I ONLY built Eula for 20 DAYS (Genshin Impact)

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in this video for the past 20 days I only Built the most elegant NPC for Monster EULA [Music] after over a year since our last rerun Ila is finally coming back in version 2.8 with every character I built for 20 days in the past I have some sort of story on why I'm spending 20 days worth of resin for them for Eula however I don't really have one listen I know how to appreciate a character's design and without a doubt Eula is one of the prettiest in this game so for the next 20 days I'm gonna spend all of my resin to build the most powerful physical K you'll ever see well I'll at least try with that said let's get this shot started shall we [Music] I need to set up what eula's theme will look like there's a few variations but for my team at least for now I will have Eula Ryden Mika and Bennett Ryden will trigger super conduct and fill in as a second DPS during your last downtime Mika is there temporarily because I'm not really sure if I can get his C6 which Buffs physical damage but we won't really know until we at you you know get to pool and of course the last one well do I really have to explain Bennett come on now it's Bennett unless you have C6 then rest in peace as for the starting gear because I'm pretty much up to pee my weapon of choice will be serpent spine oh it's f2p because it's a four star you know no all right for artifacts oh we used a four piece belt Flame or maybe mixing two pieces like Bill flame and bloodstain and lastly I actually need to get Eula because I can't really build Doula without Eula what am I gonna do if I didn't get her build a physical Dory thankfully I have the worst luck in the game and got myself a guaranteed here's what happened is that I'm back what were we talking about I kind of forgot no we'll do a loose Hardware circular is like free I'm just hoping for an early here so yeah if I want to see one casual I I hope for an early Frank bro I guess I can't complain since it was early but like crack man [Music] on the other hand at least we know now that we have a guaranteed Eula and the last thing that we worry about is Zula actually getting a rerun in 3.8 since I started the Sean's 80s into kaza's rerun it still wasn't officially announced but I took the risk and started preforming so for day one we do what we usually do and prioritize essential materials we go back to Dragon Spain and farm the karaoke it's my first time actually going against the cube as you can see with the new entry thingy it was a really big problem though because of my very well built Hotel oh speaking of Pluto thank you for 200k reviews not building Hotel video by the way it really means thank you all ready for the kid to respond we have yet another difficult thought to complete and that is dandelion seats holy [ __ ] here we go again no go around this time I swear but farming is my friend why do we only have like 50 something in our world they expect me to join other people's world and actually have to talk and ask them nah bro you're asking for way too much now anyways open up the interactive map and mark the dandelion locations for us to occasionally come back to occasionally because they only respawn like once every two days or something few minutes have passed we did pretty much the same routine do the queue while responding Farm dandelion seeds maybe do some chess hunting and repeat the last song of the day we got a possible office where you love it doesn't have crit damage but it does have crit rate and er which Eula desperately needs so we'll look at it for now and that pretty much concludes day one we come back the next day and the first thing we did was to farm essential materials while waiting again for the cube to respond I went to the nearest crafting table and prepared my healer troll drops for talent and Ascension levels I needed about 129 blue drops 96 green ones and 36 gray ones after crafting everything I had to the ones I need I now have over 130g Blues 35 greens and one gray I plan to Triple Crown Eula or at least try so I had to prepare every material she needs since we're still lacking a lot of mob drops it was time to farm Miller Trails I'm actually farming Hillsong [Music] in between farming I would check if the cube has to respond and I would just play my Brownie and go back to farming Hiller drills after a few minutes I went ahead and did my last Ascension Run for the day and challenge asdaha it's been a while since I actually did a weekly I was hoping for the right drop and some dream solvents after failing to do a 360 no scope video on finally hit one but I accidentally left the domain since I thought it was the claim button I I hate myself [Music] laughs [Music] oh I had to take out my anger in someone right since I had to redo the whole thing once again I brought my big tongue damage ayaka and cleared Aza as quick as possible it wasn't dry drop and no dream solvent but at least it dropped to artifact surely one of them is good right okay so in the day off I loved up a few pencil in pieces like the circuit so hopefully you get crit damage I level up the sounds is all hoping for crit rate and despite the bad substance I still continued and got what I wish for [Music] since I didn't have a lot of artifact XP I sat there and called it at night I stopped a little bit on essential materials for day 3 so I can Farm tile books today is Friday and my God we need to farm books we can't even count one top with these amount of books what the [ __ ] am I supposed to Crown free then the cherry on top of the domain on where to get those books are [ __ ] annoying oh thank God I have changed Academy anyways I confess my resin for the day and use all of it on the top book domain after using all my resin I harvested the remaining dandelion seeds that we marked out I was so glad I had over 100 plus seeds already or else I would have lost it ah [ __ ] it we'll do we'll do uh eula's artifacts today why not right [Music] yeah this is why you always go for guaranteed upgrades first if you want to do this challenge please focus on your essential materials levels downs and weapons don't be like this guy please although for the first time in almost a year of playing YouTube impact I actually explored to achieve an FTP weapon but the Journey of the exploration was interesting to say the most I'll just play the clips oh okay so there's one more where the [ __ ] is that yo chat help okay let me search this up Kenshin snow tone star silver uh location it says around here I don't know which one I collected you can literally see the symbols really where the streamer lost [ __ ] see it's Richie right here this is the one I was missing I didn't have to look see told you it's already a little I [ __ ] it Cha Cha Cha Cha help me out here help me out here look look just look at this just look at this oh can I tell which one is lit or not because it doesn't show am I am I missing something it just shows like where the location is I don't know which one I claimed and which one I haven't just do all then oh is there a sign here maybe maybe this is another Quest that no one knows oh [ __ ] I have to do adventuring oh I just have to follow it my God this is easy bro it will have such difficulty doing this okay so let's see how you walk first yeah okay how about you how about you my minions do all of it for me I get it now I get it now watch watch watch watch [Music] Hi how are you hi Leah what the [ __ ] are you doing so why'd you stop so wait so wait so wait so wait chat help me out it's just timing I get it now don't worry about it I don't get it I think it's after or after it goes there then you put there and then boom boom pow watch you go first go and then you open that you go next boom open that and you go next easy I literally did not ask chat for help watch boom boom and then boom [Music] my god dude sometimes [Music] wait how the [ __ ] do you do this chat help me out oh wait I didn't pick it up yeah I'm not kidding I'm not kidding I'm not kidding the lag is way too crazy you guys don't understand the explore this [ __ ] 11 months ago right here it's below how the [ __ ] do you go down there there's a cave entrance at the top order to the bottom left oh no which one here oh [ __ ] me now found it first sight exactly oh my God I'm so good I already had it really wait when did I explore there first of all when did I explore there wait which one is this then it's the one and on top of star glow oh maybe I should I should make uh I should make a like a tutorial on this yo how to explore with frappo [ __ ] so it says you have to go okay you teleport uh uh in the thing you teleport here you said and you have to fight to the platform the left and climb on the slope I don't know what that means oh [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me [Music] how do you break this okay I'm done after a few minutes I finally figured out which one was needed thanks so much for guiding me I was finally on track of obtaining the weapon okay all right you'll you'll be my eyes do I go right or left I'm closing my eyes wait I gotta read inside the cave here okay now on the right side climb up here okay I finally reached the destination where the last one will be but then this happened thanks so much Jeff for helping me once again I managed to find the last box in no time oh you get this and then boom wow see Chad told you I don't need help wow opens big hole opens oh [ __ ] man that I'm stuck in here oh got the recipe okay okay now what do you need to craft it why what is this suffering why do I only have one now before going straight to the comments I know what you're thinking if you let all the Torches inside that room you will get the snow tone play more for free without even crafting it I pretty much wasted a lot of time and effort collecting all of the materials why do I never do my research well at least for day five you don't have to watch the painful experience of me collecting all those star silver I'm sure you guys have suffered enough watching we explore I got the weapon anyways only after a few minutes so it wasn't that bad after doing my dailies I decided to level up the weapon as far as I can thankfully I had a lot of books for the weapon so I didn't have to use my resin at the end of the leveling session I only needed one more Ascension for it to be maxed out since the Sunday today I condensed my resin and went straight to the weapon domain I got enough to make three out of four and just had to depend on ayaka to get a bonus gold one but I came back a few hours later and I went straight ahead to do the weapon domain I got a big drop for only 20 residents so it was enough to get one more gold one but when I crafted it up I got this I love you oh what the [ __ ] man I burned 2000 resin on you in a single day and 20 days of building you afterwards why do you hate me well at least we now have a max out weapon only in day five for the remaining resin I use the undertone book domain since it was also open and I needed a lot of books damn I love Sunday's ink engine it was another big day for day 6 because the leelan events are back because God damn I need them badly I used a lot on a previous challenge that will be uploaded um hopefully soon yeah so for the first part of day six I use all of the three claims after the Lee lines I challenged azdaha once again but I didn't get the right drop nor a dream solvent for the second part I use all my resin and continued on the essential materials after today's run we now have 24 drops out of 46. for next few days this is what the daily routine looked like the lelands event into essential materials and a little bit of dandelion farming so Huawei Farm I'll take this opportunity to ask you guys to subscribe if you are enjoying your watch this type of video takes a lot of time making from literally 20 days of preparation plus the scripting and the editing so if you can do me a favor like the video and also comment the characters I should build next preferably four star DPSS if you have any in mind I'm trying to hit 10K Subs at the end of the year so supporting Channel and any means will help me out a lot after days of resin just being spread into essential materials and XP books they turn what's here and we just need a few more not only for essential materials but for the dandelion seeds as well so for the first wife today I focus my resin on the last few essential materials and farming dandelions during downtime and just like that we now have exactly four six crystalline blooms and 169 dandelion seeds afterwards I had more resin to play with so I finished the daily Lee lines event I used the remaining resin for more Talon books 11 and 12 I just used my resin for the last few days at the Leland's event and just condense the rest and saved it for a big artifact run at day 13. so at the end of day 12 I'm pretty much doing the Lee line 7 every day I had a lot of books stored plus T5 condensed resin for a big day tomorrow [Music] [Applause] what is that this is not looking good dude I'm only getting the other piece what is this oh and this is why I don't like [ __ ] like climbing bro let's use this as well boom get all the fragile resin baby last five condensed and then we're out of content come on at least one artifact today bruh physical damage bonus on my one and only goblet Spike okay bro at least one piece we don't get anything you know you can't you can't you can't be serious right now [Music] oh is that Bell Flames at bro what is this there's 10 condensed resin today how many people things did we get [ __ ] zero I guess we'll level up some of the pieces okay let's level this up because I want this I want everything to go to crew damage because that would help out with my damage a lot for damage with that huge artifact session didn't really goes fine huh with no more resin to use we do have another option strong boxing chivalry I know it's scorpion but why the [ __ ] isn't perfect in the strong box set who even uses four piece blood stain just kidding the domain is even worse than collecting dandelions all right maybe we'll get some good luck on this one nope Maybe [Music] wait a minute watch this okay this is not starting well it's fine it's fine what's your favorite oh no wait a minute wait wait don't wait a minute okay hold on hold on what the [ __ ] I think it's fine he's fine at least it's attacking oh [ __ ] okay this will be like a perfect situation I feel like if I get like an Opie's goblet for pale Fame I would still be able to run four piece pool flame and then like the office Circle because this circle is way too good I'm not getting rid of that I guess that's it for the YouTube recording bye or nine nine more stops were made possible I'm not doing a [ __ ] made cosplay bro day 14 has arrived and Eula is finally on the banner but since it was super late for me I saved the wishing and condensed my resin for tomorrow you guys know the the strategy when I'm desperate for a character you guys already know they come home early dude surely 70 pulses enough right 50 50 even 20 pulls only 20 F2 peoples today by the way bring out the the EULA team at the sacrifice door into it it's time let's get in early boom early Eula please Mika cons would be nice oh [Music] okay Archie I need her to come home in the school I'm at 60 feet right now it is guaranteed but I really need her to come here I don't want to spend anymore please I've been pre-forming I Mika of the Knights of fevonius okay come on come on I actually need it here I actually need it here I don't want to spend please please I don't want to swipe please come home come on I've been the biggest ever [Music] we're doing your best we're doing your best I'm not swiping today [Music] 74.50 hi Mika bro [Music] come home please I don't want to spend frozen forever [ __ ] Let It Go Let It Go oh Bridge you're welcome home yes my God yes I didn't have to rail today [Music] I get her damn sorry I I started recording you it was time to level her up all the way to Max Ascension I leveled up the talents as well to a decent 646 line at this moment it was clear that triple crowning her is pretty much impossible kind of like how impossible it is for us to get endgame content I could try but I had limited days and seeing how my stats are even close to being good as well as my artifacts being under leveled I had no choice but to save the challenge with some Gamba I had over 10 Finance resin for the stream surely we at least get an upgrade right watch this fam this is literally the perfect pill 5 artifact oh we have two chances here I draw oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] two chances what the [ __ ] [Music] okay come on big reveal are we [ __ ] melting with Eula what is all this [ __ ] and if that's a physical goblet it works peace I probably have the worst luck in the game well thanks to the strong boxes we have another chance to get a decent 2p chivalry or will we okay okay oh [ __ ] it's fine it's fine everyone needs history that's good that's good [Music] what the [ __ ] I mean that's okay it's fine it's fine it's usable all right we're coping because I don't have a single [ __ ] good piece man the final stats okay I have to change this somehow I have to change this to a career circuit but this is like our nuke damage right for the abyss maybe we'll do like the current rate one if I can find one but yeah we have five more days in this challenge to prepare for Eula but as of right now as of day 15 this is our trying to [ __ ] stats low very low ER good amount of damage here it's kind of balls attack is it's so bad since yesterday was another unlucky artifact I decided to go for more levels you can't see into situation but since the domain was closed today okay that's my resin today for a big run tomorrow for day 17 arrived I quickly went to the top book domains and literally used all of my saved resin from yesterday at the end of today's run I loved up the elemental skill to level 6 live until burst level 8 and the normal attack to level seven on the next day the top books domains are closed so that means there's only one thing we can do but this time the situation was different [Music] oh that's not bad our stats are the rest of the runs were kind of ball so I just leveled up a few pieces that had potential and this I believe [Music] nah nah just kidding watch this God piece please oh [Music] okay clear damage is it's good okay wait this time actual good peace trust damage [Music] please please game please game I wish you well right now if this uh if this is at least a 35 cvps okay hold on I hate this game so much I [ __ ] well honestly with all the bad luck from the previous days the 18 was still aw the second to the last day was the last chance for Talon box so I use every resin I had on the domain I then crafted them up to the purple ones and upgraded my old to level 9. it's truly unfortunate that I can't even count one talent and I only match to get 769 well it is what it is however everything came down to the last day with every challenge I did I at least willed a little bit for the character either getting their signature weapon or pulling constellations for them purula I didn't really do that much so for today I used this week's Transit resin plus three fragile resin from my collection though a link to another 10 condensed resin run I really need a better flower or a better Goblin will we get an upgrade today or will does that stay the same honestly if you don't somehow downgrade everything should be fine right oh okay double attack MGR we need a query circular here would be nice for damage would be nice too oh triple drop [Music] it's another triple drop bro what the [ __ ] hey that's decent or from my nilu that's also decent for me though this this has potential dude how is it so hard to get [ __ ] flower in this [ __ ] man literally my worst pieces of flour okay I'm not complaining oh possible ah ah what the [ __ ] and just like that all of my resin was gone at this point I could have coped and rolled some potential pieces but then I remembered I didn't really treat you though that well so I brought out the big guns okay okay chat I have an idea since I didn't really spend much on Eula we will do uh we will do we will do something for her all right real quick whoa whoa what is this [ __ ] man yo thank you for the dimension whoever did it I appreciate you uh but yeah I asked if he close your eyes you have five seconds to close it all right [Music] oh [ __ ] uh yeah thank you so much for the 363 resin donation you are so kind God damn bruh dude why is it always in the wrong [ __ ] piece oh we're getting the defense wasn't a physical damage one and we're getting the Curry's one on the [ __ ] HP one what the [ __ ] oh wait double drop right here surely right physical damage problem attack this is fistful I'm gonna cry even after fully refreshing I didn't get a single good piece I re-rolled a few artifacts as all hoping to get some good sub stats but I think you already know what happened literally the only piece I could save Manila was this decent goblet where Curry and er if everything only went to those two stats it will kind of balance and save my build will it live to its expectations or will this be the downgrade of a lifetime first role should go to Curry [Music] if I go all in and everything goes to like this [ __ ] at least higher than like what I have right now what I have right now is this one do I risk a chat I think this requires a bit of context only reason why I wanted to feed my current goblet is because I ran out of arpa XP while re-rolling a lot of sets and pretty much going all in for this mid feather we're actually melting with Jula this was practically my last chance to see the situation but then this happened this is a very very big gamble but I'm doing it I believe in the frappel luck watch watch bruh and that pretty much concludes how I built Eula in 20 days she's now level 81 with an artist no tone she's on a 2p chivalry and a two-piece spell flame here are the final artifact stats which is only c0 for now and her talents are seven six nine this is the final stats [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't always [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man that's pretty much the end of the 20 challenge attack and do more damage if I actually level up my motor sounds or did my rotation properly but I honestly do not know how to Showcase stuff and I never really liked it but since it is needed I had to at least try my best you know so hopefully it's good enough are you a barrel crit so I literally had so many retrys and yeah I just kind of give up going for more with very [ __ ] artifacts I think my Eula does okay damage to say the least but yeah I'll be improving her over time so uh Eula means I'm sorry for now give me more time thanks so much for watching I appreciate all the support lately to think I've only had like 100 Subs the start of this year now I'm at like 5K halfway through 10K like this crazy so uh if he's still here and haven't liked or subscribed yet might as well right that's free and it makes your boy happy thanks so much again for watching I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: FrappleSenseii
Views: 236,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshinimpact, genshinimpact20dayschallenge, 20dayschallenge, eula, eularerun, eula20days, frappleeula, frapplesensei, frapple20days, frapplesensei20days, genshinimpactchallenge, challenges, day1, day20, dayofmylife, genshinimpactdaily, genshinimpactcontent, genshinstream, genshinimpacteula
Id: Uxba015ZLmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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