I played my most HATED champion in League of Legends... here's how it went

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we are playing my most hated Champion Ekko and we're playing him in the jungle we're running Harvest St impact eyeball treasure boots and Futures Market you can play him mid jungle he's just super strong the reason I dislike him so much is every time I'm against him he always gets fed once Ekko hits one or two items which is like L pain nashers he just does an absurd amount of damage even if he's behind and then he's so safe too with the alt you can get away from anything so yeah we're going to play him and make the enemy team suffer instead of me always suffering yeah uh I was able to pick up a kill in an inade they got our Lux and I was able to kill whoever flashed under turret I think aan the reason you start with W is it has a passive on it on your Autos I might clear my b side and then recall go by a quick dark seal and snow ball we'll see I'll help you who we against gragas I don't think he's going to be stealing my jungle but we'll see I auto all these baby chickens once I Q kills them welcome to Z an ally has yeah I think I'm going to take a actually no I'll just keep clearing only if we know we're going to get a kill ragus actually just ganked bot so I'm going to go take his red every rule needs a break mid's going to be easy to gank with Annie stun step right up out there's red let's them hopefully we can get it before he gets here fre red okay we can try and gank mid he's pushed up pretty far things aren't going to improve themselves come get me I don't think we'll get him but we'll get his flash here yeah nice go get top crab Gras at his chickies my ward spots him he's going to see his red gone he's either going to go to kugs or he's going to come to this crab yeah Eko just has so much damage with this three hit combo and then we're going to go nashers first in the jungle you can either go lban or nashers first but I actually think the nashers is a little bit better first cuz the the attack speed helps you clear really fast he could have snuck by through the vision here but I think he went to his kugs we'll see he's going to be ganking top unless he doesn't CH for well then he's going to go bot will re gank mid when he pushes again yep icted it Tom is the last of my see am I going to be able to clean anything up maybe it's a kench I'm coming buddy out come on keep smacking them nice I'm taking this cannon it's going to die oh I missed it all right thin out his wave a bit so it should freeze for him I didn't even get the cannon can't believe I got both of them though I was going to be happy just to get one oh my gosh aan has four kills I need to reset well if I would have reset and got that seal it would be stacked up already but I may have not been in the situation to get those kills so you never know but yeah three and 0 star on Echo pretty scary do this this do I need going in debt but I don't care we're going to get so much money from killing them I we get the nashers I should have maybe picked up a seal instead of like a moat B step right up yeah once we have nashers L pain Sor shoes I pretty much just like one shot anyone maybe not a tank but an enemy has been slain okay Pike's dead ragas is mid also Echo clear gets really fast once you have uh items too that's gone I can try and get this guy's flash is still down I love he's dead nice that's treasure hunter I'm me just cue this helper push maybe I'll get a minion too every second matters guys top want to go grab my red hopefully this guy survives no he's dead Gras might get grubs I could trade grubs for a dragon here which wouldn't be a bad idea since I always struggle with the dragons later on if I get it out of the way on show me something look out right only if their bot Lane comes will this be a little bit difficult but he's like one HP I'll go get him after this might actually be able to take his uh blue buff too not quit until it's right oh I got his flash too oh yeah the annoying thing about Echo uh two [Music] one all over you thought I was dead nope back to like half HP only thing about Echo e is it still chases you if you flash after he is mid animation of it since I did my blue so late it's not even up to time for bragas to take it right now he can't even trade I get this crab too he's top L don't really feel like clearing my bots side before a base I'll just go get the nashers so I can clear it all fast all right let's do nashers I'm going to buy a MAG no no no no I'm going to buy the seal cuz I want boots and then we'll start building l i buy a ma if I already had a seal at Stacks but we'll get the boots cuz we want to go faster I'd Rather Make Mistakes Than make nothing at all sure I'll try and gain 10 again I mean once he gets too tanky it's not worth going up there but since Gras is always up there we could get a double kill oh they win that enemy this guy's got flash back up pretty sure I think I can still delete him although he is a level higher than me but only one level so it's not that bad come look at that three hits half of his health I hate being respons oh he spit him out under turret kill pinch Flash and missed oh my God he's dead an ally has I don't think I'll be able to do I could maybe go around and get him I don't know if I'll have time if he's recalling there are limits three hits alt out boom really safe assassin is thato even considered an assassin I feel like he is they're going to speed items what are they both going storm surge burst and CC is good ver Echo though gragas and vagar might be able to kill me before I can alt and get away I kind of want to build a storm search too we'll see though it's not the greatest item on me cuz I'm already really fast I get move speed when I hit three of them rubs in 44 I think his red might be up he just respawned though Z is the future take those 88 Farm never see this com recall get ready for grubbies I don't know if I can gragas is clean this guy up I might have to flash him out oh nice snip an enemy this is pink come get me look out if I got the third hit he would be really low I do my own stuns I just need two of these I'm save my Smite for the second one first one should be uncontested if he comes here then he'll be here for the second one nice fre grubbies look out an ally has been slain might have to insta all getting out of this no one keeps me Oh See Echo Dash just so balanced I just followed his Dash and killed them's just SP oh little early I'm huge all right let's reset we have a lich Bane I mean yeah I'm going and de 30 gold but who cares I'm so rich an enemy okay now when i e and hit somebody it just does too much damage squishy Champs I think I can like one shot vagar with a combo now two 5 Second stun also out time uhoh I don't have all up luckily I dodged that guy got Del I'm too fast I might go around again try and get one of them I'll go yink is blue shut down I think this yeah that psh is warded no I got cced out of my ALS I accidentally Walked In The Wall trying to hit axan your ally has been slain oh we can get the mag now or we can go large Rod getting a wits I'm going do since I just died I'll do death cap I'll do death cap then maiz and void staff for maximum damage they not do the dragon Merk Treads are nice on uh Eko too he can afford to build and doesn't lose too much damage I'm just greedy but yeah Merk Treads would have made it so I can live there the tenacity helps you not get locked out of alting this clear is just so fast is how we hello I have twice as much har is gragas and I've been ganking a lot I could do three hits on this guy but then I'm going to walk away and he missed I think he's on the other side of this wall let make them things aren't going to improve themselves I just don't want to go in first and get blown up oh they got it free crab thanks down he goes I could probably kill vard too never he flashed oh almost still killed him an ally has been slain I oh my God I can't believe I got him wow this damage is insane yeah echo's echo's busted all I can say took three hits to kill gragas basically just wait till I have a death cap that guy actually got away nah he's going to die enemy has been slain oh wow he actually got out of that his wits and saved his like he's got wits and mercs I'll still do a ton of damage to him but I'll probably need void to actually kill him quick you need help come get he might go clear this pink out oh that was a weird the look how low he is though en where that guy come from where'd he go lose up just dashing in hitting somebody with my e does so much damage to them and then when I hit them two more times with either a Q and an auto attack they just explode out fo me once hoping he would sit around under turret and try and like hook me or something come on show me something you I shred turrets too I think if I eat this turret it's going to lose like 20% of its health he might still have Pike with him I don't want to risk it with all the m just going to full clear up since nothing's happening on the map right now we're chilling at this point I don't even need to use my W on the camps we should make it out of there Al wow did 1,800 damage to that thing all right let me go buy death cap might be able to get mag too oh yeah there we go you avoid staff and we full build was good kench doesn't have any magic resist he has a lot of HP though but 20% missing health and they're low I have an execute come get where' he go wow I just one shot Gras make out can kill this guy too and boom 700 AP smack th000 damage 1100 easy to get fed on this champ he's really not hard to play just got to play a few games of him to figure out what he does but the real reason I always get fed on whatever I play is not always the Champions it's because I've been playing so long I have so much knowledge I know when exactly like what fights I can win that's the biggest thing in League I think is knowing what fights you can win like how it's going to go before you even take the fight when I watch a lot of people that are new and don't know what they're doing they they just like I know they're going to die as soon as they go in and do this certain play I don't know when you get really good at stuff you can kind of see like into the future and know what's going to happen enemy exactly what Eko does he goes back in time if you mess up I'm not going to take a risk I'll just Al out of that I mean his Al isn't even a long cool down either that's why I hate Eko it's 30 second cool down also if I if they stand in my alt and I hit them it does 1,700 damage not only does it heal me a ton it does so much damage did he see is the F have St pretty sure I'm on a ward well GG void staff for that I could clear red and then go get a blue pot an ally has been en L ban ends up doing more than nashers just because a lot of the time you're going to only get one Auto attack on somebody and then they're going to die but nashers is really good for farming early clear getting stronger yeah if I hit anything three times it just dies I do my own SM I think I can Smite off his shield watch this Smite his shield then em this m magic resisted absolutely [Music] nothing team destroyed get I'm in a bit of a pickle here nope turrets team but my team got an inhib while I was just distracting them Greg is so squishy oh no they get revived not the oan oh the atro healing he failed oh he died your team has destroyed a turret I am a problem an ally has been slain and EO like he doesn't even fall off either like late game like this I mean I mean it's not even late game really since they're not all full build it doesn't fall off like look at this 2,000 damage if they get hit by my ALT I should try and one shot somebody with it it's kind of hard though usually you hit it a lot of the time on accident cuz you're just using it to run away but I could like go in and then back up and then Alt never had luck never needed an enemy has been slain that guy's gone oh I didn't get the auto see I have to use it a lot of time just to get away come get best to use it to get away but sometimes when you use it to get away you just one shot them anyway my One auto attack with e does more than uh see if I could walk through here get somebody to chase me hit him with the AL no nobody there 2,000 damage I got stunn he kills bars he revives his whole team but he's dead all right yeah 30 bomb first try not bad at all 30 kills in 30 minutes on my most hated champ kind of knew it would go that way though cuz he's a really easy champ to get fed on that was fun though if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like sub subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what else you want me to play I got other hated Champs I could play some more stuff that I don't like to play well I do like playing Eko I just don't like playing against him 55k damage here's our Rune stats harvested 3,000 Sun impacted 2,000 and yeah other than that see you guys later have a wonderful rest of your day peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 117,987
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Id: adrW9Xm4Vl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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