I saved up for a 4003W Rickenbacker bass, but bought a custom chinese replica instead

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foreign [Music] [Music] here in Europe It seems impossible to get your hands on a new Rickenbacker base especially the Walnut version is nowhere to be found I didn't want to wait that long for my base so therefore I contacted some Chinese factories to ask them if they could make a replica for me in the Walnut finish if you look online you find a lot of replicas for the Rickenbacker base but mostly in black red or blue or in a Sunburst but it's very hard to find one in the Walnut finish and if you do you will find the Walnut finish but in a very glossy lacquer so this is something I really didn't want so I contacted a few of the factories and most of them told me if you want a walnut version it will be the glossy version but then I found one Factory who had a mud Rickenbacker model it was a different model but in a matte Walnut version but they also had the glossy version of the 4003 base so I contacted them and I asked them can you make me a matte finish 4003 and in instantly they replied yes we can do that [Music] [Music] so I paid for the base it was about 420 euros and I started working in only 10 days I received pictures of a finished mutt Rickenbacker 4003 replica but there was one big downside the headstock the headstock was from a different type of wood it was light brown instead of the Walnut Brown and yeah I think they had that neck laying around and it just used that neck so I said sorry guys this is not what I ordered I want Walnut on the body and of course while not on the neck as well I don't want a different wood on the neck material and they told me okay no problem we will make you a new base so I was incredibly impressed it took them many more weeks to build the second version I think I waited two or three months for my second try and then they sent me pictures of my actual based actual base that I'm holding here and it has the right wood color um in the neck so I'm really really impressed with the base I really like the looks and I'm really happy it when it came it needed a lot of setup there was massive Red Bus on all the threads but now after a quick setup most of it is okay there's one little problem with threadbus [Music] on the ninth fret so I think I will have to set these up further but other than that it's perfect [Music] oh [Music] it was a real gamble to order this replica online but it turned out great I love the communication with the seller I love how it turned out I love the fact that they've built two bases for me just to make me happy just to have it right so I'm really really impressed with with how they they took this job seriously and I think I'm one of the few people to have a replica in this mud while not finish now and one thing that's different from the real Rickenbacker basis is my pickup cover is metal and not just plastic so I'm really happy with it
Channel: Thomas De Weerdt
Views: 78,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ysR2Ty_HQ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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