I Put Every 2023 MLB Draft Prospect into ONE Team

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the 2023 MLB draft just finished up and I got a feeling with the amount of great baseball players that got drafted this year there's gonna be some stars coming up in the future so today I put all of them onto one team and we're gonna see how this team can deal right now our draft team is coming in 29th in a rank Paul scheen's a number one draft pick for the Pirates is the number one dude on this team 82 overall and his levels above everybody else right now but I'm excited to see how we do Dylan Cruz Tommy Troy white langford's here we're looking to build this team up into a World Series champion and I have five years to do it and within those five years we have to get one player to win the Scion award and we also have to get one player to win the MVP I got a good feeling that these guys are going to end up being very very good I just don't know how many because not every single draft pick is going to work out so we're gonna find out who's working and who's not working also our pitching is incredibly thin because there is barely any pictures taken between the first and second round and this is all that we got right now so it's pretty bare out here right now we're at the 2023 draft which is very weird because our entire team came from here and right now we are are struggling it is bad for the Pirates right now it's 24 and 65 but honestly 24 W's for a team of college and high school kids it's not the worst it could be a lot better but it's not the worst right now for the rotation I need Paul skins to be carrying us and he is definitely not doing that Rhett louder a lot better Chase not so much Noble's still pretty bad and Hurston oh God if I had anybody else in the minor leagues to bring up I would easily do that and put this guy AAA but we are stuck I'm hoping that Hurston can work it out because again we don't have many options but overall the guy's doing the absolute best so far is Braden Taylor mob boy from the Rays and who would have thought Dylan Cruz what a surprise he's actually by far the best player on this team right now at the end of year one we are trash right now 41 and 121 it really does not get worse coming to figure two we are 27th a little bit better I like that I need a lot of the guys in the 60s to really ramp it up this year and a lot of these guys got to get to at least the low 70s and the best way for us to really help that is gonna be through the coaching so any these guys like oh my gosh all the Pirates guys suck so bad they are all getting out of here we could not have that here to the trailer line right now we are 33 and 75 still not anywhere close to where we need to be the good news is that the Giants ended up drafting a two-way player named Bryce Eldridge and right now he's our closing pitcher but when we're not using him he's also a first baseman and the guy really has not gotten a shot out here he's had 21 at bats in the entirety of his own big career and the guy has done pretty well so I think it's about time we give him the full job over at first base and then this year checking on the pitching Paul skeins in 90 overall dude how the heck are you so good already oh my gosh how did I miss this he had 230 strikeouts last year if he keeps going he's gonna be very very good very soon end of year two still completely trash but we are making that progress 57 wins for this team they're getting a little bit more comfortable in the MLB which is what we needed a hundred percent also look at this Bryce Eldridge is officially a two-way player now that he's pitched a lot of innings and played a lot of games as a position player we can finally use them the way that I've wanted use them for two years now pigs are working a little bit the thing that is not working though is Kyle teal the catcher is in right field but apparently the guy can play in the Outfield and with the rotation of Paul schemes dude 92 overall the ear right is still super high but almost 250 strikeouts I would say year two is a fat success which is so weird to say when we won 57 games in year three we've seen enough of the garbage we gotta at least get above 500 this year and with this team right now I feel like we might be able to do it a lot of these guys are starting to make their way finally up and through the big leagues and I'm hoping that we see a Good Year from the boys because remember in order to win this challenge we have to win one MVP one Cy Young in the world series that is not easy with guys just removed from college so we're gonna need all the good luck in the world for these next two years the end of year three I was hoping for so much more 66-96 is not gonna do it we are down to our last two seasons during the year though Dylan Cruz dealt with injury all season long that's terrible people like white Langford though made a name for himself and of course this dude's gonna of the Rangers this is so gross but 31 doubles eight triples this year out of nowhere 34 home runs and 100 RBIs by far the MVP of this team right now oh my gosh Brayden Taylor 86 overall now at 22. Paul skins up to a 96 overall this year setting a record for not only Innings pitch but also strikeouts and era I just need everybody else to catch up I don't know what's taking so long coming into year four I am getting very nervous in two seasons we gotta complete the gauntlet now these guys are not gonna make it easy on me I don't appreciate it we are coming in at fourth in rank though that's because a lot of these guys been working in the training room but whether it translates to the field it's really not looking like it has been over the past couple of years we are increasing gradually but we're still so far behind so this year we really got to turn things around Trend in line back again there we are finally guys for making me nervous person ranked 13th in contact 16th and power first and pitching somehow even though I don't believe that person's defense second in speed so far the MVP the offense is Brayden Taylor that makes me so happy and then for the pitch you think you'd go to Paul scheens because the guy's a 99 overall but no chase dolander my guy's been absolutely studied for us the past three seasons I'm really hoping the second half of this year is going to be as good as the first because we need to get into that postseason now there we go baby 92 and 70. and the team that we tied was the Miami Marlins how the heck is this happening right now dude Awards we've got nothing as Perez just steals it from us but overall this year after looking at absolutely everybody that played offense for us I think white langford's got to be our MVP still and then for pitching honestly it's between Paul schemes and Chase dolllander I'm still going Paul skins though for the MVP he finished second to Cy Young I gotta go with him and the guy that's been disappointing me is Thomas White he was my sleeper pick this would be one of the greatest pitchers that comes out of this draft and so far our boy has not been that good here we go postseason time let's go and get into this thing we've been waiting for a while the first postseason appearance is for everybody on this team Paul skins gonna first versus the Phillies game one how we doing 11-2 oh my gosh stilllander up next for Sandy painter lost that one my boy got shelled Thomas White coming in for game three I'm nervous come on Thomas there we go 5-0 pitch to Jim maybe the guy just needed to be called out a little bit typhoid hopefully for the Clincher there we go now gonna be taking on the Marlins in the NLCS running back boys come on Paul skins for Trevor Rogers lost that that's never a good sign Chase stolen her up next versus Perez I'm nervous oh God Ty Floyd versus Sandy we could not compete with their pitching come on Ty need a miracle oh God all right boys four straight right here let's go Thomas said Jesus here we go the year of all years person ranked 12th in contact 12th in power first in pitching if everybody's not popping off already I need them to do that now because this year alone we gotta win the Scion MVP and World Series where we fail this challenge let's get this year started let's hope for the best coming up to the end of the year I'm so nervous 94-68 a very very solid season we do have an award that is a gigantic achievement but the problem is how many do we have let's take a look Awards Gold Glove no bro that's it that's all we get we didn't even come in the top three for the MVPs and we didn't even come the top three for pitching oh we suck what happened yo Chase dollar did so good too 210 Innings pitched 200 strikeouts in a 2.87 let's hope that we can at least get the World Series though here we go Brewers up first pulse games for 7 Hancock well if that one's 12-8 Chase dolander up next versus Corman Burns one that one as well the noble vs Freddy okay lost by one Thomas White I need to respect Snell there we are baby take it on the Marlins now oh no guys they ruined us last year they legit embarrassed us I do not need to happen again so I need our guys to be in here and go crazy Paul skeins versus Perez lost that oh God it's happening again Chase Dole enter Sandy there we are finally won one no both the Marlins draft pick was Kyle Wright's Lost That by one then Thomas White another Marlins draft pick versus conspiris won that too guys this is extra close series Paul Skins versus Reds again lost that come on stop joking Paul what are we doing Chase it is all up to you I will love you forever if you win this oh God and of course the Marlins won the World Series you know what I said five years but I'm doing six let's do one more I feel like this team is legit one season away and stay tuned for the rest of the video there's a couple things I feel like you guys are gonna really enjoy yeah look at the rankings on this team I don't think anybody really expected this because with this many draft picks you should never be this good either way year six just for fun let's see how the heck we do mid season right now 53-36 again not bad at all the lineup's real quick Enrique I like to see you back up here white Langford 98 overall I better see something nuts out of you oh my gosh yo glodius Maximus looking good out here 30 home runs 80 RBIs no 373. so good the dude is carrying us like crazy in year six we took the league by storm finally of course we're one season two late though 97-65 taking our division once again for the third straight year and I see that we got some Awards come on I feel like if it happens here year six we gotta count it awards real quick here we go oh my god of course Chase no Landers sighing award and we got two more to go through I'm so happy for Chase though what we got next white Langford Hank Aaron award did the guy get the MVP though batting title there's no shot there's no way that you win the hankering award in the batting title you don't get the MVP oh that got it what Sato of course dude yo honestly that's just straight up technicality my boy wanted it way better I get that Juan got 13 more RBIs but yo why it legit put the team on his back and only played 141 games I'm giving it to him I don't care I mean the guy hit 350 with 50 home runs basically and 130 RBIs not to mention this year a 9.7 on the War I guarantee there were at least a point above one Soto real quick let's see 8.8 what a surprise I'm giving it to him I don't care game gave it to one subtle I'm giving it to White Langford now we're just missing that World Series let's see how we do Chase Dolan versus Chase Petty for game one won that one Paul steens versus hunter green one that one as well for game two and then Thomas White for game three lost out by one mayor real quick versus Charles there we are Padres now let's go first two games first two W's game three Thomas White oh my gosh no way mayor versus Turkey guys shut up White Sox let's go chase the Lander for show hail Tony what the heck how'd they get him for game one one thousand six to one I Hate Everything Paul schemes versus Julio I Hate Everything Thomas White here we go finally lost mayor there we go 2-2 Chase no Lander oh guys I was just joking I do want to win Paul skeins versus Julio there we are of course game seven and it looks like we're gonna be leaving it up to my biggest disappointment of this entire video Thomas White I don't know how I feel about that I think we gotta try and if he sucks he sucks nothing for game seven of the World Series I gotta go with my MVP white Langford let's get it baby oh gosh look at this White Sox team and going up against shohei Otani in game seven of the World Series is never gonna be easy all right white here we go baby nothing is going to come easy for us right now I just need our glutes to power us through this thing for shohay with the guy in second base I need us to come up close right now showy with a 2-1 to make that 3-1 that's perfect I just need a good pitch how to show hey that was so bad that would have been a walk I'm trying to hit a home run right here now take a walk but it looks like sholay is going to give us a walk that brings up Chase Davis and he's still very very good as that's gonna get through there we are baby I'm going three I don't care I just need our boy to get home and he does bottom of the first now shohei Otani of course don't you dare hit an awful Taco please no there we go why get there get there get there track it beautiful top of the third we got the 2-0 lead over shohei Otani that is insane I just need a good picture to show hey that's still so bad yo give me something in the zone baby the one two make that two two bro the 2-2 we got a guy running and that's going to the cap oh my gosh Wyatt opposite field of the Gap that's why this guy's so good that's gonna be a double and that scores another run but as I was saying if Thomas White wants to show me up now in game seven of the World Series I'm fine with that as shohei don't you dare he went down the line dude I hate you so much and coming up in the top of the seventh they finally took out shohei Otani and white Langford did this dudes putting this entire game on his back and we're back up in the top of the ninth yellow the White Sox fell asleep this game I'd love to see that let's try to hit another bomb real quick out to the right please do it go warning track of course that should be it come on come on yes of course year six we get it done technically we didn't win the MVP but I'm still counted I don't care MVP check off the list Cy Young check off the list and a World Series off the list and I was a year off I shouldn't counter for the challenge but that was very fun you guys really enjoyed this video and want to see more around the draft picks or anything like that like career Sims or the wheelchairs of their entire career tell me that down in the comments right now subscribe if you guys have not subscribed and if you guys want to keep watching click this video right here it's a banger and I know you guys are gonna love it
Channel: RGS
Views: 53,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fqJi3y4_E5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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