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how is it going ladies and gentlemen this is godu and playing yasu on mid lane against stalon and I am growing a very special build I'll be going the maximum Shield yasa I'll grab the eclipse Immortal Shield bow I've got Revit Revitalize and shield bash I've got my passy Freddy it's just too many Shields I won't even lose a single HP of course bro is trying to throw the W on me which I would not enjoy which my enjoyment is low but I got him I won oh I won big time Dodge the second que all is well I did have to pop the potion already now let's get the slide in first here we go good Dodge the flesh is there okay he's got level two himself now they def flashed got [Music] him I inde it anyways it's not so bad since it's pushing towards me any yep yeah I've done worse I've done worse for sure plus I have seven more minions than he does lovely and I might be just lucky enough to get the cannon no I'm not going to ah life is pain constant suffering was so close too very close got him beautiful I have to do these more more of there we go something got him an ally has been SL got him beautiful finally although I missed one kill there all again an En to be fair he's not farming at all at least we are winning this so far the Twisted Fate ADC is strong top plan is doing okay as well enemy top plane of course that is an enemy has had to get it unfreeze it and bounce an ally SL all right that's good because she pushes it for ELA El he's doing fine now quite nice quite nice I do feel like I have to start with Ken SL since it's an ear game item and it's strong K SL Immortal eclipse and we're there she's still there that's crazy run jce that's a pretty she did not have to get F that hard in my humblest of opinions of course would you mind an enemy a I want to trade although I did dive him kept my shield kept my cool touch that cute bro went far away well done on the B Lane lovely to see so far I'm great with doin he's real man hungry that's cool too L six I will follow the end these minions are after me if I get a k subscribe do it got it that's one oh my goodness oh she poed it the other way random but still we got a kill there oh did she just delete me I don't yeah she did my bad that was stupid I don't know she's oh she's oh she's got the dark yeah well that was my bad indeed she did o i that will never happen again sorry boys sorry about that I do apologize five gold getting paid that is however beautiful to see gold coming in can't stop it I'll just have to punish this guy an ally has jump the ball look at him well there's nothing to look at it was a random W that's not great that is what it is where is that oh my God it was wor it trying to notify her I will not all right we won it was a good trade shame she escaped I would like that kill five gold beautiful knowledge good money I wonder if bro will go back he frankly might the plating is not there anymore God damn it I have lost I am defeated she's enjoying a free cash I can stay he did seem he wanted me here I will not die Dishonored plus I can definitely Farm better right here than he can under turret see now you'll see he hasn't done so bad yet that's the right way to purchase utilize the most gold I have double his farm we are all right we are all right we're okay an ally the plane's not doing great why is she building armor she wants see okay I get it oopsie well I'm not going to all then an enemy has I am however o I did almost die let's heal up I mean get the passive my honor left a long course she would go for me she did not should I go and kill him I'm not sure oh my God I didn't not see it bro is I actually stole it I actually got it but damn at what cost an ally least five gold no somebody stole it from me Z is really afraid well that's an in well one for one I guess good job well we got a drake that's not so bad our Brier is real fat white grabs are there she's going to go for those she will go for those got an insane feeling about it that is life one blade is she already there you guys think do you no not yet how is that worth it guys Al I did in that was fairly obvious but I am a slow learner good that's an attack I mean yeah yeah not bad I should why she could have pushed up so Random I guess well go and help go I'm trying to get there fight guys we are not CC W thank God they were here all right bouncing I'm definitely going mid now and barming this stuff up a little bit I do not have the thank God I HTE that Bros thank God he did not hit the auto attack thank you homie I do have the wind wall you've been great easy I'm going to get this one then and hopefully live here a fairly happy life yes all is well shov it in I mean defended it and I'm bouncing see you later o shame that's a bad flesh I ain't going to lie an ally BR is getting fed but it's just stop and jungle not the worst thing definitely not the worst thing ever it is not yet time die smart I would 100% D him your tret has destroyed the Brier shut down would be tremendous it's a bit bad by Me Easy Drake easy life all right yeah we did we did very well not the greatest Smite though I do not want to get killed by Delon anywhere all right they push what that's cool and I've got this which is cooler Eclipse homies not yet yes and we already have 100% crit thanks to the Yu passive we don't need any more crit items now we just go big why is he so low what happened to the guy God damn it that looked for kind of funny he did hit me there my God it was it worked out for them Horrible no they want to surrender I love it the team's great team's great grab this to it what happened that looked illegal all right it worked out however let's get this more turrets she's going to ult me but I have been wol I hope it works your teesty I don't hear it guess I'm fine and I've got Eclipse Life is Beautiful it really is guess stop is free for taking I don't understand what they're doing all that so yep I'm going to go there be I can probably one V one this guy right with Ignite for sure an look at it they are successful in both and I think no I do not think okay I'm stronger than he is that's cool very cool thought it could be I thought I heard the Bri which I did okay so I did hear it I did it was not a mystake enemy has grab this to will be too great great things happen when you believe Mar is like r or Thon for feeding bro has the same almost the same kills like as me come on do I call for report on my guys definitely not because well I'm not silly like that come on homie just get the Dres for sure those are a must a must have he's got a bounty this guy evil thing to do to be fair he's done just try to e oh Che it I damage I good though my god it worked out there's no B Lane we might as well win this Drake I don't know where's Brier it hardly matters I'm too fast she might have been on red probably I'll Farm here then I don't know why they die there not at all necessary do I have to go back and defend I don't think so they'll get this with or without mey and I'm going to get this gold an ally lovely right bounties are falling off just one to it yeah one for one to it gorgeous a long and a baron okay wow they did actually so they still went for it I mean I pushed so many toets already I would absolutely fight I really would be fair morer is the only guy that can one one me so magic resist is nice I did not go there because there's doesn't have to be four of us on B five gold that's a crazy Dodge is in she deals damage all right what is how did he even get there an Al I will not get magic resist I'll get Advance plate it's a nice thing thing of nature could have defended it but I get it he'll get a kill there maybe he will no okay that's a proper play one was cool cool to look at stop W thing bro enem all right you will die in your homeown there we go break in minute 33 H it is a 1 V5 does not feel good on the skin no one is promised tomorrow let's try your team has destroyed AET to be fair I waited for him I did manage to take one out of there taking 37 though she's really tanky this girl she's almost full B too but brother zerat could have escaped there that would be a nice Drake it really would but I'm not sure she can steal I really am not oh get on a chandelier she did not even get on a chandelier I kind of hope she would Chase what a flesh that was so crazy so C crazy grab some dogs would be nice to get into the bush before they push it impossible the CC do St lasts longer God damn it but he did Flash there didn't he I think he did but I'm not sure then again cuz I have a memory of a goldfish oof let's see oh might not be as bad she's slowed it doesn't matter eny nice try just Farm boys nice hit I'm letting them know that she's there good all good The Bravery that's a kill why didn't she that's not a kill she's not going to get a kill an ally that's crazy right you silly Wily but he is strong he is too strong even was a nice shot down though let's grab this I do have enough for the full build which would be I guess I ideal to grab the swords for a long but to kill Brier would be even more Superior I don't think she's going to be here there's nothing for her here I don't think I can catch this dude he's got to jump plenty of those yeah I'm not chasing him en my God good one good one what good one good one we can end we should end I mean easy any there how do you miss that an ally en well that's over I tried to be fair we at least get the in yes we did good all right my bad three of them there wow all right I did over overestimate myself there but shame that they got picked up he could have easily ended there if they did not catch everything Lux threw on them but it is life it really is they are definitely doing this but who cares right to be fair she could just try it's not like her score is go go go what are you waiting for refer that's a good try we got a baron that's very good you are blind an ally straight up running for the nobody has a buron then because I was not up let's hope I can get that they are going for it as well that's cool can I get them I think I might [Music] jce God damn it that doesn't stun God damn it I tried my very best boys I really did no we are not surrendering bro if they end us they end us I tried to W that and well they couldn't but morer can K through it let's life Lux flashed I'm sure of that now just defend boys very well done we might we might do it you know what we might we just might do it few good olds if they know how to well position themselves and then we are set for life that however I don't know if it's good I don't think these two can get him it would be so good okay it happened beautiful beautifully executed by the Lots I'm up that's also great let's go mid [Music] lane just need a soul once we get that that's not good Ally they happened okay we are good if they are smart enough she's lost look how far she is all right she got it I don't think we can that's a shame shame H he booking him nice I hope he doesn't die or me for that matter it's going to be a last fight so I might as well go g yeah might as well go g all right he's good he's all good they in two minutes you have time just have to make picks which is pretty hard for me late zaa Le she survived it but who is bro hunting he thinks he's there the spider I'm not going to drag them to the bush I mean drag them I mean brother an ally that's a shame big shame I actually miss missed my you disgusting silly destroyed I can't do it like that all right yeah let him do it GG Fun game it was it was to be fair I loved it let's check the image here it is look at that image to be fair it was a 1 V5 it really was anyways I'll check the healing done too the most in my team not as much as Bri of gold I was the richest self mitigated bro that's not bad for a full 0 guy Vision score one of the lowest that's what we do anyways I hope you enjoyed this video leave a like and see you next one bye-bye
Channel: Godzu
Views: 33,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lh8s9f8l5nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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