I Spent $600 Promoting My Book on Fiverr... THIS is What Happened

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I've spent 600 on book promotion gigs on Fiverr this is exactly what happened [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built a multiple six figures a year self-publishing business which I eventually sold for eight hundred and twenty thousand dollars and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no OBS publishing advice from someone who's still actively publishing then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built my publishing business to this level then the link to the training is in the description below and this video is sponsored by Fiverr so thank you so much Fiverr for sponsoring the video alright guys so this is Ashley my first ever sponsored video in my YouTube career and essentially what happened is Fiverr reached out saying they want to sponsor my video and they said they're going to give me six hundred dollars that I can spend on any Fiverr gigs uh and I can talk about that in my video right so I'm like thinking what is a good video idea to make so I thought why don't I go and test out these different book promotion gigs on Fiverr and see how many of them are actually effective so that is exactly what I did I spent the entire or six hundred dollar Budget on 13 different book promotion gigs on Fiverr so I'll show you which ones are actually legit and can get you some sales and which ones are really not worth the money and to be completely honest I don't recommend these kind of you know marketing tactics uh for your books normally I just recommend running Amazon as perhaps using book promotion sites using your email list that is really the 80 20 when it comes to getting the most sales uh while being the most efficient so I don't usually use Fiber gigs but why not right you never know until you test it out so that's exactly what I did especially since Fiverr is sponsoring this video so I wanted to take advantage of that now there is one benefit of external marketing and that is that whenever you bring traffic outside of Amazon whenever you bring customers from outside of Amazon into the Amazon ecosystem that is actually a really good sign that you can send to Amazon Amazon loves it when you do that and they will reward you by ranking your book higher so it's really really good for the algorithm so this is why whenever a huge authority figure published a book they already have a significant audience outside of Amazon that they can bring into the Amazon ecosystem and they can just do a massive launch and rank their book very easily so this is one of the biggest benefits another thing is that if you do have a blog or website then you should know that you know getting backlinks will be the one of the most important things you can do to increase your domain rank which will in turn rank your blog post higher in the Google algorithm so one of the easiest ways to get backlinks to your site is actually using these gigs and I'm going to show you why but essentially you can just ask them to give you a backlink and that is how you can get a ton of backlink to your website now I ran this promotion from April 1st to April 8th the issue is a lot of these gigs are basically them posting you know the link to your book on their blog some of them are doing Instagram shout outs some of them are doing Tick Tock shout outs and all all of this it's pretty much impossible to track exactly how much sales you made right it's really just you guessing you know how much you think you made from these gigs so I've done my best to track the performance of these gigs by providing them a unique link that tracks the clicks so at least we can estimate how much clicks each gigs get because obviously the more clicks we get we can estimate the more sales we get from that so with that being said here are the results all right gig number one is this one Dr Mel I'll promote your book on my blog as the book of the day it costs 45 days and it has a ton of great reviews and essentially uh she will post your book on this website now a lot of people don't understand how blogs work so they think automatically that you know whenever it's on a website you're going to get a ton of traffic but that is not the case a lot of websites has zero traffic no one's visiting this site so just because you get featured on a website doesn't mean you're going to get any sales or even views to your book so I actually have a tool when I used to do blogging a little bit it's called ubersuggest and it tells me how much this website is getting in terms of traffic and you can see that it literally has eight monthly traffic so there's only eight people visiting this website so even if you promote your book on this website you're not going to get any sales and this is how a lot of these Fiverr gigs tricks you uh saying that oh we're gonna feature your book on our website for exposure but you're not going to get any exposure if there's no existing traffic to it so it's really important before you order these gigs you should ask them what is the domain Rank and also what is the monthly traffic to your website so in terms of tracking how much clicks I got obviously I got to blur out my book and the actual link but you can see that I created this custom link for each Fiverr gig that shows me how many clicks I got so I got two clicks from this gig so far and a lot of these you know I'll get more and more over time as more people site over time but I got two clicks over maybe two weeks obviously that's not gonna lead to any sales the good thing about this gig is I did get a lot of additional resources like a plus content type of images that I can use which were actually really nice so I don't want to hate on this gig too much but you know in terms of featuring your book getting sales I don't think it's worth it at all alright so the next one is a Instagram shout out gig uh this one I'll promote your book on Instagram I paid thirty dollars for it which gets me one post and one story shout out and I got four clicks from this gig the next gig is this one right here I'll do book promotion by review or interview on three popular blogs so they essentially have three blogs and they will feature my book I paid for the 75 option so I will get three blogs social featured and a featured story on social media and their blog post basically they have three different website two of them has no traffic at all so it's basically useless the third one though actually had decent amount of traffic so how much clicks did I get I actually got nine clicks from this gig now the next one is this right here outside box I'll promote your book and create your Amazon bestseller now the crazy thing about these gigs I just want to add is that they are getting amazing reviews and they have a ton of orders so they're killing it in terms of you know Fiverr gigs but in terms of getting results for your book I don't think a lot of them are actually effective as you can see right A lot of people leaving reviews are just excited that their book is being featured on the website not understanding that being featured on the website actually does not do anything unless there's actual people going to that website right so that's something I just want to make it clear here but essentially with this gig it's a little different so they're not actually promoting my book on a website they're going into different Facebook groups and you know promoting my book I paid 35 for that and here's a crazy thing they essentially went into 60 different Facebook groups online and made a post shouting out my book you can do that yourself in about two minutes right you can just go in find different Facebook groups that are public right and then just feature your book so there's no reason to pay 35 for this and obviously you know it's very uneffective as well going into those spam Facebook groups right so that's why we got two clicks for this now one thing I want to say as we go through this video is it gets better okay there were actually some good gigs and I don't want to like crap on Fiverr when this is technically a Fiverr sponsored gig hopefully they don't mind but it gets better there were actually some good gigs but let's go through and look at the next one so this is actually a gig that I liked and this was the only Tick Tock promotion so if you know Tick Tock you know Tick Tock actually is really good for promoting your book there's a whole uh like tag or I guess you know sub segment in Tick Tock called book talk where people talk about books and so this person uh annalize I'll promote your book or ebook on my Tick Tock you know we'll go and make different videos and feature your book I ordered the premium option I think you know all different plans are actually good but I got you know a couple different posts and features on it the thing with Tick Tock is that most people because Tick Tock does not allow you to leave a link on the post or in your you know bio most of the time that people have to go and manually Search for the book so this gig might be working well but I won't be able to track that with sales or clicks using my link so that's exactly why you will see that I only got five clicks but that is because it's just a nature of tick tock is that people manually search for books rather than using the link it's impossible to actually use the link right so that's why I couldn't see clicks but I actually feel like I got a lot of sales from this gig just because when the gig went out on that day I actually had a boost in my sales which I will show you later on or the next one is once again a blog post feature kind of gig this one Sandra C it's only ten dollars and I had a feature on my blog the blog essentially had no traffic once again and but she also uh featured my book in different social media posts and from that I got 11 clicks next one is zaffy 10 I'll promote your book on my book blog once again same thing ten dollars and I got five clicks from that alright so the next one is the Instagram shout out gig and it's this one uh Caitlyn W I'll promote your book on Instagram it's only ten dollars uh she shouted my book out I got a lot of likes we're talking hundreds of likes uh but if you actually look into the post if you actually look at the people who are liking uh the post if you look at the comments they're all from other book like promotion Instagram pages right so they're all basically like swapping right liking each other's posts and you know just making it seem like you're getting a lot of Engagement getting the customer excited but it actually look into it you're probably not getting a lot of real customers who has the potential of buying your book to see the post once again it's all just fake engagements and for that reason I got two clicks from this gig alright so so far these gigs are pretty horrible you know I don't recommend them at all except for the tick tock one The Tick Tock one was pretty good but now it gets a little better so this gig right here sexy challenges I'll promote your book on four book blogs uh and also social media so they basically did social media marketing and book blogs and the numbers got a little better I got 57 clicks so far and they actually promote your book on a longer period up to I think it was in 90 days so I think this number will go up from here all right so the next one is Melanie from melrock and this is I'll promote your Kindle book on my book marketing networks so essentially it's blog posts and social media marketing including Facebook and Pinterest I ordered the 45 one which gives me 15 Twitter posts on 50 000 plus followers I also get book image ad uh basically a bunch of things and I got 73 clicks from this so so far this is uh the number one you know gig in terms of performance but you will be surprised by this one which is Joel books I'll promote your book on our quality website bookmarking and this one the premium version is only thirty dollars it's significantly cheaper than all the other you know book promotion gigs on Fiverr right promoting your books on a website and this website first off it looks significantly better than all other sites next they actually have actual traffic so that is like the biggest difference with all other gigs is that they actually got real customers viewing this site you know and basically searching for books so you can see that they got 9793 organic monthly traffic people visiting this site so this shows that this gig is legit and for that reason the performance of this gig just absolutely blows all the other gigs out of the water because I got 1 900 clicks just from this and instead of a screenshot I'll actually show you my real KDP dashboard so this is my previous month uh in terms of all the books and now I'm going to sort it with just one book and you can see that for the month of April I made a thousand dollars which is basically double uh the amount that I made in the month of March uh and you know from the period of April 1st to the 8th the sales are significantly higher than all the other months and that was exactly when I was promoting the book using these Fiverr gigs it is working but we just want to make sure you know to order from the one that works and order from the one that doesn't do anything right so here's the conclusion most of these gigs are I don't think it's worth it just because there's no existing traffic to their website or their Instagram page you know whatever their means of marketing is just because they say exposure it means nothing if there's no existing traffic so some of them though actually worked and for those I think you know it may be good for you to try it for yourself too so which ones worked well melrock and sexy challenges annalize this was a tick tock promotion gig and obviously Joel book this was by far the best gig but I think these other ones also uh you should test it out and see if it works for you so those were the four book marketing gigs that I do recommend out of the 13 that I test out and I recommend you to just try it out and see if it works for yourself so if you do want to test those gigs out then the link to that is in the description below as well as the link to the free training on how I built a multiple six figures a year self-publishing business also in the description below so thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this video leave a like if you did subscribe if you haven't yet comment any questions you have and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 12,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: Dk0RDe8GcgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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