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in this video I'm going to go from a noob to an absolute Pro in anime last stands in 24 hours I'm going to go ahead and uptain a few celestials and a few mythics and guys I'm trying to reach a goal of reaching 100,000 subscribers by the end of this year so you know help your boy out all right boys and here we are and we got the first daily reward and that is 50 of these tokens I right bet and I look kind a goofy hey no way all right so let me actually start off by getting some codes real quick all right we just claimed this code right here blam spot op5 okay I'm not going to bother with that but I think what did we get we got five of these tokens which is worth 500 Robux I right bet and we've also got a lot of these nice traits Oh my days yo oh we just got this an exotic unit okay buddy cand tow by 120k and we got Gogeta Primal exotic okay we're already getting good BL spot top secret we got 300 of these tokens Neil's TV okay 1.8k yeah let's just go ahead and redeem all of this all right boys there we go and everything has been redeemed and we have 5,800 emeralds and we've already got 26 of these tokens which is 2.2k Roo and we've also got two of these units right here and I'm guessing these guys are good right okay let me just real quickly just waste like one token let's hope we get something good come on come on Gohan drip we got the oh my goodness wait what all seeing we got the 0.35 already 15% damage 55% range 10% takeway Spa 20 plus crit chance and 100% crit damage oh my God we already basically got a mythical tra with one spin hey yo I'm just hoping this Cohan drip guy is actually good bro okay let me also go ahead and go to the bance I want to go ahead and spin all right summon we got 5.8k of these bad boy tokens let's hope we got something good okay we can do a lot of these okay let's see let's just do one of these bad boys come on game Vegeta no Benji or I don't even Sanji I think I don't even know bro oh we got Ichigo Vegeta yeah this is absolutely trash I don't think we're going to get anything too good here Yep this is all completely trash yep no thank you all right let's go ahead and actually start by going to the first area let me go ahead and equip this Cohan drip and let's go ahead and equip Gogeta Primal I don't think we need anything else to be fair I think this is enough all right story mode where are we at wait what what happened what's this all right bet let's see all let's go to this one right here and let's go start off by doing Planet Nam oh we can't do Planet namk yet deser feel all right let's go ahead and do this all right bet okay let's go ahead and start by going to this base I think oh this is no way we have to protect a no way I'm so dumb all right there we go let's goad and place my first Gogeta or Kohan sorry and we do 219 damage oh wow okay yeah this is going to be a hella easy y we're going to easily get past this and I think this guy is like a rectangle AOE so I'm going to go ahead and place him right here yes sir there we go this is like the perfect spot and his range is crazy wow yep Kakashi whoever that Naruto map is you guys are going to get absolutely destroyed and I look so goofy yes sir this is easy and we've also got this guy right here I think he's a hill yeah he is a hill unit oh I can place him on this mountain and he does 600 damage oh okay 6C SP is kind of peak this guy has a 5.4 second Spa which I mean kind of the same this guy got a circle range yeah this is crazy bro we're going to absolutely destroy this I'll see you guys once we finish this all right there we go boys and this is the boss and to be fair to say this is like level one this is actually kind of hard wait wait wait we might not be able to take care of this wait wait wait wait no way we actually failed the first stage come on we got this we got this we should be able to do this yes sir and there we go only got 1.8k HP left I mean we should be able to take care of it and there we go GG's let me see what game passes that actually is so they' got VIP 1 VIP 2 and mount pack and starter pack get an esino Unit A Farm Unit 10 technique okay this is actually worth it 499 okay yeah your boy does not have the capacity to do that wait wait what it says I bought it wait what okay let me just leave let me see if I actually wait wait wait wait hold on hold on wait no way oh yeah never mind I did not get anything I thought I actually got it bro okay nothing too interesting there let me see what there in the in the shop there's nothing too interesting in the game pass shop other than the Star Pack which I probably should get and there we go this is the next boss and this is is that I think that's Itachi hey know that's Itachi what a smoke him it's actually going to get bued right now and there we go that was absolutely easy time to go ahead and finish the rest so we finished act two act three act four and we also finished Act five all right boys so we're at act six now and I mean these two units have literally been carrying me for the longest time I'll see you guys once we get to the boss but right I when I kid you know I keep struggling to place this unit somewhere all right there it is and we are at wave 15 now and this has been absolutely light work all we got to do is upgrade these gogetas to max level and we should be able to take care of this easily and a clay Master bro I'm sorry but you're going to get absolutely B this is just too easy bro it's too easy for me yes sir there we go and he has been absolutely destroyed let's go ahead and leave this Okay so we've got 5.7k of these emeralds and I do actually want to go ahead and spend some of it right now I mean hopefully we do get a mythical right summon okay give me white beit I'll be very very happy with white beit actually okay let's go open let's open 20 spins come on game give me something good Goku Luffy okay it's not bad Goku again uh yeah oh no okay this is not good this is not really good got okay we got esano or Pride but that's the Epic version ooh we got a legendary Goku SS okay I'm guess that's good give me a mythical at least come on no I don't want this come on at least give me a mythical bro come on up Pride I don't need Pride okay come on come on game give it to me give it to me no we didn't get it yeah unfortunately no mythical right here all right we'll do one more come on game I have a feeling we might actually get something another Goku SS I mean it's all right come on please game please and yeah we didn't get it we're just getting these trash epics bro right we got these guys I mean wait how can I see the stats okay I'm going to go ahead and equip them anyways can we like yeah we can fuse these okay I'm going fuse these two together I mean you guys know I kind of did get a nice trait on the last one oh we got shining what's shining hold up hold up hold up shining is 9% okay I'm going to go Ahad and spin again it's like the worst one one more time and we got eagle I okay we're getting kind of Lucky 4% chance yeah I'll take it 15% range held yes I'm taking that any day of the week I do need a farm unit which I don't even know how to get what's a good Farm unit anyways anyways anyways I think I'm going continue to go ahead and do story mode and finish the next Island which in my opinion is going to take a minute all right boys so what I'm going to go ahead and do next is go ahead and complete the water park Island in hopes of getting all the way to actx six but if there is a farm unit in the B it I'm going to go ahead and spin for it but I'll see you guys once we finish act one all right so far we're actually doing some pretty good progress the Goku are doing 1.26k damage this Gogeta is doing 1K at upgrade zero which I'm guessing you guys can already know that this Gogeta is instantly better we're going to keep doing this all the way to act six so I'll see you guys once we get to act six all right there it is boys and we're at the boss already this fish Elite is going to get smoked 81,000 HP yeah that is nothing to us and there it is that is completed so we went ahead and go finished act one act two act three finally Act five and there we go boys act six has been completed let's go we got 4.8k of those emeralds which means I think I'm going to go ahead and spend a bit more okay let me go to the summon area come on game give me something good please I want a farm unit is there any Farm units here no there's no Farm units okay I'm going to do summon 10 times come on come on game no no I don't want no Luffy Sanji no don't give me no Sanji please at least give me a legendary come on game a legendary at least bro come on not these oh oh thatu I don't think I sound so stupid right now that is not s come on game just give me something half decent please like it's not hard to get a legendary as well like I'd expect to get a legendary 10 days ago I have I would have expected to get a legendary quite before yeah my my luck is oh we got a burning hero I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it all right bet I mean 2% chance I mean it's kind of low there's no luck boost I'm pretty sure yeah there's no such thing as luck boost all right I'm going go and equip that as well I just going to need to get like one good unit which is um going to benefit me throughout the whole story and I need a okay where can I what is a farm units do I have any Farm units nope no Farm units yeah we have no Farm units unfortunately what do challenges do hold on hold on hold on what does challenges do I have not seen this before hold up wait I think I may have just seen this what do you what is the reward wait there's no rewards hey wait what how is that no rewards okay yeah I'm definitely not doing that well let's just continue with story mode until we get to the next area which is ooh Holo Dimension is next all right let's go ahead and startall this I think this is where we actually about to struggle I'll see you guys once we get to the boss all right there we go and this is the boss and he has let's see how much HP he got he got 167,000 HP yet this is going to be absolutely easy man let me go ahead and place another one of these vetas and yes sir this is light work right guys I'll see you guys once we go to act two and we finish act three act four and finally Act five all right and now we're at this bus and this boss also is about to get fully destroyed and he has only 370,000 HP and to say that with code units we're doing this pretty easily which is kind of like hold hold hold up we actually might not be able to take care of this hold up hold up hold up okay this getting kind of scary right now come on come on come on come on we got this we got this we got this let's go come on we got this right I think we should be able to get this I kind of might have jinxed myself 20,000 HP come on we should be able to take care of this and yes sir oh wait old meora wait what wait am I supposed to get that guy is that me just being incredibly lucky oh I don't know units and I got only okay I'm just going to equip him I think you're supposed to get him anyways all right well we got 4.3k more of those crystals or gems come on hopefully we do got something come on give me a Mythic give me a Mythic please give it to me give it to me please H I actually really thought we were going to get that mythical come on game give me a mythical please mythical mythical bro what what are these trash mythicals man tandro oh we got bana too what's this Celestial let me just try and do this we can access this now which is fantastic which means we're on planet namk oh wind pillow okay that's good that's good that's good that's good Nami no come on just give me a mythical please come on give it to me give it to me give it to me Zoro what else can we actually get from this okay let's just continue spinning we waste all of my emeralds I guess hopefully we do get a mythical okay nothing tanji Luffy Luffy once again oh no another spin okay virtual swordsman Riku doc what is this trash that we're getting no please oh my no this is so embarrassing we're getting literally nothing good come on bro come on we only got like a little bit of anals left just give me a mythical that's all I want oh we got a Oreo okay that's actually not that bad okay so the chance of getting a Celestial is 0.5 a legendary is 6% and a Mythic is 2% okay that chance is pretty high I won't likee right now those chances are really no can mind this is nothing oh okay a Luffy time skip I'll take that Grim Jew all right bet we're getting legendaries okay that's good and we're out of uh emeralds okay that's not nice Quest oh wait what okay wait I didn't even realize I had this hey y let's go I'll take all of this right now give me all of these emeralds I didn't even notice this dog what all right bet H what is this damage yes sir I'll take all of that right now all let's go and open another one um come on game please give me a Mythic please give me a Mythic please that's all I want man yeah unfortunately we got zero mythics that's so sad well I think we should be able to get a few codes wait hold up but this one okay oh it gives us zero code okay no XP oh we just got a few gems from that okay I'll take that this one okay that's another 2,000 let's go okay this one oh my God we're at 4,000 no way no way we're actually at 4,000 4,600 bro what okay that's all the on that we can actually get we can get we can go ahead and do another Banner spins let's go let's go ah and spin oh my God Captain Commander yo I actually got a Mythic I need Luffy time Skip and it was on this B on accident I didn't even realize okay let's go we can actually do this one as well oh my goodness we got a Mythic I didn't even mean to accidentally spin on that ban okay that is actually some real luck thing Pride Knight Vegeta can we get a potential Celestial oh my God we got Celestial I literally said imagine we get a potential Celestial I'm go gold ad yo I don't know if I'm supposed to be reacting good but bro what we literally got a Celestial dog what no way okay we can open two more as well and we get oh my God Illusionist dog what no way each you go oh my goodness bro what we're getting insanely lucky right now okay we can also get this pity as well I think we're going to get another Mythic yeah we're definitely going to get another Mythic come on game give me something good Itachi since we already did get Itachi and yes sir we got the Itachi I'm really really happy with that last spin and we get yes sir there we go I'm going to open one more let's see what we get let's see what we get come on come on give it me give it to me give me the last okay okay that's actually not bad Goku sssss let's let's go and I think this is the last one and yeah we got nothing good there okay that's C that's C we literally got a Celestial and a Mythic that is so good okay captains Commander Illusionist yes yes yes I'll take that all and of course we got the go adult okay techniques this is where I want to go techniques where we at where we at we got 50 what we literally got 50 I don't know how we have 50 okay let me goad and put cone adult come on give me something good sturdy you know that's trash 32 accelery three hold on what's that 4% chance 8% Spa takeway yeah I think I'm going to get rid of that I won't lie it's not good enough for me come on game 33 no Hy for Speed wait what's that a 3% come on we can probably get a overload or even a Avatar come on come on R roll can God what wait what is that we got the 1% chance plus 25% damage and minus 5 Spa dog no way yeah honestly I'm definitely going to keep that let's go okay check let's go ahead and try and use Captain Commander come on give me a Mythic mythical tra D me go once again what oh what bro there's no way people's luck is like this good B what plus 20% money and 5% damage okay I don't think I'll be needing that for Illusionist I won't like let me go and spin this one over no no no no what what what no we literally go every single okay let me go and spin this one I don't need diamond yeah I'm going to roll off Diamond bro shining accelerate okay let's just keep spinning keep spinning keep spinning come on game give it to me give me something good please please we already I mean to be fair we have got a lot of good stuff Juggernaut what's Juggernaut I think Juggernaut is kind of trash I won't lie juga is 30% chance and it's plus 12.5 okay yeah I'm definitely definitely do not want this anyways okay units units units okay let me go and equip all of this no way I literally got three of the best units already gu no way man I need to get a form unit though hold up hold up hold up where can we get a form unit okay okay I think I got an idea let's go Ahad and finish story mode I think that's like the most important thing even though I've literally got the best traits on everything bro this is going to be so easy man oh my Celestial as well yeah man this is going to be too easy okay let's go ahead and jump into Planet Namek act one yes sir let's go ahead and start this straight wa hope I need to get a c before I can actually start okay that's going to be tough but the AOE okay it touches AOE is kind of good okay go is okay I expect go to be a lot bigger but that's fine it's fine it's fine yeah I'm definitely going to be placing Itachi first man that's the most important one all right guys I just placed my first Itachi down it took me quite a minute and we're doing 84,000 damage off placement and this guy is only level one dog what and he's K cone AOE dog this is crazy N I can't I literally cannot believe this no no way this is actually happening okay I can't wait to place this guy okay let's place this guy right here Captain Commander 1.6k coin rectangle AOE okay that's actually not that bad okay it's it's all right I mean we've got a massive jump in a massive jump on how good we are okay this guy is a this guy's also a ground AOE let's place this guy right here 5.6k damage oh my goodness yeah this is unbelievable the fact that I've actually managed to get this is great crazy what dog no way yeah man these guys is looking actually really long for these guys man I won't lie these guys are going to get absolutely bopped and to say that we got an Itachi that's doing 8.3 this is basically unique trade yeah man unique trade is going to be hella good bro this guy does burn damage bro what fire damage is going to absolutely obliterate these guys I can place another one of these guys another one of these guys okay we place three of them how many of these guns okay two guns okay only two guns I think hold on hold on let me check let me check let me check definitely want to go ahead and also sell this Itachi man I won't lie I want to place this Itachi at the back right here yes sir there we go last and this should be good I actually want to upgrade this guy I can't wait to see how good this guy does oh my yes sir there we go this is what I like to see man yeah we're destroying this and there we go boys this is absolutely easy no way act two act three act four all right ladies and gentlemen there it is we have finished Act six so we've basically already finished all of my story mode which is quite literally mostly the most important thing and now we got a lot of rewards I'm going to go and equip all of this or claim it all this damage oh oh got 90 Emerald from that okay that's not bad okay let's leave so let's go ahead and teleport to the summon area and I do need to get a farm unit now speed car is here we got Gojo right there H can we get speed car I don't think we will honestly I'll just do one of these 10x summons come on give me speed call please give me speed car bro if imagine I get speed car bro that would be so so helpful for real nope and I don't think we're going to get it any time soon we got T drunk that's pretty bad all right you know what um should I spin one more time all right I'm going to do I want to do a 10x here but I don't want to be greedy and just ask for more units I'm going to go ahead and go back to ban one come on just give me a farm unit please all I want is a farm unit come on speed car speed car please please please please give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me and um oh no yeah we didn't get it unfortunately unfortunately we didn't get it wait if I sell units do I get them generals back let me check are we get coins okay what are these coins do hold up hold up hold up let's see what coins do so how can I access the shop hold up game passes a starter pack yeah it's just that I think wait what's this hold up wait is that it is it just the game passes oh wait what I expect a lot more okay let's go ahead and do some infinite raids and do some challenges okay let's see what challenges can do planam make to act three B bones okay I'm going just do this it's nightmare I I think that's a bit easy for me all right boys we're in the challenge and we got a bunch of people here helping us I mean that's good I guess but they got some mutes down and they're doing absolutely nothing I need to get my Itachi in here to clutch up real quick hate Bare Bones what does Bare Bones even mean it's fine it's fine it's fine I clutch these up every time there we go when Itachi come on there we go Itachi has been placed and okay we should be able to wait what we're not taking care of this hey yo come on one more hit please let's go okay we got it we got it we got it we got it we should be fine yes sir there we go let's click last again wait what does B wait why does my damage do so low now I was doing way more damage earlier and we okay we died okay never mind I'm go ahead and jump into some infinite modes I mean what can we do for infinite okay let's see planet namic I really do need a form unit first I need to at least do one challenge because you know I have to finish a challenge to end the video off anything else other than Bare Bones like is that it all right we're going to go ahead and jump into some desert village infinite and let's see how how far we can get we are at wave 13 so far and to be fair I'm actually doing a pretty good job I won't lie put 85,000 damage on Itachi which is crazy and it's not even a Max upgrade yet all right boys we're at we 49 can we get it to we 50 I I honestly like this is so unfortunate cuz we're not going to get to lightwe 50 Yep this is a big rip dog Ain no way we're actually about to lose on the last second no way no way no way no no way we were actually like 10 seconds away man well that's um it's a big rip but I actually saw that guy used pride is wait is this guy Farm unit no way no way this guy's actually Farm unit hold up hold on hold up view yeah I don't even know cuz that guy was using it and he was getting cash for hold up let me get a trait for him as well maybe we can get that extra money trait techniques come on give me something good Pride Knight I think it's this one yes says 31 scope one elemental Master what is that two % chance and it's Point okay wow wow bro to give us a 2% chance man accelerate three Jugo wait what's Jugo hold up oh my no we're getting such good trads but I need the money trade come on hypers speed what's oh no way accelerate three shining okay there we go shining is the one pretty sure plus sometime money yes sir there we go that's what I'd like to see now let me go back and jump into another infinite but before I do that I need to go ahead and get a good Hill unit for sure is this the one yeah hold on let me get my quests as well yeah sir there we go and then we got these as well thank you let's go ahead and do a 10 x spin maybe we get a Celestial or ut oh whoever that guy is at the right come on game Nami no oh my God we got the brly what what no way we got we got C I'm sorry oh my God we got the celestial what what is my chances bro what no way we got sa dog what bro this video is incredibly Lu lucky no way we got the celestial on the first spin as well yes I'm going to the I'm going to this technique straight away bro what come here bro yes Broly come on give me something good come on give me something good you want to give me something good I know you do I know you do I know you do I know you do please okay hyp speed oh should we risk it should we risk it all right we have to bring the spin the wheel have to all right so we got spin or don't spin all right spin is basically rolling come on game what are we going to get what are we going to get and it's the spin all right y the the wheel decides the wheel decides we got to spin it so come on imagine we get the myth trait scope three no Jugger oh is Jugger good Juggernaut is plus 12.5% damage should we do it yeah I think we're going to spin honestly we're going to spin and we got shining I mean it's it's it's definitely not good for him but it's fine we got Mr sit on my team and we got a farm unit now so I'm guessing this is going to be easy so let me go ahead and jump into an infinite real quick all right let's go to this portal and I want to to do a hold on let me check my quest all right desert village is that the easiest one yeah we might as well just do a desert village actually no we'll do a water park infinite yeah hopefully we actually get decently far and yes sir and this guy is a form unit I am so happy I finally got a form you at least we got in the end and all this time this guy was my inventory and I had no idea well I'll see you guys once we progress through some waves all right boys we're have wave 58 I'm going to go ahead and sell all of my units yeah I was kind of AFK I won't lie right right right so everyone has been sold which is what I was trying to do but now what I'm going go ahead and do is place on this s to my right here let's see how much damage he can do he's only level one so please keep that in mind so let's go and Max this guy out and he does 55,000 damage um 8sec Spa he's a hybrid okay that's the good thing but I mean hybrid 55k damage I think once he does get upgraded he does a lot more damage because he's hybrid that's like the best thing about him but yeah go ahead and sell him and I'll see you guys in the lobby all right there it is that is completed let's leave I'm back we're at the lobby now let's go ahead and actually redeem all of these quests or these emeralds that we got for free let me go to the summon come on maybe we get another Celestial maybe Gojo I'd be happy with a Gojo I won't lie okay Ichigo no Sanji Vegeta Nami anti magician oh no okay well we got nothing good oh my God what what is my look look what no no no no no no no bro that you know what yeah if you guys doing to see 50 hours go ahead and smash 5,000 likes I'm dipping
Channel: Zillas
Views: 18,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, JixxyJax, Roblox YouTubers, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Roblox Anime Games, Roblox Anime Videos, Anime Games, Anime Adventures, Anime Last Stand, Anime Last Stand 24 Hours, Anime Last Stand Noob To Pro, Anime Last Stand How to get Emeralds, Anime Last Stand How to get Gems, Anime Last Stand best units, Anime last stand 24 hours, anime last stand roblox, anime last stand, new update anime last stand, Blamspot
Id: fEx28wjdexc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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