I Played Bedwars for 24 Hours

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today I played bedwar for 24 hours recently I did a 24-hour bedwar live stream and this video had a game from Hour 1 6 12 18 and a game at hour 24 will I lose my mind playing bedwar for 24 hours straight well let's go find out all right here we are in Game number one and as you can see on the screen right now there's uh 23 hours and 38 minutes left and I already played one game you see I have one win up here I had to test it out my Lun Klein already crashed so uh it better not crash this game let me go ahead and buy some wood tools all this stuff you know what we're about to do we're about to do this St much B defense so let me organize my inventory and how this is going to work is I'm going to play one bedwars game every 6 hours in this video so the next game that you guys will see it will be hour 6 and it'll be 12 18 and then 24 this game might be the only game that I look sane in because by hour 6 of bedwars I'm going to be losing my mind and I don't even want to know how I'm going to be like an hour 24 oh uh Aiden just donated thank you hello great team what you going to do no stop it please stop no no oh come on come on no no I choke all right great team I've been playing for 30 minutes and I'm already I'm already going against a sweat I don't like it but you're dead now he he clutched and then walked off the map bro slip all right gray 3 2 1 your bed is gone let's eat the golden apple use our pumpkins and he left the game I Was preparing for a final boss fight bro but he left all right I'm heading over to Blue's base because uh Woolly Bear is just chilling over there I'm going to send in a fireball just to let them know him I'm on the way he hasn't moved oh There He Go what please don't have a fireball or anything I'm going to use a KB stick oh no he has fire so he barely takes any KB no he takes no KB cuz of oh never mind he's dead sorry woolly bear all right he gave me three diamonds but it's Redemption time green if you kill me you get the diamonds back oh oh come on woolly bear is out all right we'll get Pro we'll get a trap there we go we'll pick up his Forge and we'll go ahead and get iron armor iron sword two fireballs and some more blocks uh hi no no stop stop stop you're not going that way no no no no told you bye-bye no no that's my fist what am I doing all right aqua team is on the way he is right there or sorted wheel 25 how you come up with that name come here sorted wheel bye-bye oh my God he lived boom no that just oh okay mine oh you gave me Four Diamonds okay I'm going to be a wise man and go bu sharpness with these no no no no no no that was such a good Fireball ain't no way oh that almost no no he killed me give me the back give me the back give me the back give me the back give me the back you're welcome pink is going for my bed all right I'm going to collect this diamond and go get sharpness oh God oh God okay y my bed's about to be destroyed he's going to come hunt me down bro okay we got sharpness there we go let's go and get an iron sword what's the uh rotating item block zapper okay I'm going to get that I'm going to get that okay lighton VR donated $10 saying I was at The J Man curly meet up and give you some awesome fan art yes he did give me fan art let me go get it let me go get it I have to hop over my bed look at this it's my gorilla on my VR Channel if you guys aren't subscribed to my VR Channel go subscribe to it it says Lon VR right there I have it right here see I love it I love it it's going to sit right there okay I am pretty stacked but pink is right here and pink is forth the funnel okay I really want to kill this guy I'm going I'm going to hunt this guy down if I die I die but I'm going to go try to kill him no no no no no no no no no no come here come here oh yes yes oh I blocked his Fireball oh my God that was actually close 11 diamonds no shot no he's right there he's right there don't go close to me bro I got a bridge zapper you don't even want to come close to me right now okay I'm pretty sure I'm being chased oh God yeah he's right there in Middle oh if this guy is obsidian on his bed I'm going to be so upset okay I do have 12 diamonds so I'm going to get prop two pro three there we go oh he's coming he's coming uh Pearl no no crap come here the bridge zapper it didn't work it Zapped wait oh was it a block zapper oh my wait which one is it what did I buy I bought a block zapper oh my God wait a second where's this guy at where is he oh oh uhoh what's up dude what's up bro no he hit me no no I don't want throw and 360 boop boop let's go wait oh no I thought that was the end I'm an idiot bro okay I ate the golden apple let's drink this jump potion and we're going up we're going went up oh my God we're going up boom but no oh oh my God that was close Okay does he have money fatigue he has okay I don't like that I do not like that at all I'm jumping down I'm going back up there we go faking him out start the combo okay three four four hit combo no no chill chill please yes there we go there we go I can get the bed right yes let's go okay I'm running out of blocks I Tred to block with pumpkins and G G let's go we won the game at hour 24 I'll see you guys at hour 188 before we fast forward 6 hours into the next bedwar game I want to ask you guys to subscribe over 70% of you guys that watch my videos are not even subscribed and I'm ding my goal of a million subscribers so please subscribe every subscriber helps all right here we are in game number two and we are 6 hours into the stream I'm already losing my voice a little bit I'm already losing my mind a little bit and I'm here at Target his name is 24 hours for what yeah cuz you know 24 hours for what now you can't see it cuz it's covered up but my chest piece right now is your skin so I'm I'm with you for only a fourth of this wait look up look up I see My Little Neck right there here's his skin on the screen right now while I do the S defense it's beautiful let's just say that dude no what are you doing ah we're being rushed we're being rushed hold on we're being rushed we're being rushed no I'm going to bring some some freshness to this that you've needed the last 6 hours some fresh you needed a little bit of change of pace I'm lose I'm I'm almost dead he's on top I killed one I think Noe no hang on I got to be a mod in your chat there we go did I kill him both no this guy's so low up there he's on eight no I'm done with you blue I completely understand the mindset that you're at at this point 6 hours of bedwars it's crazy I killed him I died but I killed him I get the V here I get the Ved here yes sir and yeah that's theough dude the guy ran at me with literally half a heart I don't know what he was doing what are you expecting at the most Godly combo of his life I don't know but just 360 the last guy too so we're moving on to the next team oh watch out above you what do you mean above me I killed him somehow oh my gosh no way B Gone oh oh my God I don't like this I don't like this at all I killed the other one I got him I what oh let's go I'll go this way oh someone donated dude I just put 35 iron into my two slot like it was wool okay wait no stop fireballing stop fireballing me if you come over here Target you can jump on this guy I have a pickaxe okay don't worry I was just getting iron armor he doesn't have a bed I'm going in on him wait what no he's on eight you got it and gray your bed is gone caboom and hey do I get Aqua what do you think get him get him I'm just Flawless that great guy wait where's this the gray at oh he's right here no come here gray nice you got come here Aqua come here oh I'm going to pop this guy oh he's getting destroyed oh he's done boom no come here gray you're not going to block he tried to block trap me oh me I'm not falling for that oh my God I almost fell for it I'm going to kill this guy with my fist no he got me okay now he has iron no prop we have to kill him with our fist okay deal we'll try to kill him without knocking him off the map I'm almost you you're going to need my help he's coming up to me no I'm coming he wants to be dead don't hit him off don't hit him off oh God that fall damage though is great yeah it is okay okay I'm going to go in he has an iron sword oh he hit me off dude he does a lot of damage this might be a little harder than we thought you sure we can't hit him off the edge we can we just got to kill with our fist okay deal it'd be great to smack him up in a corner was that dude oh my wait is he cheating what was that really you think that's a possibility I mean out of nowhere he just looked at the ground come here gillad no wait what is he doing oh oh trap him trap him come on oh he does so much damage he does but he's on like 3/4 Health oh we're okay we're comboing him you need to leave you need to leave come on oh he killed me no way no he's so low if isy FY we just run back no prep we just run back did I get him did I get him no he almost died he has a fireball go go go go go he's coming to us no oh wait he didn't oh no no he killed himself oh no he fireballed himself in the face on the side of our map God no way oh my God all right well hey good game yeah good game I'll see you guys at hour 12 we have made it to hour 12 we just fast forward 6 hours and I'm losing my mind I can't believe I have two more of these to do we still have hour 18 and 24 so as you can see in the top right um I have 231 final kills 43 wins 118 games played in a final kdr of almost a nine that's that's pretty crazy okay this guy is doing a wooden bed defense and shifting like it's uh he's in love with it all right I'm going to go over there let's go baby hit that nope I didn't hit that come on die no die please boom I feel bad he he did this whole bed defense just for it to get destroyed so easily place the blocks block them off kill him oh my gosh it's like it's my first game on going crazy watch this watch this you see this guy right here you see this wild red building off into the distance brother are you kidding me a you're welcome red hey why did his Fireball move me nowhere but mine boosted him across the map was that worth it dude also as you can see it's 3:53 in the morning it is so late right now bro it's so late I want to go to bed I'm not even halfway done I'm 9 minutes no I didn't wasit 6 hours to die within the first four teams please fight each other don't come after me no no no no no no run away I'm going this way all right please say there's some diamonds right here and there's three okay I'm going to go ahead and get I'll get protection I guess I wish I could get sharpness cuz I still have a stone sword but I'm getting protection all right we'll get an iron sword boom boom boom all right what's the game looking like aqua's bed just got destroyed by yellow I don't know where red is I'm going to go over this way oh yellow's eliminated okay I'm going to go try to clean up aqua team over here okay aqua's on 9 Health he's on 17 now jeez bro regen fast there we go nice and that's disgusting all right sharpness boom boom I got a trap for no bed that'd be kind of crazy if we won the uh hour 12 game this is only three games into the video but it's been 12 hours of my life this is the longest recing ever oh God I I don't like this oh wait oh okay I like this a lot actually oh God no no go away yes okay we're safe we're safe we're safe he's trying to Fireball up to me oh my God he actually did he actually did he actually fireballed up to me are you serious I thought he missed it dude okay well played by Red Team all right we have 6 hours remaining as you can see it's getting pretty light in my room the sun is literally up it is uh 10: in the morning exact as you can see in the bottom right I should probably do a better defense first but oh my gosh I have been struggling I've been going for 18 hours now and I'm just ready for this last game dude you guys are about to see this last game but I have to wait 6 hours to even play it so far I have 280 final kills 206 beds 36 kills 51 wins and 141 games played I've been losing a lot because I'm getting a little delusional now I'm seeing things like I'm running off the map dude it's it's bad all right green your bed has been destroyed there we go and it says my session time is 10 hours I've been playing other games on Hypixel 2o it's been 6 hours ago for me but it's been like 20 seconds for you guys I don't remember if we won or lost the last game I think we lost the last game so I'm going to try to redeem myself and get a win on this one also something that I'm proud of is I've been going for 18 hours and my fkdr is an 8.78 oh I almost blocked at that guy I almost did this guy dirty come here Aqua come here please yes let's go I got one I got one Emerald I can barely think and commentate right now this is so so difficult dude oh God gosh I'm surprised I've not ran off the map yet um Aqua is heading over to my base uh-uh I'm stopping Mr Aqua team stop going up stop going up no I can't predict where you're going bro all right well we're going over here my bed is destroyed we got a clutch this is not good all right we're going to buy some Cham armor because uh we we need that right now okay I need to drink the jump potion I need to get the first crit there we go there we go yes come here don't run away from me bro St out all right let's get these diamonds Four Diamonds please and thank you I got four and we'll go and get sharpness there we go now we need to get iron armor and we need to get protection for ASAP or we could go to Middle okay get these there we go we have eight emeralds no oh gosh she is getting really really close I don't like this I don't like this at all okay run away run away scaredy cat mhm bye-bye no he's coming I'm the one running oh my God there's they're both there they they just showed up out of nowhere okay Aqua just died I need to go that way I need to buy this diamond armor so fast he fell in the void bro what is going on okay it looks like aqua's going in the middle I'm going to get aqua's bed sure thing don't mind if I do and aqua you're bed is there's money fatigue give me one second destroyed there we go okay where's everybody at pink is uh right there in middle and aqua I think I just saw him somewhere over there pink is coming for me though okay Pink's not worth the final I do not like this feel like I should just fight this guy honestly KB stick I got a KB stick bro you better be careful no oh God oh my God oh my God no no no no no I don't like this oh my God I don't like this at all this is so bad this is so bad no no no oh my my God I'm on I'm on I'm on one I can't even speak no he got me bro oh my God and I killed him are you kidding me and he said GG I need to win this game at hour 24 bro all right here we are in the final game and as you can see we have 10 minutes left meaning we have made it to hour 24 we have played um 184 bedw War Games we've won 65 it's not the best I know we've got 426 kills we have a final kdr of 8.37 I am losing my mind and I almost gave up after that last game I am exhausted oh God wait am I already being rushed I'm already being rushed no no no no no no no no no I'm playing unnicked as well this is the stupidest idea ever I don't know why but my chat wanted me to play unnicked for this last game okay I'm fireballing him down to me oh God he almost l a cled on my bed what was that all right Mr Gray big uncore boss I'm about to be the big boss in this one buddy come here please please yes let's go all right bed gone no no my bed my bed I need a no no no okay I think my bed's about to get a destroyed I already have to clutch brother why it's a fizzy skin bye bye bye okay I need to I need to get geared oh no oh no they're coming they're coming they're coming I should not have played on nicked why am I doing this hi no no I'm going this way wait you can't build there no okay I'm going again we still have 8 minutes why you can't build there all right try number two and we're unnicked again and now we're on aqua team we're on the same map we're going for Redemption I need to win this game we we lost like the last three games in this video we won hour z and hour 6 we lost hour 12 18 in the first 24-hour game I'm going to go ahead and do the sandwich bed defense really fast everybody knows I'm in this game what in the what is he doing homie what you doing pink has a free bed over there I don't know why White's going to the middle already okay where should I go yellow and green are fighting right there let's watch this oh chain mail chain mail is getting destroyed oh wait that guy's been stream sniping me all day I need to go take out yellow I need to kill him please yes thank goodness oh my gosh let's go why is white over here he has to be doing the target challenge right okay give me this final there we go oh my God wait what why do I have three emeralds Bri go over to Blue Team wait wait a second wait a second we going right here come on wait he does have a bed dude oh my God yes have a bed losing my mind wa no I want this final yes yes I got them both let's go okay this guy is a bed this guy's a bed 100% confirmed bed gone no it's not gone no no dude I really choked that bed that was pretty sad all right the game plan is to go to the worst Diamond generator in every bedw war map possible why is the diamond generator behind the map it makes no sense and there should be four diamonds in here thank you we have 4 minutes left I'm going just go to go to middle and just connect myself to every single base wait red team's the last one no way this game could already be over but wait we could make it end perfectly on zero but I don't know if I want to wait 4 minutes okay he's over there what does he have leather armor no PR he has no sharpness on his iron sword please just do not fall off the map okay I have an idea I want to get an invis potion and kill him with my fist to win the final game of the 24 hours okay here we go I have two emeralds where is he he's right there I'm watching for a fireball I'm just going to Fireball jump myself oh my God half a heart oh wait wait he's going up there I'm so confused what's going on here I'm popping the inis now I need to get a golden apple let me go and eat this Golden Apple real quick and Fireballs don't get my own invis okay there we go oh my God he's right there come on I got sneak up I got to sneak up please please wait wait no he fell on his own dude I was going to punch him off like dude oh my God he walked off himself are you kidding me well um I won the final game of the 24 hours and uh well GG I guess
Channel: Fiizy
Views: 211,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiizy, bedwars, fizzy, minecraft bedwars, bedwars minecraft, fiizy texture pack, fiizy bedwars texture pack, fiizy minecraft texture pack, fiizy minecraft, fiizy bedwars, fiizy tiktok, fiizy montage, minecraft, hypixel bedwars, fiizy twitch, fiizy best moments, fiizy and wallibear, fiizy proximity chat, fiizy and hannahrose, fiizy live, fiizy video, fizy, flizy, bed wars, minecraft bed wars, hypixel, fiizy technoblade, fiizy texture pack mcpe, minecraft bedwars gameplay, filzy
Id: AexlXUmzkDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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