I shocked myself with these results... SUPER SATISFYING Indian Sandstone Cleaning!

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good morning all how do we do it's a uh bit of a gloomy tuesday morning today uh it's nine o'clock in the morning and today i'm a pressure washing job i'm really excited about this one even though it's going to be very difficult to do i haven't actually shown this type of stone yet on the channel before so i've done what i thought was indian sunstone before hopefully this is indian sunstone it doesn't look like it to me um yeah what i thought was indian sandstone four was actually limestone i'm pretty sure this is indian sandstone so as you can see by the close of it and the texture to it and stuff i might be completely wrong it might be something else but from what i can see so far from similar ones i've seen before from other people this looks like indian sandstone to me so basically all of this to do it gets really grimy down this part over here and it is i don't know if you can see this well you can see this covered in black spots so that's the hard part that i was talking about um there's black spots all over this so i've got a big barrel of uh sodium hypochlorite and hopefully um that can get from to come up near perfect if not perfect um i'll take you through the rest of the job now there is a lovely centerpiece area here obviously the patio area where they seo and look at the really nice views and all their plants more puffs running down the house and this stuff it's bad all over the house they've never never had it done themselves so they have no idea what this surface even looks like uh when it's cleaned so there's a little bit up there by that summer house that i'm doing as well and then finally we come right to this part and then this is the final area so more steps there as well so i will just jump down this wall and get cracking now fingers crossed this one comes up nice because this will be some awesome before and after pictures and an awesome video for you so yeah thank you very much i'll get started so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right then folks bringing you back there um i've spent a lot of time on this bit um obviously the rest of the house i can't uh video in as much detail as this part um because i'll be here forever um it's gonna take me weeks to get the job done um but yeah so i'm gonna sort of just time-lapse probably the rest of the job um and just get it done sort of you know in a reasonable songs i've been here a couple of hours already and i've only done this front but so but as you would have seen on the video it's looking awesome man let me show you from this angle so there we are look at that look how colorful that is because it's still damp it's starting to dry out now um but that is absolutely awesome coming along now there still is some black spots on it i've only done the one well i sort of did like one and a half treatments on it um so there is still some dots in places i think you can see i mean here this was the absolute worst part of the job so as you can see that's still bits there and i mean it just wasn't coming up so instead of me spending like all day just on this one bit i mean look how bright that has gone let me pop in the before picture of this so instead of me spending all day just on this getting every single little black spot off i'm going to start blitzing the rest of the job now because it's not as bad as this and then before i leave today um i'm going to come back and just spot treat some of the areas that i've got still got the black spots on them um but i mean yeah there is tiny sort of ones dotted around here and there but i mean it looks perfect really apart from that look at that stone look beautiful look at that oh so that's part of the stone that's not uh dust but um yeah now there's some weasel in the edges it was so loose that sort of water was at the edge so i'm gonna have to go by hand and pick some of them out as well but again i'll do it before i leave today because i need to kind of get a move on it's been here a couple of hours already get them yeah building inside right now anyway very pleased with that i hope you've enjoyed that so far i'm gonna crack on with the rest of the job now if you're enjoying this video leave a like subscribe um thank you for all the support on the channel recently i've had um a big not a huge boost but it's been a nice boost of um people watching the videos again because it went quite quiet for a while um and i wasn't the most consistent so i was here there and everywhere trying to get things done but now the videos should be out more regularly again and hopefully the channel will continue to grow so thank you everyone for the support um especially the last couple of weeks it's been awesome so yeah thank you everyone right kraken oh and here's the steps as well so i'll pop in there before the steps again just mainly on this bottom one's a few spots here and there but i mean it's not bad let's face it it's coming up very very nice [Music] so [Music] yeah yeah [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Partridge Exterior Cleaning
Views: 432,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, softwashing, window cleaning, exterior cleaning, gutter cleaning, unger, roof scraping, pressurewashing, upvc cleaning, cleaning, indiansandstone
Id: VavWdzEAMy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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