I Spent 100 Days in Cobblemon (Minecraft Pokemon)

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I spent 100 days in camon a mod that brings the true essence of Pokemon to Minecraft I mean just look at this Garchomp he's so cute my goals for this video are simple earn eight gym badges and challenge the Elite 4 I'm doing all of this on Pok Hub the IP along with the cobon mod pack will be linked down below so you can follow alongside me on my journey so let's get started on this adventure in the moon realm getting on the server right the gate I saw a spin function gambling that's all me I rolled for an extra eight pokeballs on my adventure and then I got to the real stuff what kobon SL pookemon will I be picking there are some really good options and froi turns into an amazingly strong Pokémon but who am I kidding torchic's the cutest with this little chick on my side I wanted to check out the Hub this place has a lot like an auction house Pokedex skill abilities but that's all besides the point vote crate keys are at stake and I'm all in once again my addiction runs deep giving me five rolls the first one enchantment bottles next one grand then a wulu don't want that 750 bucks and lastly 100 claim blocks that's a lot of information at once but I finally am ready to start my beloved Adventure in Pokémon I rtpd into the middle of nowhere in search of battle animals and a new place to call home I was put into a spruce Village right out the gate and honestly it's not that I don't love the wood here but I need a place that isn't already someone's house on a mountain I noticed that the biomes are looking a bit different than normal Minecraft and that's because the server uses teralith to enhance the world so it's not near as boring up on the docket I found a cute little Roy I have no idea what this Pokémon is but I want it a flame charge and quick attack later I learned that I can catch them by actively throwing the ball at the guy this is so much better than all of the other mods available I did spend a lot of day one looking for a place to live whether that was running through some forests putting in the coolest of canals however one thing caught my eye this little Spiel however even if I wanted it ROK landed a powerful PEC that killed him against my will T out my day I found the border of the world can't be settling here now that's scary day two I realized that I have the ability to fly yes okay I'm using one of the top pranks on the server but kobon doesn't have riding Pokemon yet so I can't like go flying around on a Charizard but it does allow me to speed through places and pick up stuff as I go I found some berries and I have no idea what they do so I guess I'll have to figure that out later however the better find are these apricorns those allow me to make pokeballs I think then it was time to finally figure out where I'm going to be living I flew over this giant crater next to a beautiful red Spruce biome immediately I knew I wanted this entire area to myself with the claim shovel I struggled once again I could never figure this thing out to claim more land than the louisan a purchase I have plans for this area it would be sick to build a bridge over this entire Gap and that's only phase one of our build however the koban are my priority right now I thought it would be fun to train up the two guys I've got and the first thing I saw was a Teddy Ursa let's just say after getting wiped by it I learned my lesson let's challenge a higher level ratatata yeah I lost again Torchic then one shot a cricat my goodness thought I was losing my touch there even though my touch is a two out of 10 Pokémon knowledge which shows by losing to a bundlebee day three I wanted a fresh face to the team Magikarp but instead I killed it again man thanks chicky thankfully his strength continues to Prevail as he last Stitch effort quick attacked a swallowe and fires through a Starly and pige of bird attack our little guy is level 16 in a matter of moments and then a decoy spawns on the server decoys are legendary Pokémon that spawn next to a random player if you kill it you get some pretty interesting rewards but you cannot catch the thing however if one spawns on me I uh don't think I'm killing it anytime soon some more wildlife extermination later on our boy's level 19 and I wanted to store some things that our so-called base trust me at some point this place will look sick just not right now I still wanted to evolve my guy as quick as possible so I kept killing all throughout the night we are so close to the next stage of Torchic then I got it level 21 and I knew it was time I clicked evolve and in the menu we had combustion our little guy is sick now but there's some other stuff we have to worry wor about in this world technically there aren't many dangers when it comes to like needing armor and stuff which is good cuz I don't have to focus on it however I still want to go mining diamond tools will be needed for building and maybe we can find some cool Pokémon down below the surface speaking of Pokémon I had forgotten to name our starter of course his name is going to be subscri no I'm kidding don't don't worry about it relax all right I'm going with anime names here burnd dead burn dead fits the fire type and since he's also a fighting naming him after Mash just makes sense on to I was just grabbing up some coal and iron in the surface caves but the lower I went the more I saw a Gastly caught my eye and I think this evolves into Gengar thus I want it thankfully burn dead didn't kill it this time and we had our mans while mining I noticed a mining level something that can be upgraded to give you double drops or faster mining over time which is great I'm already going for all the ores that give me the most XP for this skill diamonds are fairly rare on the server but that didn't stop me from getting my first oh and a house underground yep there's just a house chilling in the mines some random items were inside but nothing special seems as though people have already looted it back to mining let's speed this up over time I got around 16 diamonds between some massive caves and claimed a mob spawner I'm not sure if you can mine them or use them or if they're useful but it's good to have for later outside the caves I sold our lapis for a whopping $700 probably not the best way to be earning money at the moment and to end out the night I made an in enchantment table for my tools then a sugar cane farm so at some point I can set up the full Enchantment Table after that I made the bad call of claiming all of the kits I have access to eight new diamonds was great but another one gave me like a little XP thing and I used it on Burn dead for him to only shoot up to level 36 bro that makes this way easier however I'm going to try and keep my cool and store this stuff instead of use it right away day six I evolved burn dead to his final form the Beast of a Pokémon blazak again he's now able to Pack-A-Punch and RIS up all the ladymon I also figured out how to access his moves I began replacing some of what he used to use with better flying fire and fighting type moves then I used him to just start mopping up Pokémon around me no one was safe from our line of fire I also wanted to level up Gastly as well which evolved into a Haunter later on his moves were a lot more complicated I can't tell the difference between all the purple ones so I'm just like hoping these are good next up I checked out the jobs function which which is a way to earn money as you level up I went with Miner Builder and trainer sums up what I'll be doing for the next 100 days I also saw a playtime rewards feature that allowed me to claim some keys rare candy and more pokeballs day seven while at the base I farmed up some of the cherry trees I had planted down and I plan to make a chery bridge across this gigantic Gap a way to make it all colorful and stuff after that I wanted to catch some more mons I was able to secure a Biz bizel B Bizzle I don't know how to say that which burn dead almost killed but he didn't thankfully and he was high enough to evolve him into a float S I changed up some of his moves so we now have a cool water type then I continued through the forest until I found a Beedrill I'm only slightly familiar with this Pokemon so Flo was able to get it low for a catch and to end out my day I almost died trying to capture a Magikarp but hey I did get it Gyarados is better than floel in my opinion day eight I was being a good soldier and tried to level up our Magikarp who I named guu by the way but getting him up to level 21 in hopes of evolution is going to take some time the only Pokémon that gu can kill is more of his own kind so it was a slow Slaughter on a beach I thought I saw a tree which turned out to be a gigalith of a Pokémon I mean this thing is taller than my future clearly I won it burnd dead was the first to go trying not to kill it and just getting a small hit which worked but it killed my guy thankfully Haunter is my sleeper agent and knocked him out for the catch I cannot believe this is in my party I checked him out and he's a grass dragon type I don't see it but okay I switch some of his moves around and hopefully he'll be helpful in battle I also named him fatgum anyway back to the mass Exodus of Magikarp gu evolved into girados one of my favorite Pokémon for sure this big old man fatgum and burn dead are going to be the real additions to the team gu currently being our weakest link I added an XP share to him Kon actually allows these to be crafted so it's fair fairly easy to level him up while burn dead does all the work that's actually what I did Burning the Pokémon around to level gu up a bit so he might be strong enough to fight on his own also something that has never happened to me in my 8 years of playing this game yep I was struck by lightning first time for everything I guess after that I learned about the hunt feature there are easy medium hard and ultimate Hunts on the server if you catch that Pokémon you end up getting a reward ranging from 5K all the way to $50,000 my easy hunt was merro while my medium was Machop so I rgpd to try and find them however the only luck I was getting was killing a SPI that didn't see it coming while out I found a gold duck which is cool but why do I keep running into water types I'll never beat player gyms if I stick to one type the entire time also if you're wondering why some of my Pokémon specifically gu is jumping levels turns out if you welcome someone onto the server you just get free levels so legit anyone can level up their mons fairly easily the only other thing that happened this day was catching this Ponyta but for some reason it was pink I'm unfamiliar with the different region Pokémon but apparently this Pony to is a Fairy Type which is pretty cool and a lot different than the fire I'm used to oh I should have named him My Little Pony I just thought about the a man I should have done okay anyway day 10 I realized that in my hunt to get a better team for the eventual Elite 4 I hadn't even started on my base and I'm not going to now instead let's just make that bridge I kept talking about my first attempt at the arch wasn't the best I mean look at this thing it is so crooked so I ran it back on the other side getting the arch the way I wanted from there I got to work on filling in all the layers using slabs for an easy walk and then spent time mapping out the railing for some people that can make or break a structure like this after getting our spacing right I didn't want the bridge to just be so narrow thus I began building it down to thicken her up alongside that I game plan the perfect arch to connect it to the ground however after looking at it I made the perfect arch on the wrong level something I'll have to fix later the next day I started to realize that getting Cherrywood is heavily inefficient right now and buying it would be much much easier but I need some cash 2.4k is Child's Play out here so I went to do quests in the area one of them was just breaking cherry tree leaves for $2,000 that's a steel and there are a ton more like this I chopped oak leaves Spruce leaves Birch leaves BR a 100 stone blocks which took longer than I wanted so I finally made our enchantment table but since I'm not level 30 I settled for a plain silk touch pickaxe could be better but later on this will be perfect then I went back to our quests breaking 100 grass blocks mining a 100 Cobblestone some iron ore gold ore Etc the hardest one had to be the gold though as it only wanted me to do the stone variant of the ore yet I didn't realize I could mine ones that I had already Min so I continued throughout the cave looking for more stone gold that led me here a random guy just building down here sup bro eventually I had gotten all of my gold completing another Quest I also happened to find an onyx down here who I thought picking up now would be useful in the future final Quests for the day were 100 iron ore and some andesite good day's Hall rewarding me over $30,000 yeah money is easy back at it again with the way sorry okay back at again with the bridge build I corrected the arch to only be on the bottom and I can tell this is going places then I lined up the top with cherry logs to connect all of the pillars and repeated that on both sides with all the bare bone stuff done now I just really have to make this pretty I used upside down stairs to extend the platforms out to the railings while also not covering up the logs and then I stripped the top of them to make it all nice and pink then I came up with a design for the rail that would look good with diorite added to the build day 13 we were so close to being done with the bridge and I still find it funny I chose to build this over a house yeah I'm not right in the head I focused on getting this finished starting with the rail I used fences fence gates trap doors lanterns and slabs to make it all look good after that I went underneath to make sure our bottom half was covered I put stairs in all of the corners to make it look connected as well as fences for support in every Square after it was all set and done it looked pretty good but not Perfect the final thing I did was add trap doors all along the bottom for an extra pop and then grabb Cherry leaves to simulate growth all along the bridge this is a perfect looking Bridge you canot tell me that this isn't fire like look I get it all I get to do is walk across it or yet I'll be flying across it but let's be honest this is a statement piece later on in the video you'll learn how to teleport here if you do end up playing the server with me however it's finally time to get back to Pokémon and making more money I first changed up some of onyx's moves so he isn't trash then I found more quests to do one was enchant five of every sword type and I'm totally cool with that I had around 20 levels at the time so I was easily able to do the wood stone gold and iron versions after that I saw a quest for smelting iron ore and lucky me I had silk touched all of it from the mines so I just got to sit here and watch it melt I wasn't sure how it would work if I left the furnace and maybe I didn't get my prize so I wasn't gambling that I just stared here for the rest of the day however day 15 was a questionable day now look I get that I am meant to be training my Pokemon to fight through all of the gyms and win the game that's the plan however after being here for 15 days completing quests hunts Etc I earned a ton of rare candies so I went through and leveled up all of my Pokemon to level 90 almost burn dead was an easy 90 I want to use him as much as possible and fatum just sucked up the rare candies while gu is my only water type thus it makes sense and Sprite the fairy Pony only earned up to 81 cuz I don't know how useful she will be totally not cuz I ran out of candies or anything now that they have new moves available I also looked through those to see which ones would do it for me I'm still very new to all of this so the ones that hide High numbers just always piqued my interest after all that though it's clear I was focused on our Pokémon today so I took them into the wild to kill catch or hunt mods I used Hunter to catch an Ambi pal then sat in the river trying to hunt down a Golduck for money took a while but eventually I found one and it killed Haunter so sleep wasn't an option which meant I was just yucking Ultra Balls at it till I caught thankfully that's an extra 10K in the bank day 16 I was flying around the world when I just saw this floating platform it confused me until I realized this is how people Farm a Pokémon way more efficiently I'll have to look more into these for when I do the hunt stuff during that time I was introduced to SL Gladiator this is a battle between players something people do on the side to earn money and bragging right so I signed up not like I'm going to win anything The Prompt for it just popped up when I was wandering letting me know I have to choose three mons to fight with of course burn dead fat gum and gu are the best choices out the gate I was fighting a GL GIS sood I'm so sorry and use burn dead to well burn it then a Crobat was in my way which somehow one-hot the rest of my health so I brought out guu my tank he hydr pumped the thing to 19 HP so I just did it again now I'm going a 2V1 with an easy kill kill on his honro for my first round dub in the next round of course I chose my three babies again to fight for me burn dead was up against a Flareon and not an easy one since it was level 100 however he kicked the crap out of it for the Vic Royale next was a jolon but since kicking worked I tried it again just to lose now water is weak to Electric so I think bringing out guu is a nogo thus fatgum was born he used gigar drain to have jol's HP thus he swapped to Leafeon so I swapped to the battle was quick with gu taking a lead and fat besting the Joel round two somehow I'm winning these and the only thing I get to see is the PLS biome I really wish I teleported you to an arena or something I didn't expect to get this far so when the final round came I got absolutely wiped to be honest I don't even know what the other person's mons were which just makes sense for me but I still got two vote party keys for getting second day 17 I was hunting down a man on the desert platform but it just wasn't happening so I went to a player built shop he had items I didn't know about so many items but the best part was he was buying keys I could sell those vote party things I just won for like 20 grand this also may be the turning point in the video where I kind of start focusing completely on money over life itself back home I was into even more quests to just keep earning after realizing that placing was also a category for quests I went ham placing Stone Hoppers brick you name it I was in it for the cash day 18 I was back on the hunt for some more mons to either add to the team or earn money from one RTP later and I was in a dark Forest Plateau I don't know what kind of mons I could get from here but it turns out I was close to a woodland Mansion clearly it's been looted and it's used to catch mons but I don't know which ones I want so I continued on my search until I found a flat with a boated twig I love twig and if I need a grass type he's the one I'm after on my fly around the world I ended up at someone's Epic Base look at this place this is it's huge it had an apricorn farm and everything I'm in uh no need of pokeballs however I'm distracted by pretty colors so while watching bungo stray dogs I went around clicking on every apricorn possible it's rare to get seeds from these things so I was just making sure that I had gotten a couple or 10 from every single color and to end out my day I asked someone for a normal diamond ore to complete another Quest apparently my silk touch deep slate ores won't do the trick and I needed this Stone one to get the cash okay it's been almost 20 days since we started this and the only house progress I have made is a bridge not that I have made much Pokémon progress yet but still I need to clear out the land where my house is going to be it was all terraforming work for now I'm not sure how I feel about all of the stone mixed with the dirt but with proper Decor it can work speaking of Pokémon progress I also went through all of my mons again to rework the move sets and level them up fully as well as Place some barriers in their heal held item slots I don't remember what they do I'm just hoping they help in battle after all of the quests that I've done I have around $150,000 that means I want a Pokémon one of my favorites if not the top three or even top three in the verse I want guard Chom so I asked in chat if anyone had one unfortunately no one seemed to until the mod imp showed off theirs I bought that up for $30,000 a small hit for such a richen like me meab base I took off my XP share on zenitsu and placed it on Gibble I also had a couple of XP items to get him up to level 51 and evolve it into garchon after that there was more money to be made one of the quests happens to be about dying sheep I needed 10 plus different dieses to spam a sheep for money I don't get it either but it's free I flew around the map and collected all different types of colors to hoard up each and every die however there was a slight hiccup while grabbing Cactus I noticed d diamonds shining at the bottom of a cave I'm not missing my chance for free loot so I accepted drowning as a trade for the blue gems yet the game had something else in store for me a Dratini a cute little guy just chilling there ready to be caught however all of my mons were level 100 so I had to bank on the Ultra Balls again it took like 10 balls to collect this guy but he's mine also one of my top mons collected as a bonus I did get all of the die I was talking about earlier the first part of day 21 I was looking around for a sheep it's much harder than I thought to find a vanilla Minecraft mob but eventually I landed on one I put it in a hole and started the process of constantly dying it after doing this for like 10 different colors I walked away with an easy $25,000 and anyone can do this you just got to collect the flowers then I fully leveled my G Chomp this big boy needs his epic moves not that I know anything but earthquake I've heard is solid so we'll use that I followed that one up with Draco meteor Stone Edge and flamethrower I know technically Garchomp now renamed Kaiju ain't no fire type but what if he needs the move okay let him cook literally I also joined another Gladiator battle which uh I got stomped in I don't even want to recall the effect of my defeat holy cow it was bad and to end out my day I started buying random colored concrete because I have a new plan and it's for the house this will be nothing like you've seen before unless you're in the Discord and you saw it like a month ago starting off I will need a large Stone base something to hold up this monstrosity of a build I am going for when outlining the structure I was just counting to random odd numbers for the dimensions of each segment of our house the first of these was a giant green Cube not sure what part of the house this is uh but next was an orange section this place was much more of a mess not really a cube or any kind of shape however even after looking at this outline H I don't know what this was this is a mistake something needed fixing here so I added a purple Square on top for what I uh don't know there's just a lot of colors thus I decided to add more why not it's fun I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing when building this I'm freehanding the entire thing the only reason I'm doing all of these different colors like this blue square that I've added on the left side of our main part is because I just want to keep it bright and Lively like I feel Pokémon is next I started filling in each segment first was the orange it was massive and costed a lot then I added some more to the purple and I noticed the stone foundation was looking a bit small so I extended it after that it was my attempt at decorating our green blob first was some Sandstone trim around the entrance and circling the first floor's perimeter as well as using Birch I know on some windows overall it was looking all right but I thought to add melons as a contrasting block along with green terra cotta then I opted for Mangrove as an accent block red only goes with green at Christmas so let's hope this video comes out around then I've been at this for a little while now so let's speed it up a bit first I added wool to the purple block then I slanted a mangrove roof over the orange part and a Sandstone roof for the purple after that I worked on the weird offset in the orange area such as this roof and Sandstone to hold it up then I cool little diorite window since I'm adding all different colors anyway diorite seemed like the way to go plus it looked really cool I kind of regret all the Sandstone now Day 26 I mixed up the pallettes of the orange with some wool and pumpkins I get that looks a little weird right now but after it's all done attention to detail will make it look great back on the left side I had to roof in the Sandstone Outlook I don't really know what to call this except uh it kind of looks a little bit Greek I chose Mangrove again and don't want to hear about it okay don't talk about my building pallet ever I know that I've never built like this before but there's a reason okay again soon any member of the server will be able to come and visit my home so I want to make sure that I do cobon justice and when I think of cobon I think of colors so I'm using them all at the back of the base I also added a pokemonart like roof entrance it's perfect to symbolize the Pokémon games I never got to play however it was finally time to get back to work on the green area I only decorated the front so I had to wrap everything around add more windows and once again extend the foundation of our base in the front I was figuring out stairs originally I wanted slabs that could connect to a path leading behind the base but it didn't work out so regular old stairs that'll fit has to do after that I roofed in the green section made the Outlook Gallery look a little nicer and finished up the exterior with diorite Windows I'm actually lowkey in love with the new house I shared it in Discord like I mentioned earlier once or twice while making it and it got uh mixed reviews so let me know what you think of it down below now after almost 10 days it's time to move in I really ought to learn to build smaller bases at the start of day 29 I began thinking about the challenge of getting to the Elite 4 turns out I need to start by getting all eight badges who knew first Why not start with one of the helpers herp he runs one of the purple type gyms and no I'm not joking I can't tell the difference between all the purple type colors but I know for a fact my Haunter could be the key to Victory but he still needs an upgrade so my man of Aid happened to be the very man I'm going to challenge he helped me evolve my Haunter into a Gengar I also pulled out my shiftry I think that's how you say that a dark grass type so that maybe I'll have a chance I also leveled them up by handpicking moves for the battle and at the same time it turns out herp was in a battle of his own quick a soon Tobe friend invited me to watch as another player got wiped this uh did not help my case whatsoever after telling quick about the whole situation he decided to take me under his wing he told me about leftovers correct move sets man's abilities and everything I didn't know so he's basically becoming my Sensei with all of that stored up knowledge I challenged TP on day 30 his gym is crazy you can see the true time that went into building it however there is an issue with this request I have to take a quiz I entered a room with a 2 out of 10 Pokemon knowledge expecting to get an 80% on a test before taking on her I entered the first room and saw my teacher with three Pokémon in front of him he asked me out of the three Pokémon which has the highest special attack I tried to walk out of there right away but I was trapped sure I can technically guess the entire test but what are the odds of that after studying the names I guessed chandelier somehow I had it right and I moved on to the second stage from there I guessed the correct one again and got to a room with a Gengar he happened to ask me about which had the highest speed unbeknownst to him him I could actually look that up in my inventory turns out Gengar has a pretty high speed level so I just went with it and I was right that is three in a row and he decided to ask me a bonus question about Gengar was the one that he had shiny huh I wonder overall I actually ended up passing the test by only getting one wrong the entire time we were able to move onto the battle where I started with shiftry even though that wasn't my plan so I insta swwa for swoop as he swapped for booger man I got confused very fast and threw out froppy who got hit pretty hard and then died burn dead knocked his HP a bit but was killed by chandelier Kaiju came out just to lose as well uh swoop Moon blasted nothing apparently and healed off of Boogerman who then lived on one HP I hate my life swoop died killing Boogerman and my Gengar came out to kill his Sabal ey with which didn't last long as death itself came out from his little hidey-hole to finish me off well that was fun not coming back here I suck also uh quick was disappointed to say the least after that battle he ended up taking me to his place it's a massive white structure that I'm sure will eventually be turned into a gym he's way too experienced for me so he ran me through some of the stuff I did wrong and who I should be using in my next battle against her however that took a while because I'm dense as all get out so moving on to day 32 it was a bit of a better day because I decided to take on another gym I know I know so soon is a little crazy but this time I'm confident I can get my first badge I'm going against a bug type gym and my team ran like this Gyarados Garchomp Dragonite Lucario alaria and of course burnd dead my main man with the/ PG command I was there in an instant with guu starting against Shuckle I popped a dragon dance and hit a hydrop pump after I know I really should use earthquake more of which I did on the G galula I'm so sorry but now it's pretty low I am not a great match so it was burn Dead's turn however I got crapped on by its speed don't know what I'm doing still yet I had a clean swap so I popped out Lucario he was able to blaze kick it to death then she brought out skizzer scissor I don't know a solid bug type but I was ready with a close combat to get her now down to about 26% which I then lost Lucario to speed I learned from my mistake and pulled out dreamer a Dragon Dance Play left a weak and the U-turn attack pulled out crussell who wiped her I'm so sorry for people who know what they're doing but may was out and it's her job to kill crussell thank the Lord it is dead finally a win buz wool was pulled out and now I've never seen this mon so I was scared but a dragon danced hurricane one shot it Shuckle returned to play which I swapped in gu to handle he earthquak it for nothing which meant I was right not to use it earlier a hydr pump killed it leaving skizzer in place or scissor I'm so sorry I again I apologize for all of the names that I mispronounce even though guu lost to the thing I can't pronounce it was Kaiju versus Nas who just got fir fanged right off the bat for a w wow what a long battle just to beat the bug gy please don't leave any comments about my poor performance all right I really do improve throughout the entire video I don't with the pronunciation of these mons though end out the day I rolled the vult party key you saw me get in the middle of the battle for a netherite template I had totally forgotten about armor at this point okay enough brain power after all that I was moned out we have one gym badge to our name and it took 32 days this is not looking good however it was time to actually move into the base I'd really only put my random item into chests no interior Decor has been done yet to start off I made my bedroom because clearly I'm I need that on a server it was a spruce framed bed with storage on either side to act as nightstands then PLU down the enchantment table in the green corner and some Stellar shelves to hold up lanterns plants and just the Anvil to end it out I made a chest area or two for all of our crap not that I'm ever organizing it speaking of that the next day I had to move all of it over to the new storage area and y'all know me I'm just yucking it in there after that I learned how to make a healing machine for my mons for a quest still one of the best ways to get money and level up the team then I also made a PC and a pasture block which I learned lets Pokémon roam around your area I learned that by accidentally misclicking it way too fast sending my Turtwig out to fend for himself I also didn't want to be that guy with his mons so I let the team out for the night just kidding get back in the ball I start the next day with a few quick decorations around the base like a grindstone Lantern and carpet to complement the green quebe after that I noticed I still had some unmined diamonds but that's because I'm Still rocking with the silk touch pickaxe with how much cash I had now I thought it best to warp to some of the player shops around and see what they had took me some time looking at each and every shop to find one with books that would max out a pick I bought fortune 3 efficiency 5 mending and Unbreaking I combined all of that up into one book and now I need 22 levels to just put it on my pickaxe that's when I learned about a command XP warp with some six spawners like a zombie Vindicator skeleton Etc I didn't actually have a sword so I kind of just sat here and punched them hoping for good XP I also reached out to a mod who had bottles of enchanting those got me to 22 levels easy which leveled up my foraging skill from combining finally it was time to mine all of my ore awarding me with a total of 32 extra diamonds next was an apricorn project I wanted some around the base in case I need more than the stacks I've already harvested probably should have paid them for that but oh well anyway I cleared out some land behind the base and planted one of every single type eventually these things will grow probably however that got me interested in the Pokeball Quest I'm sure I can make some of these so I got to get to it I harvested some Iron Coal and copper from a nearby cave from the base for which these balls are made and after it was all smelted I started a quest and cooked up 32 of each ball I did this for the entire day giving me either 1,500 or 2500 bucks every time it worked out pretty well cuz there were a lot of balls that I could craft the only issue was when it came to getting the white apricorn I didn't have a lot of those so I had to sacrifice some balls to craft day 38 I worked up the courage to go against another gym this time it's a flying type gym I Googled a lot of stuff beforehand and talk to Quick knowing that electric types are strong against them so I pulled out my luxray and Aeros to Aid in battle I also rework some of the moves on all of my mons to lean more towards Rock electric and Ice strength to fight the flying gem I'm slowly getting the hang of this thanks to quick so I was ready for this battle I teleported over to his gym and it was like a cage the battle started with his shiny Gyarados versus my Kaiju I of course tried to earthquake but I'm an idiot because that doesn't work around here then I Thunder fanged it which did some damage from there I tried to sword stance to make that move more powerful hoping he wasn't going to hit yet with his attack and speed already raised after Gyarados next was a Crobat who took my thunder straight to the freaking grave so far so good this balloon boy did a big hit on me which poisoned me to death unfortunately however Kaiju had gotten three so surely were good to go until I saw that my Aeros was low I had forgotten to heal him before the battle May went out against Togekiss and fought like an idiot why are you using blizzard right now dreamer came out and Ice beamed it to death so that's four a cenite who was next looked terrifying by the way ice didn't do much and since my electrics were weak I'm not happy with my performance here dreamer fainted so I brought out Gengar he used Thunder but it missed the first time and hit the second leaving his zap do as the last Pokémon I don't know how to fight this thing but Gengar hit a banger of a Shadow Ball leaving some hope my last non-injured guy was zenitsu and he landed the final fatal crunch which earned my badge number two a cooked chicken breast I'm fairly happy with my performance I didn't throw too hard this time and I'm Googling a lot less so maybe three out of 10 day 39 I received my reward for progressing up the ranks of the gym I'm surprisingly doing it a lot faster faster than most don't know how that's possible but I was given some eggs to show off this server has custom skins for some of their mods which makes these eggs very valuable I opened up an April egg and won a baras scuda not even going to ask what that is I won a something out of a heaven egg I kind of lost it in my PC but I'm sure I'll find it later and Out of The Shadow egg I got a grimer that's not great but I found a purple Lapras in my PC not even sure how this got here to be honest but I love it more of the day was spent on clearing out some of the trees near the base as I get closer to expanding this place I have a plan to make a community all focused around the Pokemon battle arena in the middle but I'm getting ahead of myself I also went ahead and did another Gladiator battle after getting wiped in the other one I wasn't feeling too good my first opponent was one of the most known players on the server great May went up against something that I had never seen before and thunder punched it to death on one HP kiju then one tapped his next two Pokémon and I had round one in the back somehow my two maybe three out of 10 knowledge is working my next opponent happened to be another one of the best players on the server huh I'm dead speaking of dead burn dead was straight away killed by his gutina but Kaiju came in clutch and made it switch out so he could Swords Dance earthquake a palia to death then we did the same thing to his gutina finally the Rayquaza came out and stopped me as I can't earthquake it it outsped me and I was left with Lucario he pulled out a crazy close combat at 14 HP and won round three started fast against CA another freaking big dog on the server I don't know what's happening but the server is like making me a Jester up against a knight I have no idea what I'm doing I'm at a loss for words on how I am still in this may Thunder punched the peler to death and he threw out baruda oh I do know what that is now may was outsped and lost that fight Lucario was next with a close combat that didn't too much as he swapped to Zapdos I don't have much to do with Lucario so I got one more CC and died all that was left was Kaiju I scal shot the Zapdos and it was just the fish vers the monster lucky me when the zap died my defense fell but my speed Rose allowing me to get an earthquake off on barascud in time somehow I got through to the final against some of the best players I knew my luck was over when it came up to DLT in the last round he is one of if not known as the best player on the server my team got absolutely destroyed by mods that I didn't even knew existed and I landed in second place that was one of my biggest accomplishments for this entire video I mean Gym Battles are cool but this was super hype yeah hype can fade as for now it's time to get to work on the extra sections of our base first up were the outlines of stone one base is for the backside and then one adjacent to it making this area almost squared in with buildings and finally A Perfect Circle in the middle of our area after it was placed I filled it all in and bought a bunch of colorful concrete for all of the buildings I stuck to lighter SL neon colors for every area and continued my crazy plan just like our OG house random squares random Heights random of Randomness is our theme by the end of the day we almost had one of the new building installments fully filled in so I may have forgotten to record day 41 where all I did was work on both of the buildings by placing in some Mangrove roofs but day 42 I worked on where the Sandstone could go in the build once Square over on the backside will be outlined in it while another area will be an entire Sandstone Bridge it was really to serve as a gateway to the backyard where I will eventually be making a garden after that was done I got to decorating each section with stairs slabs walls and a mix of birch it took a while but the pink Square orange square and Bridge are all looking pretty good I also tried to work on the other build which is where I messed up a bit the pink building was a tough one because I didn't want to just turn it into a castle or make it look like all of the other ones so I chose a option make another story on top of it out of sandstone I'm not saying it was bad it just doesn't look good later on d43 was some more decoration work I finished off all of the gradients on my builds by buying up wool in terracotta to make each section look a little less boring I still have no idea what I'll be doing in these areas but at least it all looks good remember when I was talking about that backyard plan well today is the day I put it into action I cleared out some space in the back by cutting down all of the big trees and then I cleared away dirt and filled in every crack hole and Cave that stood in my way mapping this out was interesting I'm planning to have rows of plants that can all be sold for profit so I dug a runway for water on either side of each row and then I planted down each Spruce pillar to Mark every single Farm the real work came in the next day where I channeled in all of the water and then covered it up with slabs and began hoing each and every Square until the entire thing was hoed dirt then I ended up buying some of the plants without looking at the price tag $20,000 later I had a stack of one of the berries I was planning to sell for profit this profit is going to be way in the future now huh I make bad choices day 46 it was stupid of me to make those lofty purchases so this time I'm only buying one and dumping all of my money into bones I would purchase one of every type plan it down and then spam to earn myself 64 that ended up costing a lot less however they all just look like dirt Mounds now so I hope with enough time I'll actually have plans the next day started with me checking out the GTS player run auction there are never mons I want on here which is sad but back to what's important letting my level 100 Garchomp smoke anym on my property for some reason I just felt like killing birds then I saw him a chop which I kind of wanted so my boy Gengar came out and put him to sleep I also found my first Eevee I just love the fact that Eevee can evolve into so many different things so yeah I wanted this type of M then with my luck ball in today I caught another Eevee I never see them like the entire 40 days I've been here haven't seen one today I just saw two and my new baby Lapras was calling to me as well so with my stash the major stash of rare candies I had I leveled the heck out of him funny enough he still had moves like growl and sting on him thus I had to change those up I put on life de Ora beam ice beam and rain dance cuz of my boy looks so spicy in his shadow form the custom Skins are actually insane next up on the old schedule was challenging another gym leader not right now I'm kind of still an idiot plus this one is the Electric Gym leader I have a couple ground typee moves like my lovely earthquake but I don't want to be reliant on that so I sorted out some more moves on Garchomp Lucario and may I also spent a ton of time organizing my PC this thing it looked atrocious it had to be organized or I'll go insane day 49 I'm at bomb's gym the electric type gym he walked me inside only to find a maze I have to find my way through to get to the top thankfully I'm a master at Minecraft and only ran into 17 dead ends before reaching the top the battle took place on what the normal populace would call a roof however this is clearly an arena you can see the ball he started with this thing called zap I don't know what it is but dreamer was up first I popped a snowscape and took a bunch of HP he swept in Raichu who got destroyed by an earthquake my leftovers are helping me out a lot but not enough to survive against jolon I brought out Kaiju as the trump card and he swapped to imoga so I swapped to me I don't know what I'm doing okay in my mind ulga is like a flying squirrel so I didn't think earthquake would work all right that's why I switched he then switched again as I hit for 30% with Ice Beam but may wasn't done yet as he swapped again scared to get hit obviously but anyway Kaiju was back against jolt jolt hit first but still got one shot easy then the ulga was back and so was May the elective V I think is how you said that came out who punched the crap out of May I'm down to four and kaju is on a Bend earthquake another one down and Galvantula sorry was out I power gemed it for 70 HP and earthquake again just to lose on speed Lucario took a stand to get almost one shot and paralyzed however he hit The One Tap on the spider he died to zap who just keeps swapping in and out so annoying lapers came out and Ora beam the amga to bed go sleep now and guess who is back zap who outspeeds everything with only my fat gum remaining he popped an earthquake not once but twice for a w Yes you heard me right I actually won that battle and I'm at three badges baby we're moving up in the world after that win I was feeling confident so day 50 I challenged the ground gym leader same team I just used I don't care I'm the goat for a reason and I'm here to stay I had kaj you out against his I'm not going to pronounce that I have no idea what this is didn't matter I'm confident my swords danced up twice in a row and hit with an earthquake which one shot cuz again I'm the goat with Kaiju still out he put up camerupt who was able to get one shot next was an exad dril which I one shot again look there's a theme here okay I knew kaju was my guy but I never knew it this hard until he killed the Quagsire gigalith and Diggersby by winning the gym without taking more Health wait is that a hatum Miku skin anyway I now have four Gym badges kiju my boy I love you so much you're you're the absolute best also look at my Farms they're going crazy crazy so I went to harvest them I was getting a bunch of berries profits were looking good and I was happy until I tried to sell them apparently the berries I had were not exactly the selling type see when making these Farms I had berries in chests that I thought I could use to fill up the Farms however I can't sell those and that's how we're here me with a bunch of useless Berry plants so I took away all the plants in one of the sections bought a berry that can 100% be sold along with the bone meal and fill the Gap I had to do this for the rest of the farm and this took me way too much time there is no fast way of breaking these plants and I I'm just a big goof I'm paying for it all in Spades right now it took me till the next morning to finish off the project but now our ungrown farm will eventually Grant profit oh and as an editor's note this will also Grant a lack of frames later now flying around my area I have some sick houses but no aesthetic I la the decor to bring people here well along with a reason to visit at least so I put down tree saplings everywhere this is now a cherry Spruce and oak forest biome since that totally exists in real Minecraft I was very particular about how these trees look though some of them would grow where I clearly do not want or a giant oak tree would pop up and no one wants this no one put it up for adoption with these trees looking good though it was time to move on to the battle arena in the middle I built up the stone walls to determine the height and placed an outline of black concrete of course I'm going to make a Pokeball in the center I'm just undecided about the best ball so we're going with the OG a nice red top and white bottom the ball was missing something so I extended the push button thing and it looked a lot better now to highlight the ball with other colors I bought snow and quartz to help make the white section look a little bit better and give it a nice standout Shine for the red I just used red terra cotta and red wool it was looking really good but the quartz was throwing me off so I replaced it with wool because that just makes so much more sense it's a lot more white I lit it up with torches underneath some carpets and stage one of the build was complete however we still have part two of this build and that's making it match with the area I first start with a Sandstone trim all the way around our ball then I make a matching set of stairs on either side for the challengers after that I made a rim around the outside to house some plants later on I fill them both in with dirt and replace the bottom of the build with Birch to blend it all better then I add some slabs to the top and make water spouts on opposing sides to simulate a fountain thing cuz I I don't think there's any water around me all in all it's looking pretty good we now have a makeshift battle arena with two fountains in a garden but that's never enough I fly around the next day and collect leaves from the area like Oak and Cherry I ran the trim of the oak leaves around the last Blank Space of the build then put some composters in our plant section I'm making small little trees here like I've used in some of my past videos making two cherry and one Oak and then on the opposite side I'll do two Oak and one Cherry insant of the area I tried to make it as green as possible with small sugar cane Farms or I don't know just grass if it'll ever grow I also used some cherry petals to make it look a little bit better and trust me they worked okay these things are adorable then I added some Berry plants in the back and a small campfire section that you can quote unquote camp at I scoured the Earth for seagrass to add to our Fountain and now that I'm looking at this thing fully done I should have totally Incorporated some aelia bushes into it but overall it looks really sick however we are not done yet I have one more full-blown task to make everything come together as the build the stone on the ground is incredibly ugly I ran around and mined it out just to fill it in so that we have grass everywhere after that was done I terraformed a little bit so I can start connecting all of the buildings and the bridge via a path it was skinny at first as I got the outline put down and I plan to make it much better until the server had a restart so now I'm just stuck in the hub but I have a sword this turned on PVP in the hub and uh I had some fun but the next day I was finally back to working on the paths bone mealing all the grass around and planting down more trees to get the perfect looking ones day 57 I made a bunch of walls and fences as well as lanterns to add to the path they were looking pretty good on the trail but it didn't feel like it could light up enough so I also placed some wool in the cherry trees and hung more lanterns now the goal for this area is to turn it into a player warp however no one is going to come visit me if I don't have something to offer thus we are making a store today I Min out the inside of one of our lesser used buildings and made it all into a hallway here will be the main shop although I don't know what I'm going to be selling yet and when going back inside the house to figure it out my chest dump of a corner got to me I tore down all of the chests mov my junk into the other storage area and made this one into like a little kitchenet section with furnaces and blast furnaces it looked so much better here now and it actually makes my storage area useful other than the fact that I just dump it all in there back to the storefront I placed in a few chests in the front building I shift left click to open the player Shop menu which allowed me to set up some pokeballs for sale the issue is I don't know the price that they sell at I just have like a thousand of them and I want to get rid of them to solve my lack of knowledge issue I run around checking out prices at other shops to make sure I was selling at a good price I may have also found an elytra for sale and since they're so rare I NAB that bad boy up wait I can already fly what am I doing back at base I set up shops for multiple different types of pokeballs and a section for leveling up mons meaning rare candies small to large XPS that kind of stuff overall we have a good selection to sell right now just nothing to entice unless you count me at the bridge I put up a sign to let everyone know where to go when you get here we have our farms and shops one way and the house/ arena the other also the glow Squid Ink thing is so cool lighting up to sign that's the first time I've tried it and it looks amazing especially with the white dye added to it then I stood at the bridge and finally after almost 60 days was ready to open up my warp if you do end up playing the server alongside me make sure to check out/ pww TV on the moon realm I may or may not be walking around the server when this video drops so make sure you're around for that now the rest of these days I ended up making a mistake that the staff had to actually fix for me cuz they just felt bad for my poor soul I saved up money for a long time now to buy villager spawn eggs I started off with only two and a few beds in order to breed them and continue the process I don't know why in my mind I didn't consider the fact that they could have stopped breeding if the eggs were for sale but yeah as you can figure out these guys will not breed and I made them into Fletchers so they're basically useless now and now I'm the idiot who needed to have this fixed later cuz my purchase history will get worse with this to end out my day I went through the farm and harvested all of the berries they were selling for a lot less than I was expecting especially based on their price tag and without an automatic way to farm these this could have been a poor investment yet again the60 wasn't exactly the finest of days I wasn't actually doing much this day however my guy quick was online I invited him to the warp and showed him around the base he also checked in with me about the badges I have currently rocking four of the like 12 I need in total by the end of the video that's a yikes things are still looking up from here though and he thinks I can really do it even though my time frame is 40 more days that's like one every 5 days oh boy day 61 I wanted a galissa PO I'm sorry and lucky me quick had one I bought the shiny one that he had for about about 50k bit steep but I really wanted it he is a big chungus of a boy and I like him a lot I changed up his moves cuz he doesn't know any better I put on Sucker Punch liquidation leech life and first impression quick really wanted me to use him in an upcoming battle so he helped out a lot with the move set not that I don't know how to use them also while off the server players online finished a server wide slh hunt Quest and since I had somehow participated in it a bunch of items were given to me I had 10 vote party Keys five vote keys keys and one cosmetic key I tried my luck with the Cosmetic key getting nothing good at all um and then remembered a shop I had previously seen where I can sell all my other keys I sold those for Upward of over $100,000 easy money if you ask me but then I turned right around and used it to buy an embor from / GTS I make bad money choices I know but look he's cool the 62 and 63 I worked heavily on the interior of the Villager house the staff ended up refunding my other villager eggs for my lack of paying attention and I bought six more these eight plus the outcast Fletchers are to be organized and used to make my shop that much more enticing I put them all into the little cubicles that I'm used to using maximizing space and since I have so little of that I needed them to be confined then came the rrolling process on to the dread of doing this if I do say so myself right off the bat one had a mending but it was way too expensive I'll only ever have two Fletchers so I need stuff to be cheap I rolled for a couple minutes getting sharp five as the first look and things were looking up surely my luck will continue right on the next day I ended up spending the entire time rerolling getting absolutely nothing I'm sick of this day move on day 64 and 65 were more in the same so I'll just let the books that I unlock speak for me mending was the first one cleared that for only 26 emeralds this time which I'll take Unbreaking 3 was next that's nice to have if you ever think to have armor in this game but it's also good for selling and for 12 emeralds it was a steel next I got c three for 12 and then at the end of my day I got an efficiency five from one of the five villagers I had left to roll I still have so much to do here with these little rats however I'll get to those guys later right now I'm a bit sick of my own base it's time I challenge another gym this time it's the dark gym built and held by leader Desi I showed up and of course he's in blue netherite the sweat anyway his base was like a Puzzle maze it's meant to be a lot harder than other places I've been and let me tell you it was he told me he would wait for me at the the end next to an Umbreon and I was just to find my way in the first part I was surrounded by leaves but that won't stop me enough lefts and I was in the water Mangrove swamp like place I'm to find my way out again but he tricked me with it being a water exit the lack of light stopped me for a bit but I was able to make my way through eventually in a cave he tried to divert my attention but right away I could tell there was something going on with this hole I did SL crawl and in a matter of seconds I saw the escape and dipped out of there still need to find this Umbreon but now I'm in a warped Forest I parked my way up the vines and around the tops of the trees to find the battle arena with the Umbreon inside turns out he was tracking my time the scoundrel I clocked in at 9 minutes and 29 seconds which I thought was bad but I actually beat Quick's Time by literally 1 second looks like the student has surpassed the master onto the battle I brought Lucario Garchomp Ponyta Greninja skizzer and gasopod I start with Cario who close combats a merro then a thing called Blue comes out I can't tell what it is but it got close combed as well that's two down already things are looking up thiefs came out and shockingly he got close combed however he did do some damage yes if you're wondering I was prepared for this fight this time I'm finally not rushing in blind I say as my Lucario faints to an Absol Toto comes out and Bug buzzes it in one hit next he has a thing called sneak I swords danced and Bug buzzed it but I missed so instead I U-turn one shot it and brought out glossop pod his last mod was a cute little Umbreon who doesn't live for very long he gives me my badge which is a Wither Skull and I'm off getting my fifth one unfortunately for me I'm back to work with the Villagers I roll again and get a silk touch book for eight emeralds the only price I can currently afford with that acquired I combine it with efficiency 5 Unbreaking and mending to make an axe out of it except I still don't have sharp five on it cuz shockingly it would be way too expensive for right now it would take 19 levels and I'm at two but there is a mob farm warp that I'm going to go to and like an idiot I still don't have a sword don't worry after farming a few levels I get fed up with the slowness and made a sword this shoots me up a lot faster than before and I'm able to actually get my prized a all right so this has been a long time coming but it's auction day the server hosts auctions once a week where players can sell off their mons to the server I arrived and got in line to sell because for the past 60 plus days I've been collecting using and leveling mons for this very purpose well other than gyms and looking at the day count you can tell this is a very long Venture but still a big deal people are here to show off some of the best mons in the game like this Rayquaza that just appeared in front of me I have nothing like that to sell but I'm planning on selling like my heaven Grimmer or my Garchomp don't worry he's an extra one I would never sell Kaiju and maybe a Snorlax other people had mons as well and we would go up one at a time to sell while everyone else bids took a while for me to see anything that I would remotely like but pink set out a Sabal ey that just looks so cute and I wanted it but with my lack of cash it was way out of my price range I also bid on an Alakazam that looked pretty cool with its custom skin but again I didn't win moving on to my first turn up at the podium all of these players could be bidding on my stuff and it was exciting I put out my G Chomp first I wanted to lead strong his bids were starting off pretty slow but hey getting up to 50K is no small feat that's when someone offered a 100 for him it almost sold but then it got 150k offer this was easily the most amount of money I had seen at one time coming in it was great he sold for 150k next up was my custom skin Grimmer he sold to a mod for about 30k and that's not bad cuz he has nothing else going for him finally in this run I brought out Snorlax who started off slow but again Rose in the 10 from 5050 to 60 all the way up to 80 I walked away with over $250,000 just from those three Pokémon and I still had plenty to sell back in line I actually was able to bid now and I tried getting a Venusaur but wasn't putting 100K into it but I did get a custom skin Golem for an easy 20K and thought that was a steal but next he showed a shadow likee Gengar that I tried to bid on but the price was shooting up fast later on I bought a haxus with like an April skin on it for 36k another steal in my eyes I also bought a cool annihilate for 50 which is good cuz I've lost to this mon before so I know it's at least decent having money sure is great back on the stage I threw down my shadow sandrew which only sold for 7 Grand sad days but I had a plan I don't use this guy too much so I was selling my Lapras yes I know he looks sick and I love him but money the price started to jack up it went from 100 to 120 to 180 to 50 $250,000 for one mon was actually insane to me but I am making cash now my last B I could sell in this run was a Metagross I caught him a long time ago and leveled him up but never got to use him in battle the first bid was instantly over $11,000 that's a lot but it didn't stop there this guy sold at 265k that's so freaking much money dude I felt like a king the next sort of stuff that started happening these days was crazy I TR some April legs to a guy who gave me zeero you know zero the legendary Pokémon not only that but Min negotiation I won a necrozma for 410k I know that sounds like a lot but come on these are my first legendaries I am freaking hyped at this point it's crazy and I still have $500,000 left and it's my turn to sell some more stuff I got up there and auction off an April Parasect which looked like it had honey dripping out of it it was kind of cool however it did only sell for for 40K still profit though next up I sold my Riu which didn't have the happiness level for evolution and it went from 5 to 30 to 50 to $150,000 so quickly I was having trouble just keeping up with the offers when Chico offered $200,000 it ended up selling for over 300K that's most of the price of the legendary I just bought my boy did great in profit and lastly I sold a Blastoise that went for 105 Grand the rest to the auction I just watched as people would bring up mons and I would bid one or two times but really nothing interested me to fight for until a palia hit the podium I swooped it up for 315 Grand I get it my purchases are crazy dumb sometimes but I just really want legendaries they look so freaking epic and let's be honest I still have over 700 Grand right now to end out my time at this auction I bought a cheap argon because it's just pure bulk this was a super fun day and I honestly really enjoyed my time here here seeing everyone interact and be part of the server it was great fun the fact that anyone can come here and do this just by walking around and catching some mons is also really cool speaking of fun it was time for another battle it's technically been a bunch of days since a fight and pink was ready for me he host the auctions so we finally got to battle after that when I wored to his gym he gave me the prompt I have 30 seconds to answer his trivia questions and if I get them right we move on speed Googling it is first question what is this Pokémon's color when shiny I mean of course it's blue not like I don't own one or anything next up what is happeny evolve into without Googling totally I got chansy look I know I'm not good at this okay I'm just trying to pass so I can get my badge final question was what fairy type does EV evolve into of course it's Sylveon that one I just had down but after that I had made it and we can fight the fairy gy is an interesting one I went in with a similar team to last time but now I had argon Lucario was up against a whimsicott he Flash canidate in one hit next up was Togekiss a Pokemon I really want I got one shot unfortunately so I brought out Gengar he hit with venoshock to get low as I'll get out but still killed it next was asarela I used venoshock again to One-Shot it Sylveon is such a lovely Pokemon but still want ah had to get rid of clef Fable also suffered a one shot and lastly was his Al creamy and Gengar almost wiped the entire team on his own another badge added to the collection type differences are crazy I genuinely didn't know it was possible to just wipe a team until Gengar and Kaiju did it on their own back at base I'm noticing a frame drop at this farm and I cannot stand it the time it takes to harvest is too crazy for me so I'm taking it all down I mean all of the plants do look really good but they don't sell for enough money anymore instead I'm going to replace this entire farm with apricorns it makes more sense for my frames and the whole Pokémon Mission once the Farms were empty I've locked off all the water water and cut out the Middle Lane with the spruce barrier to have a cohesive Farm I planted each apricorn two blocks deep so the tree stems wouldn't stick up and I would have an easy line of sight to each corn speeding up the process I had to expand the farm out one row to the left and right to include every color of apricorn yet I'm still one corn short so at the end of the path I made an extra section for the white ones with the new form done I realized I had gotten some extra goodies for winning against pink he is actually the main lead of the lunar league so I was able to open up a Shadow egg which I got a Diglett from and one that I can hold in my hand for some reason in my heaven egg I got a Parasect that's like my second one and with this holdable Diglett I didn't know what to do with it so I put it on my head as a hat looks pretty cute finally I was able to open a legendary Crate Key my first one ever I warped the crates and rolled looking at each and every mon I could possibly get I landed on Latios a cool water bird I think that makes four legendaries on my side zeron Pia Latios and necrozma my team is looking lit I leveled them all up with my six stash of rare candies so I can take a look at all of their moves zeron is an electric type so I made his moves revolve around that and his Dragon power valkia is a dragon water which he doesn't look like at all so I don't really know how to use him wait Latios is a dragon psychic what okay so way way way way way wrong about these mons I gave him a massive mix of abilities and moved on to necrozma who is also also psychic I really need to figure out the Mon's types before I buy them looks like I'm a psychic user from now on however after all that work I noticed how messy my PC was looking so I did what any sane person would do and organized the entire thing mods I'm not sure how use are on the far right and the mons I love in battle are 120 boxes over to the left there is a method to the madness trust me I also noticed a distinct lack of grass types as well so in a chaotic move I made a Leafeon isn't she cool looking they 78 I want a Sabal ey my first person to turn to was quick he has everything in the game and I wasn't wrong he had one however it turns out you can get them fairly easily in the deep dark and since running around finding the Pokémon is cheaper I opted for that one my first thought was to go find the deep dark I mean clearly it's in the world but where mining straight down was not the smart play as it led to nothing but a player warp deep dark led me right there oh oh hey I wonder who spawned that sneaking past him is actually really easy because I can fly and that doesn't make any noise while flying I searched every corner of this place carefully not to spawn any more menaces but I wasn't finding much quick said it would be easy and I asked him how easy he then came to help me find one but it's still wasn't happening I started to think they just don't like the deep dark I mean I don't either so I get it eventually I found aable ey but again I don't really have a man who can fight him so I'm relying on Ultra Balls to do my bidding took a few to catch but now I have one one you can also put this mon on your shoulder too so I'm really excited about that now it's time to take on my seventh gym one away from facing the Elite 4 this one happened to be a Fire Gem so I brought out Kaiju burn dead froppy guu dreamer and may some of the OG cast of my team but first I need to go through another maze Soul Sand really what kind of monster does this to a person I made it through and we were ready to fight Kaiju earthquake his camera up turn two and he brought out mag cargo earthquake worked again wiping out two mons I mean surely I can't just wipe the entire team right I used it to wipe the third mon Arcanine was next and he used extreme speed just to lose embor also got tossed on a Ral and it shows how amazing Kaiju is as a man since he's been wiping teams since day one I didn't even need a water type to beat the fire gy that's crazy one more until the Elite 4 originally I was going to include this in the video but I was just chilling on the server talking to people when the decoy Patrick Star spawned at a player warp I'm not even kidding how do you make this as a skin it was it looked amazing honestly I asked the mods how much money they wanted for them to just give it to me but they wouldn't budge so my dream of owning a SpongeBob character will live and die today okay so this is an interesting day I was kind of just AFK on the server when I met a fan Scotty man happened to be a player on another realm and heard I was here he showed off his mom got a screenshot with me and I had an offer for him I wanted the pumpkin Gengar he really did like that mod but I was able to negotiate a purchase for 85k which again was probably another steal considering how sick this mon looked thanks Scotty Monon you really did contribute big because in this next set of days is another auction that's right money making money spending and a grand old time awaits you since we have been through this before I'll go through it a little bit faster I have plenty of mons I plan to sell this time as I'm hoping to make a killing my first bit of the day was on a grov vile that just looked really Charming so I took that for 50k I know kind of a large purchase just for him but that's okay I also spent 150k on a reloom but then it was my turn first was the plumpkin of a boy his price was instantly at $300,000 I was not expecting that it shot up to 500k just like that and then six seven it felt like it was never going to end Scotty I appreciate you man you made me $1.1 million on this Pokémon next was another gar chomp I had recently acquired and no it is not Kaiju he sold for 115 not too bad finally to end on my turn I reput in that Pia I scooped up at the other auction because I don't like that he's a water type I'm going to be honest it just does not fit him he sold for a quick 445 Grand and made a slight profit from when I bought him the last time while waiting in line I bought a Charizard for 200k that looks so much cooler than the normal one and I also negotiated with Hiatus to give me a Rayquaza for tokens a separate balance on the server that allows you to change the stats of Pokémon but I don't need mine from all those quests I did earlier so he happily gave me it in exchange Rayquaza is literally my favorite Pokémon in the world of all time it's the best one and I was very excited Hiatus then sold a Mew that cute bugger and a steep price of 700k was all it costed but I wanted it back to my turn I sold a normal rloop for 50k then a rose skin colored skizzer for 50k as well but the king of this sale was zero a resale but I just don't need more dragon types at the moment he shot up to 500k really freaking quick so I'm glad I brought him out in the end in front of a different audience he went for 750k to Hiatus which is funny cuz I just bought his mute for 700 so it's like we kind of traded to sum up the rest of the sale I bought a heatr for 265k and tried 1.3 mil on a regie gigas but was outbid by quick the dang rat sold a couple more mons for 80k 410k and 15K I also spent 500 on a Raichu since I don't have zeron for his electric type anymore all in all a great day for me at the auction speaking of great day day 89 was just that I'm taking on the psychic type leader and since we just got out of the auction I hadn't had time before but I leveled up our Sabal ey and tweaked its moves set you'll be very helpful in this battle along with Gengar Toto burn dead Kaiju and gpod I know some of my mods are not named yet and that's for a reason I got lazy anyway this gym is a new gym to the server so I'm one of the first to check it out teleporting in I'm on top of a tower with so many rules that I just don't care to follow in the tower I'm faced with another maze these guys really need to come up with another stick however I'm too smart for this every level had a two glowstone exit so when I got to the next level it was really easy to F5 and figure out the path once I made my way to the bottom bidder was waiting and we started the battle when I did I teleported to the top of the gym but it's fine don't worry gasopod was against garlic who he one tapped with impression a move you can only use on the first turn which I forgot about when facing his avocado instead I had to slowly fight it off with Sucker Punch next up was chives the Ponyta I caught a long time ago this one I handled with Sucker Punch and that didn't work in fact I'm gone Toto came out and swords danced to half HP getting off a nothing he's useless Gengar was out and one shot the donkey thank you queso was next and with a quick Shadow Ball it was back in his munchkin which I actually know is an Espeon or whatever it's called didn't like getting dark pulsed and we on to the final mon cheese bro what a name didn't stand a chance against another Shadow Ball and I was Victorious that's another one in the books for reading this gym I was given an Overkill key alongside you know my eighth badge but you know me in gambling so I was instantly at the crate seeing what I can get few chances for a legendary shiny legendary eggs money but instead I was given Reggie Draco I have no idea what this thing is but I will love him forever 90 days in and I bet you're wondering why I'm in this pink building with well pink again he is my first Elite 4 battle yes he runs his own gym but he's also an Elite 4 member I'm challenging him because for some reason I think I can win he threw out Sylveon against my Toto I was winning until it survived a u-turn on 1% one freaking per are you kidding me I pulled out my heat train to make more than short work of it now I'm up against an asmail I burned it with Heatwave and then almost killed it with flash Cannon what is it with stuff Staying Alive with so little Health swick was next which was instantly killed whimsic also suffered the exact same fate GF tried a healing wish just to wish for the grave Togekiss was his last mon it's so freaking adorable but couldn't survive two flash cannons from Heatran finally being able to use legendaries is great because with such battles like these I can try and let them take charge oh yeah and that was me beating my first Elite Four member but since we're at the end of this video why not try and actually get some armor however I know exactly how much xp that's going to cost so I start my day at the XP grinder you can warp to got to love actually having a sword to make this process not 12 hours long with 33 levels I returned to base and bought some more books from our villagers I used those to combine up books to put on some armor yet I was still a little XP short instead of going back to the warp I actually just bought sugarcane and sold it to my villagers now I have 34 armor with a Diglett on my head acquiring nether white was a little bit harder I went through every single shop although the player Bas is I could find to try and locate netherite for sale but it just wasn't happening no one was selling instead I opted for asking chat and while waiting I bought the silenced armor trim to look cool at the end of the day I had bought some for $180,000 from Cass and he had 15 ingots ready for me starting out day 93 I upgraded my gear to netherite then to a green silence armor trim with two mons on my shoulder and one on my head I love this suit however there is another thing I have to do today and that's battle another Elite Four member plasma is my second fight and I had to be ready I got Raichu leveled up for the battle and worked on his move set and you know what why not add our Mewtwo into the fight he hasn't been able to show off his stuff yet and I'm hoping to get him in the field speaking of field it was time I got to the next prism of Elite 4 and she was waiting I started the battle with Raichu against her ESU it took a couple of hits to kill not what you want to see out of a legendary but I was able to switch in Magneton against Del I'm so sorry I have no idea what that is oh look at that the next line on my script was I have no idea what this thing is but I tried Iron Head however she swapped in galisa pod a quick Thunderbolt took that thing out though andar was next he didn't survive a thunderbolt either pood was a new one so I switched it up with my boy shiftry he One-Shot it with solar blade and was up against a Sharpedo which really shouldn't look that threatening for dying that fast delm Miss is her last which took out my boy so I put in Kaiju I sword danced up and hit with an awesome earthquake that almost took it out but one more and it was done what a sick kill animation too two Elite 4 members down two to go back at base I updated quick on my moves towards beating the Elite 4 and he informed me that there is still one more person I have to beat after the Elite 4 the current moon Realms Champion I don't know who that could be but apparently they're pretty tough well Renown on the server you know I also spent some of my time making a pasture Block in the Pokeball Arena so I can show off my gutina I think this big boy should be able to stretch his legs the rest of the day I negotiated to sell my necrosmos for 700k that's easy money as far as I'm concerned day 95 I worked on my team for the impending Elite 4's third battle I'm probably going to go with salamance Kaiju Rayquaza mimiku Mar Mal I think and set Titan back in my villagers I traded for more emeralds and use those to buy books I'm putting those in my shop so if anyone does want to come visit me me you can check out my sick lot of items I set up stands for both Unbreaking three books and mending I'll add in more later but for now that's enough the impending battle yep it's now I'm going up against bomb he's tough but I'm ready I started off with salamance and him a KRA I went with dragon Dan to get in some stats but he switched to this thing called Martha it didn't live a dragon pulse though however his refrigerator freeze-dried Sally I brought out mimikyu which worked against the fridge chaos was next not even sure what mod I'm fighting at this point but I tried to fight with mimikyu still I was able to land a burn which he switched to KRA with a dazzling gleam it was brought down a bit but so was I then his Garchomp was in play which killed Mimi instantly fine Rayquaza it is I hit a step buff just to dragonclaw one shot it KRA didn't survive that attack either and even his chaosmon couldn't survive this dinner bone thing didn't end up killing Rayquaza though so Kaiju came out to finish him off for the wind that was a lot closer than before with me up only by three mons we're so close to beating every gym and go through the Elite 4 but I've only got 4 days to do it the next one's probably going to be tough so I'm reworking my team again Kaiju is staying by my side the entire way okay I'm not letting him go then Sab alai cuz that thing is a menace for no reason shandelier is also a top pick along with gutina and Greninja the last one took a long time time to find I wanted another type advantage but just wasn't getting it so I settled on Rayquaza I then raided my shop to level up all my mons for this fight as well as shocker work out a solid move set to end out my day I traded for more emeralds so I can eventually stock up the shop day 98 we have two more battles left and I've just got enough time my final Elite Four was herp yep after all this time he's back with a vengeance and ready to stop me again thankfully I don't have to pass a test for this fight but it's still going to be a tough one chandelier is first up against a Mimi of his own my burn attempt didn't end up well and I almost lost my first mon but a quick heal in a pain split got me the first 1V one win so he brought out his chandelier to get rid of me I tossed out froppy but it still wasn't an easy fight I got him down to 22% before koing guina was next and got taken half of his health right out the gate but against the Sab ey it was a tough one his leftovers made it hard but I was able to kill it if not lose my own life to the burn three left and I'm throwing out sabali ey he chunked out butter knife what is with these names I burned and he poisoned then I foul played it one shot however he also had a gutina r r Sable I was losing that for sure but Rayquaza to the rescue except I was forced to switch to Kaiju so I Dragon danced and got off an earthquake or two to take it down he should only have one left which was little man one earthquake later and he's gone that right there is the final Elite 4 battle and I actually won against her my guy took me out 50 plus days ago and I came back I came back for Revenge which meant we're done with the Elite 4 oh my word I can't actually believe it the guy on two out of 10 Pokémon knowledge somehow came back and won day 99 it was surreal this is the last day on the server and my final fight is against the reigning champion and you'll never guess who it was quick just had to be the realm's champion are you serious I'm going up against my mentor all right fine I comb through all of my mons to make a team I'm proud of burn dead is back for sure along with Kaiju Rayquaza set Titan gutina and M while it's an interesting mix of past and present mons but it should work and I'm glad to see burn dead back in the mix quick finally showed up at my base ready to beat me into a pul I took out burnd dead and him a scarm ring good match for me as I was a fire type but it lived at 1% again that cost me a lot of HP for nothing but it's fine next was a legit dog what on Earth is this it's not even a Pokémon at this point unfortunately I was beaten by this freaking dog and I threw out gutina and if this loses I'm going to throw hands anyway the dog substituted for Spirit Bomb which took my shadow ball like a champ so I attempted to switch in M while with a play rough spear it was close to death but now so am I however another one of these and it fainted he used a rose raade on me so I swapped to set Titan during the worst move for it he was already dead before being able to kill the flower Pokemon trump card 1 V one time Rayquaza was out and it killed the dog thing then it was up against meow grade one of the worst mons my party could go up against things were not looking good as I tried to drag and dance up for a one shot but just suffered one instead M while tried to play but he switched for the flower again thankfully it fainted but meow is still at 100% Health with only two left I'm not looking good trump card V2 was in play Kaiju swords danced to almost his death but attacked with earthquake which almost shot this uh eternus I hope that's how you say it lastly he just had his meow grade and it's at 64% with only gutina left I'm so close to beating him Shadow Ball did a massive hit to save the day and I had won I beat my Sensei the man who took me from under his wing at the start and someone who helped me build up every team I've used it happened after 100 days on This Server I had conquered kabalan the moon realm was my Ally the entire way and I challenge you to make your own team and see if you can beat quick sorry quick I'm sending all of these people your way thanks again for watching the video If you enjoyed make sure to hit that like button down below and subscribe to the channel do me a solid as well and come and check check out pocah hub IP is on screen now and it would be great if you come out and check out my PW warp welman TV see my base see some of my mods displayed there and let me know down in the comments below how you feel about my pronunciation of all of these people I'm I'm really sorry about it 30,000 likes and I'll do something like this again but tougher I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next one peace
Channel: WelcominTV
Views: 110,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unsorted guy, pokemon, cobblemon, pixelmon, minecraft cobblemon, new, mod, cobblemon mod, modpack, how to catch, cobblemon modpack, cobblemon server, 100 day, 100 days, 200 days, minecraft 100 days, forge labs, okrobert, welcomintv, welcomintv 100 days, minecraft pixelmon 1.20, 1.20, cobblemon 100 days, 100 days in Minecraft, I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Cobblemon, pixelmon 100 days, 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, how to play cobblemon, play through
Id: lgmEkJ5f42I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 18sec (5058 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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