I Played the Gauntlet in Every Madden

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yeah that's right we're doing it again we're playing The Gauntlet in every single Madden ever starting with the first year that this game mode came alive Madden 15 oh yeah almost forgot as we get in here I'm going to make a little bit fun for you guys for every Madden that I don't make it to at least level 20 I'm going to be giving away an Xbox or Playstation gift card so stick around you can root against me I don't care all right we're going random teams here we're going to go Minnesota Vikings first team where's this at whoa Mike calm down buddy also very disappoint winning only level 39 you completed at level 40 like most things I guess it just came short in life and we failed wow dude this is forever ago Teddy bridgew a quarterback dude what the heck I'm just going to be reminiscing here all these different players if I can even remember them all we got to do third down and seven got to prevent this first down here cuz yeah leave it up to Cincinnati to run the ball on Third and seven stupid just got to get a first down here we're going to go oh jeez I didn't even throw it to him yo here we go our first boss level let's get it boys all we got to do is make a field goal with a 225 mph wins going straight down Broadway like how is that even supposed to be tough all right two gloves sauc in that Bullet Pass another easy one here hit the slant oh Oklahoma drill let's get it they're giving us another one different angle here same results just saying we're kind of hot right now well uh is this honour I should have read it we know how this works though and we got Adrien Peterson 86 my guy almost tackled me also I don't even know is it a lost cause to people still play The Gauntlet I genuinely I enjoy it so much I wish it would come out with new levels and and all this stuff of course they're never going to do it which is kind of sad but you know what at the end of the day it's something that we could look back on as a good memory po I mean that was just kind of ridiculous you know all right we you didn't let the ball go through your hands that time who's my number one wide receiver dude these Graphics are a little crazy like I can't even read the names on the back of the jerseys here who the heck who's 15 Jennings Greg Jennings wait wait wait wait oh I did I didn't even read what to do there but we got it another boss level y yo yo yo yo oh they actually moving this maddic used to playing the newest version where they just straight run past you am I doing this right yo my man's quick as heck bro what the heck okay okay actually a little bit difficult which is how it should be but we out here earning it 15 done so your boy only got to get what five more levels and I don't got to give away a gift card sorry guys I don't like you that much I'm kidding I'm kidding but come on now we're going to run with what we can get here come on a why' he stop running you oh my gosh what I got here I don't even trust him anymore I barely got that one that was kind of tough by the way big fan of the kick meter with the right stick wish they bring it back probably an unpopular opinion hey hear me out we all know who this man is the boy Harrison Smith can you throw that please I thought that was going over my head I'm so sorry I really am boss extend the play here we go to get us to level number 20 let's keep a move on here why why was that terrifying sorry not sorry we made it to level 20 on our first one I don't know what to tell you little rain drop there out of bounds perfect wait for it wait for it wait for it I'm waiting so long I panicked Panic throw but I came back oh you're a bum for that you know oh Last Chance hey why does it not show my lives up there that's kind of stupid I'm not trying to just like dude that's pass interference bro would you see my man get decked and like the 5 yd line look at this somebody tell me how that's fair oh gosh you got to be kidding I'm going to mess this up I can already tell see if I get this or not got to keep it got to pitch it I think I need positive yards though way to fall forward I like that dude I love this oh the memories let's see if I still remember the route to be able to beat this oh my The Cutting oh The Cutting oh okay well I don't remember level 24 Madden 15 we'll take it now on to Madden 16 let's get our random team the Seahawks highest score level 42 that's pretty good I mean you knew I was a pro back then that's not bad ooh these ones are tough I'm serious to start off we got Maron Lynch though we're actually running the ball too let's get it dude Seattle honestly kind of a nasty team at this point in time I forgot about my boy Jimmy Grant but he's probably 95 overall I to guess I might be wrong I I don't know ooh I remember this level I think I just don't do anything and it kick it mad short and I get the ball maybe hopefully oh my gosh I didn't get it what's the Str oh my gosh you got to be freaking kidding me if I don't get this if I don't get this some oh my gosh I might never come back after that are you serious seriously guys seriously we're just going to say maybe we weren't meant to get that last one this one's the tough one cuz these wide receivers are normally not too good at blocking psych I lied that was but you know what it's fine we'll do it we do come on marshan come on let's get it there she goes boss bodyguards now there's a couple of these Madden where this level's glitched I think this one's fine and we could just steam oh jeez oh jeez get back in the mix here boys I practically did no work right there yo on top of that the ladder challenge they actually gave us a properly small player the other matter is man they sha you a little bit they just give you a dude that's like 3 foot tall this one we're talking like maybe a foot shouldn't be too hard here nice punt looking nice and good and believe it or not with that we already are at our third boss level ah see wait hold on hold on hold on hold on yeah get your ankle snaap boy stamina stamina sweeps oh boy still got it was kind of nice so it was a good recovery there I jumped the gun a little early simple little slant here lowy had to throw a DOT there though come on MAR Lynch beast mode maybe I should have made this challenge a little higher 20 coming a little bit too easy right now kind of wasn't expecting all this I hope I didn't have to throw a lobber touch pass there we didn't we're fine and this is about to be level 20 already get bent kids all right so remember we can take all the time in the world that we need beautiful another ladder challenge though come on ah I timed that so bad the computer came and saved the day C Chancellor thank you sir weird formation what the heck okay you know give me whatever you want don't matter this could be a tough one give me one more block oh my gosh we made that look so good boys I'm just going to say right now just my opinion Madden 16 Prime Gauntlet I don't know if it gets much better than Madden 16 all right we have some defense that we have to play they got Aaron roders though that's the main is might be a problem here boys we put our boy Michael Bennett in a little Zone there just in case do not let him run do not let him run fumble fumble we just lost another life dang it dude stop quick hiking me Aaron what the heck actually genuinely a little bit nervous right now he's running I'm clicking in after all the good things that I said about this this is really happening right now I got a quarterback spy now for Aaron Rogers cuz I should defin Ely just have to do that totally totally and that's why this is dangerous cuz in an instant you can lose all your lives on one level 26 kind of disgusted with myself with that one Madden 17's up next Rand a team of the day Cleveland once again I came up short I am a failure anyway what do we in Madden 17 Welcome to The Gauntlet here Isaiah Crowell wait who's my quarterback is that Manzel oh my gosh dude did what am I that was kind of sick oh Kesler I don't even remember his first name dude what the oh my days I legit just messed that up that's embarrassing if anybody's going to ruin this it's going to be the Cleveland Browns let's be real here all right they're going to hit our boy Louie Lewis I don't even know this team dude yeah there we go we got a guy Nico Collins Senior bada bing bada boom dude this team is just full of a bunch of nobody's no high pass detected great who does reading I see it now it's just real big in the top left corner all right it was evading me kind of ridiculous this cuz we don't really need a high pass here but you happy now oh Mouse stft first time we got this I don't even know if crowell's quick enough we're about to find out hopefully we could stay in the mix here in the lines oh we did that so well we still got it hey boys I read this one they're asking for the log pass get there thought we overthrew it first down needs to be made on the play I think I got that that was good okay here we go ooh the ladder challenge yes yes yes yes yes okay okay okay this one is rather tricky at times got to pick him off here boom and now you see what I mean as stinks so we pick it off we have to take it to the house what I just got to get a first down here no strings attached this one could go absolutely wrong shout out this o line though they're putting in work hit the boy David and joku here let's get it all right TRS let's start cracking boys show them what we're here for Boop oh my yeah I mean seriously that's how that's done you want to talk about perfection put that back in slow [Music] motion you're welcome let me complete this little concept here you want to leave them wide open be my guest same routes same play action same everything different defense oh see they try to sneak one in there on me is this Emanual ogba like genuinely I thought he was on the lons at this time I don't know this miles Garrett oh we do have miles Garrett it's a dang shame oh boy help me out here Beat the Clock all right will'll attempt to do so we're going to go this way this is OG strats here people boom and now we get there nice and easily found it another little easy one to SAU in here for a first kirsy buddy oh he did not get that first down you're kidding me right now we just got cheated brother seriously now that was honestly so dumb there's no way he got that first down boys I'm about to release all my anger here on this hit stick I'm sorry what's about to happen that was kind of lame that could have been better but boys we got the extra life challenge with only three lives left this could be pretty huge oh sweet brother wow I made that work I feel good about myself huh yeah for once in my life right yeah okay the only way this goes wrong is if I put too much power on it and that's actually in the end zone I don't think it is we were right and now it's time to extend this play tell you what there's been one that we've been clutch on it's been this hey B come back oh gosh a perfect that's level 20 again sorry guys I just wasn't expecting this to happen I really wasn't this is where we lose all of our lives I'm calling it right now high ball high ball oh okay forgot about that little animation got to be honest that was kind of crazy kind of crazy kind of sick kind of beautiful all right so we're going to have to switch to the defender on this one to get a pick why are they running so slow that was nice and easy oh shoot here we go this exactly where we lost last time and it's about to happen again dud why is this so hard Eli Manning should not be Tak that that's on me see that one huh was definitely my fault this is so not okay get there all right good job you tried your best better luck next time yeah I left him okay didn't think he' do it I thought he was going to run PTSD from the Madden 16 Gauntlet I'm disappointed in myself man but let's move on there's only room for improvement here on out the Madden 18 Gauntlet is going to be up next what's our random team going to be the Saints 90 three overall we got Maris coulston we probably do we got Darren sprouls Drew Brees level 37 came up short yet again dude it's crazy how much difficulty this gaunet gave me man back in the day I was kind of washed still am I know all right let's get it baby no room for air anymore just please whatever you do don't give me that stupid level again that's been giving me problems wow do they have Jamal Lewis still in this game oh we have Reggie Bush that's fun dude this is going to be a cool team to use I like this is all about memories here stay in the hot spot this level never made sense to me you know like that was stupid oh dang how do I throw a touch pass is it a double tap I hope I did that right yeah I did I did WOW Reggie psych look how fast my man SK sorry he's just too quick which means this should be easy also oh boy oh we fell into it come on Jamal about to go down my boy Mill's about to smack you butt man we keep getting bodyguards every time it scares me a little bit more cuz I know this starts getting a little bit glitchy Reggie's going to have to beat my man by himself and Reed too made him look silly now if that was Troy palalo Reggie Bush tackled sorry look somebody had to say it you want another hit stick tackle you're about to get that crack TOA sorry oh again they want that aggressive tackle what's the difference you know come with this boy's knees boom two kneecaps busted honestly give me all punt levels let me make it to level 40 this way there's no shame in that medium power up next just got to get that blocking barely do and now we got to beat that clock we're just out running them very good oh jez I hope I beat okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good there we go bang oh they're kind of listening to me here we got another punt pretty much a freebie around here yep there we go cool I feel like we've seen this level specifically way too many times we complete it every time though dude they must hate Jamal Lewis cuz this is like the third or fourth hit stick we had to go for it yeah we're going to keep it left counter run action dude he's so a I was just about to compliment his elusivity El is that the right word I'm not good at English Okay so this level here I'm expecting to almost guaranteed lose one life cuz I remember that's just how this normally work yo did that actually just work after all of that Jeremy Shocky I am just lost after that I went the complete wrong direction nobody was there hey by the way guys that's that's that's level 20 again I'm sorry oh fudge I just lost a life cuz I did that hey kids don't be cocky okay little boy Malcolm give me a block I like the animation but dude um please don't miss there we go got it with my kneecap that's a run he's going to cut it back he didn't cut it back he's going to take it out he just got Redemption on me right there so hard we got to stop failing right around this 20 Mark here honestly kind of getting sick and tired of it there we go I don't know boys don't exactly love of this oh Darren sprouls the route running here we go again first time we hit this we made it look easy we did not get the trash block I also didn't help myself out there too much come on who's my Center I need a pancake here and we're not going to get it you're kidding you're kidding look how quick Reggie Bush is though boys boys somehow that just opened up everything we're glitching out this game like no other I've never seen this before they're saying I got to pass it to the Beer receiver that's who I was thrown it to anyways uh-oh we got the triple option now make the right read come on come on brother oh my I had no time there really I didn't last chance they say brutal keeping it I'm not going to get any yards that's messed up you're going to give me Drew Brees who's slow as my grandmother who has one leg by the way I'm telling you right now she has better acceleration than what you guys just seen Grandma I love you let's move on to Madden 19 boys I'm washed I I'll say it right now Madden 19 up next maybe El ever just get hungry just eat their headphone cord all right anyways let's go and do this random team of the day the Chiefs is this with Alex Smith or is this with Patty level 26 high score you guys know this is going to go bad this might be one I'm giving some away here we do have momes Kareem hunt huh before the incident sorry we do not stand for stuff like that just saying extra life challenge here oh normally this is with a quarterback I thought yo okay somehow I almost failed that little spacing concept here ch- Ching got to throw my boy Tyreek kill that Bullet Pass weird camera angle all right be smart here let's hit this oh you have six lives left we had an actra life just uh want to make more tough on myself cuz this is going so well try let's take it serious now there you know it's actually four lives left now what is wrong with me right now people I don't like this cutting oh my gosh this is so okay I'm not even going to lie this is already going down it's like one of the most embarrassing Madden moments of my life right now so if we could please stop that would be great maybe I don't Sprint huh don't spr Sprint that makes sense I just lost three lives there maybe four I don't even know to so tough math English everything we are oh dude I knew this was going to happen for this you could just tell man that's brutal you know I got a comeback story that needs to happen here level six with two lives left I've already had my extra life I mean we're tight roping already I ain't got any time to mess around anymore Boys 6 seconds to avoid the sack oh jeez here we go that's so tough this isn't happening let's just get this over with this is crazy crazy bro wait a second yes got it still alive here Flying V we got this we ain't losing our life here come on now oh boys I need 10 levels in a row without losing a single life oh this will help though big time this one always never made sense to me perform a Precision move inside the hot spot I think I did it that didn't count that counted though what wo wo wo wo wo hold on we're at 13 now the dude's about to lose his Noggin right here oh hide Carlos Hide this is is serious right now boys Kareem hunt you know what to do brother one oh gosh yo they're sending me Dem Narnia and I just good job you tried your best all right boys that's one Playstation or Xbox gift card for you guys that one hurts but this is going a lot better than I thought it would as far as the level 20 thing goes now on to Madden 20 and we're going to get the Green Bay Packers fun oh man I had to do something crazy for this high score of 81 this might have been Prime y Boy Pizza we're looking at right here oh this is looking nice and vibrant kind of vibing with this right now easy field goal straight to the post for level two is that Jimmy Graham again yeah it is all right remember do not Sprint be cautious and careful and just get to where you need to be Aron this should not give me issues like it I I am fully embarrassed right now what the heck am I doing this is so bad dude so bad like that's not hard promise myself I wasn't going to rage too hard today trying to stick with it let's go Lowry let's go Lowry I'm not winning here he gave me all day power these could get dicey got it though boss level though this is level 10 this is level 10 L Flying V we got two glove Aaron Jones running it don't even think about catching me now cuz that's not happening let's get some confidence back staying here for 3 seconds and then we still got to throw it let me throw it that's a little bit messed up you know because I tapped the button you still didn't let it go down to four lives on level 10 got that one compl a pass here wow there's nobody over there got to complete another pass can I do it like this oh no nobody was covering Devon like they just don't have enough people on the field it's the same levels over and over again like only they would have made a couple new levels game mode could have been legendary forever beautiful that's right there in the spot we need more levels like that if you know what I mean get the pick own play here CL land action Devonte Adams is that even him that was him 17 with four lives now nearly the same thing I actually almost wish I would have ran the ball that's bad that's really bad oh jeez I don't like this this is sketchy dude oh my gosh I don't like this oh we caught it though we need this I love this this is great this should be us getting in nice and easily boom perfect back up the four that's where we're at here boys all eyes on me option all okay not even I think I still read that right I'm pretty sure I did that not fair though there s an extra Blitzer at Aon like that trying to make me lose a yard or so now we got the dang hallway hey RB maybe do something I don't know oh he's just chilling here come on I think that's the right read for sure for sure who the heck is that guy going bonkers what's up with these triple options dude chill with all this seriously up the middle just trust it oh gosh here we go these animations are always a little bit Cy see what I mean I need to go more direct with the pter instead of the football we done this once come yo not even a chance really please please please please pleas perfect timing boom yes I thought I missed it for sure up to 25 we going to get a block here we actually did oh not good enough though hey buddy hey buddy turn on the burners go go go go heck yeah give me a level 30 I need to prove something to myself here ladder this is going to move us up three again we know what to do here this is not anything that should give us any issues whatsoever boom be cover three okay boom okay oh boy one man defense here I think this is the one where I just don't press never mind I lied I got to press something please help me here let's go big time we did it the curse is broken at least something a little bit respectable here and they give us this again what a generous Round Here up three more okay Precision truck that's so weird boom uhhuh that didn't didn't look pretty but we got it this is another boss level see this is going to be really tough with Aaron Rogers not exactly the most mobile guy around here I might not have to be though not going to lie I might not have to be oh boy yo we got that to work okay come on five levels away here they give us an easy one here with Mason how about a couple more of them huh okay I'll take a punt one wow did I cut that close okay oh I got to make a user possession catch I don't know if I've ever had this level before easy though okay oh okay this is very beatable here as well play action roll out Jimmy Graham Aaron Rogers isn't missing and here we go you know with how today's went right now I really wasn't expecting this at all this is crazy too cuz we have one life left one chance you already know I'm going to Devonte Adams I threw it there early God it onehanded level 40 Gauntlet completed come on little round of applause here you see it right now let's see if we can make it any further than that why not I'm not going to beat my record of 82 hey buddy any day now any day all right dude just really ruining the Vibes right now I pressed the Y button I should have picked it anyways another boot here we like that got to be super careful we already messed up on this once not again got it oh jeez they're trolling me right now people got to be so careful this has been my cryp tonight today never had problems with this until these couple gauntlets that we've went through how about us the level 45 done with bam spot on we're going to need full power it looks like great accuracy should be right in there long nothing stupid happens that was fing pass to the RB receiver I swear I've never had this level either could be lying to everybody right now oh a lot of extra room here for Damen Williams pit stick we're going for a 50 bomb after this like this is a real thing right now I don't know what do you think I'm I'm doing so good right now maybe I get to take that one gift card off because how well this is going no oh I'm so sorry bang oh that's disappointing get off of him I need one more block I need one more block Aaron why do you scare me that's the Big 5 or 5 depends Direction you're looking at it yeah you know kind of big time just going to keep going we do this we do this and then whoop beautiful cover two so Jimmy Graham no wait what does that count hey it did nice dude I'm so proud of myself right now oh get bent kid get B oh wait LT oh RT bye-bye oh LT oh RT see you later come on boys oh I threw it early oh make the correct read oh dude these ones are tough fudge I read it wrong I'm about to score a touchdown here and they're going to fail me hey level 56 get a round of applause down the comments that was a work of art you're welcome call me Vincent Van go cuz we're van going to Madden 21 no probably I'll stop now here we go what's our random team going to be them charges what we get 15 oh you know this Gauntlet is broken let's get this one over here comes a gift card for you right here how is that even a thing nasty thank you for saving me right there we could use every life we can get here I already know this game's going to glitch out it's going to glitch and we're not going to be able to do anything about it prevent the first down okay oh my we just got bullied but we still got it you know this is going kind of good I'm trying to see where this could quite possibly go wrong dang he's on me but he's still getting loss all right I think we're back on track with these honestly I'm gaining confidence back fellas hate to say it but we back baby Honestly though so far this just seems really easy all right just got to celebrate in the end zone get an extra life player lock I'll throw that got it level seven seven lives make it level eight seven lives looking for a block here guys you're cut from the team 76 come on now that's disgust don't push him into me this guy what lamp about to shut your lights off in your house you're not going to be making any more money anymore what this is ridiculous seriously do you see why my highest level is 15 there we go and I can't even double team or do anything about anybody all right I had to run backwards about about four yards to be able to get that this Flying V ain't going to give me any issues I'm not worried about this one oh gosh oh move out of my freaking I never fail this all right I got to play not frustrated but tempers are flaring not even going to lie to you here why is he running with a ball like that stop it a freebie once again I hate having to hit stick Derrik Henry though just something about this just seems like okay out of bounds come on come on release the Kraken oh and that one counted I like that Keenan Allen peace out what should I do an every Madden next we're doing the gauntlet in every Madden let me hear something no one's done before I'll give you a shout out maybe I'll throw out a gift card your way if I choose your idea if this original you guys normally have some pretty decent ideas let's see what you can come up with go down in the comments I hate to break it to you boys but it's level 20 starting to look pretty good again yeah no it's not not wow they just knew that was going to stop before it hit that goal line didn't they prevent a completion we being serious right now yo they didn't even throw it my way that was a dirty move Foss level here um patience is a virtue and we got it that's 20 unbelievable ooh this level used to glitch up was this the Madden where that used to happen yeah see that's not going to count I can't sack him I got to switch over and secure a tackle after the catch that's a little nasty okay boom you see what I'm saying play receiver was not he dropped it I'll press it now how about that how about that huh huh huh now you got to hey I can't be too mad this is an Underdog Story to begin with here TBH oh but that's a success just going to throw this to Keenan Allen real quick or another one get a first down they say oh oh I'm not getting it lateral yo give me it you are out what did it say no passing allowed bogus how about you tell me that beforehand level 22 it's not great but it's not a gift card for you tough time right now man it's a tough time we're getting down to the nitty-gritty here we got Madden 22 what team we going to get the Eagles high score 47 we have potential here Welcome to The Gauntlet people miles Sanders wow almost forgot he was on this team and that wasn't even that long ago we got to throw to the be receiver here seen that in the corner my like barely hello Oklahoma hey wrong way dummy they say pass for a first I say okay brother four yards is all you're going to get hey here we go boss beat the heat we have yet to get this one and I wish I would get it more often cuz that's about as easy as it gets seriously give me that over the rat trap mouse trap whatever you want to call it every time of the day oh man this is Fletcher here bye have a beautiful time buddy buddy okay I cannot for the life of me get off of that block yo what I losing all confidence here in this one I tell you what come on here come on here oh my days I'm going to lose oh boy I love you and all I love you and all please get through for me reic help me here let's get some of these positive plays back here what do you say nice we're locked it should be a run d boy and hit him Johnny hit him get off yeah please help me help me help me no no no Milo Sanders that was a goated move right there outside oh my not going to lie miles you're not the quickest guy but we got there by a couple inches uh get a first down with the little Mills concept we going to go yard to the boy oh these give difficulty sometimes sometimes I don't like these that's still the a gap that should count yep it did wow okay I'm not switching anything up here Beat the Clock we're going to do it the way that the Lord showed us how all right I need a first down great blocking this is all about timing here people nice they're doing some nice things to us extra life from level 18 hopefully going to get to 19 oh we already did this one I'm going to do the same thing that's fun e the boss hallway hey boys we've been here done this before I'm glad that that worked out like I thought it was going to I see nobody was on them at first score a touchdown they say can I run it oh I don't know if I could run it that's messed up dude like tell me I can't can't run it then hate that not cool man I'm not going to get it there oh my gosh I don't actually even know oh I okay well that oh wait no we still got one life left what the heck do I do here though okay we'll hit that hey we're still alive go go go go go go throw it he's going to roll that left and he's going to throw it oh my if this did you see what that said defensive penalty on the play promise I'm not going to get mad during this I tell you what that doesn't make me too happy all right let's move on here all right guys Madden 23 up next all right let's hit it one time I random team Tennessee Titans wait where the heck is where's Derrick Henry oh I went the wrong way hey that doesn't count but why do I not have Derrick Henry I'm actually about to lose my mind if I have to go through this whole thing without him I'm going to be really upset hit him quick yeah what is going on I mean uh we're going to work with what we got here but like actually this is not making any sense Haskins who the heck is Haskins oh I hate myself I just lost cook it cook it cook it two one what what was that easy Drive easy level let's check out this speed here dude I don't even have enough speed to get to the edge with this guy this is not okay I'm going to complain this whole time okay we're going to drop it now just another obstacle that we have to get through who's my number one receiver Trin Burks is that it is that who we got to deal with here I don't know what happened to D can we get injured or something I'm so ah whatever I said I'd stop talking about it I I can't we got that boss battle here oh wait this is might be one of the ones that don't work too well oh gosh this is bad we're going to go for the shorter hot spot here just cuz it lines up really well uh-oh okay that didn't look right so I'm actually able to run on this one if I want to I normally choose to kind of my go-to it's my cup of tea all right Haskins don't let me down here o nasty hit him with it ooh nice boss battle time boys are they going to run past me on this one yeah see this is what I'm talking about this is what I thought was going to happen on the other one so sad kind of nice but kind of terrible though at the same time how was that never fixed sit back and relax for this one thank you for not letting me lose a life be really nice if there was many more of that came from yo my man was on the ground what happened to him touch passes are recommended how about I just Bullet Pass it short how about that verts first what a cover three hey they kind oh my gosh they lowkey locked that up I threw it I threw it back at him what the heck dude not what I wanted to happen there first time I ever failed that ever we're here at 20 though boys hate to be the one that says it but uh-oh uh-oh psych I ain't worried I was just trying to get you guys a little r up there give you guys some Hope just to Bam slam me down sometimes you need that in life I hate to be the one that does it but hey a little reality for you here oh so you're just not going to throw it to the guy that I'm supposed to cover if this game could just stop being dumb for I don't know and then really come on throw it to him no I'm just trash I really am I'm just going to play the best defense I possibly can right here yeah you're throwing back shoulders to him and whatnot level 20 by the way level 20 also stupid all moving on here Madden 24 wait a second here Madden 24 doesn't have a gauntlet well I guess we'll be ending things here that's also stupid boys if you stuck around watch the whole video the one that I didn't get level 20 there is an Xbox or Playstation gift card hidden somewhere in this video go find it redeem it enjoy it make sure you subscribe thank you for watching and let me know if I should do more Gauntlet down in the comments below also there's some videos on screen right now if you haven't seen them I highly recommend checking them out I'm your boy Pizza God bless everybody see you in the next one peace
Channel: YoBoy PIZZA
Views: 253,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, Madden, yoboypizza, yoboy pizza, yo boy pizza, yoboy pizza madden, madden yoboy pizza, subscriber franchise, madden 32 team franchise, franchise yoboy pizza, madden franchise, madden 24, madden nfl 24, unemployed, 24, madden24, unemployed yoboy pizza, yoboy pizza unemployed
Id: 1kJbWl1m9PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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