I quit sugar for a whole year | My life changed!!!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: liz justine
Views: 278,514
Rating: 4.8749757 out of 5
Keywords: I quit sugar for 1 year, i quit sugar for an entire year, i quit sugar for a whole year, i quit sugar for 1 year, i cut sugar out of my diet, quitting sugar, i quit sugar, quitting added sugar, added sugar, no sugar, no sugar for one year, benefits of quitting sugar, benefits of reducing sugar, should i quit sugar, should i quit sugar cold turkey, cutting sugar from your diet, how to go one year without sugar, liz justine, effects of quitting sugar
Id: 1Qa3Feu76Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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