I Must Remember - Neville Goddard - It Is Within - Part 2 of 4 - without music [Lecture Series]

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you take a dream a daydream of something you want for yourself or something you want for another and you represent to yourself a scene which if proof implies the fulfillment of a dream you like to do this that and the other and so you construct to see any kind of a scene implying the fulfillment of your desire and then to the degree that yourself is waiting of the reality of that imaginal act it will become fact in your world I could tell you a numbered stories to support that claim it's not theory of me anymore this is that based upon experience so when we are tell in the Book of Luke the kingdom of God is within you you can take it literally these garments at you and I wear all parts of the eternal structure of the universe you are wearing the garment as an actor way of the costume you are not the garment - well you are doing this for a purpose a heavenly purpose but you are not these garments you all that be that my frame discovered who sees it from above and to see this universe from above is so completely unlike what it appears to be seen from this angle it's not this way at all but you come down into this world death for a purpose now Blake made this observation and he claims he did not write it from his conscious beasley mind that the words would dictate it by the spirit of love but God is love therefore if the spirit of love dictated the words of Jerusalem then is God dictated and in does he said there was in great eternity who contemplate on love or rather contemplate on death said this what seems to be is to those to whom it seems to be evil of torments despair and eternal death but divine mercy steps beyond and redeems man in the body of Jesus now that's something that man can grasp on this level but I tell you it is true to stand in the presence of the risen Christ and commune with him face to face and voice the voice then to help resolve his infinite love's embrace and as he embraces you you fuse with him without loss of identity no change in your identity and yet he was born with the body of Christ and then he sent you and he can't say you allow himself because you're one with him there is no divorce but no separation not move at all so when he makes the statement divine mercy steps beyond and we Dean's men in the body of Christ so in my last little pamphlet I made this tape with my meaningful experience but you and I are resurrected one by one to unite into a single man who is God so here was a reflection he saw in his dream a man crown containing infinity and the deadest thing he'd ever seen God places a limitation and then takes upon himself that limitation and reaches in this act the very limit of contraction the remaining expand beyond what he was he himself the limit of opacity and then refused to explain and is gold limit to transduce it's to transparency this is the world all the world of death but while we are needed and we ourselves are animating it we can take any state we desire there are infinite number of states you can be in a poor state or a wealthy state you're not better off as far as the heights goals because one is poor and one is wealthy not must purge her point of view but while you are in the world of season final be comfortable why not take a state that cushions encompass and so you can take a state of affluence if you know what it would be like for you absolute assume that you are and see the world as you would see it very true Sunday I act I was accepted believe in the reality of their unseen imagina left and if you do it will come to pass because the whole vast world really is within you I don't care what others will tell you it's all within you and everyone moving in your world moves because of you Breloom James made the statement that the greatest revolution in his child was the discovery that men by changing the inner attitudes of his mind could change the outer aspects of his life now James belongs to our generation this century he's gone from the world but he was the great educator of the 20th century and he said the greatest revolution in his time was this discovered while the great book of books the Bible makes that statement not as James made it but how would you interpret this whatever you desire believe that you have received it and you will isn't that the one condition imposed upon me or you is to persuade itself that we have it how can I persuade myself when at the moment reason denies it and my sense is denied but Jamie said he could change the inner ass attitudes of his mind can anyone stop you from changing your attitude towards the speaker you may like him or dislike him and if your dislike of him causes him to backed to confirm your dislike and you like the disciple then keep it up if you don't like that we actually you could change your arrogant towards him and he automatically and unknowingly would act in the way that you would like and you can make it with any person in this world so if I am that freak but I don't have to get your permission to hold an opinion of you but I can hold it regardless of you and if I hold it and explain myself or the reality of that opinion oh and you conform to it am I not free I am free to entertain any thought and if I am and it produces results but then I'm a free person even in the world of Caesar so here I do hope that I have persuaded you that the whole vast world for you seemed so small and insignificant to yourself the whole vast universe is really within you and so you can take it this day and test it you invite you to test it when you get the results sure in this manner tell me about it grant me level and explain what you did and how it worked and if you're blessed this night with a vision I would love to hear it for God makes himself known to men in vision and he speaks with a man through a dream they will try to interpret the dream tell me just what happened i frame did not attempt to interpret it he told me exactly what happened when my election that he was about to record true that the memory of the dream but all through his experiences what lesson he was learning as this I have forgotten I must remember if everyone could now persuade himself you're trying to remember something you lost the memory of it when you came this low in the scale and you're trying to remember what he was trying to remember was that exalted position where he saw the whole thing as date and he came down into the body of death and completely forgot who he really was and people are shocked when you tell them that they are Christ all Ami's run through the origins if my origin is God my pain must be gone as the poet said you see on the fields the sesamum was sesamum the corn was called the silence and the darkness mule and so is a man's fate born if I believe what scientists tell me that my origin is a worm my aim is a worm if I believe the Bible and my origin is God my end is God and I don't have the cues that anymore I know that from experience I don't have to speculate about the risen Christ I don't have to speculate about God being loved I stood in the presence of God and he's in for a bluff are not bending my head when I forgot his man as Blake said the war a man God is no more my own humanity learn to adore God appears and God is light to those poor souls who dwell in night but does a human form display to those who dwell in realms of day so here you're wearing the form of God you are God he gave you his name and the name that he reveals to the whole vast world if you take it his I am so that's my name forever it be known I'll be known by it throughout all generations but we don't stop them we say I am John a poor John an unknown John and I wanted you and these are the demonstrations and the restrictions we put upon the name of God but if I will remember the name I will blow by the name an only put upon did that with his noble that which is free and if I did it I would walk in that light so do me a favor and try try it and I promise you from my own experience that you'll get the results you won't have to hum to anyone in this world but no one you
Channel: Spiritual Mind
Views: 36,212
Rating: 4.963563 out of 5
Keywords: neville goddard, neville goddard abdullah, neville goddard all things are possible, neville goddard feeling is the secret, neville goddard imagination, neville goddard power of awareness, visualization exercises, law of attraction, neville goddard the law and the promise, neville goddard biblical, neville goddard power, neville goddard scripture, new thought, the secret, neville goddard william blake, neville goddard imagination is god, feeling is the secret
Id: zYQmhZiI5Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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