I Speedrun The Bee Swarm Simulator Test Realm VS #1 Bee Swarm Player!

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I'm here with a number one Beast sworm player and today we're going to be speed running the Beast stor testm against each other so we're going to be starting with zero bees and speedrunning Blackbeard Quest until we get the myth gag whoever gets the myth gag first wins and whoever loses has to waste 100 trillion honey so yeah let's join the Beast storm test realm all right so we're in the testr as soon as we move the timer starts so Mikey you ready yep all right 3 2 1 go timer started all right so we can use literally everything the testr has stle for like these B equips get all B eggs and all the badges wait my hive is already claimed I forgot about that but yeah my plan for this is to get a bunch of to Mythic bees cuz you know Mythic bees are kind of op event pees are also going to be insane for this I guess dig will be why not I got to hurry up and get 25 bees as fast as possible so I can go to the 25b area yeah we can get a few spicy bees up in here fuzzies are also going to be important precise and a bunch of vector the last time I speed R the borm testr it was probably like 11 months ago so it was so long ago okay so I got 25 BS but I don't have 25 B types and Mikey is already going to the 25b area okay so I got to hurry up and get as many B types as possible Mikey already has 5505 slots all right so I have 26 types let's go to the Top Shop and I probably should have gotten a gifted Hast B that would make me run a lot faster all right so let's just get as many half slots as possible okay Max let's go parachute all this gear that I probably won't end up using but it'll make me run faster so it's worth it and the most important part super smoothie for haste let's also use NE door test or marshmallow bee for good luck and let's continue building my hive so I got to think what's good obviously Vector bees and precise bees are going to be insane for doing Blackbeard Quest but I think it's also important I get stuff like Commander B and stubborn B obviously Hasty B for haste I'm going to be doing a lot of running okay basic be and beside that I don't think it really matters what I get so yeah now we can spam a bunch of Mythic bees all right there we go now let's make the highve level 20 and gifted get the testal mega boost and it's time I get some amulets okay so I want Sara give me sarot please scorching St and sarot okay perfect Moon amulet I don't care Cog amulet I don't really have time to look at any of this I'm just going to keep the first amulet I get okay perfect and now it's time to get the best gear in the game bro this is actually so stressful let's also prepare my inventory so singers jelly beans and I have to kill the crab as fast as possible come on bees attack okay the crab is dead only took 15 seconds let's get the clogs let's get the canister pedal belt for good luck and also so people stop saying I forgot it I'm not even sure what Mikey is doing Mikey is still fixing a hi dude Mikey you cannot be doing that there's not enough time all right gummy mask gummy boots and I'm also going to use the gummy baller why not I know I have the scorching star but I think the white Hive color is going to be the best for this mostly because I have a bunch of vector bees and precise bees I wonder how far along Mikey is Yo Mikey how you doing what's up killing crab right now crab's dead oh yeah I'm way past that what H are you rocking for this I don't know some Hive I think that's fast for Pawn collection you know some RBC type Hive I got to craft a few load of dice and get back to the Grind all right we're going to cop Cobalt guard and the crimson guard wait this guard didn't even buy itself okay whatever and boys I think I'm finally ready to start speedr running Blackbeard quests so only 5 minutes and 40 seconds in and I'm about to do my first quest which I believe is in sunflower I've done enough of these to know yeah sunflower start perfect it's already done I didn't even step inside of the field be a pal from dend line also very easy these first few quests might seem easy but trust me me in like 30 quests it's going to get very difficult and I noticed the biggest problem with all these speedruns it's not even getting the pollen because I can usually get the pollen in like 2 seconds but it's actually running around the whole map because the Beast map is massive okay mushroom Clover and blue flour this is my first taste of running around the whole map and let's also use some worldly gigs because as you know worldly gigs teleport you to your hive and I got my silver egg Perfect all right bamboo yeah that's not going to be fun dude what is Mikey doing he's going for the demon mask I think all right R request who done wait I think Mikey's starting his first Quest all right he's going in sunflower running back yeah obviously his sunflower start is being started I'm a little ahead of him so I'm happy about that and now I just have to keep the lead and make sure I don't sell wait my key is actually so fast I'll be honest I should probably get a few more hasty bees in my hive wait where are my ninja be eggs ninjab bees where are you dude okay right here let's replace a few of these useless bees I guess Wy is not really useful a few spices Mikey had the right idea of getting a bunch of bees that give him haste this dude is zooming around the map damn okay White that is easy five more and I get the gold egg now it's time for a pineapple patch wow that is very far away all right it's done now let's teleport to my hive like a hacker just kidding I use the worldly gig don't B me please okay three more and I get the gold Egg and I remember one truck I used for my other speedruns you can actually use this jelly dispenser for tickets and you get times 10 haste which is just really convenient one more okay 25,000 R and blue poen that's so easy oh my God the easiest quest in my life and gold egg is now acquired all right Mike key what quest are you on I don't know the gold egg thingy okay how far away are you cuz I just got the golden egg uh pollen feter weed whacker okay I have no clue what quest that is all I know is good luck not really I don't have 100 trillion honey to waste but if you lose you have to yeah I know but I might go poor doing it yeah you have to win I mean I'm already poor compared to you how much honey do you even have like five quad or six quad I don't know five quadrillion bro you're broke I am broke yeah spent it all on treat to bet random stuff all right let's get back to the Grind a Cloverfield once more halfway across the map this is actually so fun to do honestly you get the explore the whole map and suffer in the process I'm not going to lie I probably should have not spent my entire time getting all the um bees cuz just me running into the field and finishing the quest instantly I probably could have been done with black bear by now if you guys want me dis speu in any other quest line tell me in the comments okay why did I run all the way here I have no clue what I'm doing I got to get blue pollen I'm kind of throwing right now okay 80,000 from Pineapple let me just quickly get my time set and haste again might be worth it to throw into the ticket dispenser every like 20 seconds or something for the sole purpose of getting that time 10 haste because the haste is actually so op and I'm not even sure if Mikey knows that you can get haste from the jelly dispenser okay blue mushroom's done let's refresh it and who is this guy right here it's a random guy joined please don't interrupt the speedrun we have a lot of Blackbeard quests left to do cobweb sweeper 2 okay sure sounds like quite some suffering oh wait this is the Strat just get coconuts every single time and keep in mind I still have 25 loaded dice ready to go whenever I need to but for now all these quests are done in 1 millisecond dude this is my favorite quest in all Beast 300,000 red p and only eight from C yeah it's a little easy it's kind of funny Anna is a little bit of a comedian for that I think the baller might be better cuz it collects more than his life okay black bear sure I've gone through these black bear quest lines more times than you can imagine I probably have at least 20 counts I completed the black bear quest line on at least a diamond egg one okay Cactus and pine tree what else can give me haste pineapple again I'll be honest I hate pineapple it's so far away it's literally like 3 to five business days worth of travel just to get the pineapple I might grab the Scythe here it just collects not enough pollen I mean the baller that there we go and blue poen why am I not getting blue poen bro okay let's hop in Clover get the blue poen done here and get some more haste you guys know the drill okay six more I get the diamond egg time for Rose now okay that is easy white and clover sure stomping grounds all right that's done dude I'm actually getting through these quests so fast three more for the diamond egg now I got to get Pawn from three fields in the 5 b area that's a bit of a scam cuz I have no haste and I'm actually so slow right now give me haste the jelly dispenser is my only hope this is my first time doing Blackberry quest in like I don't remember know it's been a long time bro what the heck is that I have to run across the whole entire map bro it's like I'm running from Australia to Africa that did not make any sense at all all I know is I have to do a lot of running okay this Quest is almost done let's just get the pineapple pollen mountain mandering is complete and why is this server filling up with a bunch of noobs one more and I get the diamond egg bro I think I'm actually ahead of Mikey I'm not sure how far he is though okay white red and blue pollen let's do in sunflower please give me sunflower okay let's go got sunflower time three and the quest of Legends is complete I got the diamond EG Honestly though I wonder how far along Mikey is okay Mountain done time for Clover it's another guy that joins we have so many people in the server blue palal bamboo blue flour pineapple all right I think I can do this in order let's start with pineapple next we can do bamboo and lastly blue flour wait next time I visit pineapple I got to remember to do something I got to buy the Hasty guard because it gives me haste Hasty guard is actually soapy for this all right we got to do cactus strawberry and Rosefield nice 17 more and I get the first star jelly and we're 16 minutes in I just noticed all right here I finally got pineapple so let's just run in this shop and where's a Hast guard here it is let's go times 1.1 Player move speed that is going to make such a difference I'm like use St bolt right now okay now we got to do spider and then D liion let's go zoom in along grinding these quests 16 more for the star jelly and the first stump Quest now look somefield might be a bit of a problem because obviously I haven't killed the stum snail I literally have like 19 minutes of play time on this count and I'm going to get Blackbeard's myth soon so that definitely makes sense but seriously though I just hope somefield will not be a big problem all right mushroom and pine tree that is going to be very very interesting how is Mikey so fast bro he's literally zooming across the whole map Blue Po in here is done maybe he's getting hit by the Coconuts on purpose that might be a good idea getting bonked on the head by a coconut every 5 seconds 14 more pumpkin time nice I know what I could have done I could have grabbed gummy mask use gum drops and get a free bar morph every like 20 seconds that would have been quite a bit better actually 1 more bro give me the quest this game is lagging and it's scamming me maybe I should get an auto clicker to click the Quest for me and what the flip why why why so many different fields that is a lot of suffering I have to go through okay I know how I'm going to do this I have to get cactus here now we can run to the very top field and what even is the name of this Quest more gas board yeah what on it might have been on something while writing these Quest names okay time to get bamboo and then Clover and then haste from the dispenser and then turn it in okay last field Clover nice it's done okay there we go got my us bolt buff 12 more 6 million pwn I love these quests I love the pwn Fetchers because I don't have to run anywhere I can just go in sunflower and it's done in 2 seconds 11 more Clover time you know I don't even mind going to Clover because every time I run to Clover I get some free haste from the dispenser some more 6 million strawberry easy I remember a year ago in the test realm we had infinite load of dice and I probably spam through like 500 load of dice by the time I was done right now there's obviously a limit of 25 so I got to be a bit more conservative with him okay Mountain topfield on it seems to love sending me to topfield for some reason why is this taking so long please on it let me be done with this nice and I got polar be morph yo that's op cuz as you know be morphs make you run pretty fast okay ctive this D line bro it's done in 1 millisecond I have no clue how I'm doing it so fast but should I have gotten the dark sight like Mikey is that how he's doing his quest so fast actually I'm not even sure what quest he's on he might be very far behind me all right bamboo time I times three so it's done in 1 second perfect six more quests Clover and stump all right let's do stump first wait I need Rod p as well I can probably do that in Strawberry or something yeah some Fields done wait how did I do that that fast okay I have no clue what's going on all I know is these Blackberry quests are getting destroyed okay just give me your red P here please okay it's done nice that took a little too long five more I wasted so much time getting the hive built up for no reason Mountain Top all right sure okay let's go I'm going just teleport to my hive four mushroom blue flow okay it's done perfect time for mushroom please be done very soon okay great three more roast pumpkin might as well use a few of these loaded dice I'm not sure if it'll do much but Rose done I am starting to struggle a little on these quests like it's taking it longer than it should okay cactus spider Clover do cactus first let me see if I can get cactus times three to finish the red and blue Pond all right I got Cactus nice that is very convenient thank you on it for not scamming me all right nice time for spider and clover spider done so is clover all right let's go final quest and then I get the SAR jelly and then I think we can start working towards the Mythic egg an that L to torturing me on Quest like this when I'm about to get the SAR jelly okay wait I'm not even looking where I have to go sunflower Sun Pros I miss sunfield I'm so stupid oh my gosh I'm not even comprehending what's going on at this point all I know is quests have to be done Rose pine tree sunflower okay let's do pine tree here please don't take three to five business days pine tree * three nice and also Rose that's going to help a lot all right let's go R is done and lastly sunflower I got to get sunflower time 3 for this actually no I don't but whatever I want to get sunflower just in case yo Mikey what's up how far long are you uh what quest are you on I finished the ant one because wait ant one yeah I'm on the 15 vzone Quest what are you on I just got the star jelly I forgot when I got that wait are you past the star jelly already I forget if I was wait you already got the star jelly wait bro you're scaring me I don't know if I'm ahead of you or not wait wait how much pollen do you have to collect give or take 30 million uh let me see right now wait I'm actually scared Bubble Trouble does that ring a bell I don't think I've seen that no that does not ring a bell wait so you're saying you have to go to ant I'm not sure okay dance lion bro Mikey don't do this to me man I don't have 100 trillion honey to if I'm being honest I spent so much time on the hive that your tool finishes everything I didn't even have to waste my time doing that wait so I'm on can't without answering now dude can't um I might have done that yeah I have to get 2.5 million from anfield you actually did that already what wait that's it yeah I have to get 2.5 million from anfield what else yeah that's it wait I did that a long time ago then 15 million P oh that one I just finished maybe a minute ago yeah wao no no you didn't I did I'm on sweet and sour you're going to be on that quest in like 1 minute or so yeah bro what yeah how I'm being scammed I I should have just um put my hive as music P cuz literally your tool finishes everything until like the very end of the Blackberry quest line cuz having focus and Pace will be much better no I messed up then I I messed up too I did it as well I messed up it's okay I went with the freaking gummy baller no the baller is fine actually I switched to the baller okay I'm on the 15 B zone right now the 15b zone is scamming me my tool does not finish everything wait what the baller yeah it should the baller sucks the baller is good I don't know not to me the baller is not treating me good right now the balls are not in my favor guess what you know what I did I dropped a festive Bean oh I should do that too honestly we're going to finish so soon anyway all right sunfield is done just give me some insta conversion or something please times 2 B move speed I don't even know what I can get and 1.5 I call yeah all I know is it's wasting my time I did when a tornado dropped so I just didn't have to stay in the field bro I got rid of my window I should have just coped your hive it's not even the best I overthought it too much yeah no it's okay I still have a chance trust all just give me blue pollen from blue flower please blue pollen where's the blue pollen I'm not getting any all right bubble trouble's done I remember you mentioned it oh yeah 15 more until I get the diamond egg mushroom pineapple okay yeah that's like three to five bus days away from me have you used dice yet yeah a few I haven't used dice yet wait I used the glitter one time hey pineapple please be done okay sweet and sour 14 more red poen and clover those two do not go together however uh I think we can make it work what the heck is this bro I have to run across the entire map dude I have to run from Asia to Africa just to finish this where is Asia uh in America I don't know huh Asia in America yeah Asia is in like China or something yeah yep I know my geometry don't even doubt it kills for real BR Asia is in China C here I'm just kidding I know Asia's in Denmark true y bro Blue ballen from blue flower please yes finally oh my God that took so long oh yeah I have King Beetle blue flower what roast and Cactus all right wait Cactus uh bro 50 million P yeah this is starting to get that's why it sucks I to get the no I teleported to my hive on accident bro I got scammed I teleported to my hive on accident I used to really gig that explains a lot no sprinkler is crazy that's a scam for me no it's good for me and I'm not even getting Rose I used like 29 freaking field ice and I still haven't gotten Rose I'm on okie pokey right now okay 11 more please please please okay just pal feter six yes it's done 10 more d line spider pepper all right let's just do D line first that is done spider okay obviously I have no problem getting White Pond cuz I have the gummy barall and the gummy mask and lastly pepper no I'm not even sure if I have a chance at this point cuz Mikey is so far ahead but there might be hope there might be hope yes there's always hope I'm a Believer and so am I I'm a believer that I don't have to waste 100 trillion honey it's done I just got the sprinkler by the way congratulations nine more bro give me the quest this game's lagging mountain top blue and red pen okay yeah that's so easy never seen an easier quest in my life yeah Mountain Top time three okay this is so free let's go wait he's in Strawberry I'm not even sure what quest strawberry is variety fetcher 2 variety fetcher 2 yeah I'm on blew it bro I just blew it okay blue flower blue pollen and then ampfield I don't want to blow it anymore all I got to get blue pollen in here I haven't even been using jelly beans I'm kind of stupid for that give me blue pollen please why am I not getting blue pollen huh dude I'm actually getting scammer by on it I'm not even kidding okay amp fuel 10 million Po from mant that should be really easy one an pass sure uh please finish the ant pollen please please please bro why is this so slow okay I can't even really G to my hve I after have to reset are you kidding me dude was it the end challenge yes oh yeah I did that too don't worry bro okay seven more variety fetcher two I'm just on that okay pineapple strawberry pepper pine tree dude this sus balls I literally have zero bees okay I just finished getting stumped one shot getting stumped no you don't want to get stumped you should take a little break finished it yeah good job you just take a little break you know go get a drink of something get a glass of water will after I finish the quest line bro I mean I had a Time Zero in about even any dice we're chilling we chilling I'm about to run out of dice honestly I can save them because I don't know I've been wasting a lot I forgot to craft dice then how do you have dice in the first place no like the loaded I never craft any of that I could have no you could have but you didn't skill issue yeah okayy last I have pepper no look there's a hope of Mikey lags out bro I lag out y'all don't know this but he has like five Beast for accounts running right now so maybe his game will crash that will be very good for me and there's three people in Pepper patch why are all of you here all these people are lagging my game okay all right there is Mikey right there six more getting stumped okay I want to get stumped just like Mikey all right and I have sometimes three that's perfect okay this is so free I can already smell the victory sweet victory yeah sff it right through my screen okay maybe precise bees want to do their Precision stuff and give me pollen that'll be very convenient okay poen give me pollen that is not enough pollen okay am I about to get stomped finally yes I'm stomped let's teleport to The Hive oh my God five more bro on the tox for like three freaking days I mean Blackbeard talks for three freaking days but on that roope Blackbeard's dialog so it's in reality on the talking I bet you're on weed whacker 3 right now I finished that what no you didn't yeah I did no you didn't I don't believe you what if I did what if you're lying what if I'm not lying what if I'm telling you the truth what quest are you on red delicacy well you just made that up that doesn't sound right it's not real then exactly so you just made it up yeah you're some weed whacker oh which one four three I wish I finished that or did I well did you can collect rad pollen from the coconut field H yeah sure there's no red Pond coconut field it's a White Field okay I'm almost done with it by now awesome no you're not cuz it's not even the quest it is son bamboo dude this game hates me oh my okay just two more quests and a Mythic egg what boss battles Mikey have mercy what if my game randomly crashes what if that would be amazing can you send me your IP please yeah you don't even need to send it to me because remember when I sent you the invite link to my server yeah yeah well I got your IP from that so it's over someone's internet is about to crash what happened my game froze no I didn't Mega troll okay Dan line and spider I just got a sticker from leaves always feels nice Cactus done hopefully please yes okay time for a spider I just need white poen now will I get white poen any white poen this good white poen please okay nice now time for D line okay yeah this is Mega scam it was a lot faster when I did this with 75 bees I'll be honest and when there wasn't a server full of four people with max level hives laging my game okay wait red delicacy that is a real thing red P from coconut huh okay give me the coconut times 1 wait what is this why why why do you have to fight the crap as soon as I go inside of this no I fell no like this whole game is against me this is the conspiracy that's like Obama controlling my game right now Obama yeah like the president no Obama you know Obama's last name yeah Obama Obama squared oh my gosh pumpkin patch is taking 5 days okay nice now time for strawberry and red Bond please please please it's time that red delicacy is almost complete please be complete I don't have time to Surf inside of strawberry for 5 days okay I think it's done yes nice perfect pagers slay okay a the coconut and stump all right yeah that sounds about right sounds like Anna is trying to scammer Me by making me suffer too much this Quest might be named boss battles but right now I'm battling the ultimate boss and number one player okay coconut done it is time to be done with sunfield soon as well okay sunfield uh please don't be too much sufferings 600 thou no 600 million pollen that is a lot of pollen to suffer through nice it's done lastly it's time to do ant Challenge 25 million from ants why why that much ants be done yes let's teleport no I got teleported back huh on it wants to keep me inside of the end challenge okay boss battles one more and I get the myth gag oh my God wait how close are we Mikey I'm like done wait no you're not you're right I'm not done yet cuz I just got this Quest so dude for this myth in the making Quest I have to run through literally every single field in the game that's going to be so much suffering okay wait I think this is Mikey right here I'm not sure what Mikey is doing he doesn't have the shots like I do I'm doing the blue poen bro the blue poen no you're not the red po red I finished that instantly go to Strawberry for uh blue pen trust I did oh okay great okay we're like halfway done okay mountain top please Mountain Top have mercy let me get it fast okay Mountain's done let's go time for pineapple there let's go stump time time to get stumped for the 20 millionth time in this video when you finish stump come to um sunflower sunflower why you'll see I did sunflower already come to Rose no dude wait I got to get all these fiels on the right so just wait up I think I know what you're going to do to me when I come there but can you not do it for a while can I at least get some progress done I'm not done yet I have to talk to black bear that's like a lot well yeah obviously but wait cuz I want to get like a bit more of this Quest come on I am chilling here okay you're chilling chilling like a villain quite literally y just let me let me get some more grinding done bamboo spider strawberry yet to do that bro I still have like half the quest left to do how do you do that fast Mikey uh I mean first I had a lead ahead of you so there was that second I had time sent Precision I think okay wait what third I use the xflame for my demon mask to have targets one shot Fields M4 you're just a hacker yeah send the script um vor. exe okay vor. exe sure bro I still got to do Top Field I finished that in like 1 second don't worry you're all good I'll get it in like 5 days I should have used dice dude yo I didn't use any dice yeah skill issue I guess it is okay bro wait pine tree need some pine tree pollen man I'm so slow at this oh my gosh all right wait I got to do coconut pepper pollen and then Top Field all right pepper and then we go to Top Field dude pepper is so slow my gummy baller doesn't do anything you didn't turn the quest in yet right nope okay dude I got to go to Top Field I got to go to Top Fuel no I got to turn this quest in and it's done I finished wait what when when did you finish like before you came here dude as soon as you came here as soon as you came here I finished it scam that's a scam I thought a chance what or did I you might have finished it before me oh did I wait did you pause the timer I didn't pause it oh crap technically you win then actually I'm not sure yet it depends on the time we got to check wait check the recording and send the screenshot wait wait wait wait wait so Mikey yeah you turned this quest in at 46 minutes and 43 seconds yes but I finished in 46 minutes and 41 seconds uh-oh and this is me right here chilling at black bear um but you didn't turn the quest in technically technically you didn't turn the quest in technically you were the winner technically I don't have to waste 100 trillion yo let's go I am the loser all right Mikey let's see you waste 100 trillion honey as a punishment okay I guess we'll be buying treats yeah you're going to need a bit more than that all right how many treats will he actually be able to buy with that yo how many is that 10 trillion treats Wait no that's 10 billion treats I've spent my honey okay there you go wait stop that's not how much you have to spend Oh I thought you said one quad oh well bro bro spent one quadrillion honey instead of 100 trillion the rich people problems right okay but now you have to donate it to the one Shrine this is for the content anything for the content sacrifice might level 22 be yep sacrifice your life saving the problem is I don't know how much that is so so 10 billion treats you know that's a lot of zeros but we can count I'm just going to see what the um slider tells me so it's going up that's going to take a while it's going up okay you should pause on 69 69 69 69 69 okay that's a whole lot of treats Mikey but we're going to need a lot more donated okay so 100 million soon it's going to be a billion all right there we go and we need 10 billion treats no that's only 6 billion okay I got this watch we're going to time it correctly okay so it's going to be all zeros right no it's going to be 69 69 69 I got this oh you're actually doing that I think so I I mess up here it's over you I'll give you 10,000 Robux if you get it all 69 then like if I sto it correctly y there's like no chance that's ever happening watch who knows oh you're like 100 million off I was going to miss anyways it's like it's like impossible I guess now we go for 10 billion right yes the most entertaining form of Beast storm content there is to do now guys do not waste your honey like this no you definitely should waste your honey like this and then boost and then get back because that's what you're going to do right yeah there you go 10 billion treats down the waist that is 100 trillion honey nothing seems to happen bro bro wow I got a jelly beam yo let's go w Wait how much streats was that actually 10 billion I made a billion honey no I made half a trillion back yo that's a good investment yo I made almost two trillion because of that and my planner plenty that's op honey glitch all right if you guys enjoyed make sure you drop a like And subscribe and if you want a rematch I don't know how many likes what 3,000 likes we'll do a rematch maybe Mikey will actually beat me next time cuz he's a noob I'm a noob
Channel: Yarikz
Views: 245,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qA2echkET1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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