I Modified My E55 AMG Transmission To Shift Like My C63 AMG & It’s Amazing! DIY Trans Mod!

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welcome back to legit streetcars my name is Alex and if you around for the last video then you know that I had a little bit of fun with my c63 you also probably know that the car broke twice let's do a second gear roll I was weird while the power cut off we have an operative traction control or something hang on a second see nope it came right back on I'll wait a minute hang on now we got a red battery light Jesus this whole thing is breaking down on me my c63 broke twice in that video I lost throttle response after some spirited driving and a red battery light came on but I didn't waste any time fixing her up first things first we tackled the lack of acceleration the car had a check engine light and a current code for a faulty pedal value sensor and I've seen a lot of these go bad so a new pedal was in order luckily the c63 is perfectly clean so it was an absolute pleasure replacing the pedal it's just two thirteen millimeter nuts one connector and the old one comes right out now if your car had dirty floor mats or carpet this is how you'd clean it up mine are totally mint so I'm just gonna pretend to vacuum it just to show you guys how it works now just plug the pedal back in tighten the two nuts and congratulations you've just saved yourself about ten million dollars by doing this yourself at home oh and since these pedals do go bad from time to time I got myself one with a lifetime warranty from Walmart I mean FCP eurocom of course with that done we moved on to the rear of the car to repair a cut wire to the battery sensor and hopefully that will fix the red battery light issue this is the broken connector and here is me breaking the two final strands of wire off to try and remove the pin and here is what the connector looked like after failing at removing the pin after about 30 minutes and getting angry I'm gonna have to order and splice in a new connector but in the meantime I just took a pin from an old harness that I had laying around attach that to the wire attach the other part of the connector and taped it all up now the reason the wire broke was from the battery not being held down properly due to a mangled hold down so that's on order two for the meantime this dirty microfiber jammed against the spare tire should do a great job and now that the sensor can tell the car's computer the battery state of charge I'm hoping the red battery light won't come back so with our new pedal installed in our temporary wiring repair whoo time to perform an official mercedes-benz accelerator pedal travel test otherwise known as just flooring it a bunch of times after a few official pedal travel tests I was able to verify that we weren't getting a red battery light and the throttle wasn't cutting out on us any longer seemed like the c63 was in good shape for now now while beating the crap out of my c63 I realized that even though the car had less power than my e55 it was still putting a big smile on my face and that smile had a lot to do with the way it shifts so this naturally begs the question I wonder if I could make my e55 shift as fast as the c63 but the truth is I have no idea the 720 2.65 speed it's inherently a slow shifting transmission and even with ATC you tune like my e55 has it leaves a lot to be desired check out the e55 at the drag strip from last year [Music] these happen so it gets the job done but it's definitely not a fun transmission and I think we could really improve the quarter-mile time of the e55 if it would you know just shift into the next gear quicker that's all I'm asking so I decided to think outside of the box I exited the mercedes-benz World kind of all together because you guys may not know this but at the same time this trans was used by Mercedes they also were being used in some Chrysler products specifically the srt8 performance cars like the charger like the Jeep Grand Cherokee srt8 and cars like these get modified quite often so I did a search to see if there was anyone out there in the Mopar world that figured something out and I found a company called southern hotrod they're right outside of New Orleans and they build high performance transmissions for the mopars which are essentially the same transmissions that are in the Mercedes Benz and they also build a very easy to swap Bolton valve body so let me show you guys this and I'll tell you a little bit about it alright guys here she is the new valve body for the e55 now this may look like a normal seven 22.6 valve body from the outside but the guys at southern hotrod have completely disassembled this valve body and reworked all of the hydraulic circuits internally with performance in mind so a lot of the internal components have been replaced as well and if you guys aren't aware from the factory pretty much all the manufacturers they build in a little bit of slippage going into each gear and this is for comfort so you have a very smooth transmission that's gonna appeal to the masses well what they've done in here is modified these circuits for a lot more of a firm a lot quicker shift this is also going to produce cooler transmission fluid temperatures because you're not getting any of that slip and it should just overall make this transmission feel a lot more sporty a lot more like it should have felt from the factory especially on a car with such a powerful engine so this modified and rebuilt valve body cost six hundred and fifty dollars and if you guys have ever priced out they totally stock valve body from Mercedes this is actually a really good deal so you're gonna gain some performance out of this and you're gonna have a brand new valve body at the same time now you do have to send in your old one as a core and if you guys are installing one of these on a non AMG car you're gonna want to get the blue top AMG solenoids so we already have those on the e55 but this valve body was designed to work best with those blue tops solenoids you don't have to do it but you're gonna get the most out of this thing with those so all we're gonna be doing is swapping over the conductor plate and all of the solenoids and then simply bolting it back in the car should take an hour it's a really easy swap and I'll leave some links to some other videos that I've done in the past where I highlight the installation of these valve bodies on these Mercedes cars but if you guys are curious about the m113 K T shirt that I'm wearing check out the back this is hand drawn I think it took like a hundred hours obviously it's the m113 k so if you guys want to pick up your very own t-shirt you're probably gonna be seeing me in these videos wearing this thing by the way I have nothing to do with the production of this and enthusiasts on one of the mercedes-benz AMG Facebook groups started making these and he was nice enough to send me one out but if you guys are interested I'll leave all of his contact information down below I don't know how many of these he has but I think if there's interest he'll order more of them but anyway let's get to installing our new valve body and seeing if the e55 can shift anywhere remotely close to the c63 [Music] [Music] alright guys with the fluid level set we just have one last thing to do before our first test drive and that is to reset the transmission control unit adaptation so you don't have to have the factory star or X entry program to do this although this is probably the best route to go I've heard you can disconnect the battery and that actually resets it and then I'll leave instructions to what they call a sneaky reset down below but if you have access to this it's a good idea you just go down to it adaptations display and reset of adaptations and then we're just going to reset all of the adaptations yes all right they've been reset we're ready to rock and roll alright guys here we go now one thing I'm going to tell you guys right now is that I will also review the normal drivability of this valve body so so far just going into drive and in Reverse everything feels totally stacked totally normal so here's our first normal shift feels totally fine totally stock 2 to 3 I did feel it a little bit more it was very firm oh and that is very firm - so far so good but still comfortable but it just positively engages okay so the down shifts are actually pretty harsh let's try and put a little bit more throttle okay so one two - feels totally normal two two three it's yeah see it's like a throttle okay very nice very crisp so far but I will say this the down shifts yeah you can kind of like see me move a little bit they are pretty pretty harsh going down it kind of feels like maybe a little rev-match would be nice so maybe that's something that can be messed with with the ECU or the TCU tune but I think a rev match on the downshift would make them feel a lot nicer so far so good guys we're gonna head out to the forest preserve and see what this thing really feels like so we're going like 45 I just wanna Oh guys the way it down shifts is night and day oh my gosh I was not expecting that that is quick it just BAM down shifts right into the proper gear and this thing takes off that is awesome I'm going to get a little bit more kind of a stretch of a road here so we can get it's actually up shift as well but again I'm going to mention that the down shifts are a little harsh you can actually you know it kind of does move the car a little bit so I don't know if that's going to change a little bit as this adapts but I'll keep you posted but let's turn around see if we can get a good stretch here we go oh my gosh guys that shift was perfect seriously that was the best shift I've ever felt in a seven 22.6 in my life hang on let's uh let's do another roller here so we can just get to that shift immediately so we're going 32 perfect wow that is awesome guys that is I don't know what to say and it's something I want to mention is I don't get anything if you guys buy this valve body this this seriously means nothing to me if the valve body totally sucked I would have just told you and sent it right back but you know the only thing I'll say right now is that the down shifts are not nearly as comfortable as factory but guys I'm talking about the normal driving down shifts the down shifts when you want it to downshift fast are insanely quick and the up shifts are crazy - let me see if I can get this on camera for you guys so you can kind of like directly compare it to the the track video all right here we go I don't have a lot of room but just check this out [Applause] so all I got to say is that if you just want to go fast in your a 55 or your seven 22.6 equipped vehicle this valve body I think we'll definitely help we're gonna be testing this out at the quarter-mile drag strip as well but I got to be a hundred percent honest with you guys the downshifts during normal driving they are kind of harsh like if you aren't looking to kind of shave off as much time as possible from your drag strip time you might not want to go with a belt body like this but I don't know I mean as I've been driving it it's been getting a lot better but it is very firm two to three three to four even the up shift just under normal driving conditions I mean it feels like you have a shift kit guys so if you know it gives you a little a little jerk back in the seat but at wide open throttle the downshift that wide open throttle the up shift at wide open throttle it is spot-on by far the fastest shifting seven 22.6 transmission that I've ever felt it's crisp it's clean it's perfect so again I will leave all the links down below if you guys want to check it out buy one whatever but just fully understand what you're getting yourself into this is a valve body that has performance in mind so there's gonna be a sacrifice with comfort all right guys we're back at home base and I drove another 10 miles in the e55 just to get a really good feel for this transmission and also to let you guys know if I thought that it shifted any faster than this car and my short answer is no I still think that the 720 2.9 in the c63 shifts faster than the e55 but it's pretty close now and that is saying a lot considering how slow these things shift from the factory if you guys know what I'm talking about if you have a car with this transmission in it comment down below if you agree what I'm saying this has got to be one of the slowest shifting transmissions that's put in a performance car I don't know ever in the last 20 years something like that I mean it is so bad and now it's actually fun to drive the up shifts at wide open throttle are crazy fast compared to what they were before it just feels a lot more firm it's a lot more fun to drive but I do want to reiterate this pound it into your head that this modification for daily driving is be a lot less comfortable than it was before especially on those light throttle down shifts now like I was saying I'm gonna talk to a tuner and see if we can figure out some kind of Rev match where it gives it a little bit of throttle on the downshift when you let off of the throttle completely that's what this car does so what a lot of newer cars do and it's good for the transmission and it actually it feels a little bit more comfortable you're not kind of like jerking back and forth upon that low throttle downshift so just want to let you guys know you will feel that and also the up shifts at part throttle are a little bit snappier you're gonna feel that as well but a lot of guys like that so I just wanted to give you a complete review on this and it's not over yet we're gonna take the e55 to the drag strip so we're gonna see how it performs there as well and then I'll let you guys know of course if I can find a tuner to add kind of a little blip in the throttle on the downshift that actually might sound really cool as well so I hope you guys really enjoyed this video if you did as always hit the thumbs up button share the video subscribe if you're new and most importantly check out the link down below for the t-shirts these things are awesome they were hand drawn took forever and also check out the link for the valve body I have a good one guys I'll catch you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: LegitStreetCars
Views: 394,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: E55 AMG, c63 amg, legitstreetcars, modified transmission, PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSION, DIY, VALVE BODY, 722.6, 722.9, AMG, mercedes benz, nag1 valve body, MOPAR, DODGE, SRT, CHEAP AMG, M113K, M156, AMG E
Id: VUVHhxBLo6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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