I played EVEN MORE Halo Infinite so you don't have to

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anyone Target one minute one minute oh my god get trick [Music] shot miss out I'm here [Music] Victory damn shake with [Music] got get the W need to hold my gun back I'm big homie I ain't worried about no love B let's [ __ ] go let's go uh Chopper guys is almost [ __ ] donezo these guys have never played this dud they're all over my [ __ ] Dark Tower they're going gay at Dark Tower right now oh God to score what the [ __ ] fobby you Criminal Just Comm a Mur yeah want to oh my God come back here we're good oh my God [Music] bro they Spott oh my God oh my God I'm getting so [ __ ] you look at that they're gen weak he's intil now I have one on oh my God ball dropped no scope it would have been a blowout dude get pist on behind me behind absolute watch out probably see you did it I saw the whole thing [Music] dude [Music] Hile come Char loost way to go [Music] oh my God oh my [Music] God I got a I got Dam one more [Music] no no okay you got it you got it shoot these kid' bodies man they're [ __ ] cheating [ __ ] probably Geo filtering manot their [Music] bodies k [Music] singer shot available let's never be on the other end of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] have way [Music] to K boom [Music] [Applause] [Music] enemy halfway to Victory [Music] double kill triple [Music] kill long range we they well how how are you losing that PIV bro that was I should probably do that too actually someone else got this oh he's on me one sh good oldfashioned take down Target spotted oh absolute they stickies blue stickies or something don't know where went hostiles down oh my God down and like hoisted the roof up there's no way broke that [ __ ] all the way to the ground Victory spart 30 seconds remaining make those bullets sink spart with those double kill triple kill over kill Killing Spree so unbelievably Goofy I'm going to restart it never St let's let's count the lead you're up too I can't [ __ ] take this ping all right you're playing ping I fived you dude dude wow wow that was crazy do that to me bro big door big door run there's dummy they sent turbo over here to negotiate the te clearly aren't clearly aren't even how do what's the switch like what's the switch proposed we just repick captains and reick teams yeah don't play another Series yeah y'all play great good GG's GG's man can't really play [ __ ] but but thatas you're a beast thanks man yeah [Music] nice I'm sliding for camo he popped up in front of me like freaked me out oh my God they're coming they're coming I'm smack they're not they're coming hard oh you're tweaking they're not coming Thomas Sam C totally P you for victory what my words were Twisted those are exact words what we need some context dude what the [ __ ] all right all right [Music]
Channel: Thomas
Views: 611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Editing, Editor, IRL, Funny, Cinematic, Tutorial, Epic, Halo, Halo Infinite, Squad battle, Boomers, match making, warthog, multi kill, Killionaire, naire, overkill, funny moments, MCC, Twitch, clips, compilation, 1000 hour player, 2000 hour player, steam, cheater, cheating, hacks, hacking, ranked
Id: 43DqTJg3Lps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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