I QUIT My Job And Became A Pro Cyclist In 12 Months

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yeah just go see like this and have my wife looking at me thinking this guy's absolutely lost the plot which I which I probably have you know people can't take a step back and say whoa hang on a minute is this guy completely lost the plot you know this is just not normal [Music] but I can tell you the day I bought that bike I did three or four hours and I you know bonked and I just saw this is so fun this is a great feeling [Music] for me certainly I found an interest in something I was really passionate about something I enjoyed and I had the possibility to do it so I kind of thought to myself why not yeah and chase the dream try and be be someone different or do something different and it was when I we had our second child that I took some time off work you know from paternity leave and I never went back to the training I was doing pretty riding 25 30 hours a week every week that first year I Rose something like twenty seven twenty eight thousand miles I think and then in terms of the bikes I've sold like I said I sold the Pinarello because they're just I don't really need that many bikes house I've just got this one but I really like this I rest on this towards the end of the year this is the new Trek Madone and the old track Madan had the brakes on the front this is a rim break one I didn't get the disc because it's like half a kilo heavier for know aerodynamic games so yeah I wouldn't race on that I know that these are Cobra Cobra bearings in the bottom bracket kögel bearings in the wheels which are fantastic I actually think they're better than ceramics because they they don't use washers so they just spin it a little better I've got a whole set here as well and these are to go on some wheels and then of course this the the canyon dive kits it out footy with ceramics as well you know it doesn't make difference it feels nice nose off which which is really important so this is this is where I do a lot of my training obviously it's great with those whiffed and the TV and then I got the sound system here that's all linked up air conditioning through the through the roof which is operated in the other room and then I've got a second air-conditioning unit just that I put my face to circle you know people think oh he thinks he can just come into the sport and you feel that you can you know it's not difficult to feelin you think you just come in and do it you're like but I really didn't certainly didn't have that Astrid and people have warmed to me since and again you can feel that people now actually respect what you've done or you know haven't done as it as it were the day that I signed with one prayer I remember going to be service course I remember this at the time he was on the phone you know doing my position on the bike and they say oh he's quite broad and stuff I just have a heard that it just takes something to click right yeah from then I was at right I'm sure I'll show them a thing I can get not not that that I may never this is all me right this is no they'd never ask me to get you know I was I've run I'm going to show them how thin I can get I found a strategic way to not ever feel tired log my food and reduce weight every day and that was just lovely absolutely everything and cutting it by cutting the calories by 500 a day I just about every day until I go to make something what if that I went for a DEXA scan before I had the DEXA scan with one Pro just to see whether that and the guy said to be there listen you're gonna start moving you know normal bodily functions and because I was so thin [Music] you know everyone's got to push their own bike at the same time whether you got teammates or not so I wouldn't say not having a team was necessarily that much of a disadvantage I was probably more an advantage by not having them but I didn't have to work for anyone else I would argue or ride for anyone else or close gaps for anyone else all myself actually I attacked and got about ten seconds into that corner took the left in to tell wind now as I rather got ten seconds here my I would just come in and I look back and they weren't really getting organized and five got off the front of that group but were effectively chasing me but everyone wants to win themselves so they're all going to be soft pedaling and one time holding a constant power it's no they to bring back you know 30 40 seconds becomes quite difficult what people didn't know or they shoulda known is that I've been full full time for a couple years and I can push the pedals when I'm pushing the wind by myself so I've granted a little bit of leeway may be underestimated but you know jokes on them I would say a few people congratulated me after the race because everyone genuinely there was a lot of people that thought I was on drugs or whatever I've been sleeping in here I've been trying this out for about three or four three or four weeks now so yeah we'll see I can't really I think it does work and I think I'm a good responder but I need a little bit more time to so what it does is reduce the oxygen level in there you got like in the current the current air density is like 20 0.9 percent oxygen and then I reduce it in there to about 14% overnight by sleeping in there you have reduced oxygen content in the air so your body feels the need to effectively produce more red blood cells and oxygen you've become more efficient in transporting oxygen because you've got more and you can raise your hema crit level so you know I've had mine tested and it's like in athletes it's typically quite low but you know the average person is somewhere between 30 and 50 mine's like 43 naturally but with that you can get up to 40 46 47 maybe 40 45 46 47 so what that represents is a you know 2 or 3 percent increase in oxygen which 2 or 3 percent on your threshold is a winter's training just by sleeping on that for the future I think you know it's got the UCI race next year a pop on you know rides some big stage races Britain Yorkshire hopefully that coming I'd like to ride some of the classics and do well on my classics ideally that's it but you know that's a very long way away you
Channel: Cycling Pulse
Views: 1,083,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cycling, road cycling, cycling pulse, pro cycling, alex richardson, alex richardson cyclist, alex richardson cycling, alexander richardson cycling, lincoln gp cycling, lincoln grand prix cycling, how to become a pro cyclist, canyon bikes, pinarello, trek madone, altitude chamber cycling, tacx neo, how pro cyclists train, one pro cycling, canyon dhb, canyon eisberg, lincoln gp
Id: Gy7Rd7OQd-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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