I Spent YEARS Trying To Date My Crush

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ordinary middle-school girls usually occupy their time by going to the mall painting their nails talking about crushes and doing homework I suppose I was ordinary once I had a fun group of friends and we did all of those exciting things until my last year of middle school everything changed I was sitting in class passing notes to my best friend Mary Ann when everyone suddenly went silent I looked up and saw the most gorgeous creature I had ever seen in my life good morning students my name is mr. Scott I'm your new geography teacher for the year he said I sat in awe I would get to look at this man at least three times a week Wow I felt like my heart had grown wings and was about to flutter away he went around the class and asked everyone to introduce themselves when he got to me my thoughts were so muddled up that I only managed to mumble some nonsense me Jenna geography fun I said everyone burst out laughing and he shot me a cute shy smile he likes me too I thought I mean if he didn't why would he smile at me I was determined that he would be mine somehow I was going to do whatever it took at first I tried to send him simple hints every time we submitted an assignment I'd cover it with hearts I also left anonymous treats on his desk cookies brownies pens apples you name it every day I managed to find something different I knew the answers to all of his questions in class and ensure that I topped every single exam it set me apart from the rest of the class and I figured that if I could become his favorite student it was one step closer to achieving my goal I kept imagining the day he'd finally say Jenna you're perfect I want to spend the rest of my life with you I would constantly daydream about that Jenna you've got to stop my best friend Marianne said to me one afternoon while we were walking home from school my head was in the clouds as usual stop what I replied your feelings towards mr. Scott are just wrong he's a teacher he is much older than you he'll never be interested in you the way you're interested in here besides what's wrong with the boys at our school you've changed so much and it worries me she said they're gross and immature mr. Scott is handsome intelligent and perfect I think you're just jealous that I'm his favorite I said maryann rolled her eyes and changed the topic I started to think that she was a bit right though I had changed I wasn't interested in hanging out with my friends anymore during my free time I did nothing but obsess over mr. Scott I avoided sleepovers trips to the mall and I even quit tennis I love tennis but not more than dreamy perfect mr. Scott the saddest day of my life was the last day of middle school I realized that I would be separated from my future husband because I'd be starting high school after summer I wonder if I can find a way to stay here for one more year I thought but no everyone would think I was stupid I've got to find another way I decided I spent the summer stocking his Facebook Instagram and Twitter I managed to bump into him a few times accidentally but every time I returned home I still felt the sinking feeling that I would be separated from him well the summer zoomed by and before I knew it I was at high school surrounded by new unfamiliar faces at least Mary Ann was there regardless I was having the worst day ever firstly I was late for school and ended up bumping into the most popular girl causing her phone to fall on the ground and break prey to my social life here is ruined already I thought I tried to make things right but she was upset and all of her friends jeered at me then I got lost on my way to math class I ended up arriving late and the horrible teacher gave me a detention so I sat in my class during the last period of the day with a sad expression on my face expecting the worst Oh cheer up Jenna Mary Ann said tomorrow will probably be better No everything sucks here I sulked little did I know that everything was about to stop sucking because suddenly he walked in I was flabbergasted was a jury maryanne pinch me I whispered no Jenna you're not dreaming that really is mr. Scott she said good afternoon class some of you are my past students and you might be surprised to see me here I've been assigned to this school for the next four years please get out your textbooks he said he looked at me and winked oh my gosh she came to teach here just to be with me I know it I thought I blushed and smiled I could not contain my happiness everything awful that happened earlier had been erased from my memory weeks later my popularity began to improve lots of guides would ask for my number or ask to hang out but I turn all of them down I couldn't allow myself to be seen with them anyway what would mr. Scott think as time went by I continued stalking him on social media and I'd often bump into him on the weekends his favorite sport was basketball and he'd go to a court in the neighborhood to shoot a few hoops with whoever was there he'd go there every Saturday so I'd go there too and just sit on the benches watching the first few times he just waved and smiled at me however one afternoon he spoke hey Jenna how come you're always here are you waiting for someone he asked uh no I just like it here I smiled oh well okay you're welcome to play then it must be boring just sitting there all alone he said I tried but I embarrassed myself miserably I was horrible at sports oh don't worry Jenna you can't be perfect at everything he winked my heart fluttered again was he flirting I thought anyway I have to go he said and sped off this was the beginning of my disappointments with mr. Scott every time I felt that we were about to get closer he made some excuse to leave the years passed and I had gotten nowhere close to achieving my goal with him in my final year of high school I decided that I would need to be more assertive I made up my mind to stay back after class after everyone had left so I could reveal my true feelings to him I walked up to him shyly hey can I talk to you about something I said sure Jenna what's up by the way jovan that last quiz you'd make a fine geologist someday he replied I wasted no time getting straight to the point I'm in love with you and I know you feel the same way about me I know it's not completely acceptable because your teacher and I'm a student but I'm getting out of high school next year we can be together then you're the only person I've ever had feelings for and I will never feel this way about anyone else I spilled it all out and I even surprised myself his face went completely blank you should leave he said I was heartbroken I spilled my heart and soul out to the one I loved and he just asked me to leave that night I cried myself to sleep the next day I found out I had been removed from his class I was devastated but I decided I wasn't going to give up I ignored him for a few days until I devised a new plan I was stalking him on Instagram one night when I noticed that he tagged himself at a nearby restaurant I decided that I'd go there and try to talk to him calmly maybe he would be less mean and uncomfortable if we were out of the school environment I got dressed quickly and snuck out of my house when I got to the restaurant I saw him sitting there alone I quietly walked in and sat next to him hi I said oh my gosh Jenna what are you doing here he asked I just wanted to say I'm sorry for coming across so strongly maybe you just want to take your time and I understand that I said listen Jenna I do not feel the same way you do it's not only insane but it's extremely inappropriate do your parents know where you are you need to leave he began to raise his voice suddenly a woman appeared behind him honey the baby keeps kicking she said is that your sister I asked no Jenna this is my girlfriend Leah she's the love of my life and we're getting married soon she's eight months pregnant I'm going to be a dad he replied he stood up and hugged her I got up and scream what the hell how could you get another woman pregnant you know that we are destined for each other and you impregnated this this cow the woman looked at mr. Scott strangely who is this crazy person she said to him how dare you call me crazy he is the love of my life and you just come to interfere with everything you will never succeed he will be mine I screamed I picked up two glasses and smashed them on the floor that I stormed outside everyone looked on in horror by the time I got home the video of the entire encounter was already aligned my phone rang Jenna are you crazy why did you do that it was Maryann did you know he had a girlfriend she's pregnant how could he do this to me I cried for years I've been trying to tell you that this is a bad idea can you please calm down and decide to move on with your life there are many other cute guys who are interested in you but you keep pushing them away in pursuit of this impossible love story she said you never support my dreams I hate you I said and I hung up the next week my parents were called to my school we all had to sit with the principal to discuss my conduct are you aware that your daughter has been stalking a teacher he said we've raised our daughter better than that you're making this up my mom replied yes she's at the top of most of her classes she's a star student what are you talking about my dad added well if you don't believe me I'll just have to show you the principal said as he handed them his cellphone there I was smashing glasses and threatening a pregnant woman my parents were so shocked that they couldn't move I'm very sorry but we will no longer be able to keep her at this school and other words she has been expelled I also recommend immediate counseling as I believe she is facing some serious issues said the principal we walked out of the office solemnly the next week my parents sent me off to a strict boarding school for girls all the way in Switzerland I cried and pleaded with them to change their minds but they would not listen I had already embarrassed them enough and they believed I had to face the consequences there was no hope I tried to talk to Maryann again but she wanted nothing to do with me trying to get Mike to love me only resulted in me being sent miles away from him I was crushed not only that I would probably never see him again but that another woman was going to enjoy a happy life with him they would be starting a beautiful family and I would be stuck here all alone
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 285,455
Rating: 4.7612791 out of 5
Id: i7yco2dKGEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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