I Ordered A Mystery Pokemon Box From Collector's Cache...And This Is What They Sent Me

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pokemon mystery boxes you guys have probably seen them before online on ebay and different websites mystery boxes filled with different types of pokemon products but are they a scam will you get your money's worth out of them break even or better yet make money off of what's inside here versus what you paid for it we're gonna find out right now because i purchased this box directly from collector's cash this is a mystery box of pokemon cards all kinds of different products are promised to possibly be inside here but i didn't purchase just one of these i actually grabbed two of them this is the first one right here we're gonna dive into it and see exactly what we got out of here so the first thing i'm wondering here off the bat is when they put these together did they put these booster boxes together six months ago or the other day or a year ago because that's going to make a big difference here as to what could be inside in my opinion because as you guys know the pokemon market right now is on fire and even modern sets from even six months to a year ago worth quite a bit of money in comparison to what the retail prices on a lot of them so the first thing i really like about this box right off the bat is that it's a pokeball right i mean it has a really cool design here i have the other one right next to me because i grabbed two of these i'm gonna open up both of these just so we can get a better comparison to actually see you know if we got maybe one good one one bad one maybe both of them are good i have no idea what's inside i have not opened this up yet i took it out of the exterior packaging that they shipped it in which was a pretty large box here so i mean we can give it the shake and seems like whatever's in here is protected pretty well in this one the top here also has a handle so it seems to be so actually pull that up here and it looks like actually i'm not sure yet it looks like some sort of handle you could probably make it in a way where you can have the handle work together for you to actually be able to carry it so i say we crack into this and i'm really i'm not sure what to expect out of here so paid 40 but not only the 40 i actually had to pay the shipping on top of that which was probably another 15 per box so probably closer to 60 for each of these so let's see what we have in our first box here so let's pop the top here okay right off the bat i'm seeing a lot of bubble wrap here this is always a good sign whenever you purchase anything online it's a good sign and the other thing is i'm curious if they actually constructed this box themselves because there's no pokemon or nintendo logos on this whatsoever so if so props to them for the creativity on this i think this is probably the nicest mystery box exterior that i've ever seen so that's one good thing and the other thing just so you guys know um i purchased this myself so you know it's not something directly from them um it's just straight up right from me and buying off their website so let's see this should be what you know anybody would get when purchasing one of these so i like the bubble wrap that's always good to have on here okay so right here i could see one of those pokeballs that usually have card packs inside so here's our first thing here and actually now i'm wondering okay is there anything else under here or is that it okay there's other items i'll save that for after this so let's start with this so we have this pokeball here and it's got you guys can see that 2019 pokemon made in china on the bottom there we go okay so they sent me an op an empty pokeball so that's our first item not too excited about this i would have liked there to be the booster packs inside of it so it's almost as if right off the bat here sort of moving product that they can't otherwise move because i'm assuming that they took the packs out of here and sold it separately somewhere else but we'll see what else is inside of this box let's put that to the side there and let's just hope maybe there's okay okay now we're starting to get to some items that might be better maybe that was just a top item that they just kind of threw in there but i'm i'm hoping to at least get cards in here because a random assortment of several pokemon related goodies so not necessarily saying that there's going to be pokemon cards although collector's cash is known for selling pokemon cards collectible cards basically that's what their whole store is all about is tcgs so i'm hoping to get at least some cards in here that's what you would probably expect to purchase from them but so right here this is kind of interesting we have a pokemon key ring so keep in mind again we spend about 55 dollars if you include the shipping with this box so far we have a key ring which i do like the pokeballs on here so this is kind of cool i do like that all right so that's our second item let's keep digging um i'm seeing some some dicey see that's another thing that they could have pulled these from different like elite trainer boxes to put them in here but pokemon company international made in china 2015 okay contain seven dice so this just dice so you can use that for different things when you're playing the game there you have to roll dice for certain moves if you play the actual tcg so um let's see what this is okay this is kind of cool so a two-piece eraser set so you got bulbasaur and wobba fett pokemon product creative kids licensed and final seven styles so you get random ones so you get a charmander on there uh you can get an ev a meowth and a couple other pokemon over there so just a couple erasers kind of cool probably something that you know a kid might use in school or something like that okay so we do have packs great all right i was really hoping they were gonna throw packs in there hopefully there's some good ones we're gonna let's oh and i see some more actually over here oh that might be flash fire okay let's let's hang on for a second and get to those in another in a minute um really quickly though we'll check this out um okay so genesect pin so some sleeves these are ho-oh so anytime you have like a legendary pokemon on there chars or anything they're usually pretty popular types of sleeves so 2017 another item that's you know it's not super new so that's the other thing i'm not really seeing anything from 2020 in here which is interesting don't forget i have another one of these boxes to the side so i'm curious how different these will be as we continue down here um so just some more like tissue paper to protect the contents and let's grab some of the packs all right so we have let me put this aside break point okay not like the most popular set but still um i believe what is the date on this 2016 so we're seeing some stuff that's kind of old 2016 four years ago and a team up pack is really good team up is sun and moon set with tag team pokemon it's pretty popular it's a good set it's a solid set a top 10 set from sun and moon and let's see what else we got breakthrough okay another that's it's all right not super popular but i would say the best one out of these three is the team up pack here so let's see what else we have in here we'll open up some of these packs too oh wow okay this is this is big all right we got a flash fire pack in here and of course the steam siege which steam siege isn't a good set to most people it's probably one of the lowest rated sets of pokemon of all time but i'm actually pretty shocked we got a flash fire pack in here so props to collectors cash i mean flash fire booster packs i think they're going for about 20 bucks so there's a lot of value this right here is almost half the value of this booster box or of this mystery box just from this flash fire pack i mean you get the secret air charge on here you can get a lot of different charizards we definitely are going to be opening up this pack as well so i i'm really liking the value i'm actually i was really hesitant at the beginning to sort of go through these because i wasn't sure how we were going to do but this flash fire pack is definitely a huge win that's got to be the most valuable thing so far and then all these other packs as well that we're going to go through and the other mystery box so let's keep digging i don't know how much more is left in here though um okay so a pokeball this is a um i'm not sure the exact ball here great ball super ball but pokeball here tommy so um this is definitely like an authentic item pokemon these are probably worth a decent chunk of change i'm not totally sure the exact value on something like this but this is cool to get in here um a cool pokemon actually even put this in the background so i'm liking the value i'm starting like the value here of this but let's see what else we have here and then we have actually there's something else down there too and what is this okay so earrings pokeballs shaped as hearts so another little item that's thrown here and then another item we have in here it's kind of really weird about this is okay i thought this was used for a second i was like i thought there was somebody's drink was still in here but this actually has like a second layer to it basically right so like there's the water on the second layer in here and it looks like there's stuff in there but there's not and let me actually double check but this is i mean this has to be um this has to be decent value too i mean i could see these selling for like fifteen dollars i think we actually got decent value out of this i mean again paying about fifty five dollars if you include the shipping the packs alone too i mean the flash fire pack is definitely worth it so i say we open up some of these packs right now and then we grab the other box and kind of go through that as well so i'll just go through these quickly steam siege isn't really a big hitter and um we'll see what else is in here but the flash fire is pretty solid i'm actually i'm pretty happy with the first one i feel as though value-wise we definitely got our value if not maybe a little bit more than 55 on it maybe about 55. boom that is a nice hit too pokemon ranger full art i've actually never pulled this card before hey that is cool all right so we got a hit out of that one second pack in i'll save the flash fire for last um but let's do the break point and then i would say the second best pack would probably be something like the team up pack okay trevor not and greninja so nothing on that pack and let's move on to the team up so hopefully that flash fire pack i was i was really shocked to see that so okay tyranitar hollow not bad hollows are okay you know with the newer stuff you're really looking for more like ex gx full art stuff like that and team up 2019 so they could have put these together in 2019 i mean it wouldn't have been too far-fetched to s to them have put these together way before and then they're still selling these and maybe they haven't been selling well so they put them at forty dollars and then over time like something like this just increases in value so much so flash fire this is an xy set i believe it was released in 2014 on the back so this is a six year old set which contains charizards that are pretty valuable i mean if we pull one of these we'll have done extremely well well let's see what we get out of here okay we got a non-hollow out of that one so obviously something like that would have been better to keep sealed but i just wanted to open up with you guys because we do open stuff up on the channel if you haven't been to this channel before so overall those items were pretty solid for what we paid honestly i would say we're probably on point or a little bit more but let's let's kind of move on now to the second box i want to see if that's completely different similar or like what what actually we get out of here so let's do on here so we can see this has a little bit of something going on the box but overall the same style box and everything like that i just grabbed two quantities of these let's so it seems like the things are moving around a little bit more but i don't know if they're going to be the same type of items or completely different or what exactly or similar items just different style like something like this with the different type of eraser in it or the same so let's see we have the same bubble wrap on top it's always good to do that and we're starting to see some of the items that we saw before but different styles so like well this ball we had before and okay the same thing like moving the product from it and they just kind of throw these in here as their little novelty type thing um and okay we're getting different items this is cool so we have another box but i'm already seeing something different so this is like i think it's one of those slap bracelets so if you guys have seen this before this is pokemon and these are all authentic pokemon items 2018. so like i'm pretty sure yeah it's like just a slap slap on bracelet obviously it's not something that i would probably rock but like for kids okay i'll uh i'm really liking this check this out oh yes we got the one with the starters oh and it's completely different as like a sort of i don't know what to call it not like hollow but it's kind of like a you turn it and the picture kind of changes a little bit on it it has like a somewhat of a 3d effect that's like the background looks a little 3d if you guys can see that on the camera we got the three starters though squirtle charmander and bulbasaur and it's the same thing put your drink in it keeps it cold i guess or hot or whatever bpa free pokemon candle starters and i believe this is another just authentic pokemon product 2016. so yeah i mean this is cool i i love the both of these that we got the eevee and then the starters like that is cool i really like that they put those in one of my favorite items in there but now i'm seeing different items too which i'm really happy to see okay so you know throw a coin in right these are coins that you get sometimes pokemon throws them in with different items and you know not nothing too crazy with that but you know just something that they threw in there and then another one of those balls but we got a different one um repeat ball so that says the type on on there there's a repeat ball so you can get all the different versions and it has the original like pokemon tag on there and everything tommy and everything like that so that's all legit which is good to see that we're not seeing like any weird like knockoff items which you probably really don't want to get when you buy something like this but let's see how we do on the packs as well we'll kind of stick with that for a little bit later um so we actually got a ring now so we got a ring 2016 on the back there pikachu it looks like a pikachu ring that's actually kind of cool pikachu ring in like a plastic made in china yeah okay i like the i was kind of afraid that they were going to do the same exact products which i was kind of like and that would kind of be a little lame but i do really like these i really am liking how they did these okay well now we got something the same there another genesect uh pin which you know these types of products the coins and things that are kind of products that you pull when you're pulling packs from different items and you kind of have like stacks of these like left over so they're throwing them in here so i can see how they're moving certain products like these two probably something that they might have pulled out of maybe you know an elite trainer box or whatever these come from i doubt they were sold separate but they could have been here's our erasers so we got the other ones so we got squirtle and pikachu on that one we got the bulbasaur and wobba fed on these two and then on the back should say like you can collect all seven same product creative kids pokemon licensed um for them to create these products so some more racers not bad let's move this out of the way and see what else we have in here all right i really want to see what those packs are at the end as well so more sleeves 2017 probably from another elite trainer box here all right we're going to get this out of the way and let's see what we got so i'm basing this off of what packs we have not exactly what's in the packs because you're not guaranteed anything in the pack so based off of the actual packs that we get wow okay that is solid way to go collector's cash on that one phantom forces is probably the second most expensive x and y set right after flash fire these um you know what probably like a 15 10 10 15 pack phantom forces you get the silver diago card in here so that's a big pack a little bit less valuable than flash fire but still wasn't expecting to see that for yours fists that's not bad i believe the booster boxes these are probably gonna say maybe like four hundred dollars a booster box so this one's definitely a pack that's you know it's getting up there a little bit um let's see what this is break point so we had this in another one nothing too crazy with break point not a terrible set or anything but not like a big hitter and then these kind of double packed in here i'm not sure why these were put in like a double sleeve here but unified mines is a good set i like unified mines with the tag team cards and then we might have an evolutions back here no okay another break point okay so you i would say phantom forces is the biggest then unified minds then furious fists so let's open up these let's do unified minds and see if we get anything on here see if we get any big hitters but again not basing off of our hits basing off of the packs that they give us we do have a big hitter i think okay not a huge one but we got a gx guard chopping gear tina so this one doesn't have texture it's a regular gx but it's still hit so better than a non-hollow or just even a regular hollow there so we got that as a hit let's move into a breakpoint pack see if we get anything out of this okay non-hollow out of there and give you guys the code card you can redeem these online for the online tcg game um let's save that phantom forces for less maybe we could get a silver card gold duck okay non-hollow out of there and then we have furious fists which is a pretty decent set oh nice seismitoad ex full art number 106 out of one one one we got another four that's pretty surprising and then like you know obviously these packs look to be you know straight from steel products and stuff because you know we're getting the hits and yeah they look good to me so seismitoad full art ex that's another big hit and let's see what this pack has of course you know odds of pulling the secret rush silver carter really slim along with that gengar but still possible so let's see what we could get out of here and a non-hollow out of that one but we got two big hits and overall i would say i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with the the mystery boxes overall i didn't feel like we you know got scammed or anything i feel like we got at least our money's worth on those i would say about 55 definitely in product even maybe even a little bit more depending on the first pack or the first mystery box but yeah guys i hope you enjoyed that um let me know if you'd want to see another style of this video where we jump in and we grab some more mystery boxes from different sources different places and kind of just go in and see how they are and yeah guys i hope you enjoyed the video make sure you like the video if you enjoyed it let me know down below leave a comment let me know what you thought of that those mystery boxes if you think they're worth it if you think you might grab one and um or if you think they weren't worth it let me know as well make sure you subscribe to the channel as well and i will see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 307,717
Rating: 4.8370109 out of 5
Keywords: Collector's Cache, pokemon, mystery box, pokemon cards, mystery box unboxing, pokemon cards opening, opening pokemon cards, pokerev, pokecave
Id: EGgTRBj_Hu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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