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deal with guys we get back on the road a second jewelry cap in the car yeah I thought that was a booby trap no pretty smart though all right guys today is Thursday we literally I was bidding on more options a day and they were just going through the roof so went on one of the sites this came along I threw to no ability I was mad she's mad and we've just found out I just I've only seen from the pictures we just found out a belong to a mining company which can be really really good now when I look through the pictures to the kind of small didn't really indicate it belong to a mining company so I'm gonna pop it up right now show you guys what you guys think my ten dollar investment so you think we did I'm pretty excited about it it may have been really more beneficial spending ten bucks and this than a thousand on what the other bids I wasn't ready to go yeah I was gonna spend a thousand bucks on her bin it just kept going higher higher all right let's do this here it is big big unit 10 bytes one tell by 22 by 30 Wow so basic when I've been on it boy I saw this tool right here that's electrical and I was kind of stupid just going on something like that but I know it doesn't look fancy at site but it's really hard to breathe the day guys from wandering air quality's really bad like a pallet jack it's gonna hurt me cos around right here why do they have so many rings that could be a pallet jack I don't know it's definitely something yeah I think you're right it is think you're right it isn't about that guys yeah yeah it definitely is yeah I see I see the trigger on there okay okay tear this blanket look at this right here this guy's this is solid aluminum oh my god it's gonna be 200 pounds do the aluminum value that alone is probably like 70 80 bucks minimum oh I thought have a chance to go through this really it's to show you guys [Music] what is this Wow check that out that's a is that what is that a hydraulic dolly yeah I've never seen one of those look at this through this thousand pound thousand pounds so yeah this is the mining company like you said uh has a thousand pound right there right oh that's that yeah that's heavy oh that's on here not up saying he's the dolly so okay Wow look at that down pull that out okay guys that is that has got some weight to it that is heavy very nice okay so they were dice I look at this they actually bread tied it up there's this and fall back yeah which is which is it was pretty smart see a lot of stuff right here okay there's a backing chipper right here look at this little car right it's like this little cart dolly right there see it I'm wondering if that's hydraulics who they do sell those new hydraulic yeah oh I see they've put sides on it and everything yeah it's all wood it right here that looks like a little cart it used to go on this is pretty neat right here I'll tell you what this does okay listen listen test my theory on Oh what object of this does is you crank this down and pretty much this just lifts it right up okay so that's a good piece like I said this will Louis I got this right here to fart like I said but why you see the Donald Duck jugs beyond me lazy susans one of those 18 inch round six black okay like aluminum boobs newspapers that's weird that's really weird here newspapers look at this guy look at this 1977 now she said the guy's been in for a while it's like a like a long time look at 77 I don't want to show the damn there that's really weird okay Oh what is that machine where lure straight back see it now I do yeah now I do watch your head right there hey guys did you see how machine right there anybody know what that is I'm not gonna to get back to it the day I do and there's another one right there Laurie see I'm talking about the blue and oh yeah no no no see right there is it on right back there hey what is that up there no up there that way see it I bet you see that up there I can get up here on here and climb out here come on give me the camera see it can let me climb on this right here oh there's this thing does this look at unit careful is there like mining machines oh yeah seriously okay so we're gonna bring your old mining I'm gonna pull this out right here just we're gonna get a better picture careful yeah there's cans right here for some reason - yeah there's all care to take this camera oh there's safe oh there's a safe guys there is yeah right here see it's like a safe right there see it good that and they list them shooter we're talking about right here if anybody knows what that is see it I don't know what those are right back there either and then there's some covered up all the way back Laurie oh yeah I see things there's two things there's one underneath the right what the hell is that what is that what is that bug actually could be actually and we got this right here I don't that's actually tell it's not a TV on there but that right there is a safe evil alloys are those rims or do they put something else in what do you see that right here probably empty but I may be wrong yeah that's mine um you got more cameras right here I don't know why but here whoa Laurie I don't like that one dude why is that booby traps along no no no it's not booby-trapped that's so you can reach the light you sure look it watch watch where it goes to you just turn on the light all right she tied it off here so that he could reach it here booby traps getting you my first I thought so too I looked at the string coming down and I was like what is this okay so okay we got a bunch of cones back here there's more cards holes line for somebody this is really weird together really but look at this why'd you like the 63 man this this Gina's been here forever play it true the nineteen the man's magazines see it they're all $0.35 Sam you know that things pretty deep man I'm not saying there's any value but may there is I don't know what you're right they're more aluminum okay so I think these are all empty right here I think is that go kinds of old stuff but dust guys bring rain gear yeah it's uh that's kind of nice that the dust in that thing pretty nice actually I don't know okay got more stuff right here okay this is a nice bestie but yes so that's not that I can't get too far back there I got stuff right here and there is stuff in there well what is that hydrochloride solution often used hydrochloride force corrosive yeah it's probably acid try to guess okay so what is this down here I look at the jack right here oh yeah that's s that's not right there there's the illumina I told you about I can probably move back it's so heavy okay down here I don't know what that is what that is oh it says something limousine driver over there Yeah right that it there except the limousine driver where are you seeing this little can huh a little orange can yeah right there what is he drivers see it it's right back there the brown oh now I see it it's just hard to see through the camera okay right there there's a lot of Lubriderm you guys what do you think so nobody knows what these are I wish I could get a better idea maybe why don't I try to jump on this more time so you get a better idea of that see back there no I say no here's what you need to do you need to scoot through here move this orange thing in this role so push it over that way and then you could scoot right through there okay that was just the thing you dropped let's put this over here oh wow it's all moving along okay that's nice good an exception for right there yeah it's nice these guys were trying figure out what these are these are right here geez all have um Airlines air hose attachments to them I don't know what you do with those the bags of some sort and I don't know if they're emptier smaller they look like they got mighty compounding them do they look like it I don't know get the hold right there see the cones that's what I'm saying step back behind you want me to get in there that way I get the camera Oh something yeah you gotta check to say you gonna bring the camera back there's like a yellow thing with it like a fan that you see in there nope say it's a yellow by the way uh-huh you'll see it over there when you get deep enough back watch these four tip it out yeah there you go see how y'all lookin right through the vent that is not to the left to the left do your left yep I see it can you hold that just till I get back here ya got it guys step up in there - this machine says is RP 700 RP 700 rp7 hundreds that the water that they have that whatever no this is uh here yeah there's some cool stuff in here huh I wonder what's covered up back there see it what's this machine this is high efficiency I have an old pax phone that's so funny yeah it is used with sitting for a long time son of the dolly right there where right there see right a party diagonal oh yeah yeah it's cheap on but what is that yellow thing right there at the vents yeah I don't know I don't have I can't get to it to get the name says yeah I don't know what all these are though and this hey we go sell those things are there like grinders whatever I don't know those are water grinders right there see them with the water lines go in the red water lines yeah those are water line water lines to go to the flag writing stuff feel like huh me mining right probably yeah there's a big huge cart right here oh wow I hear you have no idea you know this is a machine of some sort to see this almost looks like it's attached to the cart somehow but I don't know what that is there's the car part there's more aluminum back here yeah they have this other big machine this big blue machetes no that's way back in the back yeah see it no I see yeah RP 700 yeah yeah I see it I know I wonder what's covered up back there so yeah yeah and then this this blue machine here is on a dolly so obviously it's heavy ya know shelving oh my goodness those are big shells okay I'm going back out if I'm not stuck okay here oh I gotta take this so that I can get out here you go so the magic guys is that we get water dripping out of these poles yeah I know I was annotated be very careful because there's a chance a lot of this might be hydrochloric acid stuff like that if I just touched my eye with it the powder yeah I know I'm watching out with the water but I feel like there might like some of the stuff hydrochloric acid that's not a good thing but you get I don't know so that's what we're dealing guys oh what a good job that's we're dealing with guys a lot of work here but good work here you want to take this over and I'll move this back in ah there's anything else you can see right now off the bat anybody knows that those are definitely chiming a comment this right here I'll get one bottle number on this or do I grant specialties Maywood Illinois is 1,000 pound hydraulic dolly oh we're right here okay call the stacker see right there yep stacker dolly is that right hmm - by for serial number is a two seven eight something I can't be cold Oh huh yeah thanks I just this has to be okay to do this like heavy aluminum like this no joke I saw oh that one right there see it this is gonna require some more masks give the Ascot dinners and there's like poverty so we will be by my master probably show you the next video where we're at yeah I don't know what they would have used this port but the rebars pretty unique the way they did this hold it in said what stays there yeah it's pretty neat um she's making really good uh makes a really big heart for us what the Hales would love this cart what because they the last thing they found a shopping cart in theirs they kept it for their warehouse oh it's a good idea yeah Jeremy could use that actually I don't know ship it might come here though shivering might kill us yeah yeah so that's all right guys jeez I'm so curious what's in that right there but you just can't go to it because I started pulling stuff out guys so I looked on their website not only do they do like regular mining but they also do Bitcoin and I'll get those yeah it's dust jeez fat yeah so they do Bitcoin regular mining they have locations in California Nevada Colorado Arizona all of those places and but for ten dollars Brandon was right well this right here um is still alone I could get good money you know what I might just do is send off the taco Stackhouse a joke but no seriously this still has ready but I think I want to sell this for uh Brian content because that's got to go to stuff like a scraper right um you clean it up that's a good piece right there I just don't know what they were doing like what type of mining is this how is the combining as I just going after with a sifter and basically going through gold but this is like more have you do like really your ground like drilling you know but but those the ones I like get a fire stairs right here yeah that metal thing I don't know it's weird it's random yeah it's like a drawer somewhat I have no rubber reason why literally this is all magazines that don't know you know but the fact it hasn't attained to it and I'll show you guys why all this aluminum look at this so it's all cast aluminum dead and that's so like right here this abyss I wouldn't think this right now I can't lift it so heavy bar to take distance we go right down to the junkyard the scrap yard he'd get me probably almost a hundred I'll go for that right and then this a dad on right there I probably get like another uh I don't know five seven bucks maybe a bucks you know it's pretty heavy look it's like ten bucks so right there's a hundred ten bucks right there okay then I got the dolly I mean this is like a really cool unit chiming got no need to go into this unit for a few days see what you think gonna be finding things here's why we blow your mind 10 bucks 10 bucks and if I can convince Brandon maybe we'll go gold mining on our own well what do you think what do you think guys should we try it we are bottom without lots of silver lots of gold opportunities around every corner I'm still try to see if I miss anything here yet but look at that dolly dolly down there get the cones are on oh yeah can't get them on camera now and that's pretty cool yes we're because a lot of this stuff goes way way back huh yeah hey that's what is that right there Stein yeah copper's he don't know i don't think it's brass tell these I want to know what these are these could just be supports could be but yeah that that means they were probably underground living up supports yeah I don't know fall on him out of line the viewers not a kind of shot giant some educate me I should say yes really weird at Jack's pretty cool though too right there alright guys so that's gonna be a pretty I can't dig in there any deeper but I want to definitely show you guys what we're dealing with this is all pretend but sand this all was there's result because I got it this morning and I literally spending I seven different options and I swear to you don't worry about it I swear to you every single oxide they don't look like over a thousand dollars any we're not even worth it sounds like you know what not the best area about pay ten bucks this yeah and I was like you know I figured my thought was I didn't even see anything right up front he to get ten bucks back marks everything was covered up so I saw this I was like that's a good piece you know yeah so they bought it they bought it at auction yeah I don't know where they bought it at because only one I know I here's Clark County right that's not right County auction that could've been an auction why super whole thirty forty years ago we can feel it super old yeah but hippies though you know [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,553
Rating: 4.7061467 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, storage wars, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage locker, storage hunters, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, abandoned storage unit guns, storage lockers, opening mystery boxes, storage unit auction, storage unit auctions, storage locker finds, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker, storage auction locker, storage unit, GOLD, SILVER MINING
Id: n3p17UbKL5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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