"I Now Know Why My Best Friend Acted Creepy" Creepypasta

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I have always been a scrawny person since I was in elementary school granted due to my semi-decent sense of humor I was never bullied well to the opposite sex I was never deemed attractive or dateable friendzone was the nation i inhabited and until the age of 25 I was completely fine with it of course I craved the attention when it came time for the homecoming dance or prom but I always managed to get a friend that went with me has a pity after high school I went to a local college and graduated five years later I ran out of funds so I worked in sales after my sophomore year it's make enough money for my last two years on my graduation day I looked back on the years I spent in college and immediately felt regret every day after my classes I would just go back home and eat dinner with my parents and go to my bedroom where I would spend the whole night serving the web and reading I made a couple of friends and had a date that hinted terribly but I just felt like I never truly utilized college for all of its worth I was accepted into an out-of-state college but I decided against it because I did not want to get out of my comfort zone after college I tried to find a job that went along with my major English and found that it is pretty much impossible to get a teaching job in the town I lived in after four months of looking for a job I decided that any job was as good as any and went to the local electronics store for my old job back the manager was more than happy to take me back as I was the top seller every month I was there I don't like to go out and make friends but I was definitely good at making people spend their money when I came back for my first day back three days later I realized it was a completely different crew except the manager there were three salesmen Mack Vance and Jonathan and the manager Anthony before I came back in Mack was the top salesman for the past six months and we automatically did not like each other Vance was the lowest salesman but he always cleaned the store up and made sure all of the inventory was correct Jonathan was the middle tier salesman and we became fast friends there really isn't much to talk about in the world of sales people come in looking for eggs object and we sell them eggs object while trying to add on necessaries sometimes we'll get them to loosen on their original budget and go for a higher end model that is about as far as sales really go to me it gets me a paycheck and I could pay the rent my mother and father suddenly started charging me three weeks into working there Jonathan asked me if I wanted to go over to his house hang out and drink a couple of beers I agreed and after work we went there and turned on a couple of movies while downing beer after beer after three hours I decided it was time for me to go home but Jonathan rationalized with me about the dangers of driving drunk he brought out two pillows and a blanket he pointed at the couch and I sat back down he put the blanket in bellos beside me and told me goodnight while he walked back to his room I don't know when I fell asleep but I remember snapping awake I have this thing ever since I was young where I would slightly open my eyes in case it's already bright but I found the room to be completely dark I slightly glanced up trying to figure out where I was but what I saw made me close my eyes completely and start shaking little Jonathan was standing in the hallway while staring at me I waited around ten minutes and slightly opened my eyes once more to see that he was going back into his room the next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon I quickly got out of bed and went to his kitchen he was cooking and looking like his normal self so I just let my paranoia slide off and I asked him if he needed any help but the wave of his hand he just told me to sit down and enjoy my hangover i sat down on the couch until I was done cooking and we ate bacon and pancakes we went to work right after breakfast and by the end I completely forgot about him staring at me in the middle of the night the next weekend he asked me if I wants to go out to a club an hour away from us and without hesitation I told him yes I told him I would wear my black suit to look extra spiffy and while laughing he told me he would pick me up from my house around 10:00 p.m. around 10:15 I heard him honking and I went outside and got into his car when I saw him I had to take a double take he was wearing the exact same thing as me black suits and a white button-up shirt I just decided to ignore it we got to the club at 11:00 right as the doors are opening and before it was midnight I was having the time of my life for the first time in my life I was meeting girls that seems taken interest in me and I even got to dance with a couple of them the only thing that really threw me off was that Jonathan seemed to be staring down every girl that even gave me the slightest bit of interest and too Jonathan came up to me and told me it was time to go home so I went to the bar to pay off my tab while I was paying my tab a girl that I danced with earlier came up to me and slipped me a piece of paper in my pocket while giving me a light peck in my cheek I know I blushed but I maintain my composure enough to give her a wink and a smile when I got into the car I took out the piece of paper and show Jonathan nearly bouncing in my seat with excitement I told him that she was definitely a girl that I would not mind dating he asked me what she looked like so I told him that she was little shorter than me brown hair and green eyes then I started to explain to him how pretty she was but I had noticed he changed his expression from happiness to what seemed like anger the whole car ride was filled with old silences and sideways glances from Jonathan I felt like he had gotten a bit too weird for me so I started to avoid him at work it worked for the first three days but I noticed that he had started to follow me around when I was driving home I would see his car from a distance away sometimes when I was lying in bed I would spot a set of eyes coming from the trees in front of my house but every single time I would walk up to the window I would see the eyes vanish I didn't really know it was him until I saw a figure with bright green shoes running down the street I know Jonathan is the only person I have ever seen wear bright green shoes there were the shoes he wore whenever he went out running whenever he exercised I decided that the next day would be the best day to approach him and tell him that I noticed him following me have to work and looking into my window I was going to tell my only and best friend that I would really appreciate it if he could just give me some space and that I thought he was back to normal that next day the store was closed the store was closed because Jonathan was found in the middle of the night by the police with a giant gaping hole in his chest his heart was removed and placed in his mouth where I saw it should have been was a credit card from our store the magnetic strip was rubbed off and the name of the card was grinded off on his stomach was a series of cuts to reveal a little note was it worth the sale I know I wanted him to give me some space but I never wanted him to die he was my only best friend and the grief that filled my hearts when my manager called and told me the news caused me to hang up on him and fallen on my bed with deep subs I felt the world was crashing down on me and I never felt like he ever knew how much he really meant to me today is the day after Jonathan was found dead I decided to go to the mall to clear my head I went outside to my car and found a letter stuck in my window I grabbed the letter read it in my car hey Dan I'm sure you've noticed that I've been following you around and that I've been acting weird around you I know on the first night you spent over you saw me staring at you on the couch I just wanted you to know that on the first week Mac convinced an older woman to make an $8,100 TV purchase using our store credit card the next day the woman came back with the TV it had a big crack in the middle of the screen she told us it had come that way normally we just return it and get our money back from the manufacturer but Mac did not want to lose out on the commission it was the last one we had in stock and he wanted to have the upper hand on you she starts at the begging plea to just take the TV back and let her buy a cheaper model she told him that she didn't even have the money to pay the monthly bill he just told her she was out of luck and made her take the TV back into a car that night she killed herself she was clutching a remote in her left hand an empty bottle of pills in her right hand the daughter came in three days later it was your day off what mark was there she went up to him and told him about the death of a mother she didn't seem sad but I could tell she was not here to ask about what can be done about the bill with a smile she asked who the salesman was and the asshole told her here was you describes what you looked like with a smile she skipped out the door and drove off in a red sedan when you spent the night I woke up to the sound of a car engine starting up around 2:00 a.m. I looked out the window and saw that same red sedan when we were going to the club I saw the red sedan following us when you described to me about the girl that gave you her number it matched what she looked like exactly I just wanted to make sure you were safe so I followed you home and I kept to watch over you tonight I invited her over I took the piece of paper she wrote you her number on and texted her she said she will be here at 2:00 a.m. I know I may not be alive when you read this but I want you to know that I Love You Man I know we haven't been friends for long but just know that I acted like a creep around you because I wanted to make sure you were safe you [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 464,865
Rating: 4.9245892 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, creepsmcpasta, horror, scary story, Scary Stories, paranormal, asmr
Id: uXuwA_RA8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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