I Remade Minecraft Mobs To Be Realistic

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this video i'm gonna take minecraft mobs that aren't in real life and remake them into real life animals so let's get started so obviously an iron golem isn't actually in real life so i decided i'm gonna turn this iron golem into a gorilla gorillas don't have big noses like this but i'm pretty sure they do have ears so now he has two ears and then the next thing that i really want to do is i want to make his arms and legs buffer so let's try and use his body we'll bring this up here yeah okay this is starting to look good and boom there we go now this arm has a freaking chunk of muscle now the next thing that we need to do is make his legs look buffer as well i'm gonna start out by making his legs smaller because i think they're just too wide in general there we go it might not be a lot on the legs but it still shows now the last thing that we need to do is completely retexture this guy to look like a gorilla i don't know if it's just me but his face kind of looks like a heart right now and now we can add the eyes then there's his mouth oh yeah these are definitely some nice breaths and boom just like that the gorilla is done let's see how this guy looks in game oh my gosh he is beautiful okay walk around for me please walk around oh my he is so buff an iron golem literally should have been this if i go in survival let me attack this guy oh oh yo that was some fast reaction time instead of him attacking me let's spawn one in kill the skeleton before the fire kills it oh i kind of left like part of his texture in still 10 out of 10. for the next mob we are doing a ravager and we're gonna be turning this into an elephant so first of all these ears right here they just gotta go the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna just take this right here and we're going to resize this thing the next thing that we're going to do is we're just going to take these legs and make them smaller because an elephant's legs are not this big there we go let's go ahead and make him a little bit fatter oh man i might have made him a little too thick i'm just going to go ahead and paint all of this just brown and we're going to make this his ear and he's looking like mickey mouse the next thing that we want to do is we want to add his big old nose so we're going to rotate this kind of like that move it down make it shorter boom there we go that's actually looking really nice and now the last and most important part we need to retexture this thick boy so first of all this guy doesn't need to be brown he needs to be like a light gray now i'm just going to start adding a little bit of texture here and there and then we gotta make sure to add one of the most important things oh yeah we'll give the horns a tan texture and boom just like that we're basically done with the elephant but now we have to see how this guy looks in game i'm actually really excited to see this one so boom oh yes i'm so glad it spawned in that way oh on a serious note this actually looks so cool dude okay you know what i'm so sorry but but we have to do it we have to oh why does his neck come out like that what the oh come on come on oh oh oh okay dude this guy is amazing we're gonna fight him okay this is not gonna go well but here we go oh wait i'm on two hearts okay okay rematch and this time i have a golden apple here we go yeah come on buddy i made you you can't kill me with your long neck okay like his head literally just comes out of his body that's probably my favorite creation so far but i bet we can make better we're gonna turn this slime into a frog we don't really need any of this guy so we're just gonna go and delete every single bit this guy is gonna be pretty small so i think his leg will be about this big and then i'm gonna add another cube then we're gonna rotate this down like this all right this looks about right i had to make the legs a bit longer but it'll still be good and then we want to add the main body rotate that a little as well there we go and boom i mean it doesn't look perfect but i think once we texture this guy he'll look a lot more like a frog let's go ahead and add his eyes hello's pretty froggy we'll use this green color right here for like the entire body there we go and then it probably should have a little yellow and then just kind of randomize the texture around them and boom there we go he's basically done and now let's test them out uh i don't know why but our frog is stuck in a slime this looks hideous okay let's try this again oh wait is that a baby one oh my gosh this is actually the perfect size dude i think this might be the best mob i mean i keep saying that for every single one but they just like keep getting better oh there's an adult one oh my gosh yo oh no the iron golem where did this guy come from oh okay okay come here froggies oh the big the big frog man oh my gosh dude i love it when they duplicate i think i might like these guys a little too much all right so for the next mob we're doing the enderman and we're gonna try and turn this into a giraffe so yeah the intermittent already has long arms and long legs so we can definitely use this to our advantage since you know giraffes are pretty tall okay this is looking pretty good now a giraffe has a very long neck as well so we're gonna try and use his arm for the neck and obviously we're gonna use the enderman's head for the giraffe head and let's add some feet i don't want our giraffe just to have stick legs and this is kind of looking like a peacock right now with the head like this so i went ahead and completely colored this guy into his like base color giraffes have like a lot of these dark spots on them so we're gonna start adding those now and right here my mic cut out but we added the spots we added the face and we added ears so now let's see how this guy looks in game oh my gosh this guy actually looks so sick but you can't even tell like he's a vicious creature he just looks like a regular giraffe with some uh particles around him you know what let's take out a sword game mode survival oh he doesn't aggro if i look at his face and he just tped away oh no he's mad i must have looked at his face wherever that is yo it looks so funny dude like he's not even looking at me this giraffe is so powerful dude oh we beat it though they hold blocks as well what the freak is this on that note let's go ahead and move on to the next mob we're going to turn this guy right here into a caterpillar i think i'm just going to go ahead and start from scratch we're just going to delete this whole thing it's kind of hard to make this caterpillar because there isn't much you can do with these few squares i can't make this any smaller i think caterpillars have like little tentacles on their head all right there we go there's the little tentacles and now let's just texture this guy so now we have a completely green caterpillar and now let's start by adding the eyes can we give this guy a mouth maybe that should work and there we go caterpillar is done all right here we go boom yo it actually moves like a caterpillar look at that it's waggling its tail wait all right you know what i'm just gonna spawn a lot of these guys in let's go in survival and see what these babies can do hey what's up oh oh you're mean caterpillars huh i made you i can take you away goodbye okay well i've said so far i love every single mob more than the last one well it ends with this one let's move on to a better mob so the next mob that we're gonna work on is the phantom we're gonna make this into a sequel now starting now honestly a lot of his body we can actually use one thing that i do want to change is the head let's just boop this out of existence now we are going to add a cube this should be a good size for the head i think i mean it's kind of hard to see it right now but this is already looking a lot better and i think the beak should go like right here just like that right so i'm pretty sure seagulls are pretty white not gonna lie honestly if youtube wasn't my job i would be a professional color all right so now we've turned this guy completely white now we have to do the eyes which i'm gonna make them yeah that that looks better all right there we go looking nice so let's go ahead and put them in the game so it's night time we're ready to spawn this guy in so here we go boom oh my gosh he doesn't move like a seagull like i'm pretty sure they flap their wings a little bit faster than this what are these glowing things right here i did not add those things so i'm guessing it's like part of the elytra steel or something all right let's go in survival will it attack me oh oh seagull i made you buddy why okay yeah uh i think this might be just as scary something about a swooping down seagull that wants to kill you is just not nice i'll rate this one a 5 out of 10. pretty sure that's it for this video so uh thanks for watching
Channel: McBirken
Views: 501,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Realistic, Realistic Minecraft, Minecraft Realism, Remaking Minecraft Mobs, I Remade Minecraft Mobs, I Remade Minecraft Mobs To Be Realistic, McBirken
Id: UEyfIaSAm0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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