I Showed My WIFE Anime Openings for THE FIRST TIME

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so I found this random person on a sidewalk and I'm going to show her some anime openings so yeah look who's back that joke is done my soon to be wife she's my fiance now last time we did this you were just my girlfriend and then you leveled up he solo leveled up but I'm going to put wife in the title because it's easier exactly it sounds better who knows how to spell fiance I don't what's your favorite anime Demon Slayer what's your favorite anime opening um think I don't know what's my favorite opening I don't really care about she skips the what I watch them like each season the first episode yeah and then I don't what and then you skip it you skip it no I don't you're a liar no I'm not yeah you are I found a couple of openings that I'm going to show Liv [Music] ah you never heard this is this the same person that does m psycho no but I can see why you think that it looks like the mob guy right it it looks like the mob style yeah I mean I no I'm not wrong I know I'm right no this is a different anime different studio and everything yeah this is totally different but your face changed when this came on when it did like the we know that sound I like the r ah you like the rap yeah all right good good good no wonder why you're with me it has a good beat okay I would listen to this in the car repeatedly like this is the type of song like I do this thing where I listen to the same song for like multiple days yeah and I and that's all I just put on repeat and I'm good I don't need any other music this is one of those songs I would do it with that's good but once she went on like an hour drive and I think she played the same song the entire time just on a constant Loop girl so [Music] cute I wish I could fake react to this again ready ready you're telling me that's not mob it looks like mob doesn't it we're so clinged kill me kill me stop it this is the new Tik Tok dance no for older people disappointed if this style of this anime is not like the intro I don't know I honestly don't know I have watch this anime really I want to watch it I'm curious because of this opening well I like Harry Potter a lot I don't know if it's Harry Potter I'm just guessing because it reminded me of it with it's w so you like it I like it a lot you like it enough to play it in the car yeah you also said that it makes you want to watch the anime yeah that is [ __ ] amazing mhm all right so that's good this is new the pace you're going we're not going to get here till we're in our afterlife I mean there are things I know I've seen all these outfits yeah I love this style I love it when they change the St I love it too I loved it so much when they did this I like this opening better this is like my favorite one piece opening buy y oh you like it I like the I I like the art so much that I can't even focus on the song cuz I'm just so in the style I love the lineless style of it I love like when there are like outlines they color I love it I mean the song is good too I mean obviously if the song wasn't great I just put on mute you like this better than any other one yeah wow okay this song is like energy powered it stands on its own like I feel like sometimes when songs are made to be an opening yeah they go with like the the Montage sort of relying on imagery sort of songs but I like it more when they write a good song and pair it with the opening like I like it when they're made together rather than made for like you can tell like when a song is made for the purpose just a song that's on an album yeah compared to a song that's made for the anime this feels like it's one piece yeah the other song I wasn't too crazy I mean I like it but this one is more my Tempo all right now this is this this is an anime that people want us to watch together yes and we might actually watch it together so let us know down below if we should watch that [Music] together [Music] yeah this a pretty anime it's cute and pretty like you like the [Music] guy this song is like a bad look it's me and [Music] you yeah wa wait wait whoa who stop I forgot that happened I didn't know I should have re-watched it again always expect titties in anime I was okay I expect titties but not completely nude miners I expect that too in anime all right it's normal this is normal little I'm a little that was a little jarring this is normal get used to it this is not what I was expecting this to be about based upon my memories of the first manga I'm desensitized I got tears in my eyes that was appalling stop wait let's go back I missed the part there we [Music] go I missed it wrong [Music] wrong yeah it doesn't he look like a Pianist what just the way you pronounced a pist pist after how you supposed to say it a pist after the sea that we just saw yeah the pianist with his pist all right you want to go back so you can observe it again why you closing your eyes what do you think of it I have no recollection of this manga what do you mean I would I just I was I'm kind of like focused on like on what who's the cat why are they musicians you're not supposed to know this the song was really good but the opening was just a little jar because you don't know the context I don't know either but I'm used to this the song was like a like a power ballad it's a bunch of kids playing instruments Nam naked and whatever what's what's so weird about that you didn't do that when you were that age I played musicians but naked I played I played music I played instruments with actually way way more clothes on well Japan's different I'd be wearing like like leggings with a skirt over it with like a tank top with a with a like a little cro jacket over it with a little little like hairstyle or headband or hat or something going gloves yep yep got the fingerless gloves had the you like SAS as girl skateboard shoes I saw you Reviving most with mashall so let let may maybe maybe fire force might give you something good let's see I just saw her reacted to this by the [Music] way patreon.com TV she's witch I thought they were firefighters they're witch firefighters [Music] wow oh I can tell look how she's moving he got a gun how you fighting firefighter it's [Music] enway yeah yeah you like it let's go yeah you got add this I love you come here why is this n a firefighter I asked the same thing when I was watching the show we're on like episode three on patreon buy it but what she just stood there she's like the the she's just standing there praying I pray something doesn't follow on me and it doesn't follow her because everyone's just rescuing her did you just see her not moving she's praying on her she's praying look at him she praying I feel like they're doing more protecting her than anything else she puts God first you should [Music] too do not walk on all fours I like your retion to [Music] this all [Music] right what I just their uniforms and they angle they just look like little Ooma looma Oompa loomas yeah all right awesome but I like I liked in this song that they um like during the bridge when you know like you normally have like a breakdown where it goes like more intense yeah they pulled it back that was really unique and really nice and I really like that all right let's get something that's similar to that wow wow what like I've never heard like Japanese metal like this aw doesn't make you want to punch somebody fly power I would have loved this Middle School really what about now I love it now but why middle school cuz that's when I started to like like pop punk and mle and stuff like that that's when I really was getting into it me and my dad were like sharing music like we listening to the exact same stuff yeah so you would have liked this our playlist was just a combo of like New Wave pop punk metal and like old school like like metal and one punch man it should have been yeah it should have been we got play that you do I'll send it to him [Music] tonight yes yes yes the goost I want to be wow reaction I'm envious I'm envious of anyone who got to see that live cuz that was really good imagine that live like this is a song that is really good yeah that also like obviously this one was made because it's like one punch yeah or maybe it just so happened that it matched up perfectly but this is like it when a song is made for an anime and it works yeah like and this is perfect for it perfect for one punch man my hero one of the most popular anime openings this is the guy that does the chainsaw man opening oh yeah yes I do tokoyami you know what his fan base is called no no tokoyami Toko Yaki don't don't say that it's tokoyami you know what his fan base is called Toko yakis you know what his fan base is called The Nest you better be in the nest when you watch this damn show I won't watch it tonight show your love to tokoyami in the comments below and actually I have you know everybody fortnite don't admit that camera you enjoyed that one no word to describe that song better than just being a b you like it though look at you yeah look at you I see your face you're into it you're shaking your head [Music] [Music] yeah you've definitely heard it it's really good yeah it is really good I really like this song it's a very good [Music] song yeah you know him yeah why did they bleach their hair to be in the crew cuz they want to be they want to be like Slim Shady from fortnite should I play you my favorite anime opening of all time [Music] yeah this you like this [Music] right this is K yeah that's K yeah I think you've only heard chiua wo I don't think you've heard anything else after yeah I haven't but you only [Music] heard yeah this k Why style like the long ligament I'm familiar with clamp clamp if it's who I think it is [Music] oh I [ __ ] love this song it's so good you like this look maybe should watch this it looks like um the ire night and it looks like there's a there's a book by an artist that I know goes by the name of clamp I think it's the same thing all right she had like a very like Gothic Lolita sort of like nurse styled character oh so you think that's who did this I think I don't know never heard this part it's the same group as the other one yeah it's the same group they came back to do another opening better they should have stayed so that was part two of showing live anime openings what do you want for part three what do you want for part three I want to watch some romance openings oo kaguya I don't know what manga that I've read that is has like romance like that has animes yeah I know that there are some but I don't know if they're any good okay so they'll let you know let me know down below what chjo manga that became anime you want us to watch the opening too wow that was perfect it's as if you wrote it and recited it beautiful thank you but yeah do what she said or I'll find you but um any last words are you killing me I like I like anime all right um subscribe to her she has a channel as well now what is it called live likes to draw what do you do on it I have a Q&A yeah that's all she has up right now but she'll have more art and traveling Vlogs and um maybe some hauls and maybe some travel like suggestion videos I don't know I have a lot of ideas a lot of art yeah a lot of artist lifestyle stuff if you want something from me I if I'm interested I i' probably make a video about it so subscribe to her get her to 5 million all right that's going to be it um what do I say to end the video do it uh tat I don't say Tatai anymore what head away in my videos no uh yes N I thought you hated Naruto Baka you're a baka Baka G the [ __ ] does that [Music] mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] w [Music] oh
Channel: Nicholas Light TV
Views: 210,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime reaction, reacting to anime, anime first time, top 5 anime openings, anime music, musician reacts, non-anime fan reacts to anime, reacting to anime openings, anime openings, anime opening reaction, anime reaction first, nicholas light, nicholas light tv, bling bang bang born reaction
Id: gw3WCTgbxzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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