I should play more ULTIMATE FIRE LINK Power 4 ⭐️ I’m liking the Super Fire Link feature

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hey how's it going everyone Thanks for tuning in to Lucky Legion slots and video poker we're here at Soboba we're going to be trying out the ultimate Firelink power four um same fire link ultimate fire link except you'll be playing four different screens if you haven't seen this game yet um it's been out for a while a lot of the slot YouTube channels have covered this so I won't go too much into detail as the bets are uh 150 3 456 and 750. it's not too bad actually and you want to check out the two cents genome double that is it the five cents and this is the 10 cents so uh 750 37.50 all right [Music] let's get our money in there [Music] three dollars [Music] foreign I'm not sure what that is I believe if you do get that you get a taller stack uh grid oh come on like a tab so lucky tabs you just needed one more right there do it uh you know what I didn't check I didn't select the games so so all right let's get out of there [Music] oh we just needed one more come on you can do it yeah that makes a lot of noise so far not much is happening [Music] okay still I don't think we got more than our bed back yet keep an eye out for that money's going down really quick [Music] yeah there's not much is going on so let's try to do something different here [Music] three dollar bets [Music] oh I finally got a little bit overdouble oh [Music] oh this makes that noise [Music] [Music] hopefully we can get something get it to hit oh man this thing's just eating our money up all right five cents 375. [Music] [Music] I think it's dead all right let's just move over [Music] sorry for that glare on the top left [Music] all right let's play games I like Glacier gold let's actually keep that change down here and all very sweet it's not one to take my money all right we'll just put 100 in here and see what happens all right finally let's go back down to three [Music] okay all the Wilds up there come on guys you can do something [Music] so far not much is happening at all cool [Music] still below our bed [Music] foreign [Music] oh finally there we go so it actually uh double stacked whoa I don't know how I'm gonna film this [Music] all right now what I'm actually gonna do is uh turn the turn the filming all right there we go so uh since we got one of that I don't know that extra special Fireball um we're gonna actually uh it actually made it really really tall the original grid was only this tall so uh let's see what happens hopefully we get this symbol or four [Music] foreign [Music] I just needed one to unlock that one um that hit and so I unlocked two rows to the top so the top we actually have a mini and we have a fifth ball and twenty dollar ball oh and there's another 50 right here [Music] oh [Music] nice keep it going we'll get that mini get that mini right there oh we got a mini drop right there nice keep it going guys oh yeah come I saw that hundred dollar ball you can do it 200 ball going going Ball come on one more to unlock there we go all right we got two Minis all the way to the top guys all the way to the top all right there's a 20 ball [Music] oh yeah we got another 20 ball we got the 50 right there got a 50 right there there's another 50 and a 220. [Music] [Music] oh come on do something we got all these faces all these rolls landed oh man [Music] of course 2040 man [Music] [Music] oh 135. oh wow if we were to walk away right now I made my money back on the prior machine and we were up maybe 10 or so [Music] we'll turn this back to the original orientation all right here we go so uh we got 135 on that we're up to 210 if we walk away it's just a 10 profit but we're not here just for ten dollars let's keep going oh I was ready for another one back to back all right this machine is playing way better than the other one [Music] we're actually getting more than our bet keep it up [Music] oh where was that free Spin [Music] it's probably six dollars [Music] [Music] 16 only [Music] all right six dollars seems to be nice [Music] it's always a sweet spot okay we're almost back to uh our 200. respin [Music] oh look at that nice so on the prior one uh a little bit on the prior one remember this was like really really high it was almost twice as tall or maybe a third taller all right let's get it come on let me show you the progressives real quick major 12 minor mini Mega 31 000 [Music] okay let's go [Music] all right need three more we unlocked that 30 ball let's get it [Music] head down here come on one more come on [Music] nice oh there's a mini all right we got that 30 there's a 20 12 and 16 ball up there all the way to the top all the way to the top oh there's a 200 ball up there let's get it all the way to the top guys all the way to the top thumbs up for good luck thumbs up for good luck we need all luck we can get let's try to get that 200. come on get it Bandit no last spin come on guys you can't do that one more one more landed oh jerk all right 65 . all right [Music] all right 149 let's keep going [Music] okay we're up uh 130. this is when I started thinking do I get up walk away the prophet um I was all about walking away with some profit cash in pocket or do we keep playing machine seems to be pretty uh playing pretty well six dollars seems to be a good spot we'll keep going we'll test it out we'll fill it out and uh we might just have to just walk away at 200 we're hoping to double that get up to 600. let's see do it [Music] foreign [Music] would have been huge let's try 750 bet Max bet [Music] a oh my God I had to go down to three right too bad that it hit at the 750 bet uh it's only 27 30. so uh we're almost back up to where we were [Music] all right respin [Music] ation I think that's six dollar uh it's cooled off all right let's try the five cent 75 [Music] hey we made noise up there let's see if it'll do it again oh it did it again all right come on I'm waiting for you to do something do it oh get it oh get it [Music] okay getting more than our bet just keep it up [Music] all right last one yeah I don't know about that one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got a little six dollars [Music] it's only four four hundred [Music] oh Lord come on you can do it right here you can do it right here what game is that China Street get it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're at about 200 uh 200 is what we put in uh we'll go down to 150 and then call it a call it a session walk away yeah this is the first game I played walking in here so uh Billy's still young we got a lot more to go where are the free games at let's go come on [Music] problem s [Music] yeah this just had to block can you be Fireballs up there please [Music] [Music] go get it get it get it free games all right we win crap on that but we spin come on balls feel it balls come on yes keep it up [Music] oh miss that middle reel come on go go go nice okay [Music] come on Big Balls nice nice keep it up [Music] come on no thank you [Music] should be a nice line here with all those Wilds oh look at all I didn't get a fifth one go go oh all right I'm playing last spin come on let's get some Fireballs in a plus one game get it get it yes [Music] thank you come on major please drop can we get a major ball 48 let's go oh yes keep it up [Music] all right come on big finish big oh yeah I was about to get a dynamite right here all right 11 to uh 10 50. keep it up yes one more all right 64. [Music] all right [Music] oh okay we're uh 256. let's walk away with the prophet we'll just claim a little 50 win and what do we got here got enough for two spins at three let's do that actually let's just do a backup here the 450. back up hit it hit it nothing all right so we got 225 all right well there you go I can walk away with some money in our pockets fifty dollars may not be much but uh we had some fun right about uh almost 15 minutes of play actually no more than that probably about like 20 or so so uh guys if you like the content uh please leave a thumbs up on your way out consider subscribing we upload videos every day uh slot video slot video followed by video poker video poker then back to slot videos if you just want to click the playlist click the playlist We just have slot videos only and video poker only so uh guys uh check back again tomorrow and uh have a great day [Music] thank you
Views: 18,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Y1FjE0Z2Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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