I Show Your Images Pt 3

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well it's almost the end of the year and as 2021 draws to a close i was pretty keen to get this video in before christmas now as you know in my last video i asked for submissions from you guys to send me some of your images to feature here on the channel well as expected i receive what seems like hundreds of images now obviously i can't feature every single shot but i'll do my best to bring as many as i can into these videos i'll be doing a follow-up again in a little while now before i go any further i want to bring something else to your attention my good friends mike and chris pereira invited me to be part of a collaboration of outdoor photographers who will be bringing a series of youtube videos throughout the month of december this has been aptly named vlogmas and i guess the idea is to introduce you all to other like-minded photography channels i think sometimes it's good to see what everyone else is getting up to and i think it's a great idea to get into the christmas spirit of good will anyway you can check the other videos in the playlist linked below in the description all right without further ado let's get into this video where i showcase your images okay so our first image is from ilya debowsky and from latvia so hi richard hello from latvia here on the other side of the earth and we also watch your channel thank you very much for that it's not as simple to shoot nightscapes here in latvia as we almost don't have a chance to see the centre of the galaxy it rises just a little bit over the horizon in spring on the other side europe is very urbanized place so light pollution is always an obstacle here yes i hear that quite a lot so here are two examples the first one was shot on the seashore having the remains of an old pier as a foreground and i was lucky that the factory behind me was illuminating the foreground just enough so it is all natural light that's a lovely image really nice and the second image was shot trying to implement your light painting and focus stacking technique it's an old lighthouse that me and my buddy were trying to illuminate i was releasing triggers for our two cameras while my friend was running around with a headlamp yep we've all done that then i was blending seven to ten pictures in photoshop and here is the result well i love this shot this is really really nice indeed both pictures were taken with the canon 5d mark iv and the samyang 14 millimeter f 2.8 i think you've done an absolutely fantastic job with these ilya so our second contributor is stefan engelbret now stefan is a regular on the channel here and thank you very much for that he sent in some images here now the these are all shot with an olympus bm1 mark iii with the lower 7.5 millimeter and this first image is shot with the sky at f2 15 second shutter speed iso 4000 he stacked 20 images the foreground there are four photos blended uh at f 5.6 6 second shutter speed iso 400 lit with the lead lenser 7 torch now stefan's second shot is this open field with the tree i particularly like the powerline tower with the light pollution directly behind it sometimes i think you can use light pollution to your advantage to get a good silhouette this is just a single shot same camera lens situation sky f2 15 seconds at iso 3200 he goes on to talk about the what happened this night and there were some hunters that came along and basically told him to get lost and i think when hunters come along and tell you to get lost sometimes you just have to do what they tell you to do and the last image here this is nice it looks very very cold and yes he says this was minus 15 degrees celsius probably lower so that's very cold it was so cold that he could see freeze soap bubbles uh but he wasn't able to get photos of those so that was pretty cold this is shot at the sky at f2 15 seconds at iso 4000 again 20 photos stacked and four green is at f 5.6 at six seconds at iso 400 he says about four to six photos blended in with the light painting and i think these are quite awesome stefan really well done now i just love this next image which is from marcus oddgard from here in queensland australia and this beautiful lantern with the spider there's an orb spider there don't you just love this one and this is an old cattle property west of claremont the cattle yards are in excess of 100 years old and still in use today i love these old places now this is shot with a nikon z6 with a 20 millimeter f 1.8 lens which is my combination i absolutely love that lens and camera 20 second shutter speed at f 2.2 at iso 2500 with just a little bit of a light painting and i think that that golden orb spider makes all the difference what an amazing shot really love this one our next image is from sara bella from hungary and i love this this is just a beautiful simple image but it is showing a meteor shower with the silhouette of the building and i particularly love that light that's just placed inside the building just to give it that little bit of hey somebody actually lives here now this is shot with a sony a6000 with a sigma 16 millimeter f 1.4 lens and the story goes like this this is a perceived meteor shower i took eight pictures of the silhouette of the tiny abandoned house with iso 1600 at f2 20 seconds and then one with the indoor lighting with iso 400 at f 3.5 at 15 seconds i stacked these for noise reduction i took 12 horizontal images from the same position with the star adventurer tracker at iso 800 f 2.8 120 second shutter speed which i also stacked afterwards due to the richness of detail and the perceived meteors then i blended these all of together it was an unforgettable experience to spend the night out under the stars and the shooting stars and isn't it always the way what a fantastic image and i love this little story that goes along with it all the way from hungary thanks so much sarah next we have two images from eric wilkes eric is from australia okay this is the cape jarvis lighthouse in south australia and it's as eric is explaining the ugliest lighthouse in existence but he's been keen to get out there for ages to shoot it with the milky way overhead it was one of the last dark moon nights of the season and after roving at dusk clouds rolled in but he got about a 30-minute break in the clouds and he did 10 stacked images with the foreground conveniently lit by the nearby ferry terminal so this is shot with the canon r5 with the rf 15 to 35 f 2.8 lens at 15 millimeters iso 6400 f 2.8 8 second shutter speed 10 shots stacked that is an awesome image absolutely love that and the next one this is from a trip to the flinders ranges which is quite a desolate place out in the middle of nowhere really dark skies in south australia and this is taken with the canon r5 as well with the same lens the 15 to 35 this is a 29 millimeter and this beautiful old stone church what a gorgeous image that is this is also 10 stacked iso 6400 f 2.8 10 second shutter speed i love these eric really really well done okay our next image is from paul clark from the uk so it's winter up here in the yorkshire dales and i saw that you're wanting images and yes i do here's a great one this is a chilly one makes a change from your warm colors gee it sure does it's a derelict lead mine looking towards the yorkshire dale's dark sky reserve it's minus four degrees windshield down to -8 degrees celsius so that's pretty cold and this is shot with a canon 6d mark ii and a sigma 24 millimeter lens the sky is eight eight second shots at f 2.2 at iso 2500 so they're stacked the building six eight second shots at f5 at iso 800 and he did an ambient four grand shot at 30 seconds at f 2.2 iso 2500 so he's used sequata lightroom and photoshop now i love this this is a combination of ambient light a bit of light painting and the background stars gee it looks cold just looking at it but is a great image paul thanks so much for sending it through next we have an image from mottie hennock from germany and it's continuing the theme of meteors which i absolutely love this is another perceived meteor monty's little description can you believe that this image is from my first ever planned night shoot i did go out at night a couple of times before but i never had a plan it was more about getting some fresh air and checking out a landscape target fair enough i knew about the night sky and milky way but one day someone on youtube mentioned the peak of the perseid meteors and knowing that there's a dark sky area about one and a half hours north of my home out i go now after checking a few locations i ended up at the top of a mountain that hosts an old monastery and there's this famous for its uh its cross just above there's a viewpoint with these three gold gothic crosses and he thought to himself yes these will make a good foreground so we're using a nikon d610 with a samyang 14 millimeter f 2.8 lens this is shot at 25 second shutter speed at iso 3200 now he did take quite a few images but he didn't think he was happy with any of them he didn't see any meteors hardly being inexperienced he didn't really think he captured anything so he took these pictures there were four or five other photographers around equally unhappy about the meteor turnout so after about 1am i gave up and drove home he says in the morning i imported the pictures into my computer and you can imagine my reaction when i saw this image it had the milky way in it as well something he didn't even plan or think about well how about that sometimes it just happens and you're just going to be in the right place at the right time thanks so much modi i appreciate you sending this image through and here we are at the usa and this is an absolutely stunning image i just love these old cars especially the rusty ones especially the ones with bullet holes through the doors uh with the milky way behind so this is from michael lee and michael says i've been a follower of your channel for quite some time i really appreciate the inspiration i've taken from your work and your teachings thanks very much michael he tried his hand at milky way nightscapes when the course started rising earlier in the northern hemisphere the attached image is actually one of my earliest attempts at the process it was captured in an area known as ranch park here in lassen county california united states and features a wonderful old bullet-ridden chrysler that sat in this field for years while i'm not trying to be any one other than myself in photography one of the best compliments i got all year was when someone in a facebook group commented that he thought it was a richard tatty image at a glance i did battle light pollution a bit because it's right on the edge of town but i still rather like the result and so do i michael i think it's a fantastic image now michael has used a canon 16 mark ii with a rokinon 20 millimeter f 1.8 lens he's used a lead lens a p7 7.2 with the half cto gel for light painting that's pretty much what i use as well he's taken 10 stacked frames for the sky at f 2.8 iso 6400 10 second shutter speeds five light painted frames of the car shot in bold mode uh keeping the shutter open at uh where are we iso 1600s and he's got various exposure lengths so he's experimenting a bit with the lighting and exposure times and i think that's a really good idea so he's blended this together it's equator photoshop and lightroom fantastic image michael well done so as we continue on we're back to australia this is a really good photographer from here called dan haynes and dan this first image is taken he's shooting with the sony a7r ii with the samyang 14 millimeter f 2.8 and this building is a single shot 30 seconds at iso 2000 particularly like the angle of light that you put in their dam this is a really nice image indeed and then we have a an awesome image of the rohafuki complex in the milky way that beautiful milky way that we see here in the southern hemisphere now the this one is shot it's just tracked on a star adventurer uh two to three minutes at f4 at iso 1800 uh same settings on this final image which is a seascape somewhere but yeah that's a gorgeous image really really nice i'm not sure the focal length of these two if they're all the same in because that middle image looks a little bit closer in than that but either way these are all fantastic shots dan is quite a prolific photographer here he's got some great work uh as have lots of other people that sent images into me thanks dan love these and now we're heading back to germany these images are sent through from michael's bick love these michael michael's shooting with a nikon z6 this first image which is called moonlight serenade is shot with the nikon 24-70 f4 lens so that's good not many people shoot night scouts with that lens but i have done so and that's a pretty good sharp lens it's kit lens but it's a good lens he shot nine images at 24 millimeter focal length 13 second shutter speed f4 iso 560 stacked in sequata okay so there's a bit of snow there i love just that basic silhouette of a tree you just cannot beat it it's lovely now we have harvest time and again this is a beautiful image shot this time with the samyang 14 millimeter f 2.8 so he shot 12 sky images at 17 second shutter speeds f 2.8 iso 4000 stacked in sequata four grand eight times thirty second shots at f4 at iso 500. looks like there's a little bit of light coming from somewhere there he says it's a class 4 baltimore sky uh frankfurt airport is not that far away so there's a bit of light pollution there in the sky i actually don't mind the way that that light pollution tapers off and it gives a nice silhouette to the foreground subject which i think can actually be a benefit back on the farm this is called poseidon very interesting shot with the samyang 14mm on the z6 again 10 images of the sky 17 seconds f 2.8 iso 4 000 stacked in equator the foreground 8 by 17 seconds f4 at iso 4 000 so he's put a lot of time into this one and he's got some objects floating around in the sky there i'm not quite sure what they are all right here we go he's uh this is during the perceived meteor shower boy i'm getting a lot of images from the perseid meteors so nothing wrong with that i think that's a fantastic image so in october in germany the milky way season has ended there's no core to be seen but he found these apple trees on a sunday hike and couldn't resist a hike out there again late in the evening and this is shot with that 2470 f4 lens he's shot 15 shots at 24 mil 13 second shutter speed f4 iso 5000 again stacked in sequata the foreground is seven images at 13 seconds at f4 at iso 500 so there is some milky way in that shot so it looks pretty good once again he's got a bit of light pollution from the frankfurt airport which is about 50 kilometers away from this location but he's working on his light painting method and nothing wrong with that i think it looks fantastic love the trees it's good that you've got some light painting in some of your shots and the silhouettes and some others i think that's a good way just mix it up a bit our next image is from nick zanakos from south australia and this is on his cousin's vineyard property in renmark in south australia and he talks about the fact that his cousin didn't really see much of the night sky because he was always too busy working even though from his backyard it was as clear as anything and he's been there for 50 years so i think nick has encouraged him to get out there and look up at the night sky anyway this is taken with a full spectrum modified sony a7r iii with the samyang he says 12 millimeter f 2.8 i'm not sure if that should be 14 millimeter f 2.8 anyway doesn't matter it's a 30 second shutter speed it's developed in lightroom photoshop sequeta and topaz it was one of his first attempts after bumping into my youtube channel many years ago he's learned a bit more since then but have unfortunately been locked up in melbourne which has had more lockdowns than anywhere else in the world for the last two milky way seasons well that's not too good nick but anyway thanks so much for sending this image in i hope 2022 lets us all get back out there under the stars again oh and what a beautiful image this is now this is from simon stevens now i don't know where simon is from but it's the northern hemisphere somewhere it's obviously an aurora shot and he had this image featured in the news so they love this one his description says there was a terrific storm that hit the earth and generated some fantastic displays over the northern skies he was at shooting and the display had died down a bit as he turned he noticed this beam of light rising up from the horizon it started to buckle and twist like a snake he was a featureless field so he was running all over the place looking for some foreground he found this lone bale of hay he light painted the bail and this is a one second exposure this is shot with the pentax k70 with a 10 mm prime lens at f 2.8 and he was looking for another comp position it was a tractor in the foreground but unfortunately the display has started to fade away never mind love this image simon really really nice and now we're heading over to wales this awesome image is sent through from peter kennington pete was in the pembrokeshire on the welsh coast in august this year in his camper van he says i'm always on the lookout for a good foreground subject and this one was just one minute from my door it's carrick samson a 5 000 year old neolithic dolmen near abba castle in pembrokeshire wales with the milky way behind and he took several images to stack and light paint this single shot worked out the best of the lot taken on my micro four thirds panasonic lumix gx8 fitted with the lower 7.5 millimeter f2 lens it's a 10 second exposure at f2 focus to infinity at iso 250 and light painted with a 96 led fitted with an orange gel cover in post he increased the exposure using lightroom tweaked the contrast and clarity slightly overall he was both surprised and pleased with the result he used photopil's augmented reality app to pinpoint the location of the milky way behind this subject and i think pete you've done a fantastic job of this i like the the way you've treated the light pollution in the background just love the way you've lit this stone as well it's not over lit it's got a nice shape around it really really nice image and here we have an image all the way from a vancouver island uh from jeff leutz now he's shooting with a pentax k70 so we've got a couple of pentax shooters that's really really good i'm not sure what lens jeff's used for this but it's an f 2.8 aperture at iso 3200 10 second shutter speed he has stacked more than one image and he's done a bit of light painting there now it's been difficult i can tell that because he says he's standing in the middle of a raging river by a waterfall so yeah it's not easy because you don't all you can hear is water rushing everywhere around you but jeff's a great supporter of the channel here and thanks for sending that through jeff love it yet another local australian photographer dominic ryan and i love dominic's work this image is it's very moody and i love the way he's processed this take him with the sony a7s using a sony 20mm f 1.8 lens like many he says he hasn't really managed to get out as much as he'd like to this year we've had lots of lockdowns here in australia very lucky to get out a few times in late in the milky way course season so you can see the milky way there low down on the western horizon and this was a beautiful still perfect night he shot this let me have a look at f4 iso around 2000 from where he took three 10-minute exposures to collect the ambient starlight of the landscape then used his msm star tracker to get five two-minute tracked exposures of the milky way with the lens aperture wide open and iso 2000 once again on the computer he did basic corrections in raw therapy stack the sky images in sequetter and then a bunch of editing in affinity photo to create this composite image i like it i think it's really really nicely done the second image is shot with a sony a7r with a samyang 24 millimeter f 1.8 lens he's used the msm to track the milky way for two minute exposures at f 1.8 iso 1600 then he stopped down the aperture for the foreground to f 5.6 use some constant low level lighting here he's used four lights so yeah this is good it's not easy to do with constant lighting to get good even lighting with still that nice dark shadowy areas so well done this is really good dominic he does a lot of time lapse does dominic and i think he has a youtube channel i think he may have featured this particular image as a time lapse so if you're having a look at youtube look at astro road and you'll see some of dominic's work thanks heaps for sending these images in for us another great australian photographer levin barrett and this is the famous marmsbury railway viaduct bridge and i've shot this one myself now levin is a very keen photographer also does a fair bit of time lapse which i really like and i appreciate he goes on to say about this image this was a long time in the planning in april 2021 he he and his wife were having a holiday and a lovely trip down to mumsri they walked around the botanic gardens and they found the bridge and had a good look around did some planning and worked out how he was going to do this particular shot once again 11 got stuck in lockdowns here in victoria in australia so he made the most of it when he was able to get out and shoot this bridge and this i know from my experience this is quite a difficult shot to light and you can see the train going across so he's captured the train now the way that he's lit this is he's shot with a large godox 308 led light about 100 meters from the bridge to give some light to the face of the bridge then he set up two z96 led panels under the arch on the left side or the main arches closer to the camera he was going to move the leds to the other arches but he found that he had just about the right blend of light with these as per the description then he had two cameras so he had the sony a73 and an a7 r3 he's using a zeiss battus 18 millimeter and 25 millimeter lenses so he set two cameras going that's really really dedicated he used various isos and shutter speeds just to get the lighting right and i can totally understand what he's doing there he ultimately ended up with two sets of images the 18 mil and the 25 millimeter sets he processed each set blending various bridge images with a good milky way image and achieved the final result he was being very fussy and paid attention to eliminating errors in masking or blending and a full topaz noise reduction on each layer these are processed using adobe bridge lightroom topaz denoise photoshop and on1 so he's got gone the whole hog there as a result this final image took me about eight hours of processing to get right needless to say i'm very happy with it it looks great on a 4k screen well looks pretty good on our screen as well and the second image uh not such a great description on this but it's a beautiful image this is the marsberry anglican church that's just down the road from the bridge so it's a good location to go shooting because it's in a reasonably dark sky location but as you can see here levin's done a fantastic job of capturing the essence of these beautiful old blue stone buildings now john bergman from brisbane here in australia i sent through a couple of images this first one i love this that angle looking up under the bridge with the flowing water underneath setting milky way core in between this is really nice well lit too so the this picture is the historic stanthorpe bridge in queensland this shot was taken at approximately 12 30 a.m so in september it was very cold about zero degrees which is quite cold in queensland the only light was from his wife sitting in the chair reading her kindle well there you go boy boy nikon z50 with the tekina 14 to 20 f2 lens 14 millimeter sky 12 shot stacked in for noisy reduction in sequata iso 3200 f 2.8 for eight seconds the bridge piers low level lighting with led panels okay so he's put them underneath the bridge piers iso 3200 f 2.8 their four second shutter speeds the creek foreground torch light painted three shots iso 3200 f 2.8 for eight seconds so then he's composed this image together in lightroom and photoshop john's wife is the subject of our second image here this is called campfire contemplation they're at camping at a location he was planning to take some night shots anyway but as he was getting his gear ready he noticed his wife sitting by the campfire just contemplating life with the milky way behind and this was a spur-of-the-moment shot which kinda just happened and that happens to me all the time too john she was just sitting there mesmerized by the campfire so she's nice and still he took one shot for the sky and then one shot for the fire and combine them in photoshop this is taken with the nikon z50 to keynote 14 to 20 f2 lens at 14 mil i love this this is really good and by the way the nikon z50 i don't know too many people shooting nightscapes with that camera but you've done a fantastic job with both of these john our next image is all the way from switzerland andreas peters so thanks for sending this through andreas now this is shot with the sony a73 with a sony 12 to 24 f4 lens he's used light painting with a aperture alc rgb light and godox m1 rgb light interesting he shot eight images of the sky at 28 second shutter speed f4 iso 12 800 stacked in sequata the four grand is a total of 14 images five second shutter speed f4 aperture at iso 800 with the light painting and of course he's combined that sequoia sky into photoshop with the foreground images and he says i wish you a merry christmas and all the best for 2022 and i certainly do wish you that as well andreas thank you so much for sending this in this is a beautiful image i love the way the light flows across from light into darkness and i think that is the key whenever you're light painting a subject you don't want everything to be fully lit you want darkness and you want light and you want that shape and that shadow and this proves that that works really really well next we have a couple of images from kim payne kim is another aussie and these i love them they're beautiful kim shoots with a sony a7 iii i think she doesn't say here but i think it might be a 24 millimeter f 1.4 lens nevertheless this first image is trial by jail and this is where kim has worked for 36 years it's a grand historic site uh built in 1886. for this shot i brought out 50 liters of water in my van and purpose built a puddle to create a reflection oh good on you kim i love that there's about five light painted photos completed with 10 stacked sky photos that is fantastic i love the creativity the lighting and the fact that she's created a puddle that is awesome absolutely beautiful and i also love this this is called little bay it's part of the arakun national park and it's a first attempt at stacked long exposure landscape blended with stacked sky with her new 35 millimeter lens i'm not sure which brand that lens is but she's looking forward to doing more of this shot she hasn't given me the exact settings on this but i do love the way that she's processed this image with that long exposure foreground over the the cliff face here in the ocean and the rocks that is a wonderful image kim thank you for sending these through and we're back to the uk and these images are from gary jones and gary is shooting with the nikon z6 and the 20 millimeter f 1.8 lens certainly a very popular combination he is relatively new to photography he'd recently retired and moved to the south coast of england looking for a new challenge well i'll tell you what gary if you're looking for a challenge nightscape photography is it now before seeing my videos he hadn't known much about the milky way or even being visible but he's now cottoned onto it and he's gone looking for it and here he is just around the english channel taking a number of compositions he's saying here he gets a lot of sea mist rolling in which ruins the view of the sky but patience has paid off and he got out there and he's got this one here which he's calling a local beauty shot kukmir haven this is a very popular film location the old fisherman's cottage resting on the cliff edge the cliffs are eroding away so maybe the cliffs will fall over but anyway it looks fantastic i love the way that there's a bit of light down there just silhouetting that building and there's also a couple of other images here which you sent through these are very very nice indeed of the different area around from a different angle looks like a broken down old jetty or something or other there and this final one uh just a different angle but you can see the building up there on the right hand side of the image either way these are all really well done and for someone who's not long been doing photography and particularly not long doing nightscape photography i think these are quite excellent gary well done now anyone who follows this channel knows i'm a bit of a sucker for a car selfie type shot and here we have a vw sitting there this is from stephanie all the way from germany so thanks stephanie for sending this through and she's a light painted her car just like i do i love it this shot was taken in july 2021 with her nikon z6 and the samyang 14mm f 2.8 lens now she's shot 10 images of the milky way at f 2.8 20 second shutter speeds iso 6400 and she's also shot 20 foreground images at f 8 15 seconds at iso 400 stacked with sequata and edited in a lightroom in the background you can see some of our beautiful bavarian alps gee that's a gorgeous shot now she goes on to say that last month she went to an astrophotography workshop from a very talented photographer catcher seidel i probably got that wrong from germany with her editing techniques i've re-edited her shot and this is the result well you've done a fantastic job stephanie and i really appreciate you sending this one through and now we come to our final featured image here for this particular video all the way from the united states this beautiful lightning shot is from francesca scalpey thanks so much for sending this route again she was going out to shoot the perceived meteor shower well obviously something else took her fancy here and you can see this lightning by the way francesca follows nick page's channel on youtube and i can see a bit of influence there nick page loves this sort of stuff but anyway these were taken off the sonoma coast of the california in the united states between about 3 20 and 4 30 a.m on sunday the august the 16th of 2020 so that's a late night really well done it was very dry lightning massive summer thunderstorms hot dry air etc there were 12 000 lightning strikes recorded over northern california wow boy oh boy this is not a hdr or anything like that there's a single 20 seconds frame not a compilation of frames so that makes it even better francesca uses a nikon d850 with a sigma 35 millimeter f 1.4 art series lens the setting is f 6.3 20 second shutter speed at iso 160. i love the fact that there's that big massive lightning bolt in the middle of the image but then there's that more well it's just as dynamic but further away on the right hand side of the image gee that's a good shot no stars but it's still a beautiful nightscape image thanks so much francesco okay well that's about all we have for you in this particular video thank you so much for sending through these fantastic images and i will be putting together another one featuring more of the pictures i missed here today somewhere down the track i also want to thank you for your ongoing and generous support of my work here on the channel it really means a lot i hope you all have a wonderful and blessed christmas season i'll be back soon with some more nightscape images content until then you have a great week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Nightscape Images
Views: 5,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nightscape images, nightscape photography, nightscape photography with standard camera and kit lens, nightscape photography editing, astrophotography, milky way photography, your images, richard tatti, richard tatti nightscape images, richard tatti youtube, light painting, night photography long exposure, perseid meteor shower, vlogmas 2021
Id: Y399U4YQwOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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