I Played the Career of Erling Haaland until he Retires…

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I'm going to play the career of earling Holland until he retires and this might be the craziest player career we've ever done cuz Holland is already 91 rated and is's only 22 years old if he can stay fit for another 15 Seasons I think we might be breaking all sorts of footballing records and that's what we're going to try and do today the goal is to get Holland to a 99 overall but not just that we've got six more challenges that we'll try and complete like winning eight Balon doors same as Leo Messi five Champions League same as Cristiano Ronaldo and also a while back we did the same video with kilan mbappe where over his entire career he scored exactly 400 goals so I guess for Holland to become the goat he needs to score 401 goals in this video and let's see if we can do that okay guys we're kicking things off with erling Holland at Man City where he's already won a treble but guys just just look at that team is there any reason to leave Manchester City absolutely not we got to stay here and St b as many trophies as possible one of our challenges is to win every top five league and with Man City we can get the job done in the Premier League wait a minute guys we're at the bondor ceremony and no way earling Holland has won it already oh yeah because we're starting the game off in 2023 and I think EA instead of giving the palon door to Messi for the World Cup has decided to give it to Holland we'll take that that's bonor number one and we've only started the video imagine the stats earling Holland is going to end up with after his career it's going to be crazy we might actually break the game also I kind of don't know why Holland is wearing an sgfc kit well he's he's supporting the world's best club so we'll take that okay end of the first season and I was not expecting this Jurgen kpps Liverpool have actually beaten us to the title that is not a good start and lling Holland didn't even win the Golden Boot It was Gabrielle Martinelli we also have a challenge by the way to win seven golden boots so this is not good okay Holland at least he scored 30 goals not too bad up to a 94 overall how did kdb though end up with the same amount of goals is what I'm wondering it's crazy how 30 goals a season feels less for someone like Holland the champions league is the only thing that can save this season and oh we've not had a good start in the group finishing second but we have knocked out Milan and real SAA dad and PSV we've had the easiest run in champions league history and we're in the final against PSG it's only the first season and we're already seeing a showdown between Holland and mbappe not only is this game going to decide who wins the champion league with probably the Balon door next season as well and City have done it earling Holland scored as well he didn't win the Premier League this season but he got that Champions League trophy first season scoring 31 goals getting the Champions League the Balon door not going to lie it's been a good start to Holland's career but if you notice I haven't mentioned one last challenge that we've got and that is to win an international Trophy and that might be literally the most difficult challenge to complete with Holland CU he plays for Norway a country that normally doesn't compete for the big trophies and look at that already at the Euros Norway hasn't even qualified so it's going to be so difficult for Holland to actually win an international trophy but as he grows higher in his overall maybe there will be a chance for season two I think we have to keep Holland at Man City cuz we still need to win the Premier League and there's also something we need to collect and that's earling Holland's second balondo I genuinely feel we might end up breaking Messi's record cuz this is crazy Holland's going to end up winning it every season okay Holland is Human After All cuz Man City got knocked out in the round of 16 oh even his rival mbappe lost out the Champions League to Arsenal how did Arsenal end up winning the Champions League the good news for erling is that he has ended up winning the Premier League and that means we've got our first top five League trophy we'll take that now that's more like harand stats 46 goals this season up to a 95 overall as well oh my de he still gets the Golden Boot but for a second I thought he had lost the cuz it's tied with Salah on the same amount of Golds we're still going to count it though cuz they're both sharing the Golden Boot looking at our challenges we're looking good for goals trophies as well but since we've won the Premier League it might be time to move to another league so we can try and complete the every top five League challenge the question is do I want to pull the trigger now and submit a transfer request cuz like this man City team is crazy and I think we can easily win another Champions League with them but you know what he's got his legacy at Man City already let's move elsewhere and try and win the Champions League with another club the question is which club can even afford earling Holland well Barcelona do 143 million from Barca and I think in real life with mbappe possibly joining Real Madrid there have been some rumors about Holland joining Barca but of course Barca broke and this is probably never happening in real life but I think it might be the perfect club for harand to try and win the Champions League with plus La Liga we're doing it guys we're sending earling Holland to Barcelona for season 3 yo Bara still have levandowski who's 85 rated Holland's putting him straight into retirement man he's going right into that team this B team is okay there's no pedri or gavi oral Romeo as the CDM oh no what has Holland joined okay now I don't know if Holland's made the right decision and looking at the other side of the pond Killian mbappe has joined Real Madrid okay things have now got in serious for Holland time to see what he can do in La Liga but first we've got the balondo ceremony in Holland and B are seated together but Holland still wins it I kind of feel like Holland has robbed this one cuz last season with City if you remember knocked out in the Champions League round of 16 while mppe reached the final but we'll take it number three secured also why aren't these guys wearing suits I don't get it oh but it's been a bit of a slow season for Holland at just 29 goals but that was enough for Holland to win golden boots so we'll take that and La Liga as well oh my days look at how close it was with Real Madrid but in the Champions League second and a group with wolburg and Chelsea oh knocking out Holland's former team City but then succumbing to Bayern Munich champions leagues are not going well for Holland I know Holland's been in barcel only for one season but I'm starting to feel like this might not be the club for him to try and win the Champions League with he's won La Liga so we can move on to a Bundesliga a Liga or a Ser Club but we'll make that decision later cuz it's 20126 and World Cup time and yes this time Norway have qualified for the World Cup Holland's on International Duty oh but his group stage run ends pretty quickly finishing third well Holland still scored three goals at the World Cup I guess we'll take that but yeah winning an international trophy is going to be so hard back to Club football Holland's Now 26 if we want to move I think this would be a good season to do so but you know what we've only been at Barca for one season let's give it another shot over 70% of you guys watching my videos haven't subscribed and I'd really appreciate if you could spare a minute and subscribe to the channel it really helps us grow and yep it's my goal to hit 2 million subscribers by the end of the year so it would be awesome if you guys can help out bro this is actually getting crazy now Holland's now won his fourth consecutive Bono and I think he had a pretty average season with barca to be honest if he wins one more that'll be a record for the most consecutive bados this is getting crazy oh and this time mbappe Pips him to La Liga and Barcelona knocked out by inter Holland's up to a 96 overall which is good 31 goals this season as well but it was not enough to win the Golden Boot it's Killian mbae who wins it with four seasons in Holland stats a great 140 goals couple of different League titles but I think we need to be winning more Champions Leagues and for that I think in season 5 it's time to leave Bara it's been a bit of finel joining this club I mean what else did I expect question is who's going to buy a 96 rated Holland who's got the money for this and by the way we only want offers from Sera Bundesliga or Liga clubs cuz yeah we need to win every top five Le and okay we do get an offer from B lusen are they going to be as good as Bayern Munich I mean I don't think Holland will win the Champions League that this might be an offer we'll have to reject I don't want to make another mistake like joining Barca cuz we've not won the Champions League in a couple of years and I'm so glad we rejected that cuz Bayern Munich have come in with an offer for Holland yeah this is 100% one we need to accept although since Holland's played at Dortmund before playing for Bayern to be fair so many players have done it before for him and there you go Holland to Bayern Munich it's time for him to conquer a new league and remember back when he was at Bia Dortmund never ended up winning the Bundesliga so winning it with Bayern I think would be a pretty big deal and I definitely think we made the right choice joining Bayern cuz this team looks insane Holland's now 27 in his prime here at Bayern Munich he's got to start winning multiple Champions Leagues first it's time for the Batton ceremony and no way finally Holland's been beaten Killian MBA wins the bondor and I'm not surprised he's had a way better season than Holland but that means Holland won't be breaking Messi's consecutive bondor record I'm hoping this Fire's Holland off cuz he now needs to start winning the Champions League no way guys Madrid knocked us out and no way mbappe wins the Champions League he had to sit by and watch Holland win all those spon doors he's coming for Revenge good thing is we still got that Bundesliga title that's the third top five League done for Holland ah but again gold spice getting out School by musala 29 goals but Holland does get the Golden Boot cuz he's tied with musala and Evan Ferguson will take that it feels like ages since Holland's won the Champions League we're going to still keep him at Bon hopefully next season's the one first though we've got the Euros Norway and Holland have actually got out of their group finishing above England and they threw to the semi-finals on penalties and they've knocked out Belgium in the semi-finals this might be the best chance for Holland to win an international trophy but no oh he lost the final that is honestly brutal and yo Holland didn't score a single goal at the OS this time around ah we came so close to completing the international trophy challenge for Holland but we're going to have to keep trying again and again but now I'm back with Club football Holland's 97 rated he had a bit of a stinker last time around and his rival mbappe was just balling out oh and there's more pain for Holland as it's mbappe who wins yet another Balon door it's been a while Holland needs to win another Champions League to get back on top oh wow it looks like it's Holland versus mbapp yet again Holland's 98 rated now as well he's got to win this Champions League it could also mean another batt on door can he do it though yes he can he did score in fact he got subbed off mbappe actually scored but it is indeed erling Holland winning his second Champions League trophy oh my dear he's had his best year in terms of stats 47 goals of course that means he's back the Golden Boot look at his challenges in six seasons Holland scor 216 goals three top five leagues secure two Champions Leagues four ball on doors and I think Holland should stay at Bayern Munich for at least one more season cuz after two seasons of missing out Holland is finally collecting another balondo that's number five and he's equaled Cristiano Ronaldo with that can somebody please get Holland a suit finally but wait what out of the Champions League this season yo will at least Holland won the Bundesliga wait he only scored 93 goals that's a bit underwhelming but he has got up to a 99 overall which means we've completed one of the most important challenges in the video getting him to a 99 overall and saying that guys he missed out on the Golden Boot because of his injury and I think guys this is a sign we've won the league here in the Bundesliga we need to still win the Sera and Liga I think it's time to bounce before we sort out Holland's transfer it's time for the 2030 World Cup well Holland's World Cup is over before it even started out out in the group stages itself to be fair that's a ridiculously difficult Group Well at least Holland got one goal this time at the World Cup but they go we're putting Holland on the transfer list he's now a 30y old we're now entering the second half of Holland's career he might start dropping an overall soon he needs to be winning champions leagues as soon as possible but yep as a 99 rated player it's tough to get transfer offer so I'm not sure who's going to be coming in okay we do get an offer for Holland but it's from Atletico Madrid we've already been in Sp in okay Juventus have come in with an offer and this makes a lot of sense last season if You' remember it was Juventus who won the Champions League and there you go the decision has been made we're sending earling Holland to Juventus we're really lucky juu came in with an offer man cuz when you get a player to a 99 overall getting offers becomes so difficult but I think juuve is perfect for Holland cuz yep I think he's got a really good team around him here at UV but also Holland is now entering the latter stages of his career and we still have play PL of Champions Leagues to win he's got to hurry things up first thing though at U is Holland collecting yet another Balon door bro can even have a terrible season and now because of his rating he's just going to keep winning it that's number six but what really matters is if Holland can take UV to a Champions League yep good thing we joined U cuz we've made the Champions League final oh wait what went wrong in the set we finished outside of the top four did harand have a stiner of a season I mean kind of only 26 goals no nowhere near enough for the league golden Booth you know what winning the champions league would be a huge huge achievement with UV and that's exactly what he's done even scored in the final third Champions League trophy for harand has been secured regardless we're definitely staying at juu for one more season cuz we kind of need to win the Sera also of course Holland's picking up his customary balondo number seven this time one more and he would have equaled Messi that's more like it from Holland 33 golds in the Sera he does get the Golden Boot for that oh and wow he also won the Sera player of the Season we'll take that and yep Juventus do end up winning the Sera there's Holland with the trophy oh but in the Champions League Napoli destroyed us I was anyway going to look for a transfer next season cuz if you look at our challenges there's only one last League we need to win which is Lega hopefully we can get an offer from PSG I mean if we join PSG I'm sure we'll be able to complete a lot of the other challenges but here's the thing I don't know how likely it is for us to get an offer from PSG maybe because of Holland's Agee now that he's 31 we might see the rate of offers increase and yep that's exactly what's happening but the first offers from arsenal we can't join them cuz we're going to have to just wait for an offer from a French league club I mean I'll take even Mary but it's it's an offer from Milan we just need to pray to the FIFA gods that we get an offer from a French league club we're getting from literally every other club but the French league we get an offer from PSG but it's for Ricky not Holland Spurs are coming with with an offer just come on and yes guys it's happened our patience has been rewarded we had to wait literally until August and of course we're accepting this PS2 offer this was literally the last club we needed to try and attempt completing all the challenges but yep time is definitely running out for Holland he's 32 years old we're going to start seeing him dip in his rating soon oh okay Holland's going to need to carry this PHH team like how mbappe did back in the day cuz it's pretty average time to see what Holland can do in in Paris well for starters he is collecting yet another bot door that is number eight and another challenge that we've completed Rose equaled Messi's record I feel like he's frauded his way to it but if he wins it next year he'll be setting a new record but there you go guys this was the big achievement we were chasing every single top five League Holland has dominated that's the third challenge we've completed with him oh but that domination is coming at a cost Holland's age is catching up to him he's down to a 97 still scored 30 goals this season but I don't know if he's got it in him to win golden boots and this PSG team got knocked out in the Champions League as well okay I can't believe after that season Holland still ends up winning the Ballon door this is rigged Holland has stolen these Balon doors man but he's somehow broken Messi's record Holland second season at PSG a bit better 31 goals but he's again just constantly going down in his overall we in the decline stages of Holland oh wow he missed out on winning the Golden Boot by one goal that that is brutal he still won the league but only the Champions League semis guys now that we've completed the league challenges for Holland we can now join any club and for the remaining years of his career let's try and get Holland the club which gives him a great chance of winning the Champions League cuz if you look at our challenges that's all that's left we need to get the goals which I think we should be able to get to couple of Champions League couple of golden boots I think we can complete every single challenge except the international trophy one it's 2034 Holland's last World Cup and would you believe it Norway have topped their group this is insane round of 16 Norway knock out Iceland they've knocked out Italy are you actually kidding me semi-finals they've knocked out Mexico it's Norway versus Hungary in the finals of the World Cup that game hasn't been played yet we're going to sim a few days ahead if harand wins this it's going to be crazy no freaking way I cannot believe this I thought this is the challenge there's no way this machine can do but Holland has just won a World Cup I can't believe it bro that is cold man that's the fake World Cup but it's Holland sitting with it the World Cup's in the back time to try and win a couple more Champions Leagues but that's not going to happen at PSG we're putting him on the transfer list oh his contract's expiring to the value is down as well I reckon we could get some interesting offers maybe a trip back to the Premier League for Holland would be amazing but I'm not sure and the first offer has come but from osasuna there's no way we're sending Holland there okay we've got an offer from Aston Villa but it seems like nobody wants a 34-year-old Holland I mean do we just accept Aston Villa you know what we'll wait and see if we can get one more good offer okay we get Valencia I'm just hoping for maybe a big English Club okay we've got that big English Club that's for sure and it might be the club where everything began for Holland Manchester City I think it's a no-brainer this could be Holland's final transfer and I'm kind of glad it's Man City cuz it'll give him a chance to reach mbappe's gold tally the two more Champions Leagues that we need and also the golden boots damn this is a very different Manchester City but let's see what Holland can do on his return back to the Premier League okay it looks like Holland has still got it 31 goals this season oh but his overall is coming down question is did he win the Golden Boot we kind of need him to win it and no it's actually endrick I think Holland might be too old to win the Golden Boot and also too old to win the Premier League they couldn't win it this season yo I think we made a mistake not joining us as soon as these guys are one of the best teams in the world right now they finished above us and Man City actually ended up getting knocked out in the round of 16 and no way age has finally caught up to earling Holland it's going to be his last ever season I'm surprised at 34 I expected him to play at least a couple more seasons that means we can't complete both the golden boots and the Champions League objective I'm still hoping we can win one more all we need for Holland is to score nine goals this season if he can do that he scored more than mbappe final season for Holland but no Champions League again I think he's going to settle for three Oh but before retiring he's again put another 30 Gold season which is incredible not enough to win the Golden Boot but more than enough to beat the record mbappe set in the previous video with that we've completed five out of the seven challenges with Holland and honestly if Holland ends his career in real life by winning more than nine Balon doors a world cop I think they might call him the goat but let me know in the comments how would you rate Holland's career but hey if you enjoyed this one why not watch me play the career of Alejandro garnacho like her to watch that
Channel: S2G
Views: 881,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J-DzQn3lang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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