I played The Sims 4 Cottage Living - (part 1) πŸ¦™πŸŒˆ 🌳

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[Music] lost in the sight of [Music] me stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] tuned [Music] hello and welcome to the first part of let's play the sims 4 cottage living i'm so excited for this pack this pack probably is the one i've been most excited to explore probably since seasons came out a few years ago i've been wanting a farming pack for so long so i'm so excited to share this with you guys i've actually been playing for the past two days to set up a family for us to play with in a little bit of a storyline and to also get to know the pack enough that i can show it to you guys before we get into it i just want to introduce myself for anyone who's new here my name is dally i like playing sims i'm from australia that's really all you probably need to know welcome i can't wait to read your comments as well so make sure to comment down below any uh questions or anything you're excited about also just so you know this is a beta version of cottage living so if there's any weird bugs or glitches it likely won't be in the final edition of this game when it ships so thank you to the sims 4 team uh for granting me an early access copy of this to review let's jump into it so this is the new world this is henford on bagley i'm going to call it badge leader i don't know i feel like it reminds me of badges so i'm going to go with that and see me as though this is a farming pack it makes sense to me anyway this is the beautiful new world it looks so pretty we're gonna definitely explore all of these different neighborhoods i think what makes this world unique is that it's very lush it has a really strong like british feel about it i'm also impressed of the lots and their placements it feels very vast especially this lot up here that's at the top of the waterfall i'm so excited that's actually playable so maybe at some point we'll move there we'll see how we go but just to explain quickly this is finchwick so this is where we're going to start our storyline and this is where the city center is or the town center this definitely isn't a city so there's lots of fun characters here such as mrs crumplebottom who if you've played earlier sims games we know and love her she's like a cranky old lady with a handbag that she like slaps sims with then there's old new hanford and this is essentially like the farmland so you'll find your bigger lots here and then right at the back is the bramblewood and this is where we're gonna go maybe for a picnic there's a waterfall there's some ruins there to explore foxes birds it looks really pretty so let's go to our house uh this is the family we're gonna start our storyline with these are the gardeners haha gardening got it oh god why am i so awkward so let me introduce them so the first thing we have here is papa gardner and papa did have a wife and she literally passed away right before i started filming which is a really interesting time to start this story because the old generation is passing on and the new generation which is papa's grand grandkids they're going to be taking over the farm and learning the farming lifestyle as us the players learn how to farm in the sims 4 as well so papa and grandma gardner who just passed away they were teaching their grandkids about how to live this farm life they'll they were introducing them to some of the other sims and um they've inherited some of their aspirations as well so this is huck huck gardner he's just aged up to a young adult oh wait no he will be aging up shortly to a young adult um perfect timing to take over the farm and he has the new aspiration of a country caretaker these sims tend to the countryside and befriend all the animals and critters it also is helpful that he is an animal enthusiast which is a new trait these sims are obsessed with animals and they will seek their company often they have an easier time caring for animals and getting closer to them which is really really handy in this pack because if you treat the animals well there and if you befriend them the animals are going to go to extra lengths to make your time working on the farm a little easier so we'll explore that a bit more we also have the collector bonus up here which means we're more likely to find rare collectibles while out and exploring huck is also a perfectionist his grandpa's a good painter so he's going to take on after his grandpa so it's no surprise he enjoys painting and gardening then this is hux's sister meadow gardener and meadow shares the same aspiration she loves the outdoors and loves animals as well and she's going to enjoy fishing and gardening too so now that you guys knew the sims let me show off their little house and i think we're going to quickly outgrow this house because it is very small and papa gardiner and grandma gardner they always dreamed of being on a big farm having lots of crops and you know living that big farm life but they never really made it out of the town center they've had this beautiful little garden that they've been nurturing over all these years but it's really going to be the grandkids who carry out their dreams of making it a bigger farm so this home i just renovated it was already in the game but i changed it up a little bit and it's so sad because papa gardner just did a sad painting and it's literally like a wilting flower at least that's what i see so he's really struggling with the fact that he's just lost his spouse and he's looking pretty upset about it and then over here these are the crops that papa and grandma gardner have and the kids are gonna have to help them maintain these um papa gardner can't maintain this garden by himself grandma gardener was the one who did most of the gardening while he painted and they made a good amount of money but they definitely didn't have a whole lot of money to expand they have these chooks over here papa gardener's got a pretty high relationship with these chickens who also help to keep critters away from the crops and this is grandma gardener's grave and she right before she died she left a rose so we've just planted the rose in front of this so yeah the chickens you can hover over them and see how they're feeling i mean they they're pretty happy i think it's this white chicken yeah tartan is papa's favorite chicken or hen and unfortunately his other good hen friends um a couple of them got taken out by foxes so yeah the other relationships aren't as strong but he was really good friends with the other hands if we go into our little house there's lots of new items that came with this pack i love this country kitchen and there's lots of paintings around the house that papa gardner has done over the time the new picnic basket we can go on picnics and this is grandma gardener there's lots of family pictures grandma gardener loved doing what's this called again crochet or whatever it is uh and then there's pictures of the family having good times together as well this is a ribbon that grandma gardner won as a participant in an egg competition at the local fair so hopefully we can actually get a winning ribbon because she really wanted to win this is the room the grandkids have been staying in and actually widow already has a good friend that we met in the world this is one of the new sims that are in the world but i love these wallpapers and it's just it's just such a nice like wholesome pack i feel and then this is papa and grandma's room so they have pictures together grandma garner was like super outgoing and a real go-getter always in the garden every morning so it's pretty sad for papa garden and not to have his soulmate and best friend around anymore and even though it might sound a little bit lame i well it's not lame at all but a bit a bit of a party pooper i lost my grandpa last year and when i was playing this and grandma gardner passed away for the first time while playing the sims i actually felt like so much more sadness because i've actually been through that in real life and it was just this really interesting moment of being like oh wow i um i actually know what that's like now anyway it's it's weird and then this is the bathroom and let me tell you four sims and one bathroom is hard three sims in one bathroom it's hard as well and everything keeps breaking so hack because he is uh a little more younger and nimble than grandpa gardner he can repair that we also have some errands that i've picked up for us to do as well which i'll show you how to get those but probably the last thing i wanted to show you guys before we really get into the storyline and gameplay is that we have a new traits and challenges panel over here which has this like trophy these are a lot challenges and what lot challenges do is give your lot special challenges that you have to overcome or solve so for example i just clicked on wild foxes so this means wild foxes will appear on this lot being a nuisance to your garden chickens and rabbits i'm gonna take that off because we are in the town but maybe if we move at some stage we'll switch that back on my favorite challenge is simple living this lot requires ingredients to cook all recipes cooking with ingredients just makes food taste better so this is what came with cottage living basically it means that when we go to the fridge we have to stock the fridge in order to cook recipes like the fridge isn't just going to automatically have food in there so we need to go to the market or we need to grow things we can also create animal treats to feed the animals and make friends with them and we can also cook together so maybe we'll do a little bit of cooking with huck and we can cook i mean a lot of these things we don't have all the ingredients as you can see here we can cook some of these and lactose intolerant is also another trait which is crazy because i'm lactose intolerant oh it's almost huck's birthday so hopefully we'll have enough ingredients to make a cake as well the calendar has been updated as well so we can actually see when the fares are on so this garden fair is actually going to be on meadow's birthday i hope papa makes it tomato's birthday and it looks like the competitions which change a little bit there's going to be a pie competition and a garden competition so we'll see if we have any plants we can submit as well so papa's going to resume this sad painting while these two cook and i love that sims can now cook together so i guess they're gonna you know ask for advice you know since grandma's passed away they can complain about the problems like we have all of this stuff to take care of now like maybe we should head back to the city and then meadow is probably like well we can't leave papa here by himself he can't run run this house by himself he needs our help sir huck's like here okay i don't even want to go back to the city to the city anyway these two don't get along with their parents oh and we have the option to become best friends forever oh and meadows are already at cooking level four which is pretty awesome the other thing is we can uh do some canning so we have some apple and sugar so we can make like apple jam tomato sauce a meat substitute handy mayonnaise chocolate syrup so one of those recipes actually required uh chocolate syrup oh actually so if we want to make a cake we actually need to have egg sugar and flour which we do have now but if we want to make a chocolate cake we can make chocolate syrup in order to get the chocolate flavor so maybe we should do that oh and pie we need to make some blueberry jam and then we can enter the pie competition ooh or raspberry pie okay how's papa doing oh papa's so good he's he's in the bathroom cleaning up the water and it looks like we've um finished this painting so that's a very special painting i feel because this is a painting of grief so i'm going to put that up there i don't know if you would want to put it on the wall though we'll just kind of put it to the side so maybe these two can try and cheer up their grandpa give him a compliment express the um admiration for him not complain about parents brighten his day i mean isn't this so nice we've got our special meal we've cooked we've got our photographs and also in terms of school these two are just gonna focus on supporting their papa um school is really definitely not a focus for huck you know what i might actually get rid of these iran's and we can get um i mean errands i always pronounce it iran's how embarrassing is that we'll go get some more later on so he's a high school d student and uh his sister's a c student they're not really the most academic family oh no are you serious oh no i really wanted him to make it their birthday i mean usually when we start a in ulp we don't have a death in the very first part oh papa i mean i think he didn't really want to be around without grandma so he's gone to meet her and he feels as though the kids are going to be okay and ready to look after the farm themselves oh i mean meadows like what oh it really took a moment for for that to hit her that her grandpa's gone this is so sad you guys i wonder if we can bury them in the graveyard that we saw on the map oh what a horrible way to start this uh this game play but also we can only go up from here oh and great the sink is broken grandpa was so sweet as well and now they're teenagers living in this house by themselves so that's kind of unusual too oh man wait a m meadow this is not a time to be taking selfies gosh oh dear well maybe we'll get huck to repair this and they really are on their own now so i say we take a couple of days off school to recover from this and uh we'll we'll see if we can take these tombstones to the graveyard tomorrow but we do have a rose here and i think i have a couple of more roses that i found or that huck found that we can also plant so we'll plant uh another rose bush in honor of um papa too and maybe we can plant the rest of the farm from these roses as well man that is so sad you guys i'm sorry that it started this way they really didn't last for very long i swear the elders don't live as long as they used to oh and it looks like meadows already gone to sleep well first up i think it's important we start saving some bills so let's put on uh auto lights for all the lights and i'm definitely going to get these guys to take a vacation day from school because that's pretty understandable when they've lost a family member oh my gosh it is the morning and these chickens are dirty that's horrible we have we have dirty chickens so they are definitely feeling oh and they're itchy as well they're definitely feeling the effects of papa passing away oh dear well i'll let the kids just sleep in a little bit longer and then they've got to get into gardening i think there's nothing like staying busy to help you with grief i think there's a balance between you know doing what you need to do for your body and getting that rest but also being able to focus on a few other things as well um so i'm gonna get huck to have something to eat then get straight into cleaning this collect some dirty eggs potentially and i don't know did these chickens clean themselves i guess okay sir huck's um really dragging his feet cleaning the top but he did find um i think some fertilizer oh wait that's meadow oh good so we found some vitality fertilizer okay and now that pop is gone we don't have a good relationship with these chickens so they're not gonna do any of our weeding or anything for us oh and it looks like we collected a green egg so let's open up this notebook and see some information about it it pairs well with ham well who could have seen that coming make by feeding a hen a veggie treat animal treat um okay and it's used to complete certain errands for the grocery owner and grocery delivery villagers that live in hanford on badgley and then an orange egg if you feed chickens hens sorry a pumpkin treat they will lay orange eggs they're used to complete certain errands okay so they're both pretty common but we also have a gardening panel as well so we can learn things about cats we can learn things about fish and we can also learn like what bait we need etc hawks out level three gardening which is really good oh my gosh come on meadow you gotta you gotta face the sun you gotta do a little bit of work here as well we got to keep this this place going and we'll harvest the crops as well luckily we have a little bit of money left from grandma and papa gardner so these guys will be able to pay the next rent and then we got some more information here oversized mushroom mushrooms can be tanned and cur and turned into mushroom conserves an ingredient used in the preparation of certain recipes okay and then our pumpkins i think are the same well now that the garden is mostly taken care of we might put let's put some fertilizer on these eggplants and we'll harvest these carrots as well let's get these two to wonder maybe in or look for the graveyard i'm just gonna fill this picnic basket with a few things and i believe we will have a few things left in the inventory maybe oh no papa's inventory was cleared okay that's a bummer okay well i'm gonna put this into hux inventory and then we'll be able to go to the graveyard now if we go to the map where was the graveyard i don't even know if this is a place we can go to but i guess we can bury them some or spread their ashes somewhere else so it should be just up from our house if we can get there okay look how beautiful this village is you guys it's so pretty i love it oh it's so nice so if we go up the street here oh we can't get to the graveyard no i thought we might be able to well maybe we should go um see if we can put them to rest maybe over here somewhere in the national park so we'll get the two of them to go there and we'll see if we can put their terms to tombstones somewhere in the forest yay okay well let's um because these two are you know having a tough time maybe through death these two are becoming closer than ever brother and sister oh my gosh it's a rabbit you guys look i haven't seen a rabbit yet oh and this duck's over here guys look at this little rabbit so cute can we gift let's see if we can call over the wild rabbit can we call it over here little rapper rabbit is it gonna come to us no i didn't think so we can socialize with it how's it going and uh we'll see if we can pet the rabbit as well oh and i didn't even realize but we just completed the first level of the aspiration too so next up we need to befriend a chicken cow or llama place a wild rabbit home or flock wild birds on our home lot and fertilize some oversized crops oh my gosh so cute chat about the freezer bunny yes let's maybe gift the rabbit something we could gift it a book can we gift it our homework oh it's so cute oh and keeping in mind these two get along with animals quite well sir oh it's so beautiful oh she gave it oh we didn't like the book oh my gosh hawk is like why would you give a rabbit a book give it something it at once like oh we don't have anything else we can gift it can we gift it a uh a carrot oh little rabbit we don't really have any other gifts we can give you i'm sorry i'm sorry okay these two are pretty hungry so maybe let's get out this little picnic basket oh wait what are you doing okay they're gonna have a barbecue as well okay let's let's put this little basket here and set up our picnic i'm gonna put this over here oh we're gonna sit on separate tables where'd she even make she made pintxos okay look at this we're having a little picnic grab a serving so it's a bit of a sad picnic you know it's a bit morbid but you know this is the place where papa and grandma probably got married this is the the place they love to be so it's nice to have a picnic to celebrate their life and i feel like hawk is telling his sister you know what i think we can do this i think you know i'm about to finish school you're about to finish school as well let's we're aging up let's take over this farm and try and do what papa and grandma wanted to do with their life let's try and you know start a farm make some money maybe get a bigger block of land that's what they would have wanted he's like i don't know if we could do we don't really have the knowledge and he's like well we can learn better we got this this picnic is of like honestly so cute okay i think that's enough food for now okay guys let's bury i mean i feel like it sounds like we're burying bodies oh my gosh look how pretty this is wow that's that that's the lot over here that you can actually live in and this is really cool this is like a little bit of a throwback to um ea at ea in america they actually have this labyrinth and um they have a snail in the middle and you can search the snail and take a picture with the snail so we'll come back to that but first of all i think it's important that we find a nice a nice place to try and put the tombstones look at this lots so picturesque oh my gosh this place is massive i'm thinking maybe near the ruins so oh maybe this is where like grandpa and grandma gardner got married under this so maybe we can like put their tombstones somewhere yeah i don't know if this will even work but we can try we're just gonna turn this into our own little family graveyard okay let's go over here it's actually a really long way for them to walk it's like literally taking them an hour to walk here all right here we go oh wow there's like even a thing under the tree that's cool oh and look at all of these they're like glistening that's so pretty where's hawk he's here oh dear he's also busting that's a little awkward okay let's see if we can play some world keep placing that all right and then if we go here they might be a little uneven where where we're placing them but i think you know it kind of works it kind of works and then maybe we can play some worlds do you think we could plant a rose here as well all right and we'll plant this oh we can't plant that no well we can just put the roses here i mean they are a little uneven but it's kind of nice that they are uneven so we'll lay the two roses there oh i think meadow definitely needs a hug it's like it's gonna be okay we got this we're gonna make this the best farm ever oh wild nightly mushrooms oh okay we better go home because these two are gonna pee their pants also there could be some really good harvestables around here i feel like we need to come back in the daytime and find like things we can use to plant oh who's this person what's this raspberry there are harvestables on there i think papa and grandma oh my gosh look at these fairy lights already had harvestables planted for raspberries and blueberries oh my gosh and also i forgot to engrave these so for papa i feel like we should say papa to some meadow hawks and all creatures big and left small peace and then for grandma nurture to all plants and living things rest in peace there we go beautiful owner i did spelling error let me just fix this era papa tomato hucks and all creatures big and small rest in peace nurture to all plants and living things another era rest in peace see it always pays to spell check these things especially on a tombstone this is so pretty at night time though i'm gonna say they definitely got married here uh-oh oh no he peed himself oh that's the only problem there's no toilets here we'll have to remember that for next time oh we have some beautiful pumpkins here we have some treats do we have anything else in the fridge that we can use we've only really got flour sugar put these eggs in here i think we're gonna have to go to the market tomorrow and buy some berries so then we can make hux his or huck his birthday cake because his birthday is today so okay we'll go in the morning oh and we can harvest all of these uh all of these crops and plant new ones which is really exciting too and if we sell our things at the market like our crops they will usually sell for more i think it depends on the day okay huck's taking a vacation day hey why is she why is she at school we're leaving school why is he at school now he literally just took a vacation day these two you know they don't have time for school now my principal called to say that my school performance is pretty shaky if i'm not careful i could drop a grade well look the principal should give them a little bit of empathy okay they just lost someone really important to them all right oh and meadows cooking pancakes for huck's birthday that's so sweet so we can actually invite him to join cooking which is nice so he can help out oh and she reached level five nice well oh she only made it for herself what better she's like fine if you're not gonna help me cook then you don't get any that was savage so he's gonna go cry in bed oh my gosh so the morning will only last for three more hours so hopefully some of this birthday can be enjoyed and look we have roses already that's gran's gift to them that's so nice yeah harvest those and the thing about roses is roses can be worth a lot of money i might even plant the roses in these new patches so they might be able to afford a farm sooner than we think huck's gonna plant these look at the little chicken helping so cute oh tartan was papa's favorite chick and he's like helping oh hawk you got a pat oh maybe we can give you a treat oh he doesn't like the treats tartan tartan's probably feeling sad too is he laying an egg like on top of our alvarez bush we gotta clean the coop as well collect those eggs and go to the market oh look who it is we got some sims here so this is rami who's a young adult i mean if we had time we'd introduce ourselves and this simshay introduce ourselves to shay maybe they've come to pay their respects maybe they knew papa and grandma gardner nice to meet you shay he's like i'm starving do you want some food like i'm really i'm really sorry to hear about your grandparents we moved here a few months ago from the city and they were so nice to us and helped us set up our farm taught us all the knowledge we needed to know well thank you maybe rami's like do you want to come to the market with me i can show you where to go all right we are a little bit unhygienic at this stage but oh well let's head to the market area actually we don't even need to travel because it's within our town how good um it would be really good for us to buy a shower as well so just over here is the market as you can see it's all open oh look at these little birdies so cute so we can go over to kim goldblum so if we want to sell items we'll see how much we can sell them for but we can also buy items so we need to do both of those things how pretty is this now you can also do a bit of window shopping which i wish we could actually do shopping shopping but you can like plan outfits and change outfits which is nice but i would love to buy like bakery goods and then over here this is miss crumple bottom store uh maybe we can try and calm her down a little bit have a hen for heart to heart and we can actually offer help with errands too okay so to sell items um i don't know usually i don't know how much we can actually get off selling our items for well let's we need to make some pie so maybe i'll get a blackberry there's actually not that much in stock so i'll get a few things we'll get some cheese choco berry would be good is there any sugar oh milk bread might grab one of those oh raspberry i might grab one of those sugar we need sugar for the birthday cake was that all and flour i think we had flour oh and it looks like oh no we do have flour here okay so that's 132 simoleons if we haggle can we sell for more do you think what like how much can i sell my items for i'm already losing money at these prices i swear we were able to sell for like oh that just closed what why is this closed you're meant to be open well why don't we see like in our inventory if we wanted to sell like an aubergine we would get 34 simoleons what's the difference if we sell it here here we can only make a dollar more hmm well let's maybe just sell a few things for a bit more money and hold on to a few things as well we can definitely afford to sell a lot of carrots that's for sure so at least that definitely pays for out groceries now if we have a heart to heart we can offer to help with some errands okay so for mrs crumplebottom what can we help with so we can choose up to three errands what's this who are you what do you want from me oh you want help well we'll see about that i've been meaning to get a pumpkin and that's pubs and that pops being a hot spot of just disgustingly flirty sims show me you know the first thing about growing things and berating folks and maybe i'll have more for you to do ah and i could use a drink now if we do this we get a special fertilizer that increases the speed of plant growth and a cross-stitch pattern or how's that garden of yours going you do have a garden right of course we do i'm always on the lookout for some new plants so it's settled then you're going to help me why don't we do both of these for mrs crumple bottom i feel like it's good to be on a good side and then for this lady she wants some fresh ingredients some introductions maybe and a simple request oh upgrade pot for an animal shed is a reward a chance at new treat recipes hmm i like the idea of this one oh and i just saw we get paid as well which is good well maybe we'll select like two at a time so for tasks that'll be under job panel so we need to collect four grocery orders around the village deliver a single serving of food to the grocery owner and deliver a rose to the creature keeper okay oh two bundles of beige wool we don't have beige wool maybe we'll get rid of that one scold grocery owner oh my gosh so we have to be mean to people okay maybe let's go home and enjoy the birthday before we start gold scolding our neighbors okay let's make was it raspberry jam we needed for a pie potentially oh chocolate pie berry scones yum pumpkin scones chocolate scones actually let's do the cake first so let's cook a chocolate cake now we can make chocolate syrup to make the cake which i think would be nice if we just went the extra mile so let's do some canning and let's make chocolate syrup from our choco berry oh he's having some milk bread nice the only problem is we're a little unhygienic right now selfie we made out our chocolate syrup okay and now let's cook our chocolate cake oh wait no no no not you okay chocolate cake time scrumptious it's like that's so nice of you to make me a birthday cake but maybe you have a shower so you don't like stink out the house oh friends all right let's in invite uh our friend what's her name rashidaran hey rashida sir russia it is like a really good friend of meadows at this point like i don't even know how they became friends so quickly but they're super close yay birthday time look at that where are you carrying that to okay i just i need to get her to have a quick bath before we do the happy birthday it's nice that we have a friend here to celebrate would it be weird if we invited our new friend over chase probably a bit weird all right it's time let's blow out your candles oh he's doing push-ups he's like right i'm ready for this i'm ready to grow up now yay happy birthday yay hawk has aged up that's so exciting and we need to add one more trait which i think should be creative because he's gonna get into painting yay [Laughter] well anyway guys i'm gonna leave this first uh part right here let me know what you think in the comments down below let me think what you want to happen in this let's play and as always i hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you're in the world i'll speak to you soon [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 520,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, deli gaming, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 cottage living, the sims deligrcay, cottage living, let's play cottage, let's play cottage living, sims, sims story, review, gameplay, is it good
Id: 4BrlgnlhKls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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