I PUT MY LITTLE BROTHER ON HIS FIRST DATE! **Jonathan & Sienna Finally Meet**

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what's up youtube people michael and today it was just i'm just i don't know what really is gonna happen today it's it's really it's really beautiful today look at this look out look how beautiful the day is oh my god yeah today is [Music] oh my god it's saturday yo sienna's coming yo michael michael michael yo yo bro bro well i'm gonna do i'm gonna business card bro i don't care sienna's here santa's coming in like half an hour like sienna yes bro come on come on hey hey hey yo yo come on go bro she's here oh my god oh my come on you fancy ass dude jonathan johnny darling bro wake up wake up there is coming it's your date do you know what time it is it is 101 she's coming at 1 30. that means we have half an hour to make you like a man to dress you up to but there's pretty much here right all right let's go why are you tired boy you have sienna all right y'all so now we have to get jonathan dressed up all right so what are you gonna wear bro do you know what to wear i don't know what do you mean you don't know you gotta look cute are you gonna wear this your little belly boy come on where are you going all right so find something find something cute let's see if we can wear something cute we gotta impress we gotta dress to impress we have to find stuff do you wanna wear a hoodie do you want to wear ooh do you wanna wear a jacket what do you wanna wear what do you mean we gotta get something man do you have jeans jeans yeah do you have jeans yeah where where are your jeans okay come on quickly quickly dude we have no time hurry where's your jeans i'm not looking at you all right he's changing who would've thought my little brother was gonna have a date before me okay you look so cute okay take your shirt off look at that body boy wow oh my gosh yes is it wrinkly boy is wrinkly come on come here come here bring the shirt the shirt i grabbed you grabbed the white one okay sorry all right now i have to wait okay i think it's done i think it's done oh oh it's right there oh it's hot it's nice it's good it's all right it's good come on let's go let's go wait wait wait wait we're missing a crucial or missing a crucial part here you need the drip boy oh hold on a guy right here come on now boy oh hit the slug tripped too hard where's the face all right jonathan you look the part now you gotta act the part all right so we're gonna go through an intense 15-day period where you're gonna be turned into a man do you understand me say yes sergeant [Music] all right all right let's get to it all right jonathan first step so to be a gentleman the first thing you have to do is open the door for the ladies do you understand that all right so we're going to test it out and i want to see i want to see you have to open the door when she comes okay all right we're going to practice are you ready yes okay we're almost here oh we're here hi jonathan i'm sienna hi sienna are you gonna let us in failed we're almost here sienna wait no you have to knock me over i failed giant hi hi hi hi do you want to come in yeah for sure this is adorable you failed way too many times we're just going to move on i'm just going to pray for the best of you and um i hope you don't do that when they actually come i'm ashamed it's okay let's go come on all right jonathan you have to make sure she feels beautiful when she comes in okay you have to tell her that she's beautiful make her feel like she's welcome okay that's a pretty girl so you can tell her it is what's that that means you're very pretty so practice with me ready it is it is linda linda that's her boy i'm gonna be honest when it comes to girls you have to make them laugh so you have to give them a joke do you know any jokes okay well i have one it's pretty good i've used it before you have to be like did it hurt when you fell from heaven wait i think i think i said it wrong wait when you try your best but you don't succeed all right jonathan so now we have to have your facials right you gotta look cute for her you know hey let me see what kind of facials you got [Music] and do that ready go all right you're ready boom all right jonathan one of the most important things when you were the girl you got to assert confidence okay how do you do that you do it by walking with confidence boy come on all right ready show me how you walk go [Music] now come right back come right back loosen up ready loosen up all right now check me out check me out is that javi [Applause] you ready ready show me show me come on i know you're ready come on oh jonathan now try it one more time and i want you slow-mo one two you're right okay jonathan yeah what they did before that was like cute that was like all right but to a really impressive girl you have to show them your money get the money and you have to impress them by playing pomp okay i could at least hit the cup though [Laughter] wait hold on come on who am i [Laughter] yo my maid in the wing is so cold yeah they're here they're here oh my god [Applause] [Music] oh we're coming out right now jonathan come here diving come on open the door hurry up come on oh man we're waiting right now what are you scared about no we're just having friends okay it's just having fun they're friends boys hi how are you hey sienna hi what's up how are you good how are you guys really good really good sienna i think someone's hiding from you say hi hi give her a hug sienna who is that who is that what's that [Music] jonathan it's nice [Music] are you excited oh my god yeah it's so cute my heart's melting right now you want to go grab it out of the car i'm gonna get this coming i'm gonna get her she got his surprise return and then um our balloons are in the cartoon okay i want them to pop we'll go grab me come on let's go [Music] i never had these in a long time sour patch kids delicious do you like sour patch jonathan yeah yeah never had it in a long time but it's a good candy huh i think it's the best did you know you were coming here you didn't know it was all surprised it was a surprise yeah do you like to cook no i can't even cook doubt that's where the funny part would come do you like the cookie what do you like to cook you cooked before i cook your mom's mini pop sauce yeah what do you like to make tortillas um yeah i love i love making tortillas hi guys i'm nick and uh yeah we fell into the world of social media exactly a year ago started putting out content singing and funny videos and people fell in love with sienna and i you know i've never had the issue of wondering wise because she's an amazing little girl and she has a huge heart and yeah we're just blessed and grateful to be able to put content out to make people smile did you guys do were you on tick tock first no we actually i had tik tok downloaded but just to watch videos um and the first thing ever that we uploaded was a cover of a jonas brothers song because they announced they were getting back together and i i tagged my friends in it and that was it and then the jonas brothers ended up seeing it and they shared it and then that was kind of like the first little spark of people liking our stuff that wasn't our friends and family yeah um and then yeah so we started anytime she liked the song we just would upload it and then tick tock i put one of the videos on tick tock and then overnight it just like hit a million views and back then a million views was like yeah now it's kind of like you know standard now to get that but uh but yeah it was crazy so what do you like to do what's your favorite thing that we do [Music] sing what's your favorite song we've ever sung the jonas brothers which one sucker yeah that was a good song did we meet the jonas brothers because of that one yeah dude and that's the crazy part like being able to like you know meet celebrities and we've been on the ellen show a couple times and never in a million years like if you would ask if we would have thought that that would happen ever so it's crazy but the best part too is that we're just gonna have fun all right so you guys ready to make tick tocks yes don't make videos you ready all right let's do it boom they're both just shy [Music] um [Music] you're on the way you're on the way i like it [Applause] [Music] hello my fine people how are you guys good uh my name is michael i'll be your waiter today um my name's nick and i'm just here for show yes so uh are you guys hungry today yes all right oh we can start you off with some drinks we have water apple juice water can i have um one apple juice and what santa what do you want water of ice all right that i'll i'll go i'll get that right now we'll be right back [Music] all right guys chicken nuggets all right got the chicken fire [ __ ] um perfect okay all right ice don't forget the ice ice ice what's next ice is in there in there it has to be in there you didn't ask chocolate if you want nice enough are you making the chicken nuggets yeah we didn't ask we didn't even ask today let's go let's go oh you guys i know i got the apple juice these are our biggest clients i know i know i know i don't know how many million 10 million 15 million they have like 25 million here's your apple juice and here's your ice with water thank you thank you so on the menu tonight we have chicken nuggets is that going to be okay for you guys we also have cheez-its and goldfish well i really want cheez-its please cheez-its i want um okay would you like any condiments with that [Music] like ketchup um yeah ketchup oh okay we'll be right there is this a cheese it's a goldfish i don't know wait what'd you say jesus i got a bowl okay play edible as we get together you're smart we want them to come back he's giving out michael we need you now more than ever the customers are out there they're waiting you realize what they could do to our restaurant 25 million followers on six top they could end us all right i'm gonna put some sour patch she didn't ask for it but i heard she likes it ketchup oh genius ketchup okay maybe if i like uh maybe like oh if i drizzle on the side right there i know corn right look at that is it there's your appetizer yeah this is okay we'll do an apple pie we'll do an appetizer and then we'll come back with chicken hello guys how are you i love your what is this a scrunchie that is so pretty i is this a croc man of god i love it look at you oh and we have the appetizers oh yeah dig in the sour patch right now so this is cheez-its what you order you ordered this right okay perfect we got the cheeses and we and the chicken nuggets are coming right now okay um also i was wondering if you guys would follow me on tick tock i just made an account five minutes ago i heard you guys will you follow me well i have my phone right here i'm just following you my phone at my house how about a selfie could you sign my butt [Music] please okay [Music] oh i love it it's good i'm gonna send that to my daughter she loves you guys okay we'll be right back with the chicken nuggets okay enjoy your appetizers five stars five stars please yelp yo okay why are they waiting how's you guys going oh my god how's it going i could i don't know why they keep running how's it going jonathan good it's your first date huh you guys ready to go in the pool soon yeah it's gonna be fun huh i'm jumping from the top [Music] oh um it says 400 so i don't know what that means 11 minutes is that what that means i think so okay we're gonna have to stall them for 11 minutes uh do you know how to like we need to show we need like some sort of entertainment some sort of entertainment okay so you can dance you'll sing and i'll beat box and dance okay all right i heard the little girl likes paparazzi by lady gaga i'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me papa papa rachie roxy all right are you ready okay okay don't copyright me madam sir we do regret to inform you that the chicken nuggets are just going to take a little bit longer but while you wait and enjoy your appetizer we have some in-house entertainment for you are you guys ready to have your minds blown that means yep that just yeah and why were you guys running i wasn't no we were walking we were walking fast we were just walking fast getting our steps in yeah oh you're speed walking yeah speed walking yes speed walking okay this is a little jam we like to call paparazzi enjoy i'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you have me papa paparazzi break it down a one a one out of one one other one no one how about you sienna we heard that was your favorite song we did our best i really tried do you think we have what it takes um one ah out of one one out of one oh one out of ten one out of one oh no okay yeah i'm so glad she doesn't know what she's talking about let's go all right we'll be right back we're gonna check on your chicken nuggets make sure you guys tell each other how you really felt about that performance okay we'll be back that was so bad it sounds so bad and that was weird um i know they were not i never wanted to sing that i know they were lying they would not be walking what are they doing they were running were they running yes they were [Music] wait um oh shoot um yeah whoa whoa 909 10. whoa that's actually really good oh wow it's scientifically proven if you break a sweat before you go out for the third and final visit they gotta tip you at least a hundred dollars i think we're gonna gain like at least 10 million at least i already created my tick tock account i have two followers and they haven't even shouted this out yet so what's your what's your username it's classified at the moment i'll share it with the world when i'm ready we're private it's a private account i'm not ready to show anything yet it looks like there's eight minutes left on the chicken nuggets so to kill the time we're gonna we're gonna take um a live show of two beautiful betta fish genius yep so they can just you know enjoy the scenery and uh if they want us to sing again i'm not making any promises i'm a little bit out of breath after that workout we did really well though we did good you know we got a one out of one from sienna yeah cnn has been on the ellen show yeah all right so we're gonna take the fish out get the reactions maybe some sushi later we'll see hello guys miss sienna mr jonathan have a surprise for you guys while we wait for the chicken nuggets to finish we wanted to bring you some in home live action fresh from the ocean betta fish they now these are not just normal beta fish this one's named sienna and this one's name is jonathan and they there's orange yep that's so crazy they were born they were born first yeah they're actually six years old yeah this one's six years old and this one's six years old too yep so if anything you're five yeah that means they're older than you yeah i'm on four you're four hey not a lot of four-year-olds i know have been on the ellen show three times and they can do tricks you just don't um just they can't do it right now because they're a little bit tired but it's okay just uh whoa look at that fish he's going crazy he's going so slow why is he going look at that red fish i'm going to keep watching that fish whoa i want to watch my fish i'm going to watch the yellow fish hello hello sienna hello sienna hello jonathan is get out of the water get out the water my fishing and jump back in please they can't breathe when they're up they need to go in the water so they can breathe i learned that from youtube all right we have the main meal we have chicken nuggets and we have a side of ketchup that's a lot it's a lot i know because we have um live entertainment music though it's gonna cost you extra but yes you can i wanna make sure this tastes good that's mine yeah i know i want to make sure that there's like no one diseases in it actually i should taste these too i'm kind of parched ah thank you so much it was it was safe you're okay to drink it you know science yes you want any of the chicken nuggets yes i do wow you're gonna have some oh thank you [Music] sienna and johnathan jonathan oh baby your best friends all the time yeah you're best friends [Music] cute forever do you hear this sentimental song i just wrote for you guys yeah i've been working on it for about three months now what three months somebody record this please because this could be the viral video that we need to get my tick tock page going okay [Music] here we go i'm a savage classy yeah acting silly what's happening what's happening what's happening what's happening what's happening what's happening yeah savage what did you guys think that's good that's going viral that's going viral viral you know what i quit i'm done i quit my day job i'm out good luck i'll even then move me your tip [Music] all right you guys want to be encore i guess here we go sienna hit me with that the same one from the beginning go yo yeah i'm a savage oh classy bougie ratchet oh what acting stupid what's happening oh no what's happening oh no what's happening a savage [Music] jonathan i'm gonna need some clapping there that was good right [Music] thank you we hope that you guys have enjoyed your visit to what was the name of our restaurant savage savage we hope that you guys have enjoyed your visit to savage this is my salad this is your house i mean this is a restaurant we hope you enjoyed your visit please give us five stars on yelp and uh we really do hope to get uh charlie demilio and dixie dimillo so if you guys could hit them up in the dms yeah we are ready for them yeah oh we'll come back with your bill right now though yeah we'll be back yeah [Music] all right guys so we came back with the bill we just calculated the apple juice was like two hundred dollars i was like four hundred dollars another two hundred another hundred another so 500 for the entertainment yeah so so it's like about like a thousand dollars hey look she's watching him see look look we have to impress her so that means you have to jump off okay come on let's go look sienna he's in a jump [Music] mama just left [Music] oh sienna is there something that you want to give to jonathan yeah okay go ahead jonathan sienna has something she wants to do oh thank you you guys are going to be friends forever you guys want to be friends forever best friends best friends best friends go to the pool and then we can make cooking all that stuff it looks good too give me some money oh thank you for coming so fun you have fun yeah yeah we're gonna play games next time then we're gonna cook next time [Music] did you guys bump pants why are you watching them boys come on hey we'll see you guys next week peace wow all right what do you want to say for youtube um like and subscribe yep hope you guys enjoyed this um stay tuned for what next few days i don't even know we're gonna be a lot more consistent with this and um yeah wait what follow you on tick tock boys hope you guys enjoyed this uh stay tuned for the next time um like if you liked it comment subscribe all that good stuff and your boys out peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Justmaiko
Views: 36,244,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, le, justmaiko, just, maiko, vlog, tiktok, tik, tok, hype house, jonathan, sienna, nickandsienna, first, date, couple, Jonathan sienna, cute, lil mike, adorable, kids
Id: 4sWhxZEYtKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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