I Prayed With Muslims in PRISON As A Non-Muslim American and THIS HAPPENED

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and i said something out of ignorance i said i don't know if white people become can become muslim but i'm not leaving here until you tell me a way into islam you have to make an exception for me because i'm going to become a muslim today about two months after that and this is where the real change started happening so at the moment at that moment i was i liked it i did i didn't let anybody know that because i don't know why but you know i i didn't let anybody know that maybe it was pride maybe it was ego i don't know what it is was so he came to me in the yard and he said look man how about we invite you to juma happening this friday you can be there you can see everything you can talk with the other brothers and see how we do it i said sure okay so i was a christian still and here i am going to my first jummah so i show up and by the way it's a multi-purpose room people ask me was there a masjid in prison no it's it's just a multi-purpose room so the first thing that happens is i go inside and i hear the adam and the brother was was the brother was really making the adhan and it's the first time that i heard that then and and i just stopped and i just took it all in and i liken it to i called it a song i i asked omar what is this beautiful song that this brother is singing he said it's it's not a song it's he's calling people to people to prayer you know and i thought to myself that's that's impressive and the adhan just it hit me man it really really hit me hard it's almost as if i've always heard it it's as if i heard it thousands of years ago before i was even born i don't know how to explain it but it felt like a homecoming almost of of of the soul of the heart so he said okay let me show you how we make kudu and he started making wudu and i said why do why do you make why why do you do this he said we do this before we pray every time we do this before jummah because we want to purify ourselves people call each other the prayer wash themselves before they worship god and christianity we don't have that you could you know be intimate with your wife and go to church like it's all good not saying that christians are unclean but i was impressed with with the the respect that they gave through to the holy place in which they were going so that impressed me so the adhan impressed impressed me so we came into the main prayer hall and he said okay check this out basically what's going to happen is we're going to sit down in rows there's going to be the imam in the front he's going to give the khutbah he's going to give a sermon it's just like sunday church i said okay and then afterwards he's going to stand up and lead the prayer he's going to recite the quran and i asked him i said well wait a minute he's gonna like how does he pray does he open the book and he he reads it to us or or what he said no this this imam that's leading us in prayer has memorized the quran and he will just recite it from his memory i said omar come on that book that you gave me this stick he memorized this book come on bro ridiculous he said not only not only him there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of muslims that have memorized the quran since it was revealed until today it will be it was it was memorized 1400 years ago it is memorized now it will be memorized a thousand years from now it is a preserved book and i was just like whoa they're calling each other to prayer they're washing themselves they're reciting the book the holy book in which they memorized wow i was impressed i was impressed big time the time for prayer came and they all stood up oh these are these are big boys these are big boys you know six foot two muscle-bound fit guys man but when they all lined up so omar told me just just sit over to the side we're going to pray and then afterwards we'll talk but you know just sit over here i said okay fine so they're all lined up imam says as soon as he said that i stood up i'm here for the whole experience i want to see everything if i came to juma it means that i've committed to taking in the whole experience so i went to the first row beside all the muslims and i saw that you know these these these men these lions as soon as the imam pronounced they all became they all became became humble in front of their lord and although omar told me to sit on the side and wait for them to pray i went to the front row and i did one of these i just uh i wanted to see i was curious i i looked in the front row because i wanted to look at their faces i wanted to see the whole experience and subhanallah they were so they were humbled in front of their lord but if anybody wants to ask ali what was what was the point in where it pushed you over what was the point where allah opened your heart i'll tell you it wasn't until all of these muslims and i'm i'm a christian watching them it wasn't until i saw all of these brothers make sujud that's what did that's what did it right there for me when i saw them going to sejud altogether i just it it took my breath away i just wow these i i have never seen worship of god until today they have called each other to the prayer they have made wudu they had purified themselves they had recited the holy quran and then they had become humble in their prayer and put their face on the ground and complete adoration of their lord subhana wa ta'ala oh islam is irresistible for me at this point completely irresistible i have to have it and allah opened my heart in that moment so you know and so omar unbeknownst to him he comes up to me and he says so what'd you think and i said something out of ignorance because like i said i grew up in a white bubble upper class bubble and i said omar let me tell you something man i said come here man i pulled him to the side and i said something out of ignorance i said i don't know if white people become can become muslim but i'm not leaving here until you tell me a way into islam you have to make an exception for me because i'm going to become a muslim today and he kind of laughed and all the brothers were like allahu akbar subhanallah so we got in a circle in october 1991 30 years ago and my life is never been the same since and i always say that allah subhanahu ta'ala puts us in situations precarious situations and places so that we can receive islam and therefore prison was the best thing that ever happened in my life allah says in the quran had taken that seal from my heart by just watching muslims not only knowing their book but seeing muslims in action and that's why i say the way that we behave with each other and in the world around non-muslims is 100 in dawah so we really need to be on our p's and q's watch how we talk to people watch how we represent islam on a daily basis and that's not exclusive to non-muslims how do our kids see us how do our wives see us how does our family see it how does our non-muslim mother and father see what islam has done in our lives is very important so in a nutshell that's that's how i became muslim
Channel: The3Muslims
Views: 86,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam in prison, Islam in prisons, islam in prison documentary, Islam in prison usa, islam in prison uk, Muslims in prison, muslim converts in prison, why inmates are converting to islam, prison inmates converting to Islam, the3muslims prison, finding Islam in prison, converting to Islam in prison, white American converts to Islam, shaykh uthman, shaykh uthman ibn farooq, maliki clique, maliki clique convert, maliki clique revert, the3muslims maliki clique
Id: SyFxnmfxze0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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