I Should Have Made This a Long Time Ago! | Modern Wood Box Set Woodworking Project

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what's up everyone welcome back to the shop and today i'm going to show you how to make this beautiful box set so let's start by milling some lumber [Music] i milled up a piece of walnut and i really like this grain it's flowing down the board so i think this is going to look really good for boxes so i've got plenty of material here i want to do three boxes and i want to have the grain wrapping all the way around so we need to cut this down in a particular way my material is thick enough that we can resolve this that's really the key to doing this wraparound grain now i want to have my boxes be cubes we'll do four inch cubes so what i need to do is measure out eight inches so two sides and then add one eighth of an inch on top of that now what we'll do is we'll cut this at our line here and then take it and resaw this in half and by doing that we'll have two pieces which then will turn into four pieces which then will you know [Music] at our boards and if we put them in the end we can see the grain matches up pretty cool so now we need to cut these in four inch segments so we'll have four inches four inches four inches four inches and that's gonna make our box now doing that whenever we cut this it's gonna eat away an eighth of an inch because that's the curve of our saw blade that's the reason why i made this eight inches and one eighth i added that little eighth of an inch to account for that [Music] i took the my blade to 45 degrees and then i did a test cut everything seemed to be pretty good i've got all my pieces here so time to cut some miters i want my lid to sit inside the box we need to go over the table saw and just cut a little rabbet there on the inside edge and then we can glue these together and then as far as the bottom goes i've got some ideas i put a ripping blade in the table saw a couple passes that'll cut our rabbit for miter joints i usually like to put a little bit of glue on there let it soak in for a minute and then put one more coat on there and then we'll glue this up all right now while that's drying we can start working on the lid i think it'd be really cool to give these boxes a little bit of contrast so i'm going to take a piece of walnut and re-saw it in half and then take a piece of holly and put it in between that kind of make like a wooden oreo [Music] okay let's make us a sandwich i think my boxes look really good with a white base so i milled down a piece of holly and then took it over to the table saw and cut it into squares so now i can just glue those straight to the bottom of my boxes well i think these boxes look pretty classy so now we need some sort of base to put them on i don't know that i have any walnut lumber left so i think i gotta cut down a slab i got it i got it oh [Music] just like i planned [Music] [Music] [Music] i want my boxes to sit down inside that tray doesn't have to go very deep just enough so these boxes don't slide around so i grabbed a piece of mdf and took a marker and basically just drew out where i want those boxes to be laid out at and now i'm going to take these cut out those squares we can use this as a routing template [Music] got the template i put some double-sided tape on the back and now i can stick it under our board so we can route this out i got this little pattern bit it's got a bearing there that bearing is going to ride on the inside of our template and we'll be able to route this out and we're not going very deep just a tiny tiny little bit i really don't want to get out my big router but this base is too small for me to route the square so i guess i need to make a new base no need to reinvent the wheel we'll just use our router plate here and draw some circles where we need to drill things out at what's really important is our screws cannot be protruding from our base because if they are then our base won't be able to slide around so what i'm going to do is take a bigger bit and drill it out make sure that it's at least the size of the screw head drill those out and then come back with a smaller bit and drill out the center of those then i know that my screws will definitely be able to fit down inside the base [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i had to do a little bit of cleanup work with some chisels but then i also got to break out the router plane which i don't get to use near enough love using that tool so now i've got my really shallow mortises there my boxes fit and perfectly i really love it now i was thinking about it i think it'd be kind of cool to have some bevels around the edge so let me head over to the table saw and knock that out [Music] i thought about doing a little bit more with this maybe throwing like a pinstripe around the edge or something but you know i stopped myself and said i really like the way it is now and sometimes less is more when it comes to design so now i'm just applying some some finish to this this is osmo oil taking a white scotch brite pad just buffing it into the surface get it all into the grain i wasn't really sure what do you call this is it a centerpiece is it three boxes in a tray i don't know so i tossed it out to the superhero community over on patreon to ask them what do you call this sort of thing i'm sure that they're going to come up with something way better than i could have [Music] [Music] i really love the look of this and hopefully this video inspires you to come up with your own design for our project and hey while you're at it maybe check out this other video because well i think it turned out pretty cool too until we meet again get in your shop and build something awesome
Channel: Newton Makes
Views: 69,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy woodworking, diy woodworking project ideas, diy woodworking projects, do it yourself, easy woodworking, easy woodworking projects, homemade decor, how to build wooden boxes, how to make a box, making wood boxes, newton makes, wood working projects, woodworking, woodworking ideas, woodworking project, woodworking projects, woodworking tools, workshop tools
Id: Zh-9vgzCLOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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