I read the secret Stephen King book you've never heard of

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hello creeps Andy here and today I want to talk about the secret Stephen King book that you've never heard of realistically if you're a big Stephen King fan you've heard of this book even if you're not you may have heard of this book and that book of course is the novella rage that was published by Richard Bachmann which is the pseudo name for Stephen King I got it in this book right here which is the Bachmann books and we'll talk about all of this in a second but first I want to give an overview of what we're going to be talking about today I'm going to give a synopsis of the book rage I'll be talking about horrible events that it's related to lightly and I'll also be giving you some quotes from Stephen King directly in relation to this book why it's out of print why a lot of people don't know about it all that kind of stuff so very first before I begin just know that I'm not trying to be disrespectful in this video I don't want people to think that I'm just like blatantly disrespecting Stephen King's wishes and talking about this book but it's really not a secret I mean if you go on his website and scroll through his books it's listed on there it's something that he's talked about before um in our interviews and things like that there are plenty of videos obviously made about this book just I just hope you know that I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Stephen King in any way respect him very much and I adore him and he has changed my life in more ways than one he's inspired me as a writer and as a person who reads horror so just wanted to make that very clear so let's just get into the synopsis of the book this is the per the book that I've purchased kind of the reason I wanted to make this video is because I've been wanting to read rage for a while I've been really interested in it especially because it's out of print is not a book that you can easily access and so I found it on eBay for like 30 or 40 bucks which is a lot cheaper than I found at other places I decided to pick it up and read it and I wanted to make this video for Stephen King fans that are curious of what the book's about but don't have the ability to purchase it or haven't found an affordable copy because there are um plenty that are over hundreds of dollars but this is the cover of the book and what it looks like it says rage a novel by Richard Bachmann his Twisted mind turned a quiet classroom into a dangerous World of terror I'm also probably going to have have to not use all of the terms related to this book I guarantee YouTube will not like what is in here so I'm gonna have to like change terms around just you know bear with me so let's get into the synopsis first it's about a man named Charles Decker he is a man he's a kid he's um in high school and he has a lot of mental health concerns she's a smart kid but he doesn't have a lot of friends and even the one friend that he has does kind of let him down at times he can't really eat that much food he's sick to his stomach a lot he thinks people are after him and he has bad dreams nightmares trouble sleeping he thinks people are trying to start fights with him when they're not so a lot of things going on with this character before we even get into the main bulk of the story he also has a hard time with his father they don't get along very well and he is both physically and mentally abusive toward him the book is interesting because we are reading it in the perspective of Charles Decker which we'll talk about the plot in a second but it makes this a very unique telling of a story so basically what happens is Charlie gets kicked out of the school because of an incident that happened with a teacher would you find out later on in the book what happened what it was what led up to it all that sort of stuff so he ends up retrieving a weapon weapon ending the lives of two teachers and then holding an entire algebra class hostage so that's the bulk of the story it almost seems like a mix between we need to talk about Kevin I think this was a book that I've only ever seen in the movie and The Breakfast Club it is very different from how I expected it to be so after Charlie takes this classroom hostage it's his classroom of classmates like he knows everybody in there it's his classroom and most of the kids are on his side and don't want to see him get hurt and kind of sympathize for him in a way I have read multiple reviews some people think that this is kind of just like an exploration of the teenage experience and teenage angst and not being able to fully understand your emotions and other people think that it's more of like a Stockholm syndrome situation I think it's dependent on the reader how it is interpreted but basically there's one student in the classroom that's kind of against him but everybody else kind of wants to see you the best for him they think that the experience of being held hostage has changed their lives for the better in some way and it is a really interesting read in that aspect Charlie goes on to I don't want to say blame but also kind of blame his relationship with his father for him committing the horrible atrocious things that he has committed and he does say specifically in relation to the first teacher which he assaulted that it was misplaced anger so taking the anger towards his father and you know letting that out in different ways so I don't know if that's a general consensus of why he does everything that he does in the story or just that specific thing but I thought I would bring that up it's also interesting that it's not just about Charlie it is about the whole class and they all share their secrets and experiences and insecurities in that way I feel like it does kind of feel like a breakfast club kind of situation just with the stakes higher because they're in not a relaxed situation they're not in detention they're being held captive by one of their classmates but it does feel lower Stakes because the class is pretty calm especially considering what happened I'm sure that's due to just being in panic mode and the trauma of what they've just experienced but it is interesting you know hearing them laugh and giggle and kind of carry on as if nothing had happened and kind of trust Charlie and that they won't get hurt which most of them not all of them but that's also interesting as well there's a lot of interesting ways you can read and interpret this story he also states that he feels disconnected from himself there's this quote here it said it was like being outside myself it was the first time I ever felt that way someone else someone other than me was in the driver's seat he also says on days that he feels kind of pulled too thin he says on these days I'd say hi to my mom then go upstairs and either weep or giggle into my pillow until it felt as if my guts were going to blow up that scared me and there's also this quote here which I thought was kind of interesting it says when you're five and you're hurt you make a big noise onto the world at 10U whimper but by the time you turn 15 you begin to eat the poison apples that grow on your own inner tree of pain it's the Western Way of Enlightenment you begin to cram your fist into your mouth to stifle your screams you bleed on the inside but they have gone so far so I think this is kind of an interesting relatable way of speaking about growing up and kind of like you know a twisted demented dark coming-of-age story of like trying to figure out your emotions and where you fit in the world and things like that obviously Through The Eyes of somebody who does have a lot of mental concerns even in the book well I guess I don't want to give too too much away but in the book he definitely is in need of a lot of mental assistance take out like the horrendous events that happen it is just interesting reading these quick lines and points of view from all of the characters in the story just kind of relaying that common experience of growing up and not knowing who you are or where you fit into the world I do also want to say that the narration is very interesting because Charlie obviously is an unreliable narrator like he has a lot of mental health concerns he obviously commissary and just acts like he's not somebody that can be trusted necessarily but it seems like from the way the book plays out he can be trusted to his word in some sense because he doesn't ever say one thing and do another he pretty much does exactly what he says he's going to do he calls people out online and he does feel very offended when people do lie and don't tell the truth fully so it is an interesting way of approaching a narrator where he is unreliable in senses but also reliable in some ways so you don't really quite know where you stand with him I say interesting a lot I don't know any other words I guess this story starts the very first the very last line and the first chapter says to the mess of my recollection that was about the time I started to lose my mind so he is very aware that he's not quote unquote normal like he says a lot that he's scared and he doesn't really necessarily know why he's doing the things that he does and he does at times seem remorseful for his actions so again just adds more complexity to the character okay really quick not gonna get into it but why is this story out of print this book specifically has been linked to some horrendous events that resemble the plot of the story these books were found on assailants that have committed these crimes in lockers or backpacks of them I'm not gonna go into any of that so you can do your own research if you so desire I don't feel comfortable talking about any of that but that is why Stephen King stopped this book for being printed so it is now out of print you can only buy it in I mean you can probably buy it in the rage format but I've only ever found it in this Bachmann books but be weary that if you're buying the Bachmann books and it is normal price they do still sell this book but rage has just been admitted from it so keep that in mind if you're curious to get it also know that some places like Amazon sell this or the range book for very cheap but it's not in English so also be on the lookout for that if you're interested in purchasing this book you'll probably find it for like around 30 40 dollars if you're lucky on a place like eBay otherwise on Amazon I think the lowest I found it was for like 150 or something like that but hopefully you know me telling you the plot will save you from having to spend the money and buy it I'm not speculating on anything on people that commit crimes I'm not doing any of that but the only thing that I'll say in relation to this is that I can see how people would think that Charlie's kind of the quote unquote hero of the story in some way it does play out differently than most books or films related to subjects like this where he has complete control he has control of the police he has control of his psychiatrist he has control of his his principal his control of his classmates the classroom and they do seem to be on his side for the most part so again not speculating but it is very different from how I've seen this kind of situation portrayed and other books and films and I don't know I guess I can see why Stephen King would want to take that away from the public but we're going to get into I need to ask you some questions and like I want to know your whole opinion on all of this sort of thing let me just read a couple of quotes from Stephen King really quickly about this book specifically and then I'll ask you the questions and then I'll give you your time back I'll get out of here sorry my thing stopped recording so it might look a little different this one it says in 1999 he said the incident was enough for me I asked my publisher to take the damn thing out of print they concurred it said that rage Drew heavily upon his own frustrations and pains as a high school student he says certainly in the sensitized day and age my own College writing including the short story Kane rose up and the novel rage would have been raised red flags and I'm certain someone would have tabbed me as mentally ill because of them I'm sure you guys could find interviews and all that sort of stuff one last interesting thing it was written at least it started to be written when he was a senior in high school and then he you know found it and revamped it and finished it about a decade later so like I said take out the violent aspects of it I think that it is at the heart a story of the Pains of growing and trying to find your way in the world but I don't know this story is quite controversial and so I'm curious to know what you guys think of this if you guys have read it I'm also curious to know what you think about writers or filmmakers or whatever taking not responsibility but feeling that their art has played a role in acts of violence I'm curious what you think if you think that this book should have definitely been pulled if you think it should still be released I'm just curious uh your opinions on everything so let me know what you think about this anyways I hope that you learned something I don't know from this video let me know what you think about the novella rage by Richard Bachman and I will see you soon with another horror video bye guys [Music] thank you
Channel: Anda Kent
Views: 7,184
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Keywords: I read the secret Stephen King book you've never heard of, stephen king books, rage by stephen king, rage by richard bachman, anda kent, horror books, horror book recommendations, stephen king book review, rage book review, rage, the stephen king book you're not supposed to read, stephen king, the bachman books, richard bachman, rage stehen king book synopsis, rage synopsis, rage book explained, stephen king rage, secret stephen king book, stephen king novella, rage novella
Id: oRP6xCrCP6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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