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[Music] that's the best thing i've ever seen i was actually just minding my own business saw him fly into the wall and down himself and then he was like you didn't see anything [Laughter] wait what come up repel me oh yeah oh [Music] my god i'll come outside my friend oh come on come on come on some grass he sees you coming mate you know he's gonna be stuck in that right corner [Laughter] [Music] i'm gonna be honest i forgot i just feel like chilling up here for a little bit about you yeah yeah somebody's telling me we should stay up here i'm not quite sure what it is uh i think it's just the face just like feeling that you know that gut feeling yeah horizon seems fun though it seems fun but it's about the people you play with my guy yeah any game is fun with the right people that's why i never played with custard i see pace true mine only reason i play him is because we sign a business contract management our friendship is entirely built on profit yeah that's it nothing else honestly i'd rather just go talk to my [ __ ] kids encounter [Laughter] [Music] don't worry about it it's fine i've already extracted relax done you're done relax tom we are we all have enough for cheeky stuff i told you oh my god there's like three of them yeah there's a sniper on top of my hair with some [ __ ] ginger mate i'm not laughing about it there's a ginger up there mate i cracked them [Music] [Music] people just keep arriving let me just stay here [Laughter] [Laughter] i don't have my rpg anymore [Music] all right we're going to find it and you're going to finally get where you've been waiting for me no that's an extraction it wasn't one of them the whole time was it no it was the car in front down on the right passenger where where's [Music] it hit the heli it hit our heli i pulled my shoe i don't think he's seen you bro no way did you not hear me splatter against the [ __ ] ground it wasn't quiet mate i'll be honest he hasn't he didn't hear it he literally didn't hear it i'm dead oh my [ __ ] [Music] oh i think that's all of them no no there's one more where i'm going up there no i'm not i'm not taking this abuse there's about three three different teams out there yeah i don't wipe them out hey okay no there's about three different teams up there bro oh my god jesus make chaos [Laughter] all right i deserve that i only just [Music] i just grenade launcher two guys have a heli oh i'm being rpg's oh my god they actually have got loaded had a rocket launcher too why didn't they use it [Music] [Applause] um an explosive sniper sorry yeah you just repeat that don't say bright pink what did you have [ __ ] what [Music] oh my lord [Laughter] [Music] oh blues i flew them again i wonder it's me yeah i hit his mate as well he's gonna be really low do you want to fly over there we'll use the power of friendship i'm not on the roof mate i'm not on the roof wait they've jumped off by me yeah yeah yeah he's on the other side outside he's looking he's shooting me oh i'm sorry on the bottom left ping ping ping pong come on finish me [Music] get a real sniper nerd get an explosive sniper that's true all right explosive sniper looking down the arch well he's gonna go he's gonna go blue nice i think he just screamed [ __ ] yeah he's not happy he's mcfarland and he can get up [Music] yeah you see him yeah he's dumb and it's me oh my god with a jump shot [Applause] [Music] 360. [ __ ] yes [Music] i kind of want to come over there and give you direct him with a headshot you [ __ ] ram an explosive round up his arrows keep climbing right hover where you are hover where you are oh say that fly away fly away mate we shouldn't be here anymore leave this place it's a violation the poor guy was just in his helicopter in his heli [Music] more goals now oh look i know i know you're gonna so i might as well beat you to the punch cover me mate yes yes i'm gonna step back again you know what prison might be really quiet because it's not in the circle tell you it's not gonna be quiet though [ __ ] bunker right there full enough but let's go what if i can guarantee you there's a sack in there all right i'm the hum there you got it we're gonna get sacked but we're gonna come out 400. why are you all the way over there looking for the sack he promised me this guy on top i don't know what you're talking about welcome to the caribbean right look at that mate we dropped in the little um place and i've got one thousand eight hundred dollars what can i buy what can i buy plates oh can i get one of those it's cracked yeah he's down oh my god oh my god mate he just landed on me where is he he just mailed me to death i actually hate this [ __ ] game sorry back and buy it back because we landed in that really hot spot oh man i've just fallen short i don't know why we dropped in the bunker you actually spend that cash [ __ ] leave the game dual deal maddie suck my [ __ ] dude is that team wife or not no there we go as well i've got nine kills what the [ __ ] [Music] wait that was looking nuts that was low-key nuts these nuts wipes out like two teams are like two minutes it's you versus three people you're in the end game now i like it r60 if that kills them one that kills them [Music] it's only an hour oh you win this mate fifty people yeah i'll give you like a five rupees [Music] no oh come on come on come on this is the end [Music] just going to get in the back seat here oh it's going to snuggle up real quick oh one on the left there mate you just win that's it that's not is it i don't know me what the [ __ ] was that game get out the backseat i got the vehicle under control you just sat next to a truck and one like beat like four teams that was our first game i think i got like one kill hey look at the squad yeah i like being carried i look hard hold on i need a pistol [Music] goodbye my friend enjoy what what a rat oh my god i cannot believe it what oh nothing nothing that welcome back are you even up to me mate you know we're just chilling holding down the fort i mean it's not meant to be like that is i don't like last time i checked like halley's don't fly yeah but there's two halls on top of each other scott so get your priorities oh my god oh there's three helis over here oh there is oh they're just multiplying i think those two just produced i'm not sure right is there people in that power tom you ready for this one i'm gonna do the old one too you know you know the drones are jumping right yeah i didn't make it i didn't make it i didn't make it you keep them busy make sure they're distracted they are not looking at me in the slightest okay it sounds like it's clear to push up oh oh one just came down the rope as i went up what we just passed each other all right i'm going to talk about man i'm going to run up to straight up he's aiming at me two down nice come on the third one all three dead all three down oh my god we passed each other on the rope that was perfect to see that man i just i came up the elevator and just saw him pop at the bottom i was like wait uh why did not tell his teammates he didn't say a word i'm gonna try to get back up the big tower so i can snipe him i'm doing too silly all right silly my middle name met hello right shield come here come look at him look at him okay look at that look at himself and make a cell phone let him go up and then we'll give him your butt maybe [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh
Channel: Marley
Views: 1,512,082
Rating: 4.9520969 out of 5
Keywords: marley, warzone, warzone gameplay, funny moments, gaming, fails, trolling, memes, update
Id: fCUfwZG8gq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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