I Mailed Myself in a Box AND IT WORKED! 100% REAL! (24 Hour Human Mail Challenge)

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I think we are family now I peed in front of you Hey guys! Welcome back to another video Today I´m gonna be doing this new trend that´s going around YouTube It´s basically, putting myself into a box and actually shipping myself somewhere it's way cheaper than a plane ticket. So i definitely wanna try it out i feel like a lot of the videos on internet are fake so i want to do it for real, umm So i'm gonna get Jordy to help me and i'm gonna blog the whole experience I'm taking you guys with me So wish me luck, I hope this is okay, i hope nobody arrest me, I don't know if this even legal? Probably Not, I don't know where do i wanna get shipped yet But We'll find out, Okay, Let's go do this, I'm excited Lets go guys what am I gonna do I'm so frustrated I mean I completely understand where Joey is coming from I know he's just worried that I get kidnapped or that i'm gonna get lost which is a fair assumption I know I could do this and I think it will be an adventure And I get to make an awesome videos for you guys how bad could it really bad and I know also he's a bit worried cause of his past ex-girlfriends but that's just not me, I'm not thoses girls I love him so much and I would never ship myself in a box and just never come back he needs to understand that and he needs to be able to trust me maybe i could just put little holes at the bottom of the box like little foot holes ok since i'm gonna be in this box for a very long time good thing about this too is that once I drink this I could pee on it after right and I'm gonna go to the store now and get lots of healthy vegetables that will last me throughout this trip do you want to come with me? I don't know where i'm going but do you know wanna come Ok i need to get supplies babe yes this is a lot of bananas I like bananas ok I think I need more bananas careful you might break the box oh oh oh my god ah ah ok I really need to pee now. there is so much built up ah ah ok what a relief I made it. I MADE IT!! turn off the camera!! Thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video totally real not fake, i swear
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 9,573,764
Rating: 4.0905056 out of 5
Keywords: human mail challenge, i mailed myself in a box, real, azzyland, azzy, kwebbelkop, sending human, mailing human, mail, mailed, mailed myself, sent person, gone, deadly, wrong, 24 hour challenge, not fake
Id: JfI8S-f0EIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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