I spent £6,614 on Fifa 20 and got ______

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[Music] thank you [Music] less than one percentage so we're going to start off with a with an opt for grabs pack opening I did this a long time ago basically how it works is uh Harry's going to open 10 100K packs I'm gonna open 10 100K Max we then take the high price range of the best player in each of our packs total those up and whoever has the lowest total at the end discards every player they got but what we're going to do before we open them is basically take five of the other person's packs for our own so then you take five of me and I take five of you and we say basically what you get in like your third pack your fifth package that counts as mine I want your first pack foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what who is this what what is this he's an absolute steal are you kidding 84 Pace 82 shooting okay oh my DS please oh sorry I didn't oh sorry I just abandoned the system I'm I'm satisfied with what I've got so far you know if you want to recreate that dance for the video I think foreign [Music] left oh so these two are both for me though oh that's that's all black oh wait I'll look at your screen right yeah wow it doesn't matter I've got no interest in these bags come on come on come on Blue that's good I think the whole thing's point is you've got a 2.4 million player I can't believe this I'm actually human 50k right so we've both got 10K for that one no no no mine was 50K was that oh it was 10K it's 10 carries 10K fraud yeah [Music] I just thinking about 18K for a cardi okay so last two packs wow all right so totals are you're sitting on 384k and I'm sitting on two mil 600 yeah but if if you've got a quick sell them I'm gonna set them for their lowest possible price so at least someone gets a bargain modern day Robin Hood some would say and you know I can't deal with the rest of it well my players are discarded me are you happy now yeah cheers Harry if I'm right all players are now in packs so uh we've got 50k packs 65 000 let's get to them I do believe all the 10 years are in packs attract into it again you know maybe they're in fact for five days they've ruined worked out like in previous years they used to put all the whole team of the Year impact for maybe like two or three days they really know how to rinse my bank account they're not stupid people I do believe that's an informed English CDM uh come on yes blue right I'm not gonna get I'm gonna get fired yes this is come on anything else wow wow a 97 hours of get in there boys and everybody 400k thank you moving on so last year I got four team of the years so um that's you know what I'd be looking to beat this time around oh well no no no don't get excited don't get excited no no oh issues with the store you love to see it oh no oh no the 50k packs are gone one team of the year so no complaints oh 80 100K packs that is good and bad as usual I'm gonna join in the packet name my man right mid Pepe that's informed Pepe I didn't like that one bit oh night right to stay good that's certainly too fairly good practice that's a decent pack there how much is hello don't get excited don't get excited don't get excited don't get excited I got excited I got yeah he's not fully bald to be fair right for the 100K perks uh halfway through I have um used this phrase a few times on the channel but brought in the Cavalry Ollie is on FaceTime with me and he's on the web app because we couldn't manage to get an Elgato or anything working in time so uh we're gonna give it a go on the web app and see what we get I think I'll just open mine and um I've got a blue man Zoo kit looks like I'm gonna be able to pay rent this month not likely no but Champion cars but they're exactly the same rating as their normal cards so they're just so pointless I think I've got a mic on this I swear that's an iPhone am I gonna get mugged off no that's Mike on cam Brazilian who's that that's gonna damage your uh potential recording with him that reaction do you want to redo that one oh it's a blue come on video it's not a team of the year I've been I've been fisted again 87 massive stinker bring back coin sponsors yeah right another few months of that night if I never had to work again I mean you hardly do at the moment though so uh yeah all right oh I've got even Hazard I'm down to Silver so that's not bad that's probably I think I'm winning the old pack battle this is this isn't a pack battle blue Panucci another one that's got no real purpose meaning would you mind um giving me a cheeky uh top up my my love let me open two more okay I'll just um sit here and uh look Snacky foreign [Music] yes [Music] foreign might be the most expensive player Messi is 4.5 mil I think we've got the best I I think we've got the best team of the Year generally could end the pack opening right now but we'll Soldier through because uh I'll I'll put it down to doing it for entertainment for my viewers but really it's because it's a disease at this point how many more packs we got here oh absolutely I think the um scientific term is a metric I can't believe we sat through 24 hours of 7.5 K packs like we're absolute Troopers they are gonna have us on the front lines of World War III such Troopers Marco Royce what does he go for what was that for this 40K that could uh I could help to to put a roof over my head after this I've got some good cards in here you know that and Bape obviously pick of the bunch Kaka forgot I got him uh who else do we get it could have been worse it could have been worse you know that little little flurry so um I'm definitely going to open some more tomorrow as well so we'll see how it goes but I'm happy with them happy at this point whatever so I was then flying to London for the weekend as we were scheduled to fly from Gatwick to Geneva for a snowboarding holiday on Sunday the last day of lightning rounds Nightmare and promised myself that I would not be sat in a chalet on Sunday opening packs instead of enjoying my life so I thought this year I would take Sunday's pack expenses and spend them on a nicer hotel for the six hour recording stints on Friday and Saturday night [Music] oh wow oh they've released a 99 Ronaldo oh okay I have not spotted that I'm obviously a huge fan of Cristiano after meeting him and he was such a nice guy both times but I prefer not to speak right come on come on yes it's a blue it's a blue come on team there please please there's gonna be a few more of these going in this way 89 Ramos though that's quite good oh it's two in a row it's two Blues in a row is this one actually a team of the year it is it is the worst one it's still young he's 94. it was gonna happen there's a balloon come on come on no Okay Christian Erickson 88's of a generous it's here blue come on come on throw a look at the comments as usual and they'll be a really obvious way of checking how it's like like if it's a blue that's a team of the year or if it's a blue that's a Champions League card but I'm just not intelligent enough to spot it at this point [Music] honey no I'm you mug [Music] could have been like on that it was it was bad like I knew that could have been like God damn it I've skipped and icon he's a great one though 89 rated I was playing with them recently yeah we got 700k that's a great pack [Music] I swear please [Music] I must have missed that come on come on come on come on not bothered right it is eight o'clock I think we have one two five k packs yet again Friday night let's get through this that um five meal I got from bappa is looking uh non-existent uh I think is the right word about now it's a blue it's a blue is it a team of the year it is golden but again it's Alison it's Alison again I've got two alices 97 he is 97. it's always happened to the pack everything I have to stop pointing the camera down as I like slump lower and lower in my chair as you sort of you know lose the world to live yes blue come on come on come on it's there's a Champions League card in between come on come on come on foreign I think I've worked out the team of the Year chords are a slightly lighter shade of blue not that not that say say all right with a bit of luck there's one more like 1000k packs or there'll be like another lightning round so with a bit of Blackpool and we'll have one more tonight one more chance to uh to fund someone's new Ferrari at EA Sports uh one two five case all right we got nine okay so we got nine left presume they're out for 12 hours so let's give them a go and then that's it for the evening well I think it's fairly certain you'll never actually have to see those packs right last pack of the evening are we gonna end off with a good one I wasn't Brazilian left wing though it could be a Neymar could not [Music] a little bit late again I don't know what's come out actually there's 50k's again right what we got we got yeah 50k packs okay what are we getting oh that was a sticker oh I swear that's TV that's the team there I know it is come on it's Robinson it's Robinson we've got a wrap back we've got left back Robinson I'm actually he's the worst one but it's another team of the air um you know you can't complain about at least getting one um anything else here we got an info we've got Tony Cruz that's actually a really good practice it's still a quite a good card he probably doesn't sell for the least out of them so we'll take that whole table you know how I like to show you my transfer list stories at the end of the video like I know I'm slightly on the Spectrum damn it I just got rid of mine Bape from my transfer list that's so heartbreaking facts are going down so slowly because do you know why because everyone else is out doing things with their life on a Saturday night [Music] 80 and [Music] 18. [Music] 88. oh my God you actually got it the most excited I've been this evening which says a lot about my video foreign [Music] I'm honestly so bad at finding like every time I look at it and I could be decided not to even react I just got a message from Harry saying oh that's an icon I swear that's an icon come on please I'm at least Gonna Let One play out left mid but it's not an icon it's not on um that was not the message from Harry 91 Aiden Hazard that's not bad at all oh no why would Harry Lewis want FaceTime come on come on come on how's it going yeah let's go great thanks [Music] do you reckon a controller being dropped on the 49th Floor Of The Shard would kill someone yeah I'm just going to FaceTime Harry and pretend like I got someone hello Harry how you doing having a good evening I just got someone in a pack it's looking to you again kill me kill me I swear that's another team yes it is please please be good [Music] right uh Microsoft and Amazon are blocking all of my credit cards at this point I can't spend another Penny on FIFA points it's almost like this is my own um intervention from the big corporate companies that I'm actually trying to give my money to so I'm going to have to make this my last account okay so nine one two five k packs to end it um first one's not looking good third patch on this account another big stinker what do we got in this Lucas lever don't say it three packs left in the pack opening oh God why are you doing this to me right come on then let's open the last two let's get it done with oh it's not the right blue you're not you're not getting me today not today here we go last 45k pack have they saved the first to last what are the odds [Music] very hot [Music] after spending over 6 000 pounds For Your Entertainment this is what I had uh it's not actually too bad to be fair last year I spent twice that and um you know I think I got 14 of the years and like four Legends so um you know actually did really well to be fair bust that at that page obviously I hope you have enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching please take an absolute age to record and edit so uh please do give me a like And subscribe if you have enjoyed it thanks so much for watching and uh
Channel: ChrisMD
Views: 6,822,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fifa 20, toty, team of the year, messi, ronaldo, chrismd, wroetoshaw, w2s, sidemen, pack opening
Id: kvb5g68zRB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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