I Spent 24 Hours in Roblox Tower Defense X

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so this is Tower Defense X roblox's biggest new tower defense game which recently entered public Beta And in the 24 hours following the game release I want to try to grind out as many coins as possible earn a ton of achievements and beat the different game modes but uh since literally everyone would be starting with no strong Towers or anything that was going to be a bit tricky so as the game was set to release I was actually already in the lobby I talked about this before I made a video but I was lucky enough to be invited to test TDX I'm very good tester meaning I had a slight Advantage here I was able to proudly claim the number eight spot on the leaderboard and I had already earned a bit of extra starting cash from low three wins yeah I'm already cheating okay in the minutes before release I made a bit small talk with various other testers and developers what is your favorite Huggy wagy but all seriousness it was a pretty cool moment to have so many people who worked on the game all chilling here waiting for the clock to turn and then the game was officially open now the only Tower people had at this point was the ranger the starter Tower the Scout equivalent a goofy little guy with some solid damage and decent ability but still not that strong so I decided to spend my legitimately obtained bonus money to buy my first real Tower early the missile trooper and hopping into the matchmaking tank I began a around on volcanic mishap we picked easy mode the simplest of four game modes and the only one we could realistically beat my teammates placed down Rangers and this other Tower operator which could take out the early zombies easily I saved a bit to place my missile Trooper screwed up one of the best Towers to get early high damage Splash damage happiness again this was easy mode so none of these zombies were particularly challenging for our team I fully upgraded my tower to get the javelin upgrade which gave it a massive rocket launcher dealing a ton of damage shortly afterwards we reached wave 25 where the first of the Final Bosses spawned the plague doctor uh-oh now I mean with 40,000 Health he isn't a pushover but his abilities are nowhere near as deadly as the later bosses he debuffed and then stunder towers with his gun he has a gun and a little stomp move but our DPS was otherwise steady so even though this map was kind of short and right near the end he used another ability we did take him out earning 150 gold and 2,515 experience not a lot honestly and I wanted to get some more powerful Towers so I decided to bump up the difficulty and try to get a win on intermediate mode first attempt didn't go very well my team and I were on the apocalypse map one of the most Bleak and depressing selections but it had a really long path unfortunately one of our teammates left early as they suffered from a bug where their cash didn't load in again this was a Beta release so there were a few minor issues nothing too crazy but this might have been related to another glitch where you could sneak a fifth player into quad Op games you might have noticed that in the previous game anyways my remaining teammates plac Rangers to defend early along with operator again he was in the previous game and there another easily accessible Tower with two paths offering either hidden detection or the ability to colonate hanvey to deal bonus damage it helped us survive while a save for missile Trooper yet against the stronger zombies of this mode he wasn't quite as much of a carry we leaked this revive Titan zombie which I didn't think was terrible since we could place more Towers at the back to catch it we l leaked a charger boss which I did think was terrible it had way too much health and ended a run so for the next game I return to easy mode the map here was cow annoyance my personal favorite map in the game it just has a really nice aesthetic honestly I like it a lot and these funny little cardboard cow cutouts uh these lowkey block your Towers line of sight like they can't see past them which does make this map quite annoying and when the plag doctor spawned in he cooked us His stunning attacks were a lot more severe this time with how limited range was he hit us with with the blue gun blast the red gun blast and the green gun blast too one of us was right there missile Troopers couldn't do enough and the plague doctor's use of a summon ability at the exit sealed the game I blame the cows I teamed up with different players and we got an extremely tight W on the ancient Sky Islands map but I still didn't have enough money for my next hour so I turned to the Forbidden gold grinding technique Elite mode the second Hest difficulty before I'd even beaten intermediate I teamed up with zenos Isaac and Viper to try to get carried in a few runs and poopy the poops here one was here for this game however our military Harbor attempt didn't quite work out so we tried again on winter Fort a pretty difficult map and poopy the poopster one wasn't there this time I got a missile Trooper which combined Powers with a laser Gunner a powerful DPS Tower quite hard to unlock with unique characteristics to combat stealth type zombies that said counter ratio dead yeah Elite mode was quite difficult especially with limited Tower selections but we give it one more try on Vapor City a very aesthetic map and one with a lot more Prime placement space this time we survived the early game and my team was able to get some economy going with Farms the farm here is nothing too crazy mechanics wise however the animations crazy a plane flies above at the start of every wave and physically drops down the cash crates and we definitely needed that money as around the midwave 20s a ton of these Abominations and stealth Abomination zombies began spawning and when I say a ton like actually these guys combin probably way several of them it was only thanks to a juggernaut that we survived at all this is the most powerful DPS Tower which can reach some truly insane numbers but I'll talk about him a bit more later because during this run we had bigger problems wave 27 one away from the boss Abomination spawned okay and multipliers uh basically these little dudes multiply every zombie around them when they die so what this meant is yeah I decided to go back to intermediate playing with random teammates again I started to run off on the secret Forest map which has a pretty short path but the advantage of water for certain Naval towers and we lost in 5 minutes the next run though so we were on the ancient Sky Island at this point the five player Lobby bug hadn't been fully fixed and one of my teammates you have really really took advantage of that to go absolutely berserk with his Farms by wave 16 we were starting to struggle but he was just chasing his bag we made it past my previous best attempt and encountered the first mini boss the Predator basically he kill your Tower which bad we placed some bait Towers to distract them this is a strategy to redirect Tower killing abilities away from the actually good stuff and sacrifice some level zero Towers the following waves weren't too tough and you have even continued to farm we reached the final boss arriving 10 w layer than normal mode it's The Eradicator this is a future of AI those funny movie posters led to this he has 140,000 health and a lot of weapons a big sword a missile launcher Steel Toad feet teeth he immediately began using his rocket powered abilities to kill our Towers the baits served their purpose sacrific themselves uh but pretty quickly he transitioned into his second phase gaining a lot of movement speed and using even more abilities I used my excess money to spam more Troopers but things were still looking kind of shaky with 20,000 Health left he used his flamethrower ability to burn up more of our Towers all right yet at the end of the path we won earning 400 gold and a ton of exp ignore this popup I'm not going to buy VIP this gave me enough currency for a new tower and I chose to cop the patrol boat a strong cab base Tower which can use its bottom path to spread Splash damage through a flamethrower or the top path with huge range and hellfire missiles uh the only downside is you need water to actually use it I brought it into my final game of the night on misleading Pond and it handled the intermediate difficulty zombies with ease one of my teammates it was either mini frer or Riley I don't know who started spamming a massive chain of mine layers another unique tower that plants explosives along the path which was pretty funny and made okay I actually ran out of the storage space on my computer here like I just couldn't record anymore so instead I took a bunch of screenshots throughout the rest of the game this showcase the end of this intermediate run uh first here we killed these stealth zombies with operators in back trust me the boats flim throw really cooked here uh this is the top path boat I believe zoinks Predator mini boss boom boom please carry we started placing some bait towers and we get him thanks to the boom booms next The Eradicator spawns we going to die decent chip damage doing a bit more here with boats he's pushing further RP to these Rangers and he's dead blast off into the sky I had to be quick to get this screenshot we win happy ending M layer hits his little dance thank you thank you a visual novel by me so anyways I went to sleep first thing the next day I woke up and I bought VIP and I used that gold to buy another Tower the operator who I've already talked about a lot he's goated I took the new load out into a match on danger Beach having completed two of the four modes at this point I said we should try Elite it be funny uh the problem was none of us had the top tier Towers unlocked yet no Juggernaut no laser gun or anything and we were just stretched Way Too Thin by the mid game on Wave 22 these Abominations uh didn't kill us we're not scrubs wave 23 Abominations even further back come on Wave 24 yeah we lost uh so in hindsight we shouldn't have tried to leite and it wasn't funny rejoining the lobby by pure chance I ran into stealth Nova and yoru Naro Neo TDS staff members and Satori a TDX developer he made the cow anoy map and I joined them as we attempted to Triumph Elite mode first attempt I may or may not have accidentally left the game because Roblox VP server links are stupid and don't work right but the second attempt was money I didn't have as good towers as my teammates so I kind of just placed an operator to start and after three waves neuru got down a laser Gunner for my previous Elite mode attempts I knew this dude would be pretty important we took down the five chain zombies in wave seven and then the resurrected Ranger zombie in wave 10 he's mad about being sacrificed no also placed a mine layer R layer which hard carried for sure and we got a bunch more stuff down on Wave 20 the first of the Abomination spawned in and M there took it out yeah I wasn't lying it is a hard carry wave 21 I was lying it's not a hard carry our missile Troopers barely sniped the last Abominations and then the next wave I thought we need backups but a single missile Trooper hit this insane snipe so yeah we were chilling wave 24 was the time we did have to play some backups the hord of zombies by this point point was just massive an edj had also been placed and spots were necessary for a Towers this is a support unit that can increase fire rates or decrease upgrade costs anded as the best skin in the game on Wave 25 Satori placs down a juggernaut this Tower can reach over 1,000 DPS and is currently the most expensive Tower to unlock normally as I said before it is insanely good we are still being pushed back though I just continue placing my missile Troopers and praying on Wave 27 the point I lost previously Neo replace down another Juggernaut and it wasn't a problem there definitely just Abominations here right am I crazy so after clearing that wave it was time for the final boss the revived PL doctor this HP bar boosted by 130,000 and a fresh new fit he immediately lit us up with this Robo armed gun thing which straight up killed these operators here Satori maxed out his Juggernaut I got another maxed missile trooper and then started placing Rangers as baits misdirecting another one of his attacks I realized we watching this back that most of them actually tanked it like only these four died goated I used my extra money for another missile Trooper but honestly it wasn't really needed we cooking him his HP bar was melting under the power of the heavy Towers uh yet in the end it was the M layer who took him out I told you this Tower hard carries we earned a bunch of rewards and checking the badge stats were within the first a thousand people to beat the mode this would be my legacy I felt pretty content with victories over three of the four modes and decided to not try to be expert yet for the sake of my own mental health however this 24 hours weren't quite up yet I didn't want to get a couple more unlocks so I speedran some rounds I tried to be winter for on intermediate with Noob Creek fan and ren uh this run didn't go very well we lost but I did get to witness another unique Tower in game John based off the game creator John Roblox it's pretty standard tower on its first four levels but on the final stages of each path it gets a special ability the top path gives a damage buff and the bottom path we lost the game like 10 seconds later I can't showcase it still the gold reward combined with another quick easy mode win gave me enough for two more Towers the shotgunner which honestly sucked like I never once placed this thing and the cry Blaster this is a very odd Tower I feel like there's going to be certain strats which will break the game with it and then casual players will just use it and it'll suck I like using it early cuz it can freeze the weak zombies and keep the game going infinitely but if you don't know how to use it it falls off pretty hard late game I don't know how to use it this game where I tried hard focusing on it we ended up losing I blame the cows I tried to get an intermediate win on sword fighting the heights definitely a harder map my teammate I like P A Lot was using an interesting go grinding technique by playing on two accounts at once the subway surfers Pokemon show them maximum loot strategy I mean this run was looking promising it was looking okay and then our fourth teammate left and then the Run was looking we held out until wave 20 but yeah that one was rough joining the lobby again I ran into Creek fan one of my teammates from that failed winter Fort run just randomly in the lobby what are the odds this time we picked an easier map for intermediate but unfortunately our other two teammates Mii and Leroy Jenkins didn't have many Towers unlocked and against the tougher zombies Rangers were not as effective we ended up dying on Wave 25 okay second to last game here blocks out intermediate based on that fraud Tower with missile Trooper spam we won that game and to give me the final coins I needed I speed ran another easy mode win so to end off the day I bought the farm cuz money is good so yeah that was about what I did in the first 24 hours of the game's release the grind is kind of rough the game is being actively updated and I also think that's partially the nature of starting fresh in this genre and there's a lot of really cool Towers I'm yet to obtain so part two other notes I did have access to the admin panel you might have noticed in the bottom left here I did not use to joing any of these games or you know now I recording thanks for watching subscribe for
Channel: propellars
Views: 678,087
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Id: BA621Xf0UeY
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Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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