going to show you to the best of my ability step by step how you can do this exact same project i'll even show you areas where i didn't do so great and places that you can actually improve upon my process improve upon the things that i have done and at the end of this you're going to fill the comment sections with all the cool things you guys did the four-cylinder jeeps are going to be everyone's favorite and they'll be all over moab and all over the rubicon and everyone will be asking who started this crazy supercharger trend and no one will know because i mean what this is a tiny channel let's be honest no this is so great so this is what you have to do you've got to hit the subscribe button i have so many more videos i'm producing about this and like i said all of this i'm giving to you for free if i can make a diagram of it i'm going to give it to you i'll tell you where to find it we're not charging you for these kinds of things later down the road if there's a controller or something and you're struggling to make it sure maybe i will sell them to you but for right now i'm gonna teach you every nut bolt screw wire whatever i'll show you how i got it into my jeep so you can do it to yours i'm gonna warn you the next couple of videos are going to get pretty technical so if you're into it i mean yeah get into it if you're just curious there's your warning i am really excited to see you in the next video
Channel: Jeep Sheep TV
Views: 91,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeep, Sheep, TV, supercharger install, jeep wrangler, mercedes slk 230, eaton m62 supercharger, eaton m62 supercharger rebuild, eaton m62 sound, eaton m62 miata, eaton supercharger in jeep, supercharged yj, turbo jeep, jeep build, car diy
Id: Mnhbg7_pVXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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