I played every single Call of Duty in one video...

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[Music] you know you should post some more kind of videos you guys been asking for more Call of Duty videos so use every Call of Duty hey what's up guys it's a suti here the Call of Duty youtuber I've been posting more of a variety of content lately but I did get a lot of my viewership from Call of Duty so this is kind of meant to be a nostalgia trip where I go back and just play every single Call of Duty from call duty 1 all the way to modern warfare which isn't even out yet but it's in the end of this video so we really get to see the entire lifecycle of the the entire franchise upon duty I kinda want to make this video ironically just because you guys wouldn't ask me for a Call of Duty I off look what I have fun playing which is why you guys can see other videos on my channel I maybe you don't see him if they don't you know they don't read you the sub box for each game in this video I got a different kind of player with me so try like a I guess we just kind of like play for fun there's no real objective we're just messing around it's obviously if there's 17 games it's gonna be a long video as you can tell by the time marketing over 30 minutes this is the most effort I've ever put into a video it's why I have uploaded in a while this is like a fully edited full feature call duty video which is what everyone's been waiting for apparently so hope you guys enjoyed this one I suggest you guys stick around to the end of the video if you have that much time in front of you if not I understand cuz it's a YouTube video you're used to watching you know like 4 minutes tick tock compilations so maybe you want to grab your your Mountain Dew and Doritos get the double xp because we're gonna be here for a while I think it's really important that I remember my roots I gained a large portion of my audience through these games here I grew up making these videos and I get emotional about it I really do appreciate each and every one of you guys who stayed with me on this channel and to all the new viewers but nonetheless I hope you guys enjoy I've never said the lake goal for a video before so if we could get 30,000 likes I'd probably cry this is the most work I've ever put into a video so I'd appreciate if you have to like I played the first three games solo because nobody actually played those so here we go with calls od1 we're back I mean I'm back with call of duty one first thing I noticed is that the game is standard definition which is something that I forgot so I'm go ahead and stretch it out here see if we can post all oh I got somebody some reason my name's Brad Pitt in this I mean I could almost legally have sex with Call of Duty so ladies and gentlemen we got him Oh what is this and what would this ever be good for here somebody clearly this guy is streaming on Twitch so this game I lobby was actually streaming in this guy's way better than I was holy [ __ ] I so weird hop in and call here and discord well years ago yeah you're doing a man is it cool if I record this for my video oh yeah sure you got this game with a first chemo and my father-in-law's the one that actually got got me playing it loses your server here yep the clan leaders they're from the UK okay what are the odds I could join the clan oh you know they'd be playing here for quite a bit we do a challenge like if this video gets like it sort of minute likes okay I joined our a I you have to ask like who have you had to see it if you just see a number maybe yeah a thousand okay so everyone here is watching this and in a goldmine for a while now you suppose have you ever hit the whip and nae nae or no no maybe you should ask your son if he knows how to do the whoa and then maybe do you do you know what the Louis Quentin here Sean oh one more time yeah I'll help you out for your for your video content here you go shot it's I'm afk doing the whoa that was good that was good hopefully this video gets 1000 likes so I can join the clan I'm sure it will with your 1 million subscribers this is kind of cool do you know yeah it's always kind of fun than us up nice to see that this game has a little community on it too it seems the multiplayer servers are down for call duty - so I'm gonna go ahead and play campaign for like a second why is K so impatient I'm just gonna stay here and see what happens if you just stand here [Music] intimidated he's just talking he doesn't stop Oh what the [ __ ] well [ __ ] it I stood there for too long he just killed me holy [ __ ] before he kills me I need to go do this think that back take that back take that back Tim I love this dialogue class dismissed oh God suddenly a war outside those enemies oh my god Wow I kept people victory royale guys elderly three time guys the third edition of Call of Duty I'm we're gonna hop in the game here hopefully I'm not sure if there's any games we'll find out I've been feeling it might be sitting here for a while oh that mine that's quick trapezoid oh this map I've played this before and they got vehicles yeah it's like it black out and black of ammo oh don't mind if I do what oh oh I got him this kill me now my now my rocket mm oh what the he's teabagging me you know what I'm gonna use one of these tank seven years from yeah probably my my chance to beat havoc on these guys this what guys body fly over to the top Jesus there's so much action rate I don't know how this is possible honestly if this game is popular I feel like this would be more fun than most of the Call of Duty's there's so much to do this vehicles ammo there's cool voiceovers sound effects and the animations are so much better than and the boring new games that come out oh wow what how is that possible why did it play five times in a row you and I'm texting a girl hey hi so my idea for this video is pretty much just to capture a little glimpse of each game this is the last one I did solo so from the next one on I'm gonna have a guest for each game mainly because nobody owned the first three games I'm gonna go ahead in a skip on to the next game now 16 million people used to live you know like it own cheese oh yeah I am so oh there you go now he's moving we should talk these guys oh they're going for trick shots anybody ever mike hey you guys suck your mom's gay I have a mama restored but I'm having a fun experience so far good good first game for you mmhmm yeah makes it seem like it's worth the $20 [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this game oh my god CJ what you said new you second round in of the n-word 7 times I can see today it's the guy knows the n-word this is what we do to racists i see let me shoot him first [Music] like little you and me we win this game yeah we can win real quick gonna win yeah maybe one more game after this you got me [ __ ] up on me Xbox off I'm gonna play some more Osia I'm downloading something or just custom like oh I'll be getting a virus Oh broad jump no gravity okay what quickscoping let's go no skirts with it's gone yeah I looks pretty accurate so this is the most mud game of all time [ __ ] all right one shot kill me yeah well you can find me in putting of this game oh what's this one tapped you very good guy called Crouch server I don't know what we're doing no running please oh you're not supposed to run what it scratching are they really yeah what's the point of approach to be running break a law or not let scratch for now then let's break the rules and dispense pretending to this fun when take a while with the [ __ ] we liking some underground abandoned subway I'll just stay away too long oh oh you got kick oh maybe you saw me did you get kicked no oh my god I'm enjoying the serve everyone is there a way to play online or just all there is oh my god I cut somebody no random fire or random blind mates holy [ __ ] like there's a lot of realistic this server we just shot a nothing you're gone or look at this you ready did you just tell you off you see no pistols stops and scarps pursue scopes and if I heard a now I don't know bail I'm holding one right now oh yeah you can't use any guns no sure there we go oh oh that was so fast it's been [ __ ] real boys that was so fast it was like a second use fast yeah I'm just sitting here waiting if you didn't [ __ ] huh would you started writing sky started shooting at me instantly no run was nice knowing that guy I'll see you later I expect you to be here for so the next time I see you so I'll be crashing around [Laughter] [Music] oh good all right well what are you doing um you don't wanna like 1v1 on rust oh we could've me1 holy [ __ ] Africa which they wager for this Oh fatherless bet thousand dollars you know I kind of want to eat dinner tonight and pay my taxes and you're not coughing Ewan no yeah I'm down two thousand dollars I don't even know where you went look at this dude oh my god I just showed you [Music] you know $1,000 I'm trying to go to Vegas there's no way I'm losing GPS what am i nervous right now like just one game of breasts could summarize a ball game for everybody oh okay Ben Moe Kashyap hey pal I would trick shotting now to try now then really to trick shotting this game for some reason maybe so underwhelmed when I hit this cuz it so many times right now [Music] we join look at this first oh my god what the hell did you get the clean nose like haha I hit something I appreciate you gaming with me they are yup I hope you have a splendid evening I think Ames really game don't come out or something come up behind you it's pretty cool you see this they sting you say yeah kidding he's good mom visible the invisible guy is caught in traffic me let's go getting freakin owned you gonna pretend you care like a lot of them get overdramatic alright let's go what'd I tell you what'd I tell you what'd I tell you guys you probably cry every day to your mom who's your mom Wow you're crying right now look at that huh yo but this game is 10 years old mom's 10 years old your mom's probably ten what are you doing open your eyes you were six if it was like left out of context and I upload it why you did that no Kyle how the fuel the dam is will your free and [ __ ] panic chat [ __ ] you're dead though she's what tweeted one night just way you died because I'm better than you let's go let's go let's go you guys said Oh voice messages yeah I do that sorry that you're bad at Call of Duty sorry that your mom you have a great day yeah you got [ __ ] destroyed you suck your team sucks you're so bad at Cod oh my god how you play glad your sport is 10 years old you're trash you're still losing your mom's 10 really reportedly banned from the game what are your best memories invite mw3 Moab's over a thousand at the age of eleven yeah I cried on this map hey kid yeah but you cry some guy kept killing me this isn't this is literally the map where the cops came to my house because I was getting killed non-stop by the same guy and then I was crying and screaming and then my mom called the cops on me she didn't come to check in to see what was going on no she just called the cops so then they came in my room and I was I wasn't wearing pants and I was crying they don't they don't know the things I went through okay members gamertag rise above [Laughter] I'll never forget his gamertag sweeper pride mention bullying did flashbacks this map just like to know this is prime I'm getting flashbacks already walk me through that day so I was like beasting as usual yeah and then some guy joins the game he's first prestige and he's named rise above and he's literally killing oh wait wait wait wait no I know exactly where he killed me from like right [ __ ] here every single time he would be like right sitting right here I'd pre-aim around the corner and he would still [ __ ] kill me as always it when you said the n-word it was your location oh I think they came in right here barged in yeah naked here whoo-hoo yeah hands down you were UN right now that's why no Jim miss me you enjoy nineteen oh we were just since forget what I was there this didn't happen in the game [Music] it'll be like in he said it he said the thing someone came up to me at e3 and so they used to watch my videos I knocked the [ __ ] out oh [ __ ] did I place so much more than you boy says I have 81 kills it's obviously not true anything he played to get four years at 80 killed it really just sat in the back of the mat the entire time I oh my god what a chamber yeah hey Sudha yeah ninja trolling drop it [Music] time for needed falling 11 do you miss yep watch this bro I have million subs off this ship nice the turtle you know the turtle I appreciate it my man yeah clearly every game holy [ __ ] guys I'm famous it's crazy if we go in like Xbox like still have buddies in this thing hey you guys used to watch I'm still his videos or just me I still watching this is your favorite game right is it supposed to be yeah then yes good answer thank you I practiced you got my script I sent you right for yes I mean no vital to start from the top hello everybody my name is I'm Sudha wait that's your line Oh should I spend three dollars on the stupid dog or is it too late it's my Katy I have a point for Katie's number my lowest there's 750 people online you excited absolutely alright we'll gain use this this is colored egos there's your favorite game well all first shoppers cold crazy actually like sniping in this game is remembered oh I can use the elevator really it is so goddamn slow though is it coming up aha let's go back into law we window opens it sounds like that one beat to the check rest I'll leave shirt [Music] absolutely not Oh ganked this this the big map where they had the gimmick of the logs that you can like oh you move away he'd shoot down shoot this oh yeah like moving environment shown enemy that is a mid-air how am I supposed to do that on demand like how you just like accidentally bleep your own swear word cuz you're my clout and this special piece of equipment it does that aku don't have a thoughtful thing you know when you put in your pizza oh yeah thank you for playing cards free absolutely yeah well thank advanced warfare I love this game [Music] well let me prestige real quick can I do that I probably should yeah I get a master prestige let's go we did it congratulations thank you oh [ __ ] I figured that you could fly look at this guy these two machine guns people that did that were a [ __ ] put a [ __ ] the [ __ ] [ __ ] I see what the map is open up oh I forgot that yeah it's a whole new map over here I think this is a stupidest [ __ ] idea they've ever had y'all need an entire new map oh that guy boy just a laser gun [ __ ] yeah remember that thumbnail I'm gonna roast this guy alive wonder where the whole exoskeleton suit idea came from from Michael Condrey oh yeah that guy yeah I literally met that guy in the club and I danced with his wife yeah if my Katie drops this game will be pissed Oh some dying rock damn it radish KITT they're catching up if you die you're part of the problem oh it died aah what aah listen we do something don't die I died hey Kady my win-loss ratio just dropped I think those guys you killed both of us how did you kill them we would appreciate your time lifer my xbox has already plugged it out of the wall you're putting it back in storage yeah it's going back in my closet I'll roll like tuna let's go let's do this hey come here hey Reggie what's going on been a long time you've changed a lot since the last time I saw you now you're bald what if I make any sense dude it's only been like a year dude yeah I'm so very close you know what happened not like this not like unaware I've never done this 2016 check the area pseudo all right so many famous quotes I'm at the time I spent like all my money was going whatever you yeah over that moment we have you been I mean turn it much in the past like here yeah why I want to see if there's any just oh [ __ ] the hell hey thank you got it back in my day we used to hit cross maps on this map all the time like today you know no pressure Oh God they know they know they know a bit shaky they slid right into him passwords put the waffles in your mouth why he's gonna tape it Oh put the waffles in yo mouth think it's too short it's like we're back in time right now I said we saw a wretched mo Bamba wasn't even outros think about it are the kids coming it's been a while working I need two million somehow wins a you know the wedding video in the after the wedding video ends could we throw a lookie montage v3 promo thanks for joining us on our special day now ratchet productions with I'm feelin lucky montage 3 so you know I get a really nice tuxedo wretched so feel free to slide the invite hey hey hey welcome back hey it's good to see that good to have you I'm playing every single call duty each card with different person oh yeah and I figured I wanted to play with my least favorite color tea with my least favorite person so that's why I got here hey I'm back hello what happened there sorry there's a wise man once said bling is not trollee this is your favorite game right no no I want to play with you for being real so if we don't connect over to obsession Oh oh my god I'm actually so happy actually so surprised we got to get work these are all [ __ ] points a hose reel gravity of this map I forgot have you see anything to tell there Blevins right now would you say I'd ask you if you'd come to my funeral and do the take the L on my casket so alternate way to go it's like the least a memorable card like what's there on this topic it stands out at all he's nothing I made one video in this game and I just realized this a name my sister called me four times in the last minute you have to go [ __ ] grandpa grandpa's too high too bad I feel bad for pro players you're like forced to play this game all year long which is something for the video game again I uh I'm standing in a graveyard yeah I'm just wondering Tyler Blevins what color are your period I'm gonna delete this game right yeah [Music] a buffer hey crazy were just here I know sorry mastered someone's better now wait this is where the guy called me the n-word yeah yeah so much third now I'm sorry played mm-hmm well the graphics look different on this game is weird to go and upgrade I got the government mastered yeah Wow really glad I did oh my okay look at this Bethany wheelers on me tonight Bros I know Miller's only white cloth glides on me let's go Claud these guys waiting a claw kill it's just like the only feature they added they they remake the entire game because they didn't add beard we forgot one thing dear models Olli just kill Kim oh wow you got a kill cam deal with the claw kill her climb ain't no laws baby no wise I'm a bleeding where supply jobs cuz apparently I have to supply jobs I have Cod points I'm opening them this game really did not need to buy crops oh I'm not putting them though they made three elements legendary just epic I care about my KD on every call of duty now I'm doing something brush-on we doing bro well you didn't make a modernwarfare remastered remastered or now ten years later yes every master it again hit the remaster okay that's me every remaster to really read how does a really close one was really good yeah hey baby I don't even know like I don't even know my rank is sis or your commanders no we have just cute matching red outfits so that's good you have a gas mask on though that's for vaping so my dad died actually where are you at like I'm trying to twerk in front of you I don't even had on in wait there we go let's mom say like I'm in the game and I'm like oh yeah I have real low can you leave out this game I can't remember I don't think so I wish they had like a default dance or something oh god this guy's a huge sword what yeah dude it's when they got everything in this game now bro swords hacky sacks for whenever they become pacifists after war times over with and Felix what the one game that's gonna add like name stuff to because it's based off over to some of the skins are sorta me me but yeah no you're right yeah I felt bad for even making a funny moment style video in this because having like World War two 20 moments of my tales yeah and these are the funny moments that happened yeah the only funny moments were like on the amphibious warships before they reached beach we're gonna hit this left side bro we're gonna friggin the green like as soon as we turn the corner you know second box is right there huh you got that scream earlier we're good oh yeah there's a need for the for the whole game one more crime how to describe this game and in five seconds I honestly think that this whole game could be summed up by just the one ping sound [Music] how's it goes at ping or Zin they can hear this across the map so sounds toxic this this sound travels on this I hope that cover me I'm reloading tells them exactly where we are it's a gauge constant UAV for 30 years oh I want it boys oh god close the game way pink watch baby matter your little row to start playing this game again don't want youtubers still playing this I hope you enjoyed playing this game again and probably missed it right I did I'm playing every night now from here on out well you prestige hood when do you play this game they don't move do you like it's alright for a while just like every call dude yeah they don't last too long it seems but I'm just like my sex life nuketown nuketown view for they didn't get right the first four times I remember in the loading screens back in the day when everybody would be like [Music] yeah the bud bag memory but no one would know it was it's true because everyone's mic was equally as [ __ ] so everyone is loading in like it's my childhood oh my god I grew up on Call of Duty and ear rape mw2 audio birthday there how do you feel playing on the fourth variation of this map though it's like three your friends [ __ ] a chick and then you're the fourth one oh yeah I didn't like the sloppy sloppy sloppy seconds yeah I'm coming off of thanks 16 Call of Duty's I know what I'm talking about what the [ __ ] is that yeah I don't know this even [ __ ] Call of Duty this is the Mexican from apprising yeah this is the fortnight crisis to make oh hey hey you got a mic Oh wahoo what's up homie would you dominate me Oh wahoo I just kidding just kidding that's manslaughter is the way to go ha be on the side why do I love to commit manslaughter oh I think it's a market for that antique tie hey confessions of a serial killer a song just serial killer things dddddd the way manslaughter EDD do DDP join families dddddd teenagers be yes it'd be good Oh some fun games though yeah yeah and back once again I figured since I'm playing every single game I mostly will include the new one so actually I tend to play this at the multiplayer reveal I didn't end up making a video on it so this is my first video featuring this footage but I'm more of a fan of the games that Treyarch makes personally but I would say this game is a combination of ghosts world war 2 and battlefield if I had to sum it up for my my experience on it so far and maybe just a tiny little bit of mw3 in there I'm gonna be trying to make some videos on this once it comes out this is just some random footage from the Alpha to be Tues so yeah this is the 17th Call of Duty if we include MWR I didn't play cod big red I was gonna play cod online like the Asian version and cod mobile but I figured this this is good enough this video has been in the making for literally almost two and a half months now it started like in June now it's September so that's really cool we had I could finally upload this which it's I'm fresh off playing all these games I thought I only be fit if I was to do a tier list ranking all the games here off of my personal preference the 17 games I played over here I included modern warfare just because I'm going to predict where I think it will fit starting up for the first game here we have Call of Duty one so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and rank this game accordingly I think that it is an ST or simply because really hit the low therefore making it the best game in the franchise and this kitty that's gonna have to be an F along with cod - just because of how evasive the games were I mean they were made in early 2000 so they like that self-explanatory cod 3d just because it's a little better than those two again this is my opinion I'm the expert here I just played every game I mean you guys watched me play every game but I think I'm gonna put Todd for a tabby I watch a lot of people's favorite game but I just feel like there's a lot of better ones on the list here well that war could trigger a lot of people here probably but I'm gonna have to put that at the C level for now I might move in mw2 plastic game didn't really do much in my video I just trick shouted chaos but I'd say it's better than cod for for me black ops 1 my all-time favorite game I think the phone is called duty of time but why not for three this is this is like probably everyone's favorite Call of Duty but I'm personally a Trey our guy I'm have to put that be for now you might move around black ops 2 a call 30 ghosts honestly I might have to throw it at the D the head Snoop Dogg and that's kind of the highlight of that game if we're being real advanced warfare um I might move this around but I'm gonna keep you the D for now black ops 3 we're going down the list as you can tell one two three infinite warfare personally that's least fun game I've ever played Modern Warfare remastered I might just throw it in the same one for now I mean it's a polished version so actually they had supply drops I can go to Sea World War two right there for now black ops for I'm putting out of seed just because it's pretty much the same as black ops 3 just you know a little bit less to do but there is blackout and I'd really play it too much myself so I guess that's my official rankings I'm sure love people you upset with this but you can see the Treyarch influence here and the progressive decline of the black ops series but who knows maybe black ops 5 next year could fit right in here at the D this year we got martin warfare it wouldn't be fair to me to rank this stuff of the games that i played so far so I'm gonna go ahead make a prediction here and where I think I'll end up on my list personally I'm not the most confident with this game because I mean I'm used to playing call duties when they first come out and like playing them religiously but obviously I've been let down the past four years from modern warfare in my honest opinion I'm gonna have to throw it at the B - I kind of like where they were going with modern warfare they're trying to make it like a classic card similar to like one row for three mechanics are obviously more advanced which i think is maybe not a good thing people like the basics i think it'll be a b-minus on my on my chart by the end of the year but who cares [ __ ] Call of Duty I'm never playing this game again I spit I don't know what that was about but I hope you guys enjoyed this video it'd be a really long time to make sort of really appreciate it you guys have to like because that's the only thing that really determines how a video does performance wise so smack that like button turn on notifications I'm not making more videos more frequently now that this video is got out of the way because this was a a big burden for me a second thought I need to I need to change my list I think I made a mistake I don't what I was thinking there I think that should be a little better I'll feed that to settles everyone's nerves everyone's really angry in the comments right now I can tell I try my best to make videos on what I enjoy I mean what I think you guys would enjoy watching so if you see something that's not Call of Duty I've really appreciated if you gave it a chance regardless of what it is I try to base my videos around the people in them not just the game I made this video mainly to tribute the Call of Duty franchise and all the viewers I have from my cult Duty videos as the new games coming out I have an Instagram account where I post pictures sometimes I have a Twitter account where I tweet every now and then I have a youtube channel called I'm sweeter where I post not so frequently but sometimes when the video is ready and I'm okay with it I'm happy enough to post it thank you guys for being patient with me I'm releasing a hoodie soon wants to become Twitty season I have a rap album on the way what else do I have I recently moved into a my own apartment the first time living in my own so my goal for this place was to focus more on YouTube thank you to everybody who supports me it really means the world to me and you guys comment on my videos whenever I upload besides when you comment more call duty this is what happens when you do comment more roblox or something this has been Call of Duty the movie I hope you guys enjoyed I will see you guys a next video subscribe leave a like peace [Music]
Channel: Im Suda
Views: 9,300,987
Rating: 4.9480047 out of 5
Keywords: Im Suda, Suda, ImSuda, Call of Duty, CoD Funny Moments, Video Games, Comedy, Funtage, Hilarious, Funny, Gaming, I played every single Call of Duty in one video..., Every Call of Duty, COD, Modern Warfare, Black Ops 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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