I Ranked *EVERY* Fortnite Item (Tier List)

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today we are going to be ranking all of the items within fortnight i know this video has been a while coming and i guess we're coming up to the new season so there isn't too much to film in game it's a bang let's do a tier list video first things first if you guys enjoy these tier list videos i know it's been a while since we did the last one make sure to hit that like button down below if we hit a hundred thousand likes i will do a tier list on all of the fortnight collabs if you guys want it but as you can see today we got a blank canvas here a brand new tier list and we're going over all the items within fortnite as you can see we're covering not just the consumable side of things but also the traps and the accompanying weapons and items random things within fortnite i don't think i've missed one but be sure to let me know if i did in the comment section because i'm sure i am there's a lot of weird stuff in this game ranking this time around will follow god item slash trap that was probably broken really good self-explanatory it's really good practical you know it's good to have it in your inventory that it makes sense situational only very rarely should you use this you shouldn't always have this in the inventory but like sometimes it makes sense why are you holding this uh pretty self-explanatory once again you shouldn't be holding that that's it's dumb and then last but definitely not least is bottle rockets it deserves its own tier at the bottom and that's a little bit of a spoiler to come all right let's jump into this tier list don't forget if you guys want to see another one of these 100 000 likes i'll make it happen for those of you who haven't seen a tls video before i rank things based on how fun they are and that's for both scenarios you having it and having it used against you because sometimes it can be a bit one-sided and then just how useful they are and both in competitive and public games pretty self-explanatory item good item bad you get the picture all right let's get this party started we got bandages now personally in pubs i never carry bandages ever you won't ever catch me it's kind of like a last resort med that i'll hold and i'll be honest sometimes in competitive it is pretty good to have like you can never underestimate the bandages um so i'm going to chuck it under situational you don't have any other meds you go bandage because it's like the all reliable it's it's pretty good next up we got the med kit so obviously 10 seconds heals you for a hundred uh staples since the start of fortnite i'd have to say pretty universally practical like it's good to have uh something that takes you all the way up on your med slot this in combination with minis is kind of like that really good med variety or floppers obviously floppers kind of overtook medkits in a way i guess you could say for that med slot but practical i think is where we can put that mini shields now these bad boys when they first came out you carry 10 at a time only og kids will remember that there's a very good med to have at the time when it first came out you only had the 50 pots and it was very rare that people would be at 200 because the 50 pots were kind of rare but yeah minis i'd have to chuck them if i'm gonna be honest i almost want to do god item here for a green they're really good so i'ma chuck him in really good all right 50 shield pots i don't know that's a bit of a hard one i reckon i think i might have to chuck that one under practical i'd rather have six minis than three bigs because trying to pop a full shield in the current like climate of the game where everyone is good it's kind of hard to get that five seconds off so for that reason i kind of put minis over the uh full shield these aren't going to be in any order on the tiers themselves all right next then we got slope juice which actually we saw a return in those ltms just a little bit ago uh i actually thought it was better than what it was in those ltm's i thought it didn't take as long to actually activate like it takes like two seconds obviously heals you for 75 over time i think just because you only carry two at a time i'd probably have to put it into practical as well it's good not amazing ah it's all right all right next up we got the normal chug jug which isn't in the game anymore uh it used to be it's pretty self-explanatory like the mythic chug jug 15 seconds full shield full health that's the problem though 15 seconds when it first came out you had bots you could get your chug jugs off all the time now if you can get 15 seconds then you you nobody gets 15 seconds in a build fight so for that reason i think in the current meta it would be situational but back in the day when it was in the game it was practical because i'm gonna judge on on when it was in the game it still wasn't that good but it is practical all right next up we got the mythic chug jug which i think is actually really cool uh how they implemented that and i'm really excited to see what they do next season with the mythics it seems to be random things like the shockwave grenade launcher just really kind of random stuff like that but yeah i think i'd have to put this under really good like the 15 seconds once again little yikes but uh i suppose if you can try and get away with a grappler or the kit shockwave you might be able to pop the chug jug obviously this one refreshes over time it is unlimited so for that reason i'll check it under really good uh next up we got the chug splashes uh i love chug splashes like they are just the best like having six of those is the i'd almost go as far as to say god item and you know what i am i'm gonna go god adam because having six in a slot beats all of them obviously you still want to try and combine it with minis so you can try and pop the minis and then or floppers i think this and floppers is probably the best combo i'ma chuck it down as a god item not broken but god item all right next up we got the vegetables and fruits which i'm gonna speed through a little bit because most of them are kind of the same banana i'm gonna chuck this into why you're holding this there is no situation why you should ever have the banana in your inventory take up a slot unless you literally are shambles and there's no other white meds and even then it heals for five you should you should not be carrying this all right next up we got apple interesting item given the current news but i'm definitely going to chuck it where the banana was same deal after that we got corn and cabbage uh i actually kind of liked this addition to the new season and i chucked these down as situational they heal you over time i actually won a game eating corn and cabbage is possible because it kind of heals you over time and they stack so yeah i'd say situational i'd almost go to say if you have a full stack of it it could be practical like better than a medkit because you can pop it over time and you know what i'm gonna do that because i think there is an abundant amount of both of them it's better to have than a medkit next up we got the chili yeah you know where this paddy's going i i think everyone knows where this bad is going why are you holding this it's the what now obviously not he's god item guys he's got in competitive pubs yeah everyone loves to go fast everyone loves a chili uh it sucks there isn't any like natural spawn of it on the ground you can only get out of the noms boxes on a chance pretty self-explanatory you go fast fast is fun god item yeah it's super cool i think it definitely brings up the skill sealing of the game uh when people like chilly the chili fights and stuff i don't know i just really like that and i'd love to see more of the chili's in the next season maybe like a chili place we can actually pick them up shield mushrooms i'd say these are pretty much on the same line of why are you holding this but also situational i'll check it's situational because obviously it spawns on the ground too so sometimes collecting like eight or nine of them uh in a spot is actually kind of a vibe i never see that many apples or bananas on the ground but the shield mushrooms you can get them in quite a few spots and i'm going to do this one next which i i can't really say too much about because i've actually never seen it and that's the gold mushroom which allegedly gives you a hundred shield and one but it's like a 100 000 or 110 000 spawn i've never seen it i think they took it actually out of the game just because how cool i find that premise of just getting super lucky uh i want to chuck it into really good i just like i love the idea of it mechanically i i don't think it makes too much sense to hold actually 100 shield on one pop is actually kind of op in itself yeah i'm gonna check that imagine you get cracked little half second chomp back up that's like two slope fish next up we got the slope mushrooms i love these baddies definitely i'd actually go as far as to say really good uh just because like you can pick him off the ground in slurpee find them in the knobs boxes they do health then shield um yeah i'd say super solid item for sure and uh carrying a stack of them i've actually done a couple times it's only if you can get enough of them it makes sense alright coming up to the end of our healing section we've got the uh small fries really good for trying to win those games where you only fish which i've done way too many times in this channel i'd probably have to put these into situational they only go up to 75 so they're kind of like a bandage in a way they're only very sparingly kind of there and it's like oh damn i have a fishing rod and there's a water there i might be able to get it's when you're like basically begging for the white heels i'd say situational you'd never really carry them uh next up we got flopper which i think i want to actually put into god item actually i'll go really good yeah really good uh it's just like this in combination with the minis all the chug splashes is just like super good yeah kind of iconic heals 50 whites in like one second get four of them run it up that's a really good item boys next up we got slow fish the only reason i didn't put flopper in godaddy was because i think slow fish deserves that having three of them you can go straight up 150 like that's going you go from 50 to 200 in like three seconds and i don't think anything else can really do that that fast not even chug splashes so for that reason it's definitely gonna go god item for me boys alright next up we got the only two slot item in the game uh unfortunately not in the game right now and that is the bandage cannon um i really like the utility of this obviously unlimited bandages and uh being able to heal your teammates i really like that um i think it was just kind of cool and creative on how they came up with this and added to the game and i want to like rank those higher there's like kind of just innovative ideas the fortnight team think of i i think they definitely need to pop higher here so just for like the general concept i'm gonna chuck it under really good i just liked it as an item it was balanced it wasn't it like encouraged team play of like a medic role like i just loved all that um i'mma chuck it into really good i really like that item uh next up we got fishing rods we don't have harpoons here because we put that in the weapon one is the thing with fishy roads they can legit win you games uh obviously you guys have seen several times where i heal out in the storm and get the fish you can only really do that with a fishing rod so it's got to go somewhere obviously getting those purple gold weapons is super cool uh from the fish ponds and uh you might even chance yourself a mythic goldfish but i think given how the harpoon exists it can't grow that high up on the list because i normally don't fish unless i have a harpoon so i'ma chuck it into situational and sometimes you can use it to like get mats and competitive and stuff like in late games so i'd say pretty good situational not practical you wouldn't really carry around a uh fishing rod all the time all right there's our first phase of our healing meds let me know what you guys think i think that's a pretty balanced one i can maybe see moving slope juice up one and maybe the 50 pot up one uh but apart from that i think that is a pretty concise list let me know what you think for the meds let's go on to the next section which is traps starting things off with the campfire oh who here remembers when they added campfires to the game that update night was the worst update night of update nights i didn't add it to the game but we thought it was in the game and everyone on twitter was like beaming it and thinking it was in the game i remember me and elliot stayed up to 6am the next morning when it came out 6pm the day before looking for a campfire that's how dedicated to the grind we are aside from that two hills per second you could chuck four of them down back in the day when they were in the game as an item healed eight tick made heal games kind of like meta i actually liked that like campfire heel game meadow but i definitely have to check these into practical actually know really good considering it's a trap slot and it's free i'd have to go really good it doesn't actually take up an item slot that's the thing so i chuck really good and the current campfires i use campfires all the time i love the campfires around the map super good for me definitely really good uh next up we got bounce pads uh i loved bounce pads everyone loves bounce pads i think that's like a very universal thing except they never really stayed in the game long and i remember when they took them out and everyone was like why'd you take them out and they added them back it's like they normally add them back at the end of every season they didn't do it this time though um i guess i kind of did with the ltms but yeah i'd have to put this down it's really good everyone loves bounce pads i'd love to see him back next season it'll be interesting something on this list here will come back next season and uh take a guess what you think it might be in the comment section because uh ark and at least three of these things that aren't in the game will come back next season in a different way maybe but they'll be back uh next up we got chilly traps yeah like good memes but um i don't know about that chief i'ma chuck it into situational only very raringly when you needed to get to zone and zone was down a hill you'd use the chiller trap to put ice on your feet and roll down the hill that's the only situational place you'd probably use it you wouldn't really use it on your enemies because you'd save that for the damage trap not one of the greatest uh following up by another one i didn't like too much which was the poison trap again you trap someone you put it in there deals damage over time not as good as the damage trap but i had more range said like two or three tiles more yeah i'd put it into a situational again it just it didn't hit for me the poison trap won so yeah situational i think for me and again let me know what you guys think i just didn't do it for me next up we got the zap trap which was actually a throwable like the whole concept of the trailer was you throw the enemies bills they get zapped in their builds that was kind of cool but people don't really camp in builds and pubs and i don't actually know if it ever made it to competitive or i definitely didn't see it get used to competitive i'm gonna put that into why you're holding this because it was an actual item it wasn't a like actual trap slot even though it was called a trap all right next up we got the damage trap which we actually saw return to fortnite in a few ltms uh just a bit ago i haven't seen it in a while it's really hard to rank this one it does 150 still you're kidding me dude all right that's cooked i think if this was introduced into the game right now that's the skill of all the players i think it would be a god item because people would just trap every like people get cone all the time i'd probably have to put it as a god item very annoying to play against i i really hated sweats with traps and i was actually really glad when they took them out i'm not gonna lie i was i didn't like them because i i couldn't use them very well next up we got the launch pad i'm not even gonna try to explain why i need to put this here it goes to god item i actually beg that we never see this leave the game again because those dark days in chapter two season one when we didn't have one it was dark days we don't want that again all right it's consistent everybody loves it i never found one person that said wow man launch pads suck all right last trap we got is the turret when this battery came out it was so overpowered you couldn't shoot them in the head because the guard actually protected you from the front um and it took a while to cool down it was it was beefy i i'd have to chug it under really good i got nerfed a little bit though towards the end so i'd probably have to say situational to where it got to the point at the end i know people late game would use it on height to try and not get shot out which was kind of meta because it had like 5 000 health or 500 health which is like a lot interesting item i don't think it would do well in the current game points was trying something different for sure next up something we definitely shouldn't give points for trying all the rockets they just didn't do anything i do not like bottle rockets all right now we got some actual good weapons grenades oh tell you what grenades been here since the start of fortnight and i feel like nobody really knew how to use them until i think fncs trios like that's when people figured out that nades were cooked like the 65 meter strat i think it was triers it was a squads even it took a while people to figure it out but yeah nate's in the current game really really good i think they're back in competitive now i i'd actually have to chuck them down as really good i almost want to do god item if you can spend your time learning the 65 meter strat learning how like kind of angles and distance of when it blows up um you can do some really insane stuff with the grenades especially in team game modes when you throw them at the same time they can't do anything so i'm at the chuck been a really good borderline god item next up we got dynamite which i don't know this one just wasn't too great for me uh it took a while to load up in competitive it was super annoying to deal with i chuck it under practical i don't know how it would fit in the current game but it was definitely practical i didn't like it though but it was decent but i didn't like it all right next thing we got clingers uh everyone loves the sticky grenade um these were kind of cool i liked all the meme strats you could do with them and stuff like clinging your friends and they run into them and then oh they're dead they used to be very overpowered you throw multiple because they used to all break it when they lost the structure they're attached to and it was very overpowered but yeah super cool item i like the clingers i don't think they are actually as good as the grenades anymore because of the way that they don't blow up at the same time and you can't really 65 meter nade strike them because they blow up when they touch something i think yeah i'm pretty sure so i'm going to chuck them into practical for that reason next up we got the trip mines uh cool concept you know revealing on the map i don't know i just didn't didn't like these too much i would almost chuck them into why are you holding this and i am because i actually think these items are better than that yeah just something about the trip mine just didn't hit for me um 60 damage i don't know feel free to have your own opinions but the trip it just didn't do it for me next up quite controversial item c4 i think every version of the c4 for the most part was broken oh the first part wasn't broken but there was that scary part during like six or seven where this thing was done broken i still think it was broken in chapter two season two but in competitive they nerfed it so it wasn't a problem i think for that reason i put in a really good c4 really good back in its payday god item and definitely on the broken side uh but i'll rank it on where it kind of was last so really good stink bombs geez this is another tough one it kind of for me borderline's god item if you have enough of them especially in competitive because if you have 20 of them i don't care who you are unless you have floppers you are dead because you can hit them for five ten five ten five ten do it ten times they're dead so i'm probably gonna chuck these under really good not quite god item but up there for sure definitely one of the closest ones borderline and god item for me next up we have airstrike grenades which i think about these items on the update night that i covered them and this one was kind of a painful one i remember i was trying to sweat a dub on na servers and uh like just it was hard they were rare legendary and i stayed to the end i was like all hyped to use it on the last guy and then it bounced off and it missed him and that kind of made me really sad inside so that and they weren't really useful at all for the most part the range was too small for it to be really effective so i'm gonna chuck that into why you're holding this because why are you holding this they weren't good next up we got storm flips which uh they were like kind of good i actually remember using this in the fortnight pro-am where i came ninth i used one of these to like hang out in the zone uh in the late game which by the way i came ninth at that prime and everyone wants to forget about that but for me to carry my duel tonight let's talk about that all right storm flips i love the mean potential with these baddies you know you heal out in storm i love a good heal out and storm and these were like the opposite of that they created not storm in the storm that's what we're gonna call it as a weapon not very effective at all for memes uh they did more than most of these items in the list so for that reason i'm probably going to chuck it into it it wasn't good like it would borderline why are you holding this but i love the memes so situational but personally love the storm flips again epic i love it when you do items like this that are just like no one sees coming and they have good mean potential next up we got balloons i love balloons all right these were the only counter the infinity blade and nobody realized that instead everyone complained on twitter except me i knew that balloons were the way when i love balloons um saw balloons come back in that ltm didn't get enough of them quite honestly uh if i'm being real here on this list it's situational infinity blade trying to attack you trying to get up a hill the one balloon strat uh not the mean one but the actual one balloon strat is decent i just hated like letting go the balloons felt kind of clunky because you had to like hit like space or something or control i forget crouch or something i don't know i didn't like that part of it but i would probably put these in a practical they're very situational but i love them okay this materialist like it reflects on how good they are in the game but it doesn't reflect how much i love them and next up we got boogie bombs i love boogie bombs all right when they first came out they were broken 10 second dancing and you could shoot them and if you hit them they didn't break their dance so it was damn overpowered i would probably have to say they're at least really good in the current game they came back in an ltm but i think just having some form of stun grenade on unsuspecting opponents in the current meta would be really good especially with the charge like boogie charge it all the way up bang like would be really good in this actual i i feel like it would have fit really well into the matter of this game actually i'll check it in a really good not quite god item i don't think next up we got boombox which i think is the shortest lifespan of anything in the game uh i'm actually going to chuck them into bottle rockets because very much so like that i just didn't like them at all i mean no bottle rockers is for bottle rock that's what i'm kidding but why are you holding this i just i want to bring it down like it's this is like bottle rockets like boom boxes didn't make the game fun um yeah i didn't didn't like the boom boxes at all and i think uh fortnite saw the data on this one because they pulled it out of the game pretty quickly after it came out i i'm pretty sure it's the shortest lifespan of any item in the game alrighty next up uh one of the cooler items i think we've had in the game and uh i really love this one it's the treasure chest and uh i am actually going to chuck this into real like i'm going to chuck it in a god item it probably should go under really good maybe even situational maybe practical but i remember in the competitive world cup days we would use i'll call it yeah treasure map it was just so cool good fortnight honestly season 8 was one of the higher peaks for me and enjoyability of the game um and i loved the whole treasure trail concept it wasn't probably the greatest thing to do but just going there getting like gold guns getting kidded like i love that man i'd love to see more cool things like that in the game actually on that note i'm putting balloons back up the god item because i don't care in my heart that was a god item alright next up we got the snowman uh i don't think too much about snowman i like situational at best uh good meme potential though situational at best yeah this is cool it's all right next up we got the bush uh these were pretty good the bushes actually uh when you think about it like get a free extra shield so i i'd have to put them under really good uh where they're currently at but they're not really in the game right now creeping cardboard it borderlines between why are you holding this and situational i'm probably gonna put it while you're holding this i like these hideable meme items but the cardboard one was you know a little funny you could put c4 in it and blow someone up we did a video on that i don't know and you know what it's hard because i'm looking at these at different perspectives like i'm sure the cardboard in season four or five would have been really cool but the game is just so different now that i don't enjoy it as much next time we've got snow grenades uh i actually loved these these were kind of sick it was like impulse grenades but not quite impulse grenades i'd chuck it under practical for sure i'd run these in my inventory when they were out they didn't last very long um definitely better than chiller traps because they were portable i liked these ones crash pads uh i think given how the latest fncs went and just the amount of exploits that you can do with a crash pad it's got to go to uh to god item i definitely carry and even when like helicopters first came out like the best thing to do would be helicopter crash pad drum gun that was like my go-to just jump out of the helicopter crash pad down drum gun the guy get back the helicopter do it to the next 10 people yeah i think i think the crash pad is pretty god item i think we can all agree on that uh next time we got glider redeploy uh so if those you guys don't know back in the day we had glittery deploy that wasn't an item and then it was an item and it wasn't as good as it was before when it wasn't an item but with that being said when it was in the game uh it was actually pretty good you watched back a lot of world cup qualifiers and uh they did run it in the solos because it was kind of guaranteed mobility but i definitely put it down as practical for sure definitely made sense sometimes next up we got impulse grenades uh dude when these came out man i i love impulse grenades the nostalgia of watching like like twitch like ninja and everyone just eating off with like impulse a historical item i love it impulse grenade gets sick of an impulse grenade god item ah well no realistic it was really good but next up we got the jet pack a lot of people didn't like it when it first came out because you could kind of cheat height like this is when build battles were starting to become meta and uh like you know someone would take height by just pressing space instead of doing some mechanical 90 or something um people didn't like for that reason i think it wouldn't sit well in any competitive setting right now just because that reason it would be kind of weird to see how it would fit in the game right now um i actually liked it though i remember everyone was super hyped about it it was definitely practical i don't know whether it was really good but it was practical all right next up we got junk riffs uh these were back in the ltm not too long ago and i actually really enjoyed these things they come up with mats and ammo and just like super cool to like chuck them on a build fight and just see it just absolutely delete the build i actually really liked these and they made a lot of sense too i don't think they ever really saw it in competitive because it would have been broken to like late game use one of these but i could honestly i'd love to see it back in the game personally i'd check it down as god item but realistically it was really good it wasn't a god item next up we got the mythic goldfish alright so i've only seen this twice really in game uh once where we were doing like a live stream competition and whoever found it we gave him like a thousand bucks uh that was like almost a year ago now um because it is one in a million and this i have to break this out into two parts because i love the concept of just something dumb rare like it's one in a million and you i live just watching a tournament and knowing that somehow some kid could get this item imagine world cup 2021 like just everyone's sweating out super hard and just like let's say booger just gets this out of a out of a pond and the whole crowd just goes no like got it and then like he gets clipped with it and he wins the game with the goldfish crow's probably be mad and i don't know how it actually is good at the game but i just love the concept of it i'ma chuck it and gotta it is actually good it's a one hit so it is good um but it drops on the ground and it's got you know things to make it not stupid dumb but it is good and the story around it love it thought adam alrighty home stretch here let's run it up presents uh yeah i guess they're kind of good good in a way because you throw it down you get items you didn't really carry it so portaforts i remember the trailer for this when it first came out and i remember using these to like break fall damage and stuff and that was such a good meme not so much anymore for sky bases and stuff but definitely really cool item i'd say situational blur at best never saw it got used in any competitive setting because just your slots are just worth too much i don't know maybe it could be good now with how many people prioritize just having mats and stuff port of fortress again i think they took these out of the game because they couldn't actually work in like competitive stacked games but it would be really cool to see a port of fortress just come out late game i'd probably still say situational though kind of glad these aren't really in the game right now not gonna lie actually i'm gonna put portafort down to why you're holding this it didn't yeah it really makes sense you know when you get one you throw it next door and just that's kind of it with it rift to go god item uh the only thing that makes me mad i only noticed this in the last uh time it was in the ltm was that you should be able to shake it and pick up like say minis and then get in the air with your five slots not anymore with this uh it doesn't let you pick up but yeah i remember playing world cup tours with fresh and it was just like yeah riff to go vibes it was just like the biggest rng thing which probably wasn't too good from a competitive setting but like it was just like it was the god item it would be like you would really say like oh i got a gold spas and then you know that'd be cool but it was like you i got a riff to go out of a chest like that's like the number one comeback in world cup news it was like yo riffs and then you get two of them and it's like you're guaranteed top 10 unless you're actually a bot but yeah god adam i think everybody can say that everyone loves mobility you go to the top of the map we everyone loves that ah rusty cans yeah it's for what it is it is why you're holding this you never see anyone carrying that shadow bombs i want to put these back on god item and i love a shadow bomb everyone loves a shadow bomb they are incredible all right i remember doing world cup doors with fresh that was the number two it was i got rift to go and i got shadow bomb it was just so good you stay alive you jump on a wall you keep jumping on the walls cool item shadow bombs everyone loves shadow bombs god item uh shield bubble i think these would have worked really well in chapter two season one but i think they tried to refresh everything by taking everything out of the game for the most part yeah i really feel like these would have been good on boats to give boats a reason to be able to use in like competitive formats but shield bubbles for the most part were just super annoying when they came out because came out during mex and no one liked fortnite during max so like i'ma chuck it into situational all right we're nearly done here gonna chuck in super impulse a god item i love these things just being able to breach into walls essentially what kid's shockwave launcher is now is just this but you throw them a bit slower i guess really cool i remember when they added to the game this was like peak fortnight when i was really enjoying it um i still am but not as much as then i think we can all agree god item just fun it's impulse grenade 2.0 you go further you don't take full damage last but not least uh is the smoke grenade which again we saw back in a couple ltm's not too long ago why are you holding this and the reason for this is because it's just annoying it's not skillful it's just annoying you're fighting someone they throw the smoke bomb on the ground and now you can't see them and it's just annoying but yeah that is my tier list let me know what you guys think again this is just my opinion i mean this isn't like an accurate like this is better than this but this is just my experience with the items in the game and these don't even reflect with how much i think of those items like i i would personally love to see stormflip near the top but it does really match the description of situational so you know it take it with a grain of salt it's just a little bit of fun the only thing here that i can say with 100 accuracy is the bottle rockets they definitely deserve their own place there at the bottom and i mean realistically balloons aren't god item but just they i just love them so much i'm a big fan of the balloons so i just chucked them there because i wanted to but yeah let me know you guys think of the tier list if you guys want to see me do another one of these bad boys let me know hit that like button down below uh 27th of august i believe is when we are getting this brand new season so i'm hyped for that and uh i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Lachlan
Views: 4,873,789
Rating: 4.9347444 out of 5
Keywords: lachlan lachy fortnite battle royale pubg battlegrounds, fortnite battle royale, fortnite, lachlan, lachy, duos, season 10, season x, new season, battle royal, lacy, laclan, epic games, gaming, esports, games, video games
Id: loyfH-Eyzp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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