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hello everybody and welcome back to another video today we are going to be building Black Swan if you remember we just got her in my most recent wishing video and that was a very fun video we were very lucky and today we're going to go all out in building her we got some Stellar Jades which we don't need anymore because I already got her we got some credits we got some exp books we got everything we need for Black Swan and I think it's about time we start building her so without further Ado underneath the beautiful Crystal lights of pentacon let's get in to today's video oh yes quickly before we actually do start today's video I did want to let you guys know that we are coming very very close to 85,000 subscribers which is a gigantic number and when we hit it we are going to be doing a bunch of Express Supply pass giveaways so if you want a chance to end enter for that all you got to do is subscribe below but with that all being said let's get in to today's video all right everybody well I am ready to build Black Swan today however before we build her I think there is something important we have to do and that is of course giving her a little shot in her trial because I personally think that it's important that we understand the fundamentals of a character before we go and actually build them because if we don't understand how they work then how can we know how to build them if you would like to skip past the kit review I will leave a Tim stamp right here and that will just take you to the build section of the video where we actually go over and build Black Swan but for all those still here with us let's go and try out our new and improved Black Swan here we go so Black Swan a very diverse and unique character who completely functions around this ability called Arcana which we will get to in a second here so Black Swan actually makes use of all of her abilities and that even includes her basic attack which most characters actually don't use their basic attacks however Black Swan is one of those exceptions her single Target basic attack damage is actually one of the most intricate ones in the entire game essentially what it does is it has a 62% base chance of inflicting Arcana on the enemy and if the enemy suffers from any of the basic dot abilities like wind shear bleed or burn then they have an ADD additional chance to apply even more Arana now what is Arcana well let's talk about it so essentially what Arcana is is it's an unremovable debuff on the enemy that resets with the enemy's turn essentially what it is is it's just a wind shear debuff however this wind shear debuff or Arcana can stack up to 50 times on the enemy now black swans kit it's all going to form around her trying to stack as much of those Stacks as possible because we want to do as much do as humanly possible to the enemy now there is a multitude of ways in which we can inflict Arc and one of the main ones is with her skill because her skill not only inflicts Arcana on the enemy but as you see there it also gives the enemy a defense reduction which is huge Pala who's that I only know Black Swan yes she does give a very huge defense decrease by 19% which also lasts for three turns which is a long time so you can basically have like an 100% uptime on this also with her bonus effect viscara dis quiet that's a bit of a mouseful she has an additional chance to inflict even more Arcana debuffs depending on what type of Dos you have on the enemy like wind sheer bleed and burn so obviously you're going to want to use her in a lot of dot teams is what I get from that and that's probably why they have her paired with characters like Soo and guifen in the trial here another way way to inflict Arcana is with her technique essentially when you enter battle you will just immediately inflict Arcana on the enemy which is repeated until it eventually fails the base chance of inflicting this is 150% and then after that it's 50% of the base chance of the previous successful infliction of Arcana so basically you're guaranteed to get at least two stacks of this sometimes you can get three or more but it gets gradually harder to get and then other ways to inflict Arana cuz there's a lot of them we of course have her ultimate as well which is a super cool ultimate that just is grabs him with a bunch of hands and does a huge blast attacked but that's not all it does if you notice it also applied an effect on him this effect is called infiny essentially what it does is increase the damage the enemy takes by 22% and well in the Arcana state which we have right now of course the enemy is going to be counted as being continuously inflicted with every single Dot and after the Arcana does d damage it's actually not going to reset its Stacks which is super super helpful so we can stack as many stacks as we want to we got six there and then you see that six it goes up to 910 but it doesn't reset it stays at 10 usually when a character goes they reset their debuffs but with the ability infiny you actually are able to keep your Arcana stacks for one turn which is super huge and allows you to stack those debuffs all the way to plus 50 also if you want another reason to pair Black Swan with nihility characters her Talent all depends around her being with other nihility characters essentially whenever the target has any dot on them you have a you have a chance to additionally inflict that Target with Arcana doing even more dot damage and just absolutely destroying the enemy in front of you as you see here we're about to get the biggest Arcana hit and it kills the enemy every time and that my friends it's the Black Swan showcase she is an Omega powerful unit and to be honest might be a little too good for this game how do I know that well uh let's talk about it so I may or may not have a little confession uh I might have already recorded this video as you see I have a built Black Swan I did have a light cone on her I do have relics on her and I did upgrade her traces so turning a long story into a short one I basically recorded the video and then I had the file footage and then I was clearing footage from my computer and then I accidentally deleted and removed the building video from my computer so and essentially I lost the footage so anyways we're recording it again we still have some more upgrades I wanted to get for black SW anyways so that's okay with that being said now that we know she's already at level 70 we have no need to level her up anymore I can take her to level 80 and it is something that I'm actually debating taking her to level 80 because it can be worth it for that extra attack but unfortunately Sparkle is coming out real soon so what we're going to do is keep Black Swan at level 70 however a tradition that we like to do on this channel is that whenever we level up a character is immediately go and take those star rail passes that we get from said character we take the star rail passes we go and we get a five star every time from the Stellar warp Banner now unfortunately I already claimed those passes and I can't really get them back so to substitute for that because we don't have those standard wishes we got some special wishes instead we got four star rail special passes which we are going to use to get an E1 Black Swan because if you guys don't know every single time that you first level up your Black Swan accidentally delete the footage do a bunch of PS get nothing but then you go over and you use your star rail special passes which I have four of them you're actually guaranteed to get a five star this is just how it works I've done this before deleted the footage corrupted got it tun immediately and then after getting that tun I would then usually go on to get a Black Swan uh not that time but then on rooll number three it always happens it always happens guys damn it one more please come on oh anyways next thing we have to do is go and get her a good light cone now there are lots of good Black Swan light cones in the game so let's just talk about a few of them so the best five-star light cones for her in the game are obviously going to be her best in slot light cone reforge remembrance which increases effect hit rate by a crap ton and she needs a lot of effect hit rate so that is particularly good for her it also increases attack and ignores defense it is just an op op light cone unfortunately the only two five stars I have are the kovka light cone which isn't particularly good for her because it only increases damage dealt and speed which can be good for her but she's more looking for effect hit rate and attack percent but I personally think the best one I have for her is the it it's showtime Sparkle light cone I actually really like this one not just because Sparkle is on it and I may or may not be the biggest Sparkle fan of all time but it's actually because this is a really good set effect increases damage doubt for every debuff we inflict on the enemy and at max level you can get this to 10% so you can get a 30% total damage increase and if our effect hit rate is at 80% which I'm hoping we can get we can get an increase attack of 30 6% which is really good that's one light cone I really like but some other good light cones include things like good night sleep well eyes of the prey and even before the tutorial Mission starts or actually really good light cones if you have before the tutorial Mission starts you can get a Max of 40% effect hit rate which is absolutely crazy for her but unfortunately for Black Swan I I kind of like my silver wolf more than I like her so she's going to be stuck with my S5 it's showtime Lite cone which by the way this L cone scares the ever living crap out of me look at the way Sparkle is looking at those dolls man anyways now that we have our light cone we move on to the next thing which is traces which luckily I've already got most of my traces because as I said before we had corrupted footage blah blah blah you know the story however we can actually get some more Trace upgrades if we do a couple Cales which I actually have Early Access to we can actually start getting some really really good traces for her we could potentially go to 888 we can get some wind damage boost lots of good stuff here so let's try and see what we can get we're going to go to our Early Access Kels we're going to go six tries and we can test out Black Swan for the very first time we start getting some dots and now that we have those dos going we can activate them with kovka and we're just going to start like obliterating stuff as you see they don't even get a chance to set off their abilities and we immediately inflict them all with Arcana keep it going boom throw B little defense oh my gosh the Arcana is so good and it hits the enemies beside the enemy I love that so much go again again oh it's so good we go again Arcana throw it down the hand come on with it hit him there he's gone goodbye do always kills no matter what do honestly may be the strongest path now in the game in my personal opinion you can beg to death but I'm going to stand strong beside theil no matter the cost we blast him again there we go Arcana oh my gosh bro Arcana is so satisfying to watch boom baby battle over okay there we go I'm probably going to have to do that at least one or two more times so we'll be back after I complete that uh one or two more times all right we are back I think think we have enough to at least upgrade one Trace so let's see here we have the option of the talent the basic attack the ultimate and the skill I think out of all of them I like the ultimate the most it's just such a cool ability and honestly it's the one I want to take to the furthest level now we do have the option of upgrading one more ability because I do have one more of the past evils of the planet Bor hole Planet disaster material so I can level up one more to level five now I do need a couple more of these however but I think I need a couple more tiers of feus to do that and I currently I have 24 of them if we look at the Battle pass I got 24 more coming up at level 20 I just need one level how can I get one level so we can synthesize 10 consumables sounds easy enough cook 10 Ramen packets right here say less synthesize Bing Bang Boom we get her done good stuff claim that level 20 and we get some more tears of dream dreams I'm not sure why I call them tears of feus what what's that even from eh whatever anyways back to our traces we can use our tears of dreams now we either have the option of the skill the talent or the basic attack I think I'm going to opt for the talent because I am pairing her with other dot characters so the scaling of this is actually really important let's use our tears of dreams and get this thing to level eight perfect and now we have two more upgraded talents we're looking even better than we did before and now the last thing we have to do is get her some relics and get her idolon one which we are going to get right now give me a second here idolon one Bing Bang Boom easy peasy dang anyways let's talk about the Black Swan relics so Black Swan has a very simple Relic guide to follow which honestly isn't all that complicated so when you're sorting out the Black Swan relics you really only have one choice and that is Prisoner inde deep confinement it is by far the best in slot for Black Swan for the obvious reasons that it's the dot character set and she wears that muzzle helmet like a dog no genuinely though how do you think she put that thing on in terms of other good sets you have the options of pairing the prisoner and deep confinement with other two- pieces like the two-piece musketeer of wild wheat or the two-piece Eagle of Twilight line you can even opt to go for the four piece Eagle of Twilight line so you can get her ultimate up a little bit faster as for her planner ornaments she has one definite best in slot which is the pan Cosmic set because of the extra effect hit rate that it gives you as for other good options you have for her you also have the font gloth which increases your attack based on your speed and she is going to need a lot of speed which we will talk about later and then for the same reason you can also go for space ceiling station for the extra attack and those are about all the Relic sets that I would recommend as for the Relic set I'm going to choose for her well we already kind of have it sorted out here I add a couple pieces that I had prepared for her one's here with like effect hit rate speed attack I have one here with speed effect hit rate my body has effect hit rate and it missed completely speed and attack but it's fine I have some speed boots I have a wind damage orb I have an energy regeneration rope anyways let's look at her final build she has 3,000 HP 2,000 attack 737 defense 148 speed an absolutely abysmal crit r ratio 119 recharge which is normal and then 82 effect hit rate and 28% effect resistance now that 80% effect hit rate is actually slightly important because the sparkle light cone only triggers if you have 80% effect hit rate so it's actually really important that we had that anyways now that we have our finished build I think it's about time we get our constellation one for our Black Swan of course that's what time it was bam shoot anyways not that but what we are going to do is go and try out our Black Swan try her out with her full kit with an actual good team in some actual difficult content and in my opinion what better content than the new pure fiction that was just released I believe this pure fiction rotation was actually made specifically for Black Swan so if you see here like everything is dot based which makes it perfect for Black Swan now we just want to pair with other do characters like for example a cough gun a surval I think will work well here and I think we can just absolutely obliterate every single enemy obviously I have haa in here for some skill point support as well which I think will be useful but anyways let's use our enhance and let's go in with our kovka Boom come on I'm excited let's use Black Swan let's kill that enemy oh my goodness look at all the arcan stacks oh that enemy is dead they don't even get a turn oh my gosh go again boom I killed both of them I didn't even attack I haven't even had my turn yet that was just from the technique the technique killed two enemies let's use the burst here we go boom grapple them oh I love that so much almost killed him too single Target boom ow that kind of hurts oh my gosh the the Arcana stack just killed the enemy goodbye goodbye oh life is so free when you have Arcana blast them and then kofka ultimate th boom Arcana gone oh wait he raised the enemy's turn that's kind of bad how many turns we have left three oh my gosh we are chilling we barely used a turn go again oh no okay oh Arcana oh I'll tell you what the Arcana stuff is actually super satisfying oh goodbye I killed the enemy beside him H bro we haven't even passed a turn yet we're still on turn three and we're on the final wave oh my gosh she's so powerful again grapple them to death my goal is to get a perfect score let's see if we can do it I believe perfect score is 40,000 if I'm not mistaken that's going to be our Tipping Point to see how good Black Swan really is goodbye The Joker strikes you got the four of Spades I wish they were actually playing cards I I don't know what those cards are they're some sort of card I think she's like a fortune teller right they're probably like fortune telling cards I can already tell black Swan the type of girl who has gemstones in her room and believes that signs are the BN and end all of all human relationships which honestly I respect no hate to those people boom don't attack the main enemy or what what are you going to do oh that kind of hurt I guess whatever end that ultimate is actually the coolest thing in the whole world I wish she'd do that to me oh my gosh look at all that Arcana we just inflicted on the boss oh goodbye she killing all her friends by existing bro just by being there she killing all her allies honestly kind of sad we have one more wave left and just a couple enemies and I think it's over come on Black Swan boom Arcana with the kill and we take the absolute ratio on those enemies what an absolutely boss character definitely one of my favorites in the game and makes nil the path so much better I'm sorry if this video wasn't exactly what you guys wanted because I did accidentally lose the footage but I hope you still enjoyed it nonetheless let me know any of your thoughts on Black Swan in the comments below but for me that's going to be all today thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Kekvin
Views: 64,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M8vfACQftgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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