I Paid $250 for $1,932 Worth of MYSTERY TECH! Amazon Returns Pallet Unboxing!

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what's up guys I'm random Frank P and that title was not clickbait I paid two hundred and fifty dollars for nineteen hundred dollars worth of tech the only catch is here I have no idea what's inside and it's all Amazon returns so they could be broken they could be busted they could be perfectly fine they could be some people didn't want or the wrong item that's the thing here it was a liquidation website I bought this from where they just buy stuff in bulk from Amazon if they don't want to deal with it so they sent me a pallet of tech returns fifty pounds total in these two boxes so if this stick so this series does well we're going to call this thing unloaded so what we're gonna do here is go through both these boxes see what we got see what's inside and then test everything and see if the stuff we got is worth but from there we can see what the overall value is in relation to what I paid so let's not waste any time this might be a pretty long video so only thing I know was these pallets were from Las Vegas whatever the liquidation site is um I'll put it down below and they do this pretty frequently that's what a lot of third-party sellers do on Amazon or Ebay is buy a bunch of stuff from these liquidation companies test it and then you know resell it for what it's worth so alright let's see this is insane this is insane let me invert this box here Wow okay we're off the bat I am completely stunned because right here is the SteelSeries arctas pro wireless headset and this itself I'm pretty sure was like three hundred dollars so if this works and we paid just for this alone not include this entire box of other stuff I already see some games here this is uh alright so first up what works gonna we're gonna pick things apart here and go over it SteelSeries arctas Pro Wireless like I said I want to say this is close to 250 retail this is actually one of their newer headsets but the whole pro series the wireless one these can get expensive so if we test it out and this works then that is gonna be already a crazy buy just starting off the bat just like this so quickly um I'm just gonna reach in things and grab stuff randomly stay at the k2 for the Xbox one maybe I know this got bad ratings the disc itself looks perfectly fine so they could have just bought it and decided they don't like it and returned it and then here we have new Gundam breaker funny thing about this is very similar to state of decay to is this was highly anticipated I know I was really looking forward to it then when it came out got really really bad reviews like half star on Amazon but this the fronts a little busted here you can see the case is ripped so this could be perfectly fine it could be a great working game all I gotta do is maybe if I don't like it resell it put it a different sleeve and it's good to go you got a CD here or eaten never heard of her I'm sorry anybody wants its hit me up okay these are wow wow I don't know what these are there's some sort of headphones but they are definitely not my style maybe that's the beauty of this finding out new things I did not know about oh my god bu it says an H this this has to be like some Chinese vending machine pair of headphones it's got a rainbow bow up top bu on the side this means they probably who knows that these work should I check put these on for you that's what I see fantastic get these out of here they probably don't work down there okay I don't even know where to be I just I just don't even know how to like go through all of this but there's a little box over here what's inside this dye your straight this is a vinyl oh my god I am honestly listen when I knew that said the value was around 1900 like I said I didn't think it was gonna be like I don't know I'm just ranting here dire straits I've never heard of them what year did this come out 1978 the vinyl itselves intact not gonna take it out but hey this is an odd sort of return but it's in here next up a little box goichi no idea no idea looking like a okay so this is like gonna be a little phone mount possibly for your car yes a little little phone mount air vent stick it on there hey I'm just throwing everything off to the side it's gonna be super fun to clean up we got some Xperia air duo Wireless I've never heard of these actually so got the little sony pod and the wireless earbuds oh they're inside of this Wow okay Xperia air duo wireless earbuds let's see yep right there really nice gold finish on these tell you what these work I'd be a pretty nice pickup I was actually looking for something very similar to this for around the office but I'm like filming and stuff alright oh I swear to you guys when I was buying this stuff I did not know what's inside this is the rode videomicro people were complaining when I picked up my Sony a7 3 when I was doing vlogs that the mic was off because I'm pretty sure my oh my old of videomicro I bought it was busted cuz I like I dropped it last year and I kind of fell apart so if this works that would be a crazy crazy good coincidence because I need a new one so that's awesome holy moly a built-in 7-inch wireless rear camera it's the huh it's like I assume it says Amazon warehouse inspected probably again one of those things for people just it's not what they thought so they returned it I also should mention that on the website it said that it's like may have like a 10 percent defective rate of the stuff that they sell in these massive boxes so 10 percents not too bad I this is just sort of like you know rear camera for your car and it has a wireless monitor with it so that's that's pretty pretty cool unless the camera itself is wireless but I won't need that at all so that's okay we got a nice old here we go from Apple remember the old 16 pin chargers no use for that unfortunately it is a hurricane outside I'm favoring this box too much this is just a binder the little bungee thing here is broken so that'll go back in the dump a TV antenna a digital HD antenna you want to ditch some cable I guess you hook this in you put the thing by the by the window so it receives a signal there's some uh some parts jumbling around in here could be busted what else a lightning digital AV Adapter so if you have like a like your phone if you want to plug in or I guess if you have an iPhone you can plug in like HDMI or lightning port to have it out to a monitor or a TV got the cable here it the cable itself looks brand new are these liquidation boxes are where it's at I'm gonna become a hoarder real quick because all this is this more room that I have already this isn't really tech elemers washable clear glue one quart thanks I guess that's a part of it all right and others CD in here Earl Hines what is this jazz Earl Hines live at the new school all right that's my first CD in like 10 years we got some manga markers it's a manga dual brush pens my apologies um I could probably use these I actually do some some minor drawing and stuff on the side and maybe for just having these like in the background of shots like there's overhead - owls in the wooden desk get some color in there okay okay I apologize I'm ready this videos gonna be really really long it's just there's really no efficient way to go over all this and then we've still to test everything and go over a stuff these are just this is a single earbud male information on it XD you Pathfinder is a single earbud here very interesting I think something that glue leak because this was glued to the side of the box that's pretty good this is a broadcaster headset for the ps4 dream gear this looks very generic and cheap probably like a $9.99 pickup got that little earbud and the microphone for it this is a wireless mouse wireless mouse this is from Logitech okay I'm not too sure the model here let's do the m3 25 it feels like yeah it's got a battery the receiver already inside very tiny portable wireless mouse we're like a good like laptop mouse or something for on-the-go top back over here no idea what these are Victor Victor what's a electronic mousetrap oh not what I was expecting probably should not handle these without without knowing what I'm doing anymore but hey we got some electronic mousetraps that's cool what is this another lightning cable for your charging but it says lightning cable but this is clearly a microUSB so again I could probably explain the return wrong label boom office home in business 2003 brand-new you get a that's Microsoft home in business here little office key pretty cool pretty cool and a Polaroid Wow these if this isn't one I'm thinking of I'm pretty sure these are close to 100 bucks I know we were looking at getting one of these in pink for our wedding to have just like around about use people can take pictures and stuff but that's this is brand new it's not opened at all that's pretty pretty nifty little buy there what is this Epson this is I looking like printer ink the 410 XL there are one two three four or five cartridges in here we have four yellow black-yellow yeah unfortunately I don't have this printer so I can't take advantage of that maybe this will be something I can resell for like three times is worth because printer ink is stupid expensive what we got over here all I see is Abraham Lincoln on the back business con paper I was just oh wow this is like cotton paper I've never felt paper like this actually feels pretty nice Hey Oh is he some extra paper for write down notes it's for proposals presentations and reports very very nice he was an extra printer printer paper too long that printer ink alright we're making a debt here these are looking like some extra silicon ear tips you know I don't want to even test these out because if someone did use these you know it was probably in their ear the maybe this goes along with that one that's single ear earbud we had before or maybe it goes along with this Skullcandy jib wireless wireless pair of Skullcandy oh there is some gnarly there's some gnarly ear wax in here that is gross these are going right in the trash oh why would you why would someone return this after using it clean your ear that was gross what is this one of those JBL speakers no but it looks like a JBL speaker a Comey so huh pretty rugged got some weight to it got like a rubber body around it huh this is a turn-on is it probably dead interesting interesting I have too much Bluetooth speakers so really no use for that let's see what have you got here a digital signal preamplifier for antennas for outdoor antennas so from RCA I don't know I really don't know this does I'm having to use for it unfortunately now we got some we got like about five or six seven bigger boxes left this is a triple monitor no I'm sorry a double monitor our mount this these usually go for around fifteen to thirty bucks on Amazon this is actually pretty convenient because I do want to work on like a secondary station like secondary workstation or a guest setup it's again brand new not opened this is from vivo very very popular I've seen these a lot and room tour project so they got a brand new one here no way Wow there are so many things in this box that I've looked at to buy or have an idea to buy this is one of those digital dog treats HD camera the pet cube Alice deftly it looks used considering the tape around it but it's you know a camera for your pets you can do like voice chat with them while you're out it can shoot them treats and stuff this is very convenient if this does work because my wife and I actually coming up to have a trip coming up we were gonna leave the pup alone for like 12 hours it's still kind of a lot for the day so having something like this while we're out we're going on day trips is definitely convenient we got something for you Luna she's camera shy I'll usually shoot out here so I have the lights and the cameras and everything she's kind of freaked out she's sitting behind me and what is this box here let's see lots of weird weird like office stuff weird office stuff these are a ton of like manila envelopes Wow it's probably like a hundred earth yeah there's there's a hundred in here if there's four packs are like 25 no use for these unfortunately but damn so that'll do it for one box we got one more left looking like five more things in here including this kind of retro throwback looking classic Bluetooth speaker it's the retro Edition it shows from qfx box is open we'll test it out again later on see if it's usable amazonbasics chest mount hardness for gopro cameras huh alright this was this doesn't look used but someone probably bought it was like oh it's not what I wanted not what I thought it was gonna be so they returned it again those are usually pretty cheap and then something that I'm really not too familiar with at all boss boss my bad some speakers from 400 watt speakers for your car again Amazon inspected so this could be good my car's audio is fine as it is these are black and red they CH 69 30 someone let me know how these are the chaos extreme series like that could be a good little Craigslist flip oops and then last but not least is a home phone a cordless phone for your landline it's been a it's been about seven years since I think I've used the landline but hey this is the last thing in the box Wow alright so to reiterate we paid $250 for they said nineteen hundred dollars worth of Amazon tech returns came in a big pallet two boxes like this fifty pounds total definitely a lot more than I anticipated so I guess the next step to this video if you're still watching to me the tests of things I think would be useful or you know worthy and Steve they work see if I could use them or not and if they do work and I don't care about them I can always flip them resell alright so first up I wanted to test the video micro if this works that's great so I'm gonna judge the audio after this when I'm editing hopefully works that'd be awesome checking in afterwards looks like everything's all good here this saves me if he was like 40 50 bucks all right so next up I was testing out those Kaos car speakers open one side and I saw that and figured yep that's probably a valid return busted well that's what this series is all about all right next up was those Sony Xperia e R duos they're definitely most likely meant for women but they work fine the weird thing was with this is I think it is made for you know feminine ears not my fat Italian earlobes because this thing took like ten minutes just to fit properly around my ear but I mean hey they work and I want to check the price two hundred and eighty dollars for these that's literally more than I paid for the entire 50 pound palette so that is a lot more than I was expecting these are gonna be worth that's awesome like I said they do work fine and after seeing those those Skullcandy earbud that got kind of weary but these are brand new thankfully no one had these in their ears before which is always a good thing and the whole sides of these are like touch pads you there's like no button so you could tap at the skip song swipe up and down and stuff like that for volume and it comes to this a little like wireless charging pod you put them in here and they charge right up so two hundred and eighty dollars all right next up is the ink and considering they're all individually wrapped and stuff I assume they're brand new and these are worth 75 bucks another video is long we're gonna fly through this part this polaroid one-step v2 camera which was also brand new is worth 120 but it only has a two and a half star amazon rating so pretty poorly reviewed but this like I said brand new tested both the games will say the k2 and new Gundam breaker like I said they both work just fine the logitech wireless mouse I worked with no issues test it out the cable this worked next up what was it oh I'm probably not gonna keep this but there were some issues with the GoPro harness probably gonna resell that one vinyl because I have no you for it and this qfx retro speaker this was only 23 bucks out unfortunately definitely looks like it'd be more expensive but also another one of the products that was very bad reviews it's definitely cheaper than I thought but it worked just fine when I tested it everything here is still functional so pretty interesting retro speaker here these are the last three things to test and I'm pretty interested in I'm gonna keep those manga markers the paper and the pen or the the glue stuff Plus that mount but everything else is probably gonna get tossed because it was just junk or I had no need for it or it was broken like I said with those speakers don't need those metal aportfolio things again I don't need a wireless back up camera on thing for my car I know someone in Africa like you said there's kids in Africa without this stuff I don't need it and a lot of the other stuff I'm just gonna toss if I didn't mention it already and especially these things come on what is this office home in business for 2013 excuse it being blown out here you probably can't see it but on Amazon it says two hundred and ninety two dollars probably not the retail price for this still but hey if I list it for like a hundred or fifty bucks online if someone buys it that's already a huge profit next up what I'm really pumped for is testing out these SteelSeries wireless headset if this works that'd be great so I just got to boot it up and guys this works a hundred percent fine like everything inside here is in the box was all in its original packaging it took me less than five seconds to get set up so there was no issues with that only thing that was out of the packaging was this with the battery and the battery wasn't upside down so I'm willing to bet that he had the battery in or didn't know how to I don't even know what the issue was but the best thing is there is no issue so again that's the best part about this and obviously hard to speculate why he or she would want to return these but they worked perfectly three hundred and twenty dollars these are worth I underestimated that before I said I think like 250 so 334 this is literally brand to the SteelSeries arctas pro wireless headset everything here works just fine that is awesome I might actually use these like as my main headset going forward this is a crazy value I paid 250 for everything guys but the last thing I want to check out is that little doggie cam and the the tree shooter thing all right and lastly the petcube 100% works I've even got it uh let's see if I can boot it up right here the live feed is up this thing itself like I said this was literally in my shopping car in Amazon Prime day decided not to get it this is two hundred and eighteen dollars right now on sale usually for two fifty and it works just fine I've had to update it alert the latest uh firmware update and it was good but there's one catch so that was a box again setting it up I heard a bit of rattling around in here and yeah there's still some treats in there so this was definitely like a one-time use kind of thing or either they tried it and just returned it or something but it definitely was used which means if we do decide to keep this and use it we're gonna give it a complete sterile wash head-to-toe but that'll bits of my wife discretion whether we keep this or not but I mean it does everything else works just fine camera works the the treat shooting thing works pretty sell a pickup alright guys so that's probably gonna wrap it up for this one I know it's a little bit long at this point but I just got kind of overwhelmed once I a box everything and saw how much stuff there was again I paid two hundred and fifty dollars for nineteen hundred dollars worth the tech and they're all just it's from a liquidation site they buy a bunch of you stuff in bulk from Amazon that Amazon doesn't want to deal with and they sell out the people who you know like third-party resellers they'll buy it like I did test it out and resell it on Amazon and eBay all that and just the total value of stuff that I'm probably gonna keep was like eleven twelve hundred dollars you saw a lot of it was junk yes lobby I'm just gonna throw back out cuz I don't need it or it was broken or I just don't want to touch it again but the stuff that I did keep like in the pet cube by itself the SteelSeries headset the Sony earbuds the camera the Microsoft Office code that itself is close to like eleven twelve hundred bucks as it is so I'm gonna keep a lot of that stuff and I want to get your guys feedback do you like this series do you want to see me do more of these should I break it up with our videos should I do a follow-up on the whole process of reselling to see how much of a profit we can make I mean everything adds itself is a big profit but just crazy crazy stuff it was a long day doing this and testing everything but I think all together very interesting and massive mystery unboxing that I only paid two hundred and fifty dollars for and I am wildly impressed this went a lot better than I thought it did a lot of stuff I'll be keeping and that's that's that's awesome so hope you guys enjoyed if you did give this video a thumbs up show your support like I said comment down below your thoughts and feel free to hit me up and follow me on Twitter at random Frank P and lastly if you haven't already hit that subscribe button I'm random Frank P hope you enjoyed have a good day
Channel: randomfrankp
Views: 7,554,505
Rating: 4.467226 out of 5
Keywords: randomfrankp, 2018, ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, haul, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul
Id: 7fDMcWYg2wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
Reddit Comments

This is basically the grown-up version of those YouTube Kinder Egg unwrapping videos aimed at kids. Gross.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/beast_curious 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

This encourage such a disgusting, unnecessary, and gluttonous consumeristic lifestyle. Same goes for those unboxing videos. Not only are we feeding our cravings to buy for the sake of buying, but now we're feeding it further with fantasy from videos of unboxing shit no one needs or wants, in order to continue to feed that craving.

This also links directly to the videos, so I'd suggest to just have a link/info of it in the description. I'd rather not give these channels any more view counts.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cuckooaskukkutasana 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy doesn't know what a pallet is. You got 2 boxes dude, not a pallet.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SteamyBriefcase 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

He's a tech channel. Plus that 250 he spemt acrually fot him 1500 dollas worth of stuff. He will review this stuff and make money from views.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/oRoyax 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
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