I REGRET Buying This $150 Benefit Advent Calendar!?

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oh my gosh are you kidding me hello everybody and welcome back to after Advent season y' we we're almost through it we're look at this little baby stack behind me here look how little itty bitty it is it used to be like a big mountain and now it's just little mole heel heel Wrangle back in that Kentucky real fast today we're going to be doing an advent calendar that we I said I was never going to do again 2022 I said was my last year for the benefit Advent calendar one year's past benefit has come out with like the tiniest little box imaginable like this big and that was their having calendar I think it was like $65 and supposedly worth like1 149 150 bucks something like that and it was the same Advent calendar like year after year so I was like you know what no we're not doing that one anymore uh so no more benefit until I saw that this year last year they came out with a larger version of their Advent calendar so instead of 12 days this one has 24 days and instead of it being worth $149 it cost $149 which is a pretty good amount for this little box here this is the all I want Advent calendar it's supposed to have 24 days of beauty gifts on the inside like I said it was $149 with a $329 value so it's supposed to be fairly valuable I'm hoping we see a better ratio of like full size to sample size items than we did in like previous benefit Advent calendars because the ratio was not good folks it was not good also because there are 24 items in here and benefit has a very limited range of products I'm wondering just just how many of these are going to be mascara I almost guarantee you there's going to be a miniature version of each one of their mascaras inside of here my mom's going to be elated over the moon excited with all her mini mascaras all right so let's go ahead and pop on into here the little outside's kind of fun it's like Star St star stairs is what I was trying to say star stairs this is a nice box though you could definitely keep this box and put some stuff in it all right so here we have all the little individual boxes on the inside each of them have little patterns on them and stuff it's kind of cute it's honestly a bit like fuddling to the eyes to look at there's a lot of patterns and a lot of numbers it's hard to it's hard to find everything okay let's start here with day number one and the very first thing we are starting off here with is one of their mascaras this is the their real magnet mascara and honestly I don't know what they mean by magnet and I I never have if you look it up on here it's not just like a name that they're just using to sound catchy or whatever it's liter it says it's powered by magnetic technology what do you mean it says the innovated extender brush with magnetically charged core pulls the magnetic mineral enriched formula up out beyond the tips of lashes for extreme length and Powerful lift when they say magnetic minerals do they just mean like little pieces of metal like little pieces of iron there's little specks and particles of iron in here I just I never fully understood this mascara and like the the benefits of having like a magnet inside a mascara wand that attracts I guess metal chunks inside the mascara I think it's just a different Choice it's a very it's definitely Innovative that's for sure okay number three is like way down in the bottom corner so I think if I pull it out it's just going to all come tumbling down I'm going to lay down the box here so we can move on to number two because two comes after one number two okie dokie ooh this looks fun and a little bit different what is this they have this like rose gold metal tube here at the side looks like it has a sun on it and this side has like the stars and the moon that's really cute oh it's a little brush oh does the bottom part do anything okay it doesn't appear so so I guess we just have a little travel brush here looks like it's pretty soft feels pretty soft pretty densely packed in there so that's nice which I guess these could be handy I typically just like Chuck all my brushes into my makeup bag and let them jingle jangle around in there with all my like makeup without lids on um but if you're wan to maybe put one in your purse or something like touching up your powder or something on the go so the inside of your purse doesn't get dirty I feel like this part should open but nothing happens when I twist it and now we can move on to day number three down here in the bottom corner ooh 24-hour brow Setter all right so we have our first little brow product here I'm assuming we probably will get several of these as well because benefit is like known for their brow stuff this is a 24-hour invisible setting and shaping gel for brows so we got we got an eyebrow gel which dang it I was so excited about my Shrek eyebrow gel it was green there's little Shrek on it I actually like used it cuz I was like hey if I'm going to use any of the hundreds of eyebrow gels I have at this point it's going to be the Shrek one but unfortunately it made my eyebrows very Crispy Crunchy and it yeah it didn't look good they're chunks oh day number four is in this itty fitty look how small this is just this itty fitty tiny little box okay I kind of thought this was going to be like maybe some type of like thin powder product but it's actually just the smallest thing ever of something look how tiny what is this it's in the shade Pur whatever it is is .7 Oz or 2 ml oh smells kind of good moisturizing matte lip tint this is a lip tint why is it this big I mean it looks like a really pretty shape but like that's that's minuscule that's tiny what's the full size of this supposed to be okay well that's that's different that's a little strange um I was trying to look this up on the benefit website but they don't they don't have it listed anywhere and the only place I can find it is Hong Kong which I mean I guess it could be kind of cool that they're putting something in here that you wouldn't really necessarily be able to try like in the US because I see it listed Sephora Hong Kong uh another Hong Kong website but honestly besides that I'm only seeing it like in this Avent calendar and one place on eBay and Hong Kong so I mean it's kind of cool that you're trying something that I wouldn't be able to like get my hands on typically here but at the same time I'm assuming these like itty bitty tidy things are supposed to be samples that you can like test out and see if you like it to incentivize you to buy a full size but I I I can't buy a full size I'm not I don't think Sephora Hong Kong would ship here to the states so that's just very different but according to at least what I can find you can't purchase this here so that's that's very that's different to me that's an interesting choice for an advent calendar I mean the color looks really nice oh yeah I think that's beautiful that's really really pretty I honestly really like that I like the sheerness of it I feel like it would go on your lips and just kind of look like Rosy skin instead of like a lip product so I mean I think it's a nice product I just think that's a that's a weird move on benefits half if they're trying to you know incentivize people to purchase their full-size things and moving on here today number four five my goodness and we have yet another mascara this is the benefit bag gal bang mascara I've definitely tried out this one before and I don't mind it I don't think it's terrible mascara whatsoever this one is supposed to give you bigger batter volumized lashes I'm not going to open up all of them to look at the little wands I'll probably just like pop up a picture here of them on screen so you guys can see what the wands look like cuz I don't want to open them and you know go ahead and get the airs all in there and start contaminating them part of me really wants to try on this lip gloss like I'm just looking at it and I'm like I think that might be pretty dang it okay I think I'm going to do it just real fast okay it it is very pretty it's a very light like subtle wash of color it is maybe just a little bit more pinkish than I was anticipating on the lips just on camera at least like look kind of nice and fresh like it doesn't look like a thick heavy lip product on my lips cuz it's not it's very sheer uh went on really lightly almost more like a stain maybe instead of like a matte lip oh gosh we have just an entire like column of the tiniest little boxes ever so Daye number seven here is up next oo I just went through two boxes of these little mini hula bronzers I swear though they were kind of different they were the same like standard hula bronzer one I think was actually the regular size and one was like a sample size of it and one of them was much more orange than the other but they were the same exact bronzer but for some reason one was like really orange this one just look like the standard hoola bronzer I like the pan of this it looks nice and you know able to really get a brush in there to swirl it around so yeah I'm excited to have another one moving on here to day number eight I feel like we might have another mascara in the works here and uh yes it is yet another mascara that makes three oh I'm not quite sure if I've ever seen this one before this one is called FanFest I guess they came out with a new one since I've done these Advent calendars cuz this does not look familiar to me oh this is a Fanning and volumizing mascara I don't think I've ever tried a mascara that like claimed to be like a Fanning one this one I might actually look at the wand cuz I've never seen this mascara before o okay so it's the type of one that I prefer with a nice kind of fluffy bristles but there's like a little bit of a banana swag in there smells mascara I'm want to see if this can help out my lashes today because they all kind of stuck straight up and there's no lashes like go in this direction so maybe some Fanning is what I need cuz all my lashes are like instead of like you know like a lash however I don't know if it's going to work over like you know 3 four 5 six seven uh layers of mascara that I already have on ooh upon further investigation I'm not sure if I'm loving this lip product product it's kind of wiping off like on my dry patches in a strange way definitely kind of emphasizing them it's like sleeping into the cracks and stuff so that doesn't look fantastic I'm going to throw a gloss on top of it to see if that'll help it a little bit oh I have this gloss setting next to me if you guys want to look at spiderweb lips the rest of the time that lip gloss was from the Ulta unboxing and it was ridiculous I've never seen a lip gloss do that before I didn't notice a huge difference in my eyelashes but like I said I already had you know 6 7 8 9 10 layers of mascara on to begin with so I probably didn't stand a chance but I will get this to try it later on cuz I've never tried that one out before and I feel like at this point I've tried every benefit mascara known toand so might as well give that one a go before I move on I would love to tell you guys with today's sponsor bright tellers bright sellers is the wine club that got me excited about wine finding a wine that you like can honestly be kind of intimidating like all the shelves at the grocery store just stocked with bottle after a bottle of wine can be a bit overwhelming but with bright sellers you just take a quick seven question quiz and then match you with wines from all over the world that are curated to your taste palett there is a ton of variety and the convenience is unmatched you can choose from 12 different plan options and get one 100 plus varieties that are sourced from 80 plus wine regions around the world delivered straight to your door each box comes with cute little wine education cards to outline tasting notes sugested pairing serving tips and the Wine's origin and one thing I think is so cool about the service is that if you don't like a bottle bright cellers will replace it no wonder they have 600,000 plus five star reviews for me personally I love relaxing at the end of the day with a glass of wine but it's also really fun to try out wines with your friends and family what could be super fun is having like a wine taste test party where everybody blind taste tests each wine and then you try to get guess like the notes or the origins or things about the wine you can check your answers like based on the little wine education cards I think that could be really fun I just want to say thank you to brid sellers for offering you guys such a great deal right now you can get your first six bottle box of wine which would normally cost $150 for only $55 which I think is an insanely good deal so click the link below in the description to take the quiz and get started today and just a huge thank you to Bright sellers for sponsoring today's video and your continued support of the channel it means the world to me you help make things like after Evan season possible nine is up next again and just the tiniest box and it sounds like it has so much room to move cuz it does cuz it's this big it's so tiny so we just have the it Min little tiny thing of the vinit tint in the shade Rose this is a lip and cheek stain or whatever else you want a stain stain I did just try this out I think in another Advent calendar and um I liked the idea of it I like the idea that it was a stain for me it was a little bit too vibrantly pink this shade but somebody did tell me that they do have various other Shades as well so if I wanted to try those out I could when something is this small and the lid is that tight really hard to get off like I have no leverage it's just so tiny it's not coming off folks I didn't realize I'd need to bring like pliers with me to my unboxing okay yeah it's it's stuck on there it's not moving it's not going anywhere but yeah the benettin just the tiniest possible amount of it again 07 US fluid ounces or 2 ml which I don't think you need to use a ton of this product to get the desired effects it's just it's so tiny all right 10 is up next judging by the and the length and the girth of this box here I'm going to assume we have yet another mascara which are looky there but I think yes this is my mom's favorite mascara so I will be passing along this little guy to her for sure these little samples I get during Christmas time last her like the whole year yes are you supposed to throw out your mascara after like what is it 2 months 3 months probably less than that probably much less than that sure sure you are does she keep hers for like 12 yes ma'am we have the benefit their real just like their standard their Real mascara without the the magnet on the inside it's the mascara minus the science we're up to four mascara samples so far I guesstimated minimum six I think we're going to hit our goal I think we are there's a chance we might far surpass it I again I have no idea how many mascaras this company makes it's so many ooh 11 here is in a fun little square box oh what's this interesting okay I've actually ooh purple I've never seen this product from benefit before that's kind of fun this is the poor professional deep Retreat deep cleansing clay mask and it comes in a little tin and The Mask itself is purple I think that's so much fun smells skin carish with like a little bit of mud you get 33 fluid ounces of this or 10 mL so quite a small amount but maybe you will be able to get potentially two uses out of this it is a very very small amount like half of this little tin here is full uh but it's kind of interesting to get a different product from them I honestly had no idea they had stuff like this I don't think I knew they had anything skincare related unless you count like primer as skincare which I don't think you do so so yeah I guess I have a skincare line as well okay this one there's not a lot of room for movement so I feel like we might have a little box of something here for day number 12 halfway through oh there're little blushes cute this is a mini blush in the shade Tera it's supposed to be a golden brick red blush that sounds pretty ooh that is really pretty I like that I really like the warmth of that I think that's quite pretty it doesn't look like there's any shimmers or anything in it I think it did did it say matte blush it didn't it said golden brick um I don't really see like any gold goldenness to it but there might be some like little shimmers or something in there that I'm not seeing on the surface again I like this pan size it's not you know like this big so that's good already this is to me at least different than the little Advent calendar the one from like last year and the year before I feel like that one was literally like just mascara pretty much moving on to 13 feeling less spacious again so that's good oh it looks like we have another blush in here all right so this time we have one in the shade Shelly why is Shelly reminding me of something Shelly is there a SpongeBob episode where they adopt like a clam and its name is Shelly or am I making that up is that a concoction of my own mind or is that is that a true memory like SpongeBob and Patrick were the parents and they're having like marital issues I don't know anyway this is a blush it's in the name Shelly it's supposed to be a warm sh Show pink blush this is another pretty shade though I like this it's just a very light pink but I feel like it's not too like powdery looking um it looks it looks really pretty I guess could be swatching these things looks a little bit more powdery actually on the hand but let's go ahead and see what this one looks like too this one I feel like honestly might be a bit deep for me but I kind of personally like it okay this is Shelly and this is Tara I personally like Tara better I would just use a super light hand to apply it but I really like the undertones of this one Shelly just might be a little bit too Dusty pink I thought at first it wouldn't be like kind of powdery looking but it is a little bit like rose petal powder pink for me but I think the teror ones really pretty moving on today number 14 I'm I'm hearing and feeling a lot of room for activities in here so I'm guessing we're getting another T little thing would you know it just look at it it's so small all right next up here we have a splash tint moisturizing lip tint so we had plush tint now we have Splash tint I'm wondering if this is something you can actually buy on the website this one is in the shade Heatwave ooh Heavens that's really intensely like red that's that's very red wow wo it's also very intensely pigmented I mean that's actually a really pretty shade it's very like hydrating feeling it feels like moisturizing um it's just really really intensely red I'm just kind of curious to see if they sell that on the benefit website or not zero search results found okay zero search results found for just typing in like the Heatwave color as well it looks like I can buy Splash tint on eBay and Hong Kong why I just don't understand I mean again I'm assuming that maybe they're like oh here's like a fun benefit thing that we don't carry typically in stores like here at least in the US where I purchase this from but like if I want if I love this and I want to buy it again it might be a little bit difficult to get my hands on unless I want to buy it from like a third party on eBay I like I don't think I can purchase this here in the States but I am going to go ahead and try it on even though red is not typically my color this just feels like it would be a really nice formula okay I do actually think this is kind of pretty it's a bit more vibrant than I'm used to but I really like that the formulas for this one and the little plush one were really sheer and kind of like more natural looking to where you can really see your lips through it I like this formula more though because this one felt a little bit drying to me and really was like sinking into my fine lines and stuff uh but this one feels kind of hydrating and I think it I think it feels nice I just I'd never be able to purchase it unless I want to buy it from eBay so I just think it's kind of an odd choice for them to put inside of a box like this I just I don't I don't know their thoughts behind that but you know at least it was fun it was different to try out ooh day number 15 is nice and long so kind of Hefty too okay so we have a full sizee mascara all righty we have the benefit roller lash here I'm not surprised that this is the one that they picked like out of all of their apparently millions and millions of mascaras uh to to put like a fulls size one of in this box soz I feel like this is probably the one that they're most well known for is it to me I feel like benefit is most well known for the roller lash but I'm not 100% sure I could be overlooking again one of their millions and millions of mascaras this supposed to be a super curling and lifting mascara and uh I'm sure I've tried this one you know in the past like I said it is a very popular mascara and at least we're seeing a full size we are off to mascara number five we're getting real close to my prediction of minimum six mascaras are they going to give us another blush okay day number for 16 is up next and I think they are okay mascaras and blush this one is in the shade Willa it's a very pretty little tree little scene there in the front oh gentle breeze and willow trees willow trees are actually my favorite trees sweeps the soft neutral rose blush onto cheeks for a natural looking flush and satin finish ooh this is a very pretty shade I do like that I feel like there's a little bit of like a purple tone to it I think that's real pretty I do like the subtle differences between all these three blushes it's probably a little bit hard to see on camera but this is Willa there and I think they're pretty they all look pretty like light and natural on my hand I'm sure you can build them up if you want to but you know it's not bad it's not bad all right so you're getting 2.5 g in each of these blushes I'm not quite sure how large the full sizes are oh that's different that's really interesting okay so apparently the mini size is $18 on the website but the mini size does not come in these boxes when you actually purchase them so uh the mini size comes in what appears to be like the standard box like this is the shade Shelly that's for sale on Sephora right now and it comes in like that kind of standard hula bronzer box where it like lifts up and it's kind of like a sunk in compartment for the um actual product this is in like a much much flimsier like little cardboard box so what I'm assuming they're doing for the Advent calendar is they created like different packaging so they could save on cost but still say it costs the same amount for the value purpose which I mean technically you are getting 2.5 g in this mini here you do get 2.5 g when you purchase it like this you're just getting a much less nice component than it actually comes in so I think that's not necessarily like a sneaky little way to save money while not like taking down the value but kind of a little big so I'm sure this is much cheaper than like that sturdier nicer cardboard little box moving on here to day number 17 feeling kind of small ooh it's the little giy brow I think this is what this is no it's not or maybe it is it's just the smaller size I had this stuff that I liked using it had like a little wand and everything it was very tiny but the entire like label rubbed off of it so I I don't 100% know what it is right off hand I feel like this is a very similar shape just not as shiny so we have a little thing of gimme brow here this is a brow volumizing fiber gel in the shade three putting Shades that are intended to like match hair color can be a little bit tricky in Advent calendars because like if somebody has black hair for instance this isn't going to match them or if they have like super light blonde brows or maybe like red brows uh this this wouldn't match them you kind of have to have like a lighter maybe medium brown hair to be able for this to match match I might be able to use this over top of like what I fill my brows with but I wouldn't personally because my hair is so dark um I wouldn't personally use this like on its own ooh 18 has some weight to it here day number 18 let's see who we got what is that Titan toned oh maybe I did know that they had skincare stuff cuz this packaging looks incredibly familiar this is a pore refining Aha and PHA toning foam the packaging's got little circle bubbles on it for some reason I don't know if I love that this again is from the poor professional and has apply one to two pumps to clean face and neck with hands use daily AM and PM doesn't really say too much more about it I was going to say that doesn't really say what it does but it is called tighten tone so I'm assuming it's supposed to tighten something and Tone It Up you get 75 fluid ounces of it which honestly doesn't seem like a lot for the bottle that this comes in oh my gosh are you kidding me talk about deceiving packaging when they said this was only 75 fluid ounces I was like that's a fairly large bottle here for it just to be 75 flu o why did I just find number nine on open laying on my desk here we we definitely didn't open this one what am I doing okay hold on back to me ranting about liquids I don't know how you guys are going to be able to see this on camera you can see a little bit right there at the shadow is so this liquid comes to about this dot right there the rest of this is just it's fully empty if you can see on the inside like look how much of this is just it's completely empty I have no idea why they thought it necessary to waste like this much plastic to give us this much product maybe like the illusion of there being more product in here but yeah you can see it right there with the light coming through like look look how empty that is even if that is75 flu ounces it just seems like either like de seat full or just wasteful to put it in this like big bottle here it looks like you're getting a good amount but you're not okay we're moving on to day number nine because I I don't know what happened I have no idea how I just totally skipped number nine and yet it was somehow on the table I thought about it enough to like pick it up and place it here and then I just moved on I guess ooh but it looks like it could be a full full size item that's fun fluff up brow wax okie dokie so we have yet another kind of brow jelly type product this is like a wax it's supposed to make your eyebrows all nice and fluffy which yall know I'm not really on board with the Fluffy eyebrow trend for me at least it just doesn't it's not something I'm going to be doing this is a flexible brow texturizing wax I feel like we just got this in something else cuz I was commenting about like how futuristically retro this looks I do really like the packaging of benefit stuff like it just it's kind of fun looking oo moving on here to 19 it feels like it could be something a little different oh it looks like something a little different O Okay more of the poror fessional stuff all right next we have a super Setter here from the poor professional it's just a little makeup setting spray you just supp to shake it well and then apply it to the face let's see if the mister Works nicely okay that's a pretty fine Mist we do have a little bit of like drippage happening here like right up next to the sprayer but the Mist itself is pretty fine 20 is up next also feel on a little bit different ooh okie dokie so we have a looks like to be a full size of the POR fessional pore primer I always like that this lady's por fession looks like Hitman because of her black gloves briefcase and trench coat 21 is up next this feels pretty lightweight all righty next up we have a precisely my brow brow definer this one's in the shade four so they're giving you like a different shade from the brow definer to the little jelly [Music] stuff [Music] where's the lid there's no lid on it I tried ripping off this pointy part thinking it was like a strange looking lit no there's no lit well Shucks if that's not dried out I'm going to be absolutely amazed oh it's fully it's fully Dy it out yeah probably cuz there was no lid on it oh if I really like scratch it into my skin and warm it up there we go there's some color okay so there's the color this color honestly would be much better for me than the uh number three color from the other thing but like how how is there no lid not saying that my other precisely brow has a lid on it uh this one's empty though and that's this is my doing this is not my doing 23 is up next here see what we get oh man we're getting really close to the end and I still only have five mascaras I we might not make it to six my goodness oh good good good good okay so this time we have the professional oh she's not scuba she's jetpacking I was like I remember the little scuba lady on the front for like the waterproof one but no she's just in space jet packing I guess this is her fling the scine from her Hitman job this is an ultra lightweight primer to minimize the look of pores I don't think I've ever tried this one before how long has this one been out of course it feels nearly empty very light very light you might say 22 what have I done where's 23 y'all I don't know what's going on with me this was 23 this is 22 I don't know what's happening I'm so sorry it's been a long stressful I don't Year anyway that was 23 this is 22 roll with it we'll just roll with it we have yet another blush this time it is Christa this is a strawberry pink blush so I'm assuming it's going to be pretty vibrant ooh and yes it is that is very very pink probably my least favorite out of the three that we received it's just really intensely pink yeah that one definitely has the most kind of like neon look to it out of the four blushes here that's a whole lot of little mini blushes okay so we're moving on now to date number 24 this is the final day of the Advent calendar I kind of thought they were going to surprise us here and like put something been fun under this benefit thing I was like oh my goodness what could that possibly be and then like I pulled it and it's it's just that's it's that but day number 24 here it is one of the larger boxes that we've received inside of this Advent calendar so I'm hoping we get something really good uh I'm guessing we're not going to hit our six mascara minimum which I'm I'm kind of happy about that it's not just mascaras let's go ahead and see oh yes a very very exciting oky doie very exciting um the next thing we have here is the poror fessional or purifying foaming cleanser it's in a nice like metal bottle with like a you know a little squeezy top there it's yeah it's like looks nice it looks nice apply to face and massage in gentle circular motions and then rinse and that's that's all it says really maybe not the most exciting thing for the final day personally I think maybe like one of the full size makeup items like the full size mascara or like this thing if this is a full size I feel like this one might be a full size cuz it's actually shiny the other smaller versions of the fulls size things are kind of like a matte silver I don't know I'm trying to fix like what's the most exciting out of here I can't believe there wasn't like a fullsize hoola bronzer they definitely could have done a fulls sizee instead of a mini for that one I mean this is one of their most well-known products so I feel like this this probably should have definitely been a full size um yeah this is instead we have this just 67 fluid ounces of it you know a big big whopping sum that smells very much so like soap yeah I guess I guess that's everything in our $149 benefit advent calendar another question is do I or you think it was worth $149 I'll give you guys an overview of everything so you can see it all together I'm sure once you do the math and the calculations it's it's probably worth the $149 it's maybe worth the three what was it$ 329 somehow so I think potentially the value is there but is the personal value There For Me Maybe not maybe not me personally but maybe if you're wanting to just like get into the brand and test out some of their like more popular stuff this could be way to do it let me know your thoughts and opinions Down Below in the comments I'll be very interested in seeing what you guys have to say about this I don't know if I'll be getting it again next year potentially if it's a 24-day Aven calendar and they're doing different stuff it's not the same exact calendar maybe but uh I do a tiny tiny bit regret getting the benefit Advent calendar again okay so love my thoughts and opinions we still have more Advent calendars to go if you want to stick around for that please go ahead and consider subscribing it me in the world to me and Ren and tater who's trying to eat stuff off the floor I just hope you guys have a lovely wonderful fantastic day and I'll see you all next time [Music] bye
Channel: Alexandria Ryan
Views: 68,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advent, advent calendar, advent unboxing, advent calendar unboxing, Alexandria advent calendar, Alexandria ryan, luxury advent calendar, expensive advent calendar, christmas, holiday, Christmas presents, Christmas gifts, high end skincare, expensive, benefit beauty, benefit, benefit advent calendar, benefit advent, benefit calendar, benefit advent calendar unboxing
Id: rbX324MLyoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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