I Stacked 51 Will On My Cleric - Here's how it went | Dark and Darker

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hey guys the mood here I went to get some milk and you know how it is in ltia no cow no milk so unlike my father I am back to entertain you for 5 to 10 minutes and disappear for another week or two and uh speaking of milk I bet you can't milk this cleric um I don't know where this joke is going anyway I have 51 will here I guess you can call this cleric Willie and uh yeah you can you can see today we're going to observe the adventures of our little Willie I guess so without further Ado enjoy the video Someone told me to do a n9th of November joke for this one I didn't understand the reference so instead today's weather forecast rainning clerics with chance of earthquake for your safety stay in the [Music] lobby should have taken his earthquake Ella Ella so in in this scenario I really wanted to Barb to beat the aggressor so that he can later regret the consequences of his [Music] actions [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] I said you're not [Music] friendly [Music] [Music] no I guess you can call this a big V diff making my way down down walking past home and I need you and I miss you I fall into the do you think would pass me by you know I want A Thousand Miles if I could just see you I CL Q go so normally I hate the Barbarian meta but with this build I actually had more consistency Facing The Barbarians than with other classes um I think a big factor is the fact that aules strike lasted for a really short duration and I had like a decent amount of move speed in the build anyways uh this Barbarian clearly was not the smartest shed in the tool because as soon as I reached High Ground he just said uh hey my name's not ground anyway um after killing him I went for a quick campfire before I L and there comes another Barbarian and throwing gang signs at me unfortunately for him my gang signs were certified by God DM [Music] I also played some triple cleric in trios and as a person who plays solo 90% of the time I I want to say it was a disaster but in a really fun way uh let me show you I guess how are we going to go past you though can you not if you can't I can move out of the way heal shine take heal shine can you not he shine come heal shine hello come here take the heal shine oh he h me oh my God take Shrine Jesus Christ I scary [ __ ] bro this is so ass I hit once I'm binding him there's a Skelly on me I can't go back I want to help you but there's a SC I'm saning I'm going to bind when they run I think someone is North by the way I have no heals wait go south jump the box I have no spell I'm binding I'm binding the wizard is B he was SP judgement he's dead is dead Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanu I'm sanking sanking sanking I earthquake I earthquake all Skelly Skelly on you oh behind behind behind oh on me on me run away 4 seconds my judgment K kill him oh my I'm dead I'm dead run run open door open door [ __ ] SK behind you [ __ ] no don't don't go SC do campire do campire we're going back in we're not [ __ ] no don't worry don't worry like they're fighting another team now let him come close let Come Close let him come close and then I can't cast I got go back go back oh I can earthquake maybe I don't know run run door door door o oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Rangers oh [ __ ] open open open open go in go fight oh [ __ ] I'll do earthquake man I earthquake him I can't earthquake you have to go send it guys yeah yeah I'm sending I'm sending no wor I'm coming back I'm coming back guys you need to [ __ ] my life I'm I'm I'm out I'm out I'm out run run run away run oh I'm dead one hit oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh yo come to me oh my God push push push push push you have to the move you have to oh you killing my bodes your ass you don't have any more heals wait how do you have I zero dude because I'm casting so slow I just go surely I Windows judgment not run away judgment judgement oh my God look at no did he hit his friend go back again F you kill yourself what's a he go back go back go back go back go back go back yeah go back go back Barian behind the door on them take the heill shine oh oh where my HP hello wait where's their cleric oh my God you took so much poison there go go go still the portal the port no up around up around oh they one oh my God the wiard the no theard is fine I killed them no he's not fine it's [Music] close I'm trying to bind this [ __ ] another bind maybe head quick zoning zoning it's so ass like what the hell I'm I'm on fire I'm stuck I can't jump run [ __ ] Goblin man is going to [ __ ] me up Goblin I'm going to die to Goblin no the Goins here help oh my God my God [ __ ] Goblin [ __ ] me up theud are you losing to a goblin while we're fighting the people why are you fighting a Goin while we PVP throwing his [ __ ] Ebola strikes man I can't you dodge I can't Dodge we almost killed them why you can't oh my God okay going oh my God you're going to die don't die why did you look up did you look I just wanted to see how much HP there wait let's go to The Barbarians or something
Channel: Damood
Views: 11,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker
Id: RFfuFMsWNqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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