I Snuck Into A GOLD DIGGER’s Home.. What I Caught Her Doing Will SHOCK You! (Roblox Bloxburg)

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so today in Blacksburg I noticed that Betty buxaplenty was inside my game I wanted to see what she was doing but when I tried to talk to her she rudely turned me away because she was too busy now guys I had a bad feeling about her so I ended up sneaking into her house to see what she was up to be sure to watch him till the end hey what's going on you guys I am back in blocksberg today I hope everyone is having an absolutely wonderful day because I sure AM and I am ready to hop right into this video today you guys end up change it up a little bit I'm not gonna hop right into the chat box I'm actually going to look at the tablet and see who we got in here we've got Elissa magic this life over wait nice oh my gosh you guys I literally have not seen Betty in such a long time and I lied that could be um pretty interesting I kind of just wanna like see what she's up to you guys so I'm actually gonna hop in my car and see if I can maybe find her house or something this is definitely not it okay um let me see this a big pink one over here okay maybe maybe oh my gosh you guys that is so convenient she was literally my next-door neighbor oh my gosh you guys and look at this house I mean it it looks pretty normal actually I mean it's really big and really fancy but um I'm looking around I don't see any boys only girls only guys I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary in that department so um I don't know man maybe maybe she's changed a little bit or something I mean things are still very pink but I mean I love me so I'm not even surprised I'm just kidding go ahead and light knock on the door I guess guy I literally have no idea how she's gonna react we have not seen each other in such a long time and oh oh my gosh there she is I'm gonna say um hey Betty wait she just said Oh dr. dot it's you what do you want um guys what the heck I was gonna say I just wanted to catch up I guess oh gosh guys I accidentally put that all in caps she's gonna think I look crazy okay she said ketchup you think we're friends oh my gosh you guys AAB she's literally weak so mean she said get out of here I'm really busy right now you boys supporting loser oh my gosh you guys I just lay out at the door in my face guys okay clearly she is still a boy hater but I mean I ro I thought maybe we could like have a conversation or something that she was literally so mean to me but I'm kind of noticing you guys that she she doesn't have any like business opening up or anything like that she normally would be doing like any type of life boy capturing hater work or something so I'm confused I've actually never seen what Betty buxaplenty does on her day off so I know you guys may be I can try and like anos look around see if I can like spy on her for the day or something I kind of just want to know like what she's up to um I I don't actually see another way in I think don't spy on her today but um first thing I got to do is find a way into this house and wait wait wait are you guys are literally in bed right here oh my gosh what the heck okay um I just need to find a way to get up there I guess okay Oh first things first maybe I could I see a balcony so uh maybe I can find a way to get up there or something um none of these plants are really giving me a boost or anything but oh there's a diving board okay guys these things are actually super bouncy if you play any spot that you bounce on them so uh maybe I could just like oh dang it you guys okay um we try one more time here we go here we go hopefully Betty doesn't see me oh my gosh you guys I made it up here okay okay I'm on the balcony now um wait there's like a there's like a little ledge think here okay maybe I can like scoot along this ledge okay okay I'm gonna go with first-person I think it might be a little bit easier that way but I'm making my way around here we go here we go oh oh my gosh you guys okay okay okay oh my gosh I literally I made it into her house okay you guys I cannot believe I actually got into this little vent system um okay I see like a little oh my gosh I literally see Betty right there guys I cannot believe I just broke into Betty bucks lady's house okay wait wait where's she going now okay guys I could literally see what she's doing through these little vents okay um I just wait she's in the kitchen right now okay is she making hot dogs guys what the heck I could have sworn that Betty buxaplenty hated hot dogs like she always had that whole thing about how it was like a man's food or something and she hates boys so guys I am no idea I mean maybe I don't know maybe she changed her mind or something I'm not gonna lie I'm a little confused here okay she's got the plate of hot dogs and maybe she's going back to this little table over here or something okay guys she went okay she sat down she's just kind of sitting with them he's Betty seriously eating hotdogs I mean maybe she like turned over a new leaf or something but she did say she still did like boys so okay wait she left oh my gosh you guys she's over here she's over here okay I guess this is like maybe her living room or something okay she's by the bookshelf oh wait a second book right now guys she told me that she was super busy or something um she looks super busy to me I gotta say I'm a little offended that she didn't want to talk to me at all okay um I don't know maybe she's done that where's she going guys what okay she's back she's back in the dining tables just grab these hot dogs and guys wait why I can't find her she literally has like totally disappeared um a second is this a ladder what kind of vent system is this you guys there's like a ladder in it okay um maybe like this goes up to the second floor or something I will I'm a little confused here okay uh wait here's a here's a vent here's why okay I can see like a little rug maybe like a brick wall in it I think that might be like her closet wait is she in her bedroom right now is she she literally brought hot dogs up here to just like eat in her bedroom I'm I'm a little confused right now she's just like standing up around wait guys guys guys guys up guys she'd open up her closet just okay I you call them down here really quick because like I am the one who broke into Betty's house and spied on her and watched her every move so I don't know maybe I don't know okay I haven't looked around let's talk to her very much so maybe maybe I can see into like another room or something um and here I guess is like uh I don't know I think that might be like another bed or something really all I can see here is like a rug and maybe a door or so I don't know maybe it's like a guest room but I do not see anybody in there right now okay um let me look back here make sure I didn't miss any of these other rooms I'm not gonna lie you guys I I'm gonna try and like have the best thing in mind here and hopefully Betty's not still super crazy um but also I mean I don't know what I expected like watching her all day in her house where in her vent system I mean Chris I'm the crazy he's bound to happen but okay guys uh I don't think I've seen any other little vent holes so I don't know how maybe I should just try and like wiggle lay here and see if maybe I can like fall through this little bed okay cuz there's no other way into this house you guys okay I'm gonna try and like get into her room right now okay okay just a little bit oh my gosh okay okay um yeah yep you guys I am I am in her bedroom right now okay um I don't see anything super suspicious except for obviously the giant ladder in her closet so um okay you know I'm just gonna maybe I'll just peek maybe maybe on the Speak I don't want anything super crazy today but um you know yeah when it shows up I gotta look at it okay okay it just looks like there's like a a blue floor but guys this is a really tall ladder um okay okay okay um I have no clue where she's at so I don't know you guys um okay okay take a deep breath big if there's something crazy down here I need to find it and put us up to it thing and okay here we go here we go here we go oh my gosh oh oh my gosh okay wait a second guys what the heck I'm I'm like I'm like hidden behind this little blue wall I all I can see is like paper hearts on the wall and everything is blue which is really confusing because Betty hates the color blue I mean that was like one of her old things it's like she didn't eat hotdogs she didn't like the color blue she does not like boys so I'm um I'm a pretty pretty concerned here okay okay maybe I can just try and like sneak against this wall or something and look around no no no no no no no dude please tell me that is not a cage please tell me that is not a change oh my gosh you guys Betty is sitting there with a guy in the cage his name is drawn greatly she's saying like I made these hot dogs just for you okay um wait a second you guys oh hold on I need scoop just a little bit more what does this sign say I'll always love you no matter what I am so confused she literally has this guy indicate she said do you like your room he's like in this cage it's bringing him food she said I made this room blue for you guys what the heck is going on here I thought she hated boys I know she has one in a cage but she's like got hearts everywhere says when she loves him or something and has a fool tree like I'm so confused she just said I I'm so you'll be here forever okay no no I just need it I just need to confront her right now she said I'm never letting you go I'm saying what is this oh my god she just said Carrie okay I'm sure she's a little surprised you guys Johnson whoa who's this she said what I am what I I've been something that got super hashed out I'm gonna say um why is he in a cage she said this is John my heart from high school wait a second is this like her highschool crush or something why is he in a cage um okay literally all these things that she's saying he's getting a hashtag out I am so confused right now she doesn't actually look that up like I don't know uncomfortable she said words can't express how I feel for him wait a second I am so confused right now so that means she has to keep him in a cage she said I never knew how to talk to guys okay I mean clearly but I didn't even think she likes guys so I'm a little confused she said so this is the only way I know well I'm gonna say this is wrong than to keep him locked up she said this is the only way I can be happy like inside a cage what is going on here okay I knew Betty was like kinda crazy but this is absolutely ridiculous I now like the only way that she can keep him around is to put him in a cage but she doesn't hate him does she likes him I know what's going on he just said wait John just said wait you you feel like that for me wait a second she just said I do I have always wait wait what is going on here right now um like scared by that he said really I actually feel like her he said she said wait really he said I actually enjoyed being around here I've got to be around you today oh she said oh my gosh I'm gonna say wait what is happening I am so confused right now she literally opened up the cage oh she just said you are the best I'm so happy he said I never knew wait a second what is going on she said and you um oh no did you break into my house I'm just gonna say um uh maybe maybe I did oh god she's getting so close to me right now he just said the entire house what what's that I mean I guess I guess Betty is involved now or something that was probably the weirdest video I have ever filmed in my entire life
Channel: Cari - Roblox
Views: 984,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox bloxburg, bloxburg roblox, roblox girl, girl roblox, cariplays, cari plays, roblox 2019
Id: KN2WC4xOvmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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