I Spent 24 Hours Straight In Slime

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today I'm gonna do something that's never been done by any youtuber ever I'm going to go to the moon but first I need to spend 24 hours in slide because obviously sitting in slime for a long period it's how you prep for the you know lower atmosphere on the moon this is going to be one of the hardest challenges I've ever done because I'm like counting to a hundred thousand this is actually really disgusting I'm literally going to be miserable we used 100 gallons of glue when making this slide the problem is the slime is so heavy it sank to the bottom so there is a layer of water on top of the slime but I promise you 90% of this is just straight slime and it's kind of annoying that the water was sitting on top so it doesn't look like it honey where's my supersuit thank you we are preparing for the 24 hours in slime challenge I literally feel like I'm on the Sun but apparently that's pretty cold so I'll be fine I am going to spend 24 hours in this slime if I don't Jake you can have $100,000 I'm scared god this is disgusting you know like my slang for this for the record I'm only doing this because I failed the underwater challenge and this is way more disgusting and I really don't want to do this but just to make it up for you guys [Applause] how deep is it oh my gosh the bottom of disgust yeah I know yeah where all this line is you don't need that anymore cuz you're not getting out I swear my life I'm not leaving for the next 24 hours all right is this it this is it on cooking with mr. beast can you be making beasts to want some slime is disgusting I'm falling this chair will not stay up it tell the world no 100% I'm thinking good idea no it's not it's me we are headed to go get Jimmy food and other fun things for him all right sushi sushi we have the smorgasbord oh wait let me see it $100 worth whoa all right they're all over there eating sushi without me so I eat this sushi am I gonna have to poop before my 24 hours is up whoa whoa whoa no we should do we should go on tour and just give people shrimp do people sushi because I don't think we need a sushi place to sponsor us that'd be the best it's time for a movie review today's movie review is bleached pewdiepie tweeted out that it was good and PewDiePie is never wrong so me and Chris will review it move the review movie reel give you another piece of sushi thank you all right we are beginning the bleach movie we'll let you know how we like it movie review the movie was pretty good the anime that I never watched was clearly better Chandler can you put your phone in front of it hey I don't think we ever put a phone in front of the camera so they don't actually know what time it is do you see it as you can see it's 636 I forgot to show it earlier but you know you get the point I've been in here like I think three and a half hours I'm freezing and you Jimmy and worried about your hair obviously cuz you got that beautiful hair so we got you this awesome shower cap and we're worried about you you get in the UTI in your weenie so we got you a medical device this is not a thong if you look pretty secure my medical device is dripping fluids about you getting bored so we got you a very fun game we'll call it speak out oh yeah actually she plopped down we're not gonna start you can pick up your medical devices and you huh you're beautiful this is on a ding sound they turn you on yea-ah lights out hangers cuts God Bob and Bob blurts out blurts out famous quotes uh-huh these are easy easy don't let that hug outside star by the weather frog ha ha shirts let no don't let outside the weather frog give up Jimmy serious can someone heat this frickin thing up is so cold I'm gonna get hypothermia is there any way slime can catch on fire the slime is getting extremely cold so now we're gonna try to make a thousand degree slime warmer no it feels no different it's times like this when I wish we just faked everything all right guys it's 1:30 in the morning I am going to get Jimmy a pool heater I'm going to anywhere that's open McDonald's gas stations hopefully they have one hey do you guys have any pool heaters is it hot thank you for your visit but we are currently closed what I need a pool Peter my friend is in slime and he's freezing hey I got a question do you think a burger can heat up a pool a burger can I heat up a pool I'm just trying to heat up the pool with the burger that's all thank you very much our gym I got the hottest burger from cookout they said that if you stick this burger into the water and I oh my god I really extreme the hot okay so you ready to be warm yeah all right three two one oh wow all right feels much better now I've got a space heater for you it should be warming you forever now I just have to hold it just like this all right guys instead of roasting marshmallows which are unhealthy I'm gonna promote healthy eating and eat a roasted pineapple oh yeah screw healthy eating no more large moe watch this damage control impressive I'm gonna tell you guys a ghost story there was once a Jake parlor and he didn't subscribe to mr. beast and he stayed at Jake Pollock pretty terrifying isn't it extremely mr. Bies tell us about the t series story science you guys know pewdiepie has been our reigning lord five years in a row uncontested everyone from the peasants to the nobles loves PewDiePie no one questions his reign but emerging from the West T series it doesn't even make sense how fast they're growing from being honest I don't think our Lord will win brings tears to my eyes to see PewDiePie fall like this when Peter Pan gets past his channel doesn't disappear doesn't know okay we'll be fine oh okay [Music] - what are you watching t turn that camera off all right you caught me I'm watching T series dude they're gaining so many subs I gotta study them I don't want to overthrow PewDiePie because he's like our Lord but like they gain a lot of subscribers don't tell PewDiePie hmm Gela you take the viewers outside and show miss dark out because I probably think we're lying viewers Chandler's gonna take you on a trip outside so you can see how dark it is camera there we go I'm going outside very dark out very hey viewers I'm still here fish for yacht Christmas is like a hundred days away and Tyler's gonna put up Christmas decorations never Christmas Day I'm uploading a fire video fire is it Christmas time you bet Jim it is yeah hey where's Santa it looks pretty from here you look pretty so another 10 hours ish well let's making good progress Oh getting a little too big for my britches rest in peace oh now my face is not as warm I got so used to evidence live 18 hours have some soap but it sent me master I think it's working you look like a million times cleaner I feel cleaner than you which doesn't even make sense because it's not touching right it's time to brush my teeth my hands are too gross the toaster toothbrush to brush my teeth for me oh there we go there we go even when you're spending 24 hours in slime you gotta take care of your teeth kids 8 hours and 50 minutes everybody know five hours of the dinner so six hours five hours six hours hello sleep well last night Chris I did heard you sleep terrible I just sat in this slime all night first gotta go home like 10 hours ago and 12 hours sing at 14 11 hours ago I've been here the whole time it was pretty nice do my hands are literally blue you just love when your friend calls your hand gross I have a mission for you what's your mission you go get me done it all right ladies and germs I got the donuts so they can go nuts Jimmy was requesting donuts to make sure that his hunger was suffice hi Chris hello what she done it you put it in my mouth all right hoping you wicked Google you can finish the rest of it like a spaghetti noodles we built a campfire in your mister I'm sitting here 21 hours all right I'm happy I just want to sit here and do my time don't do the crime if you can't do the time it's not apply to YouTube videos it's as you guys can see it's 1217 we started at 3 p.m. yesterday so you know six to be exact getting out of here that and the shower you take after a nice warm shower yeah all right oh hi man two hours of 50 minutes and I'm never touching slime till the day I die all right guys we have about two hours left for some reason I have a sudden burst of energy and we're watching bananafish so if you don't mind I'm gonna get back the end of it but nothing upbeat I also love you guys alright play funada fish me where'd you heat up to advance me I don't know why I said snow because I can't smell it but it looks good I have a lunch table ignore the rain guys more Jesus Christ Aaron fine I'm guessing that because you're here there's an hour left yes there is Jimmy excited kinda yes actually you want to get it out yeah did I feel gross I just feel gross dudes my neck read notes blue a zoom in on it Oh down oh shoot it is actually really red right there it's kind of it's from scraping against the lights yeah 30 minutes left well not quit him I'm finishing pretty excited 2030 hours 59 minutes and 30 seconds oh yeah hang it up hang it out when we started it was 306 September 24th it is currently 305 September 25th and more importantly Shane Dawson just uploaded his new video and I need to get out so I can go watch that it is officially been 24 hours we should have had something happen Chris like didn't make it for the camera or something Wow how's it feel to be not in water anymore I still feel like I'm covered in water oh my fingers are blue I don't know how that worked it was kind of green slime oh man is warm in there oh my god it smells horrible I need to go shower like five hours ago oh I smell terrible I feel disgusting why did I do that oh yeah click alright subscribe like the video goodbye [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 22,279,746
Rating: 4.8431845 out of 5
Keywords: slime, diy, slime challenge, diy slime, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, life hacks, life hack, how to make, how to, experiment, experiments, simple, simple life hacks, awesome life hacks, awesome, giant, challenge, hacks, impossible, viral, real life
Id: 9GD6hbqu2oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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